HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 04- 268 Advancing City to Second Class City --". ~~M11 r !If.' ,_. ~~~T. ,'" ~': ,- . ".lc~Lr"'w."l ,..".."~._' , , ,'," ".'",'.".....","""",..',".,., ...'iRB. ~:faJdrd.__" "aU, go lntooff.""fn ..mitft,J'i' , I, Utqlll't t 190~l! 'I II /'i'~ dAY of ntM'c/... il Pt.:Ulllld, 'I'm tll1!l , 1t04. Ii . ,,'" ~m~tl, ('''If (1?7: ,~ .11.,,_', '" I ^T'IE;~T ';1 '?u · (jJ~ ~ Citi OlllZ"k. SL1€~tdn<l, ) . _ ) ss, County of Gdllatin. ) ), T, M. Pl,erce ,C1,ty Clerk of the City at BozBmah ,lI'A:ontanll" "-" do hereby cArtify that, on the 22~d, day of Ml.1rch, 1904" ,1 paate<1a copy of the foregoing Ord1nlince No. 267, in :rive public and conspieuous pliices'1n sa1d Cits' of Bozeman, ,to..wlt:- One on the 11'1"0nt Door of' the Council Chl1mbflr at the City Hdl Building, one on the Bulletine ,Botlrd in the Post Oftice, one on the tront of the Hum Yeck& Co. Store at No, 47 East. h1al,n Street, one on the Hulle,t1ne :Board on' the . Avaht-'C~tlrier Building at thfl corner of Main St>"e"'t i:lnd Trady Avanue .and pne on the, BulleUne Board at tho Court House, " . """."",. , I.N WUNESS WH~~R801'7 1 hi.'lV8 hereunto set my hand and llrrlxed"'\~': aed~1tY of Bozeman, on this 22nd~O"L ," 01 TY CLERK. r'< MPW:nr. nr.r~('f!,1l'110lf,lq~:2 ,I" I'," ,~~---- ---~-_. A 1~:lll~'t')T R,,'~")r 1l'l'](')M^n".,q,..~l;cl{.rrm: l"!)"'\t l)!l' 'f?O'fS~,(JlN PRO'l~ ',', \ ,"'./ ~i _:~'.: \ ,:.:.:,.. ".-, "',,I ~ ",I' : ,J ",>.r.~ ~:. ,'. ,~ , '..' "r" . ';' I,'; ';'nt TmRTl er,'\~~s TO ., CITY !~j:I 'rInli IF:CONnOfJl\I:UL '.1""'" , .,~,:,~t: ,':; ":, ,""^i: ',', ""'~;"'" i,I., ~':, ":":':~,',' . .\~:, ";:\,:\)~':;. v.:~p ('~" Rf~1 A:~ , H Huw1rr'8t 1:/ df'P1:\,U'1 t.o t.h,'l\ fI::I.tv Covrtdll)!' t.h\!l ei,'~l)r ~ '. .:'~' ., \';:';,,,,:,1..,:,,:; "\{lj,~':!l,iU'l, I!ontdrl,;, f.1"('I!"l an (lj"t'1chl ~<f'lnll",I'l(bl,y ~a1faft "'$t.'ft'<'~n:~~~)I~l"'d. ,',~ ' , , ,I\.I\~,."', ",. d,,\Y ('~r "dl1~~'\ Hl(l<\ ,aM!;",!,!, l'tt,h, <let}' of ~'t,'rlih 1I,H).1:-.Iib,!,1 ('\111:1' ~fi'r..;,s:ap/! Uw '11,y ~f:t'lfl(lll OU'..!,tl'"<<:h 1'1\;", 1\H)4, HMt, t hf\ i~U1('lfl:'~('l","mltnh,1,tl.1 ,,' { t,i;~,R 1 ,0$1n$ pn/>uht.1otl of 1l'1Vt' '1~hIHIl!<U'ld, OtH' hlltldr@d4mi' l'hil"t.:,rl'wo, , "",' :,::>.',' f,. n;,~ l'(iHll!lfU f;11 flOflnllilt1c)(l to (lut.1th 1\., und~l" tt,fl 14"801.' t.Jle!JtdE! tl.: .:," '" ,,' ,'",' "'t'" ' ,. ""' ,%l~t:\t"'l , tf) I'Hl ClllllU1'rhd &8 at r::H.1 t),r U).(! :'1l'1eOnd !: 'f 'f: I "~ " .,\ ' 5f; l~: Hr.;r;m;VFID"f.'iY t1!':': (lay CQU).!:)H~ HI:! 'r!I~~ OITY Ol~ <t>l;OlF'MAn.~ \ 'th<a t t,h.'y'lll1f ot,or.tt!t'li:'lh, 1111 he!"lil by Qtlcl.noP.l(\ ad"'i:\nnll\(:! :t'I"Oml I or' 'tlu, T(.!r'd (~.tMlg t,l) d r~1 t 'II)! t.htl; <1;(HHmd f:ldtil'l, ~ulh ll'ttlvldad '- : i~ 1 '\ "l,W. ", " ~'~ ,. ,~(lopt..~r~lon l,;hl~,_d..1V' or WprH, UI04. :i Al}llrnv~'d on thh 7 I.t.- di~i! of ^l~rU, l!~O..., ~ .\~~ I .,~"". '.'.'),:' , .-. ,', ,,' ",. ", ')',\,( If? L ' )fL~ '/\ \ Y , " """~"".~"'" .",',"'.,',",',"',"'."~ Ii h .'p.". ~.... ~,~g_2i!!":a!!'ll:_:a~'!!!1t ---- il:C::--- 1IIiIIIIiIiIi-- ~ _. :::=..:o.-~::r.!i/'lI~~'~,,:.:~':.~_,,:_. ~....n"" 8~ . 'll1fo <lr4u...... ....11 .. 1nto .~ '"" .... :'i'H>- 'I !i ':MIV' lot t 1904t Ii ,I I' ,I it . 4... :,1 Pl1tued, on thle /9 .dAY of'"" Put1!/)-, . 1t04. I p.~..-<-.on......./.t* ""if I? r. ~ .' ,I :! fl."'" r:"~T ' " OS · '! (d-~~ iJ:Ju ~ ~ :i ~ City Ol~H"k. :i " Std€~tdnC\' ) . ) 8S, County of Uallatin, ) 1, T. M, P1erce,City Clerk of the Clty ot Bozeman, .ontan~., - do ht'lreby certify thdt, on the 22~d, day of Milrch, 1904, ,1 postedia eopy of the foreg01ng Ot'd1nl!l.nca No, 267, in f1 va p\lblic and conspicuous places' in 8..~1d Cit~1 of Bozeman, ,to-w1t:- One on the i1'ront Door of the Council Chamber t!t the City Hlill Building, one on the Bullet1ne . BOi!rd in the Post Oftice, one on the front of the Hum Yl'Ick& Co. Store at No, 47 East. j',1111n Street, onA on the Bulle,t1nl'l BOl!l"d on' tht:t AV<1nt"'O~llrler Bvilding at t1'1" corner of Main ~tY'eflt and Trady Ave,nueand sme on ths BvlleUne Board at tho Court Houss. IN ,,,aHESS WHBRgOfl'~ 1 h..W9 hereunto set my hand and affixed. the seal~itY of Bozeman, on this 22nd~04. 01 TY CLERK. ..."/'<\ ..,.._-,._'''~, ,. V ~O!,i~Hnr, n]1:!~r)!.o'~rl011, 'Nb:..z ,~ t \, '.," --~~- ---~--- , A n;)li"~!';):, Hl~;~'or.!)'I'lO.t Arl'cf,j;cn~q' Trm: C1'."\<'IV<' rm\"~IUK Pf~Og 1', 6~t'fO!l' ';"1:' TP1P.D cr,A.:'~~ TO' C1TY ''1'" 'L'!!il: 1!!r'~CONn or"U~. ,r:T"":n:,^,!'., $- Ii 1 ~,. ;~~wlr~t 1:' tH"p1:ll~l"a t.o th,~\ ':it;' I' ',' - .,.." "~\01:{~~~},i.U'l. '.f,k~n tdthi:, fro!"! tV'! nf"'lehl ~"'H'll!\'Il'l ('bly 1081!'1'I8 l!Jl!ltw<HH'lt:h~ ':,~ ddY 0r ~dueh 19n14n~ ~'"", l'1f.h, l1,ti' o.r ){dr1h l'10,1-,lind (\\ll~f iii. litl'roy'a1.t ~~1 ~i,hw~ 'll. y '~c"ltlol1 Ofl''l,il'''\'':h 17\,}1, 1.904, th"t, l,.hl~ (~U1ot'h;?'ll!mlln h<\.8 .\ PO!.>\JIO;l.t,l<Hl of IJlJ,Vl' 'lhn:,l~<-\l\d, 0np hllndr~dami' 'J.'hlrty'1'wtI, (fil:,a), ,b~~ng the'l r'i~(}111t,l1tll flopn),al:.llm to (Hltld,~l it., unt'!~t ?,i,.ll 1(lW80'f 1,l\~$tdt~ Dt , , ;~(lp t,:ll',<l, to I,H' cll/l~d 't1,~,,( a3 d :"1 !.y or t.hfl <\11<l('md~bHI8, t, tUcl rA t(\lr~lII I I I, 'l r I ".'" ;':\'!, B~; 1)'~\I,;~1nr,vl':n T:-'l "P;: Gall' comHU.r. m~ Tm~ C1T'J'O;~ i!40;r,F.ttA'i'.J.; 'f'?'1,H t' t. ,}:~ ~':'~ :11y 01' 'lu"',fflMdn, 11'1 hlH'",hyd.aeldrllic! Q('\ViUHH'\(j tr'<M'l a of ~,}:t~ 'fldl'd (~111"'1I; t,n ,,' r~l t:' pf t.h~ ':,l(:lOnd (;11111l'I, " \ 1:.,,,,, .' .."" ~~ .VIO!lt~d". on l;hl t' . 'd...LV of Wpril, UIQ.!" ,- Alrllr'llnd on thh 7"' rll\iI (If :\Ill"H, 19?.(. ~" ,.~ I t.#~< . rI?;:;W~' :__'," ~~',' . ';"':,:,:> ~- . ,""",,,,