HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 04- 266 Declares Intent of 'Council to Construct Portion of District Sewer Number Seven , - ';'6 . , theowxu"r. .r on...<th11"d 'ot the feet front.... ot Ih., :na.l...ata1ie bOJ"ur:tn<< tha.t porti (In of District. Sewer ~Wr'''v.n hllretnd'ter' deuribed., ha:lf. requested the city eOURull to cause to b. oonetructed lald >>ortlon Or.aid d1strlot " ,.ewer.od. the C.1ty OounoU doema 'u necessary and expedient,' , for I m1t a:ry purpo.e., to order the' OOnstruction of sald it Re.olved by the Oity Oouncil of , it 18 tb,e inhntiol'l Qf, Seven, described as ~ollow8: Beginning oenter of the intersection of OentraJ. Avenue to oonneot lat,4 point on' Central Avenue'. hl the intention of the Oity . . '~~.... laid , I , I I lie4. A'f'tIll8'.r ~ C?5~ .Q~~ I I I I i ' <:' 5() ,'< ~~> -.....- -- -, ,~. '_'~~~.ii:"-"-""-''-'-'-''-'- ---'-'-";-'~""'-"'--""'''- ,..".".._~ [, Ii II ..",:::,,;J'~~i:},,;S~ld 1119wer1stoconf31st of a 81x incli. first quality, :[:;;:Jb<,!ii~ble- strength. vi trifie-d, salt glued socket sewer pipe. in <i,',:?iiX".OU of two teet in lenlfth. to be joined with first quality '[:portland oement and le.14in trenQhos atou t seven feet in depth; with all neoesSfJ,ry o.tP~rtenances,1nCIUding lamp hOHs, man holes andftlush tank, eons ruotad or,hard brick laid in cement. Flush tank to be fitted/with em automatic six inoh Miller SYllhon. All : work to be done lnaooQrdanoe with plan, and specifioationl'! on . tHe in theof!1 0. ot the 01 ty 01 ark. , That the utimate costoro~~. add portion of :Dhtrl ct Sewer Number Seven 11$ , ( . !hat theut~ate oost ..per "ntar :rOOt to the pr6~..... ' ", bordering thereon and speohJ.ly bene1'! tell thereby 1a " cents. "J , , , '1'hat tfle' 7' ~ 483 of ~ " ' . 1904, at- ., J3Q 0' elOekP.m:! at the Counc am 61" n e City of :Bozeman, :Nonta.na., is by sa d Council dol!lignated as thiOl t me and place for the hearing of the obj"ctioms, 11' any'. of the property owners et:f'ected by the oonstruct1onQ:t: suoh e8W(H'. By order the Oity Oounci~ Da.ted ,"\ l Statnof Count yO! I, T. M, Pierce, City Clark of tho C1~ of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby co-rtify that on the 22nd, day of Ifr' , 1904, I posted..eecop.. ies of the foregoing ~otlce in three pub!fc place8 in said City of Bozo- man, il8 folloiWs: One on the bulletine board in the Post Office, One on the Il'erds Block W/S!'El HOllSEl at the Corner of Centrdl A.vanueand Babcock Street, and Onl/t on the TelephonA Pole at th~ Corner of Central Avenue and Alderson Str"'et. , ' IN \VITNl!:SS WlJERIl:OP', J herflunto set my hand and affixed thfl Seal of' 'a1d~ Bo..""n, on this 22nd, day of MarOh, '1.0.. .w ' CJTY CTJERK. I Ii I' II II Ii if I Ii \ !I I' Ii I' II 'I I' ;i " 'I II 'I I' J il II [I II II II ,I