HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 04- 270 Intent to Grade and Improve Streets, Etc., in Improvement District Number Two .J>.:.li:.lil!.l!! .~ 2.-L_m III l,~ l' ~mT1 ''iI "Ii" I~WI'.I~-'.' _~u_n ,. 'J:!"!~~"" .\i'i":,,",,,..r. ~c.\~"':'".~~ -.'~;::';;r-:-.-'-'~~" '~'~', ''''' . -,.." . ."',.,,~"~~., OOUNaIL RE90LUT1Cm NO,.2. 7 ", " 1-. ---.00-,-- ,A Of)tmClr~ RR!'lor~lJT.tIOH I)Na.AR2NI u Tn !Wl~Jl'ON "'Tn 01 TY 0001011. . " ~1 ,.' I ' Ofll,THR. CI'l'Y "" IOZlWAJI, '1'0'" ~OT"R1II'tl!!lYPJtOVll TME ~T:FtEETS, AV- ENUES AND ALr~~s J.N lDROVIDKTDlS'l'RlCT NUdmRTYOUfn OON~TRUCT dClS.. ! 8ARY SURIi'ACE DRA'lN8, GUINER)!'I'S AND CROSS-WALKs ON sun STRETB,AVICNOIS AIm A.M;P,YA, AND TO ~p~mlALJN ASSESS '.cBE PROPlo1RTY J.N SAIl) D18TRIOT !!'OR Ar1l1JOllliT 8Ui?"'l"~F:t..T TO PAY SEVEWJ:Y r.'IVTI: pgR oi11iiT o~, 'l'HE COS't Of<' SOCH 1 MPROVTmBtTTB , "mlUCAIlI, .Ii'numbey' or the .waer. .tih. lJrop.l"ty .1tu.te in lmpro- Yemet Dht,.ht Number '1!'I'0 ot the. City of E\()&elDlan, hll'Y6 poUtiGned the Oity Connoll 'U 1lI.e the Strut.. A..n......, all.y. in 'l!lliU, dhtrht ) graded and otb.rjwhe 1mpr.",,<< t th"rer.J"': Be it :t68olvedby th~, Oity (louncll of the' 02,.t)' of I. zeman : fl'irst .... Th,jt i.t .is thll lntaaU.on of the ,",U.y I'Joun:ollof the City or BOaelJ1llli .to 1.>>1'0'9'6th6 "r.,U. .....n.... u..U.,.. b lmproYeIll.ent' l31etr1ct Number '!'wo _y .rcell., the ... te tM uubUahod Irade and...... .truot1nf:i then..,s,aJ"Y ... ,urtac. "Nin.. .ulYelrU and oro.........1k8 on, Idd street.. .Yenues ~nd 111.181" Haooncl,.. That it 1. the intentlon ot t.he Clty Oouna1l to spedl&ll, ~U4,. aI:}. t:he property in adid ~r"''''.ft' "1.It1'10t "ulaUy benl'lf1ted by 8UGb I' 111ll'rlWel!mntl. in an p~UDt ,utticent to ..tray ,'eYent, fiYe per cent of the cost and 18xpenBt.s ot _king '\lch lmpro.,...nu. the other twentyf1vI per elm t to bed-err.,ld from the general .treet tunA, Th 1 1"cl,.- The pJ"oIHtrt~' to be lIO usesud. h all the prOp8rt,y w1thb the "o\lnde of .aid lmpro".ment District r'umbH Two I$pe/S1aU,yb.ne'....'.. by 'lIth 1mpr........mta. thfl bounde ot $dd. dhtrht be1na .19 follows: 'Beglnning at I!l point 1ft the .cut line of .Ollrth'Vlm'\Hl Sou tl1 lit its ~n ter.uUon with th.tenter Un. of 'Valt 111v~ Street i thftnae x.,,- , .',1' running ,olJth, "lttng th~ 1l'1Il:st Un(~ of 'o\tl"th AYenutl to it pain t tit thl;l I: lnterseet10n with the l'IxUndon 01" thlt centfU' Hne l'unn1ng Illst thi"Ough Bl.tltThlr'..13. .t 'arIE A4d1 tion to the auy ot aozema.n, Mon'\OliDill th'l'l<:J4I .,.".11111 ",&,d,'Pt.r lla_Ud the ..nUI" It.. ot Bl0QUr'~~~ .n,nllnand. "'.. to the...'.". .f the .11.,~nn4111 Xerth an4 A€l\\'~:_1%~11.,i aaid Blook Toni .th81'l'" '1t1"'h ..'14'161 the .... :U,...ot ..td, al18Y to.thtr ", ~1 South tide af Wut Olhe ~tr.et; thlilrtCe ... ..a\ tu the wut' line ot,~,.'r SeTanth Avon\l,(~SQutb:f"th8DIUI nOl"'tll.1xt.1 r..t to the north l1ne of" . ".,<' ,',' " , ,,'" .,,@>l;; West 0l1V6 Streot. thenr)6 qat; .long the nor'h Uno pt ,aU OUYttfJ,\~:'.::!;:l-i::: , , , 1!,\:"","i;.'I.:~\~"t''','i to the east Une of the aUe, 1a B1ou; Thr.. or ,.1.. '.,.k AcidlUcm;., " 'I~:;);; ." \-' ",:,~:;,' , ", ' ,,' L,,,' thence north ~1~f5 the ....tl1aa :.8,-..14 .11.., to '~,..vt.h Une o~ ' , ai.lf,\' r\mn~ng eas t and wut' thrO\ijA. ..1d Sloek Th:r'.~ U.noe ..' ..;". ";lj ....,...... - ----- iDl \ "~ii2~::c::::::::- .......'.:.::::a -,~.. :J .~~- '-'''''"1:""",--'''' 8Outh' l1ne 'of uid,allfllan4 1i~ .1&"':.,"a Blo.. Twt.....h..t'..i.4Parktll " , AddiUon and tut .hug the aorth:,Un. ot htlOnt t,Nt,ne .CRouse'. I ThlrIiMd.:I.t1o-n ili1d *10211 .dClUn..xttl\ded to the/"~.t ,:1121' ,tl'ovrth A~e~u8 South,th'.'. $l9uth dons thlJ'''",..t Ul'l.(tiOt'U:t.d. fl'OUl"1:hAv.i1uij t. , the potn t of btts1u*n,. / "ourth, .. That the esUlIWhee't .t.uoh1I11pr....'nh h the.. . p.r \tr..~ .t ~58C.(lO: t,h..ltth$ eet1111Qh COit .Rxx:fxqjj,reot to the property in .a14 4b'r1o. ,pOdall'fit... thorahy if U... .en'.. "'1f~h,- Th.\t daY' of *1. 1~Q.6. at 7.30 olll.elk pJ m/u the, CUr (lOllMl1 Chamber, b. 4nd b h.,.Aby ..t 'p.r' a. the time and plac. :\. .r"" \f\ wheW' final act1,oh on th1!l reeoluUGn will be 'aldn i, the CU, Counol1 and at which tl,rne the C.1.ty Qounell will h.ar Objutlonlll, 11' any, .of the propert,:/ Qwa.er. .rt.ct.<< by euehlmprovements. ~ix th, - The OJ,ty Olerk Qf the Chy 0'1 BOS6IrWrt, be Ilnd 1s hereby instructtld to s;1ve,notloo It the Ume anQ. pllU8 Or .uck h...r1ng aa h proovlded by law, bV po,uq not1cu 1hthl"'U '\la1h pbo.. 1n ..:lid OHy of BO.leman. e~.... ._..aC... .hh'zL ~C.y Of~ . 1904. "'S, ',.--. I,m..~ .f? I.~ l C1 TV CT..F.rK. 1" day of ~,'~,; . r ,. :.l.9.,~'0 \ r "IN A!JI\DOI'T 1,ON !i.::l ~ -.',_., ~,', . "it/ 'If '<1:):'.(1- N C'1' 1 ,:;)" ] S~n"ll:';nY 'J 1 ':~:'1. T:l.l t th; city council of th~ " 210p:aUi.l'1~dof'tl'l(l <'Inc:; ~\P\H'oVl'ld ~, ;-rktn, ' "'" t n 1 ' b "" r; n n n c 11 '~I,' '" G 1v t i on - 0 . " ,.'. , ,,,' - '., r, ,,~l. "", '" r tt ~it ronrcil h81ri on t~A 21st, d4V Dr ^~ril, at r'f>{';Ul.:l'l'''' mnot1ne; 0" "10 ", y. "', ' ,,' trb t d'l(H\Ulll'!l and .1111'~f$ l\'O.~, d0el.lr'~li H,~ intnni;lon to .gr"i(l\llrlt~;h~r..w~s:'1lllprov.~ t.h(', ~dm(1 und of ]l.,r:rOv("~wnt J11t'il,j'lr.\t, humbfll'" 'Iwo <<.'\n,",',' 11 'h. pr'opot"t'llnsd.td ", ',' '~i1l:' 1x1-' to tll'Aci,i'lly tHI!!IHI8 ~'" 'n ( " ,'" id"d1ro~~Xl""tX.MJI:'1l.x ,". ,x,'~ " 1 11 b~' .1'1 t;t"tHib,r 8\H.\h lmpro"(!t1(,;!'l,t.~" in .In improv"'m'llt nl,;tr1ct, I'lf.H~C d. Y, ~n"lfl'1t' / er!nl- 0 r t'f' r:()l)t ,:!lId \"l;.;pmU1GS f",ri ' t . "" "It.' \'f SI~VP'1 " /,~ J,"~ ".'" a:~o"n', l"ll"" C,I)) .,) U"""" '."" \.,. , j' tlVl"J,l~r (':e.nt t.o b" (h~~ ."t"d1dnr "1'~\. l'llrH'O"';f'l~H'\t.B. "h,' ot",f,. twen.y , u ~.'l' :) ~.I .""~ ,l,'~.' " . :""'Jv,"'-; f'r'orn U",c> l('i'lIl~"";j.l. ld,t'fI(\t fHnd, , l' 'll I' n pl'opl'lrt.y wi'h1n ',hll "'i" pr()ll,,~t,v 1,<1 1)(. fit} "HI1l'~$6<1(\,,~ ,I, '''; ,.tl" 'd 'c "ibqJ in ,jrdi- 1 t "'j t;l"ld' 'Imnbnl' ~WC) .~N "f08 r " hO:l",,\n I~" :.."d.lj ,;'lpr'oVlvl'dl, ).1 .f,' fit' ',' ",.' ..\t'~l l''"j'<,''''Vnffi(lt.a "'11(! .1$ fHrUHH' }''1 '! ',c1jlly bMF' 'I'll! "Ii .,.... ,v f 1"1,lnr,'l ;(), ;'.~>, <1t\~ $['( "', '" '.',",' ~'I ," 7() T'I'(~rHl. on t~"'.T<1vrn,ll (), (If1~""ib(l'i in ~,\ir( r~fPl,:\':i,J.I':'ll~l),t1p.1on ,;'( \ :';;'"1 ,~'11'; tiers r!k\( ~. ' ",", {' fl' rct 1, l"l (.'liH':~(t~"~ \i ll,\ ' " ' , tlHI CJ,.t'/ ,"O"l:C11. l!It: P,lr.;1< 1..1: 1 j/ ",' "'Ilrt(~ 1,"11;') gr'dd'" r'didi'll.rel'lt.n. ""nt '1"" '''01'113+1(' 1',.pl"0VM\1I.Hd,~i ,,(1 1)'1 ,.l' ,,' " " th 'on t\IO "" "" p' " ,\ Ii fl to eonotr\li"t 'f'1r'H ," '., ,,"'t'lI!>":'" ,Hl{\ <\1.1.,'))'1<\ 1.0 t,n" ",,)td/)11l'1h(\~. gr'I l'Ii.m'l!" .' '" ,'" ''',' " neC!'lI!lJ,'<.I,ry l>p"r,lI:n drol1.flM, C11J),Vf,>"t.l'I,Hl(1 ':lrO:HI"Wil_ Ul. 'J . "I "1," ,', '~lt',"lil .,.,' it, ,,'J ui"'P"IAV 0"\ '.IIIV 19r)4, .It. "'-'~', ,I e,.r)l... ." ,., ~, '1" b " I '1 " t ')' ,. ' 'I . ,. :' , ,., .. " ~, ,i.,.", r: y "', '.:" i.' d.",,"'itv "l11 1': t.hn ~1'.,:r of' '1o!'lmlll\n, ,'JJ')..,.ll,:" ' ;(,~;':,~11 ,'l\"",\" n '..' ',' ",', i'''\(i:LIC'~l)'' ";"; ~if;,:',:'lnL of U" ':11,/, n,:rnd.l cI if::n.~t\~ct <.ill ,~',I t ~ur~H'~f\"l'll~rj l:t'f '!llP"}l i'1jH'Ovu,;':)tlnt;!l, j,r' " " 'r t-l" 1'l""H"n"'.V \Jill', II ", , ,",' '.' ' ~, " ',j:,'J,.,:;l.iOll. ,.!Hi. ll.,' , .'.",. . "f"],. ",cdr C:hj',n',:ton,', if' ,.W~', to .Hl(l d l, "i" ,l.::i'l I. j,:'V' (;r" n'" rIP";,!' ',"'" ;,' ". I,"'. .. J. ',"' '" '" " ',',.. FldHnl" (>" ~n,e)l ll'lPf'(Wn!!lOtlt'~I., ~ "" " , " " '11 , ~:',r () T\i c';,. (:I f' t, }'!1::1 'OJ! t Y ~nHI'" ~ , ~,~~~~ Arril, 3rth, 1904. . ('~1 ty :',(~,,~ 1) 0]7.''{ cr,F:'~i\ '}P '!:!:f' C]~I'Y ,1,~ H(V~F:P,.q';'r. ,r,~~T:'~ Ip .,t~'~-J', . ) .. St.Jt."1 of :1ont,tnd, J ) se, \ County of Odlhltin, ) i!' t de J, T. M. Pierce, City Olerk of thl'! City of Bozeman, 1 on,:Ul,j, fl!' ;",l'ie.rebYCllrtify thdt, on the 28th"ddY of A:Prl1.1904,1:pOl!l;e~t,~~b~g 'li!'Notiees o!:' ','/hioh t.hn fore[';oin[; i~a dup~ic'ite .1Ph th~eh~~~~\30~;d1n.. ..'n the ,,,ie, City of Boz.m.n'f~ .OI'O~" ~~n ~h: ~v~~. Coudor BUl1dllig'" thR p()st ()fti G0, OnA on tho \l let n ,Od"" , " 'Eleetl1ict:' at the COI-n',)r of 'J~rdcy Avenu ..md Main ~trf1et an~ on\ o~ the 1'1 'on.vo .,' Light Polo 0t.thn corner of the lnter'aection of Pourt 1 venue d Q ; Stroot, " " ',t h d afti.xedthe Sedl ' Hi \,ll'::;T};~~WH'Fm~~OR' , ] helVe hel"e:m,t~ S8 ,my an. ,,' 1904,. " of said City of' Rozeman, on this the 29th, ddY o~ll~.