HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 04- 269 Creating Improvement District Number Two and Providing Manner of Paying Cost ,. 15,4 "'i -~ ilIiIi'ill~\]sLiMII:!l!!!. - f1iiIIllI1 'liiIUI!lllIl!l.i6!!M.liIi . ~~.ilJiIIlIUlIIII!IfI~ri.l ~ r.,~~t5... r j'";17'~-.q:-;~'-":-'~~::-~:::;:'~::::o:._:,~.:-:~.:..,,-"= - 9t..,te or Men tan. , 1 . ) &jS, ecunty of Gallatin, 1 1, T, ~L P1ercfl':, Cl.ty Cler"k ofiithe, OUy of' Bneman, f,!ont8.r}4":40 hereby 13l'll'Uty thll t on the 21th, 411I1'81' April, 1904, 1 tUed a c:ertU'1ec COpy or t:hflforflr;olngIriD 'Ruolut1on No, 268 ton uoh the OU3;Cl!l',?:!K the t"l.l,erk and RtclllrderCJt tll,8 add County of Oallat.i;n, llod in tM,,;.i!Jfthl of t.he ::;l~ crata,ry of' the' State 'of Montana " , ' IN WJTNESS l/llEREOII. J have hereunU set my hand and thp Sa,llor the " Wi .dd. Oity of Doze_n. 1)0 t!h1a th'2~.ait, ~i~/ ;~' C1ty01erk, ,})rtD1NANClll, NO \ ltjj,j4K..-....._ I " ---oQQ--- \ t ~ , , i\lT omHNANcrr.::JUU\T),1m IMPR()Vl;jm:~'f l}l<::'nnCT NlllrrJKH 'rwa orf. 'nTI': ClffY ,. or; BO 7, l:<::':l Ai I \~on 'em"t!HPO(3)~ O!l' Mf.JON(} ]MPHOVll;r.~:NT<~ m! ~1'P'l<~ ~~'I'P'~,1'T8. AVENuEs AND ,~;X';'{:~ 'I'l']~l'''~')t~. )~HD PHOV1DJ:';(J 11'():!\ 'rEF g,A.1'~~rEf: 0,,1 PAY];.lG 'I]!i'; CO~1'J: A,ND ltXPl\:W'i!: n'1' "ill:;11 l'ifPROVF:ME'i1T8. ," 1~(-1 it O.NlaiEfH! b1l' ",he \,)1 t,y r:cn;nr:U, of,' "he (':hy of fJo?'l'lI,mn: "':'lctioCl 1. 'l'holt 11l1prU)HI!n(mt Disl,dd Numbl~Y' TWI) i6 hii'i'e!Jy enl~~t;fH; ami l!$tI1blisn.>.d to uomp:d '!~~:U thl'l strclltll, "VOTnI(l$ and a).hyl'l, und <0111 " th~ real p:roP(,Jxot;y wi.';hin1lbe follol',ing matt).B and oOlmde ,r,o-wi t:.. B";i3inl'l.1l\f!;l,-t a l'i()int' in the w€:st li{H~ of 1f'0l,,rt;'16,'rIHI.'!I(.t:"()1ltl'1 .11, 'ita inte1"IlE!tt1on 'Y1t.h thl~ Ct'lt1tor linr,) of W,~t't 'niv,c, :~I,t'6f,L; t"lf,ln<:f< run- j', ning ROl'th alone; t;:I~ W";st 11n"" OfSi.\id i~()urt;;l Avernw ::;ollth toa point a,t;, t,h(~ int:"t'$octinn ,w11;h lh€\ Itxtenaion of 111') G>lntOJ" Unorlnming '~,li\tand " ; '" "', ,',' I '1! 'WflS~ th1!'ov~) }Jlock 'f:r;irte\~n of PitT\( M(ji lion to '~r'.'1 i.!ity (I,f;'OZ~ll:lilm, I t i~,r..,t;.~~; then:ae '!Teet al~!..,\g :h,aid' ~entfltlinO i.1nC1 1.1-,(' C(;tlt('rUn,);~,."',!~,,,};;',:$1,""...l;,.'. . " '\" '.',' ' ,",' '''''''''''''''~\I'f','r',:~:r.~ o ~, TWfl1.ve., lUflven .and, 'l'ento',t:l1l'1 ~:,~:'.t dd: of tho dl,G) I'urwinl'; {;ot:ffk'and ' ~ 301,11;h ln~aid H19,pk Tell; tl\f.inOI~ Hor1>fi along 1;hEl~:<1st; e;1d~; of suHt allay " I"" ..... " ' 'to tIw WU8% x:bt:tt ~,nJt'h !'fi~e OfWHst Olive Strf1.l\tt:1l:mCe i'LiSt. t()",'Ih;e WOlit , " ," <~~~ " i Une Of ,,,.nth '..n". ',o"'h; th.ne' North "h'y ..., '0 0'" "or" 11n. ~ ~ . of s'u1d lq~5t, O~:lve r~trfll'l1; i thl'nr',fl 'l',~,~t dlor:g'::hCl north lin..' of ,tlil!i'~'C,:i Oliv~ :",t,.reet tc..':h," m,~flt: 1.1ne or thl Allev 1nHlock ~l'hr.,I'i, of J;d1d~:i, , Addition; th,ne', Nor' h ,'on, tho ,." " n. of sai dAU. Y t u the "O,,~t' line of the All~Y rllnning f.~",st and \7('st thrt.lugh-ea1d Hlock ThJ'lH'i; tl'l~~. 1 , , ' " , ' " ""~:' Edst alOrlB the ftouth U.ftI'l of' sal.ct Alley and tht; A.J,lt\y 1n BlOck 'S'WOilrtitl,,; '.' " , " ":'" ," ~ . , ,. .!'~.:;::':::'" r::\":i':^, One of sdd PlJ,rk Add1 t10n and 1t:i:let along th8 l\'oy.th lirH~ ot.r,ots onet'~';N',':,:\ ::':,((< ~0*{,:',:.i: '~ N1nll of House' l5 T;.irrt Addition, and dlong 8did 1111.& extendod to tlw \llfl':~~~;:j:i~ l,iTIl'l" of '~o"rth AvonuE! !';Otl,,~;h,;,thl'ln, C~l (~n, ,il.h 'llong the ":lH,t line of', sa1d""".',',",.,','"',.,.,'".,'~,,.',:,;.,,~I'.,~"',",',',','iJ,:,',',:" '~ "~ F'ourth A.v"nufl !'louth to point e1' bee;inning .,.,i~i)ll! I ,,'"~. " ,IW'I Section 2, That sa1rl Improvement D1etr1d is cruted and P8t;dbli,~hEIJd.\~I\: . "".:~ tor i':e.e purpose of arading and l\Urovinl the dn.... .ve.nuea ud .uti' ..... ...tl"Vctt.., } ", ~ia.. and I";~'k. un 'Uoh .-. - -- ~".,-,. - ". _i,;(,~,":I,,'" -- ,cal,,'" '1,\',',"" ,,;.,.::;: '1,. ~~h;ll.t 1.l\lch 1:nPr'O'V#i!lllllmtl:ljh"tU, 'b~ ",!~ct6, ,~ttlllCh:;i~s:m.~,~~~1 , " ' (. ""","1" ;~,:", . $l,leb. '*'tulf~r..,il,t!t>tM ,,(;HYCQuncAl~~ii111I;jr..nJ'H"4e.e~,r!ld.rl$. "'" i .~luUon 4. '~h<1tth9 (H13tttMiijeij.'.ot ~,\ill~ 1l;!1J&:~..jttm0n\'i'.&4!"t dflt:f'nYl+d by U r~'n"l"ng t:lnl!'rt~IL~~~,~ro8ntll1l\, th;'r~o'f;'''. thN l)l"ot:$t'titlJi l!I~id d18tl"1~'''.''~b~ qity COU:(l<;)ll....l)' d~t,e;iI!lItnfl bSJlO'" ;':':,~'~:\'::'~" ' ' . . \, \' . c1!l\llYbfi'\tl~,rit<:'<d\;hl!lr.bf, "tlt'! 'r,t1 '1"0 p4!lr eent'l\'!lth('Jr~ot .trorl11;M glltl '31""'); ~! r'~tt' t fund ,(!If' t,}v, (lit.',', prQv1dAd., th,' 1; W,lf' rant!!. ilh~'111b(1 drawn on t.ho '~l.~'IH,t Pund fl:w t,h~lt;tllru,I1,t. of.thl'\! cQat drHI fll!t!Hlnfll.'lot stich 1m.. 'I 'I 1Irvva~>>~lll t~... t UHf to ir'!"! sam~l 11& m,..dft I1rtdwhGiln ani! !I pl1le1.~1 61 l!elluHlItn t tor 1,t\e()11ecl~,'hl tHWlf< shdll 'HJ tl41d 1nto thfli~H.r."6~t. t,',mdto , '''', ,,~, t h l) fli'-tnl'! 0 ~ it' , }~,tl',"'1ld" , ,', ," ','. II ,U04. ATlpl.o'Vn(j. ::;~/ S,'" , \904. AT'l"i'':11' : 11fL.f'~ tf /.~.' M,4.YOR. ~;,. ---..' -., ,..... ' II ,ent."'ll, ) ) 811. Oounty of QalLtt~n, ) ." 1, '.r.M. Phrce, 01,tyOJ.erk o,:(f,the",Q;.~)':!!lJ\ , Boztlllln, ),(onUnll, do her.by cel"t1ty thatt, on the 31etJ'd.y 'otAP1"lL1i 1~04, , posted II OOP1 of thEl tores.lng Ordinance No a6~,1ntlve/pUlti,l1c and corl, p1cuou, pllloeln the C1ti 01" Bozeman .afolll.Dwl: One Otlth\ front dOl)r of' the Council Ohamberat the 01 t~r Hall Btl'lldinc,~ ',on ,the :Sullfltinn )3ol.ll"d in thfl Poet t'Jtt1CfIl. one OIl the tremt, ot 4 HqltYeck-',& Oompdny Btore lit .4'," Ihlat Main Street, one Ql1 the lU.ctri ,Pcleat th.e North '!i:dst C,()t"n~r of thft lntC!lruot10n of 'ourth A".nue iln4011ve Stl"eet and one _nthe BUlbun_. BOdrd at the Oourt Houss, " IN WJlTNRSS 'W'FARlIlO",~ ha.,e hereunto set my hand .tf1xed,theee"l of the sa1dO.l.t.y or )d0118_h on thifa the Blst, dd;{ of April, 1904. ~~ f ' .. OIlTY CLERic. '::" ,~',,' , '~: ,I;: ! j,,' r k t;' .! ' '