HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 04- 272 Providing Per Capita Poll Tax and Repealing Ordinances 151, 168 and 194 ----.-.-.-....-. ..-.. ..--..,,- -...-- .-. . ..~..--5'EL.d - (P-+i/: :.~~.I~~.:::..,.~~:...::.!.~:-~... '''';'r ,. .......- . ~~.~... _...~" - ., ,.,.~...~_.- OIiDIliANdE liD. lar2 . >< .".lO..... I AJJ ORDINA11CE LEVYIlm AND PROVIDING FOR. eOLtEOT~!flN OF A PER, I CAPITA POLL TA."lC MIl) PROVID!lHl A PENALTY FOR. J?AI!JlmE TOPA'! '. SAID TAX on WORK ON TH}!: STH..~TS. Al."!l REPEALUIG ORDnfA:'TCES 151, lG8 ~~d 194. BE R;P9~;db~ o;ffin~;~o CN~: OF THE CITY OY I !30ZmIA~f: SECTION I.That thote ills hereby leviad, tor' e,,<tP YOliT,u:pon each al,le..1)odJad mltlt) l'lH/iident of' the City of Bozeynan, bo.. tWElrm the age s of' tvumt;y'.. ona a.nd :f'11'ty yea-fa, an annual pO:1.l street tax of two dQl1'U"8 per OQ1?ita, t(l bOl'P4 or (loll.et.. ed on or baftlre September 10th, 'of ea.oh y!.tllr.,I1.//ih&rf.dnafter provided, which add pallor street tax, wh6n oolleetad, ~, 5hl111 b,e pla.ce~ in th,~ ~t:re,,,t fund and !3halJ. .l)e t1l9lild. by the. ~ ~ity i'or ~tre.)t and a,lJ.ey purp one f); ;provided, that a.ny pe-r" son l:l,f1blo to pa;y sueD polloI' stre6t tax, may personally ~ Vl\lrk one d a:;; upon th(~ fJt.r(~.Jt~l, undo!.' 1:.h8 dinlction of the O' street cOl'llI;i"11aaionIJr,' in lil'Hl, thtH"-Jtd', rmt no substttute shall II!:; Nine <,1 under ~Uly !,lircumstl1.IlOxUI h,~ aoctl,.ut0d.x'.tMx hours l:I.hlll conli!lti- . t\ . , 1 tl.lte (;I. day's work on the stl~<"",ts l.md",t thoprovisiorie of this , , c' r , ordin;:\llcfilI. .' I "'l i ( SEOTION ;~. On 0 r. l,H!j f 0 n" t 11 !~ f'1'1' fl t M on d('(1 'of M a;y (I f \'HH'Jl ;)/'IHlt'. ~ 1 -.., the City Cl\':lrJ( shall 1ll<11C'l, out ~.'~ l'i ~t of th..1 nE,,,,a of all abllll- '" ~.' 'iod1ed male :r'/Olgidi:\nt.;i of thIS; c:lty r)f:ltwOlm th~; Hi.""6 oJ:' tWI,l::lty'" 4 one ~.nd 1'1:('ty Yfj!,;\r,,"who':U'"t.) lial.l1':J for fiiUC:I:1 tax, .. nnd ,~Jubmi t C" : ,,:: c:" t1:Le fHlJ~H:'. to the Clt;;' 00u.."1<,;11 f'or L1H.i,I)ctio:! and (lorr'ctlr.;n. c=... ~, Whi.m thl.'il said list has beon 1nsp.a(;t€ld,corn':lQted ,and (lp:proved b,y th,-.') cocmd,l and on or 1H,'lfori:~ t:h~ first Eond~:W of Jun." o:t' .:;n,ch Yij'),r, tho B,un,e f,hull 'bo deliyel"::;(l to the: C.Lt~(Tr,~as'_II'i'.:.", who ahall l)rOe',:\,,,d fcrtlivrlth to t},e cc11')~tio[\ O:f' s',jd t,,~,x. '1'1-lG ,- auld '1'reo-'~ilJrm. fllE\ll tkM'rl,\iJ, ':,HeIL )>011 or att'iJut ta:'K t'rom el10h I p~rson nW~8d in auid 11at. If an,Y l;i;;{'i!l'onfor the ~I:!)nce 0:1: -1- J' ... ;~ ",' ,.'.. . Repeal91.bY, Or~i!l8ftC8 N'o~2,...~ ,',." .:.,:.:i..,. 'l. . .:i-','!q :,", i~ )' ~...'~'''',.4~1lM r'.tu:~;.::t)J";t&U8tO p~ ".... tax; then i _,~rGa.ttr.r:iilha11 ~Ue ,~11 *~, ,~f' ~l.9,." l"<I$:fudnS cd' hand. 1IQ I" 'to t1:l,0,*....t ,clJMt1,,..i oner,TheQUy 'lreuurl/lr ntlillY 'aCW \'. , ;\""" "" ",','",' ,', " , .. nam. to 11_ l1fJ'tlfnotthereon ~F.,ad3r !l.l'J hJm,ded to him, " ),fori.r (!J,t the C1tlCoWlcll. !h.'.t'Yl'j:i!at1r~rl 8h:a1~ 61 vt'b a r~ . ,9ct+;pt, t.rihl,FLP..~l t;l.xp~Jd 'qCJ, filo adtu,lloate t:tlCil.r~cf ",fiitlr t~II..Ql:v, 01dl1~,..., " ' , t ~PTION3.." ~On!l$ W1y;,.lh~ aOl).ta1nl:n8,'~. names 01' p6r'1lI0nl :,Who haT'. t,/l1l$d. tlr re1\us..d to ps,y their."rt,t Qr pOll tax \0 /"'I) ',"':" .,::; ,',' ,," '.,' \.,' '1/,1.'. '., : ,<<'heft:'l/uJ.l.1W"tr ha.s bun'ban,d<ad to the street oGmrllhs.i(JnliJr, the " ,," .:" '\'. ' "" """ .' ..tJ.4.:t,~..:t OOmml$el10n.r,,"fi.lird.~&W1d th.c t ax, from IUlU:rh pe.r13on ,..', ' ,. ", nSTulJd ;In.'tl1e lht, and1fpa.1d ahdl ~1V$ & reoeipt t.)~"r"d:or '~,:.",.,''',.m.',.','.'',','''",.."."",.,;",. '..,',.',."~,,;,.,i,,,.,., :,,\r,';;',.,",,', tn., .., ,11, ",U, 1>11, oa.te, 'If, ,'"",1,_' ," "tlM-,',,'" ,,', ',01to."" al.,r~, ", , '", " ,',: ", "",~j~' ';:i~ , '(f ,,~, It &1J.1p.rlOn .I3J.:t'O~ \b4'" spaeeo:t, tan i1~~,the1"eo.:ft"t ,~ ,; " 0,'1" " ..",..,~, J '. \,":to.11 hi 'tt;)" .8.U. tlt.Xf th:tn tt ahtiJ.l ,.. thl <<n;y of the I5treei " t;', , ' I, "'. " "" ,"" ..." ,,', . .~.'~,\""'flID....:r to, _*.... 8':I.l.lh pe:raOn1"ltfu.$1ng., thr,eed,ay t'$ nQUIHil ,~,~41tj.o l'htr.....lly perform One dtO' a worlc ont!:l,"'lt't"t1et Ill, nlMlline'j;,.... ,'';It!., " ' , , ,~,~,~, '" llhe 4.. wb-GZ\I the,wol"J<c ahan be l1ortol'1::\ed. end it $llI\L~ 'be th$ ::~:q , . ,.~t<. dut::/ of such ):1(;}r'llIon to I'1:).!":fonn 'lJn the d<\~ apeo1.fi/ild "by tha "i', ., .'1".tt,c,pmm1a!dQnor ono q.~.wo wOl"konth@ $tl"~'tts, und.er the i";.'~, (~'" ,', '~.,~;~. I ...,,~)' ',,' j,,:, " :,' ,~p, "I." ';'Alt'ept1'bn~'~$a.~(i"caMli'.$1011ef" ' ,4f ,;}~'Ji.\"" ';," '..~:;.~ '/>,':".'" 'j, ,,' :," ~: ~, '.Q~,l1N4~~' "i~~~rt~o 1$ ipbYd.oVl11ytlrfa'ltl"li' on t'1~l)aXltt81.. , . '.., ~'i, ':"'''''(''';/ , " .' ,"" ,',r '",','" / '.. "'.,,. }'."."'" ,,', ,,' ',,' 'r:", '~;' .' - q '.t,_:~~4~\~!O,'"Jtl'.h."'f~~~.J;"'l ab,o'r . I.VW' b.'.e,;Ji~iutd;:rcr tbat,\f;a,y " ... '>'.''<.,:.:,:''',,:.1,1~~,,''''',,':,''', ,~.',':,~"'" ~,:"{",:~"~,,:.,.,~l,,~~:~,:,:I:\"""I/:,,,,.,,/t, "',::~(':.:,{,::,:",~" ,:,!",. ,;.})",~',::'l.,I","~i!:~."":,..",,:, ], .... " ',' , , '"\li..u ..i8ff,On"';!w.:PhJ'il1'oG.ll;7 ltil.li_i,."r1'Gt1rl'1$uch dlJQl:B work " ./" ,,~,',,"<: " ," ':, , ' ,,',,:..., ,,,:: ' " " , :, ,,' , , " , ", ' " , ."','1" 'I" I ,"...., I ':/ "" ,,,;ir',:,~,I. ~t~.'~":~/j"""'~,40~1".~;,,<, ','lIi~,..'.'tir.6.t "o~fOn,l".'rnl:Y a.(l'dto any ~~,., ,,,,:,\!,"':,,.'~:.:~( ~';f;l'~""" ,.'Jr." '...:~' ,l...'.'f~{, . I , ,> ',':: ~,. ';:'\. "":,' 11(" .' list in his, hlAnd13 t:tu,t names of' aU' ;perllona vlho have not paid a .tr.e.' tU'"UdlU:"fI l,1a.blt!! thtr'...tQr. , Pft:tON6.Any pUrfJon r.etulSing to. PlQ'th~ 'laid, tax or JUI.4t;t'on thOfilt"""U all htrtln provided. 8hllll, on oonvll1l!:" tionf<~t1~.4 $i&.90',o.n4 1n ,oaae~i hl,~\t..Uur'$ to p!l,fthe .....""iah,$ll 'be ....,:,.<1 to t~/'~t;r,w.. _la'lauch 'r~.~a~4./ Pnvifl~ultth" &bY P~~lthOlla'B~U.d ,f\or ~\;.< ..pt'1tf>.!rty tax in thl!l city m~l\Yl1ayi~ :P1)11"",tU.the- Urn. -'\',' ," ': ,,',' , ',', ,'" c.:' " : " } ht P'lrlS h1u Inerd ,.,lUitl" in .eh 'oa...t"'oX~ ."tUI: J loa ~,U4 up..._; ...~..' ".. ,.,,,....,*...... <d ," ~~ Ii '..," '''', ,,' ',,":,:' "::,""':.':::,:'~"rt;-,,~:,,: "':''":':'",".:,:.\'.:- :,:,:',1,:\':":"',0.:,:':." i:'''':i :,,,: ",::::~~A\~,~1, J./l'able tbt~_,,,,,,,,,,.,,__ ''''fIJ.>':~\!I.''~~~", ,~,,"B';~:! "',',',",' ,,' '.,,"" ",'.,',','" " " ">"C;',~B~i',...\j .:~~~heO==~:J::.:~;~~'!l~'t' ,~; "b~,~".t4."..<<atT". ,t)W, .tre.t~~~W,.~~:~tr~.".,':,;'j .." :",' ':~~ ':".'" : ' ,,"',,""', ". '", ":,' , "" ';" ' ':.:. : ':'" ",: "," .", "':"" ';'. :' ':""':. " ":',::,t',.",.,, "tlt,l ".:..' ",,' ". ',' . :,: ,,':, ',:' '.;::;,"" ,..::,.:" "t" ',' ,: .. ",::. " ".,:::<',: ,,' ._l.ba\...'.. .'..y OJ,"'''''':i'W''i:i_'~i_'.' . .','.." ',,' l " ...,' . ,'.. ", .'" ,,' ,,' . ',','" ,',,",;>:',i.'.'> " ' /,;1 Stpt.btr or....,"....., '.11.11 U1;li~ ._,.,..'t;p~r_" i~. , ",,',',." " '., "", ,:' "', ,," ",I,' hf1..,t.w;1_4to pa:r t~l.. .... It1"..t'.':x".h:bl,oir''te',", , . "",, ' ..' '.,,'. 01 ty 'lrel'l.aurflt'J 01" nrk cni\1';h'lS..,",~,4~.Oa.r. ......;~ f'Qr a propert>" ta.x 1nthe city, IU\~ tw. .,.It,Clt9r'k !!ha:U~pon. reoetpt-ot"a1d. 11 ~t 9f" n.,. oori 1ty '.*.ltthmnto 1)1e " ' , ',":",,'~ OQunty O'l.rk. Tho tax Whtli olJ.l.Gtecttl,:pby tho. rnty: 'fr..il$\!1t!wpJ.lil.ced toth.Oi,.a~t 01 thO ,$'~~~fur&'" . '. '" " ," , , " :: ,,' ," ":, ',., ':', . .,f' " , ' , ,,~, SJttrIIOB," 6.'Jh,.t "eR',:, ,4"",_, ",.,n"""o, ."'"JlI'".",'".., ,.iI,'",,'" "":1.1",,,,6,1.,., :"',."i,'~,'"",,4,.,,,.""'..,',',,'...,':.,',., :1,.,4,',',. "lU'1, <l~ '...',P..., '.....!ItIl.....,..,..'.'.',,".'...:',:..,. oth,er ,or41lumc..,,111 oonn(ft.tlerri1'th aMJ""r.'''l.. ' . ' "~'I PIiIHl.M. ~14Y r ',l'ft~.' 1'04.. I . P'~ii~,~',.,14&I"r~:'f ", . ""',il.,;,,, " "",...>"",'.,' ,.'.,,".""i_~<.,... :.,.?:! . " " 'i .. ", " ' ," , ' " .' I, ~ ~ " . ' " . J . . . :'::',:':',',',',' ,~' :.":",':"',"';,1.-.::',':,:'''.' ,,"'i ;;; ',' " A'fl,' ,1~rOV$d, ~?J(. 1 ~t.J:1 r , , :1.'04...:"".!,W,',',''','''',.,','"''",'".,,.:.,' , ",,', . t ~,l.e..i. ') , , " A;.fT'l~T' "".',>","'''''''''.."",.,: , "',, ~ ' . \\j':~+:~~:'::"~6::"i:' :,::::::'~~:i".::, ;i.:\'.;l~*i;~i.\:kil or, M, ,W~ '\"':':'1'li'."'t"..""';;'''''''' , " .' , " " " ,,' 01 ' "',"'," . :~~ti'~'L;"..:l',:il;'~~:I;~:i ,6ti:!'te otMont_a. 1 " ,'.,:'l:';',l"""""i""',i'j:~l"l ) '.'...,...:',"."..,,;,.,,',.ry:..,' \: ' : ,....' .. ''''.':' , "',' i~ ':~:::,'::' ':', :,,~>', :"::':,:,~,l, :':':::)::1 County oruau..t'tft, t";,.:':;:, 1 "'," ',,', ". ~ ':, , ' , ;, ,.~, ,':-" ", ,': '\;"'t::'.;.',",..;:::".,',:":,':'\~,,'::,,';:~',:I,,:':',":"~::,":'\,!~~j , . ," ,),.T. .M.' p4.er~..:"q~t)'.Ol.r!.<ort~.'Q~,~tt1'<'B01iI..rh ,~ry't;~iW~T'.'""'"" do hereby 'Q&tft'l:fYtha,t;'_'~., .ar-4:~;d.,. 01" .,,-.1",,' ,), ,}lOI$E1~"\!lf~.~l';';; ot ttutforl!l,o't11801"(Uililllft08' ~o...7af 1ft ',1vep~,~'$;c.!1tl,oOh8p1cuo'U.8~~~' in the! City ot'D01Utmlln,to..~U1;:One on, t'1ll..,'fr"~td'Ofl".'i...~,',th. OQUU'l)'1l".', E!haJllbar,itt tbel' CHyHlt~l.. on., on.,\111 Bule,~tn l'OlIrd1n,'tll. P08t~ff~~"I.:i> '. f.one. ,Q~ .the,frOl'lt..of 1\j1.~ "Ok'1~\'i'lo,., 8~r,. .t,.....NOi.:47E<l~~*~,.', " Street, Qneon the::~&'~:~n_.rd ''''',J;~~A'''~.t,...QiO'',r''lIU.'SU~itd,tI~ ",'~ t .~:'" Corne rot ~,...oy A."..au~t".d"M~4nAt"e.t :_. _'''ont1M,IiU.a.III..1Jl~.;I~a~i.~ theOourt'HOUM. "" ,'"," " ,.,' , " , ','," ,,)}'T IN 1l3'P~Sa .~t", J,h1ll\ll'e\,;-"r~t2n':e :'~Mt '..., ~,q4ilil~'t~~'i,t~'. " ",.ll. ot$111~ :1t~';Qt1lo:S8_nf OA tlll.2~:::; U04'i",.'\ .. 'Q'(l1J:'lctlllmt.. " , . I . I i .c