HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 04- 264 Regulates Conducting of Pawnshops, and Secondhand Stores
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JJ:l ORDINA~H'.Jt :R,ct'tU'LATI1W 'l"Hlt :l$i:Pfim AD'tJONJl)JJMING OJ' PAW..
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SHOPS, AND ~lU:CQM:n ifA.W!) :o/l'l"mJ9 I'br ~rHI~Cln Oi' :!OaMAN.
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Be~}t~ordd.n4 by th. attyO_oU Qt,~ City
:B CU:ltllll!>ll :
s.cU:~ 1. Any peracm or l'l;:rl'cm,l'lW'hose
it. 1~ t.~ tf...'ke Ol'r,QQ4fll!;,j<l/y WIl9"Qt p1.lIiIIdglt, rH!.qor, ex...,
ii a.n:r, goods \'(ar.it'i,,~,:oh"'n('lJ.8.'.r tl,fly leind of P61r"'I\',:t.u"~,~
ty whr'lt <HI'" r, for th,!$ r 8])""01\\01' silt cud t)' ot monlSiY l,oa:nltd ,
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,thl.w(c!on. ~h 11 bel dt'l~Jr"$d. p'. ":toker.
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t ( Bl!I at j, en 2 .Jtr.~ per !Jon or lHlJrts01'1 is who shall ,
ong~e in tht:l bUflJMl31ll1 ot,~1nr. Md sall:tn" Old junk" 014
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li!l&.d, old mdal, bottlen, 'bflQlng,cld ru'b~~u. ~r &n:raenn4, '
hand go 1,1(1 a . wares or merCb8.ndS,8!,."Qt' ~ny l:~lmtWh..t.T.t, IIbtli\'"
" \
b<et rllll&lned iii. SO(Jonrih!'1.M dl'JlliL~.'r.t''5l1.:~.t1pWf'"'' 8'.'001'14
handl$t.ore. Repealed by Ord:~nC8,.No~ (I ,
s:eotlon 3. .Ev~ry' petl':!l(mrJl" l')ilrjjOne wlv! l~h."!J.l
on, or eng,,~,g(l 1n, the 'bu,d,l'ltn~B of !1. !HlWrl broker or pf'
h"ind do"",,.:1n the 0:1 ty of Bo,zaman, IUS dethltd. by th$ two
prl)cedif\K IhlOtlOU3 hqreof t tllH'll leet]) II bOQkln Wllloh mha.ll
. :(.1:':' ,
b. I$nhrad in Ug1blo '!triUne, the namO of 111,,-t.!oln, ~4
I! the cie$cril"tiQl'l of each ~l"n praQ~hlil,1'lle. O:li~,~(jPtH.tY
'! :rn,rCh'tB.ad. 9l~ tVlkfiin 11,$ a :\')lcedt:", ppn Or' gUHl"rltl':~ ll1<mlllY
::qdd, ttdv!'11'loed or l<.H,U'lJild t}.',\l"'ilOn, ".'gother vd t.ht~. numee @d
i r'f;H11de nee, cl (~f tlHI fd,;,r'lUlne from whoa IUcibp ('QJ)t)rtywu .p'H"'ch"H4
I or t ,t,kam j N1d !!Iu(,l1'reglst~r arid the pr,olHH"ty BO 11\1relluod or i
I '
II tn.i"m shr.ll at all \1198 be :lubjeattooxoodnat1<m by the
II' , j.
.Ch, ,felf of POl1efl, or MJ' pollcilllJlllllll, orw JII.1'8Q.nllo411oom~1IU'l:h4
~ by such offioer.
I Sect ion 4. No partlOll Qr lHjI,.r,U(m., c.,\tryine on lS\lOh
I q,udmHHl ahu.l1 fl!\.ll or negl,lJot to keep much rwgi~>t$l' or r'llfllQ
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.----,.,.--"--,.-'t~.'i:iill:1'blt' "'~_'>iiUi&"'li"lJ1."Chlet. it"'o'1Iie,"-or'"iii'j "pi:IUoelfiili"
Ql" lU1y th1.td p_lI"lIon aoCompon1ed l);y IilUI.'lh Qft1.-"., or an1pe'Il:'..
brought"" II. trien4 '\0 redeeM )u"oper'ty plodge" by. Moth/fl', '~
rellue~tud 130 to do. or retune to pfU''lIlit the ebhf of po1iee!J1'
lU'l.,Y rt11oetlWl, or MY third. IH,rllumbrOUfJ,htb;;l a !lledl$pl" to
redo", the prQIl*,rt;-r X1lI\!6i:.'z,cl.. to 1nl!lp~et lU1$' fl1.wh artiole
purthl,lU$>lJd or rooe1vad.
Seotlon 15. Wo pa:roonor IHJrl~i:.m!:l <l!u"}"y1ng on
euob 'bl:H~ln!ue tlh$ll lHtrchlJl.l'l1) or f"l/uJe1Ve!!1lly '~,r1; j,'J16 rrfMlj
minor ",rithn',j; ti'\l'Jw'r1ti,<<m oonl;\~t of a..ri,~f";i/.t:. r;:' ;',\v\fdi?l.l'llf
suoh"", m1 nor' .:'I~ti nh :nd',t$1'1 conl'J,nt ahfJ.ll bo k~fp1,. f{)'!' the
, ~~ ::~::lW,h\
i;~:jeQt i.on of' rmypl~rllon 'i.ho mq dElr.1ro 1,0 fHHlll;ho lUltilC.
\ ' ~ .
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f3eet ion 6. :No p;r(lJl~rty or 11.X"t 1. dti Y!'IU"":lIHH'd.
or Nl~$1 v$fl b;). !~'t'Q'I)Ii'.1fit11J:roker or 1!1I100nn nM.nd deht\l~,u hGlf'd.nwo
, ..,'\,
" ~~for. definQ(r....l,l bet:ij.d or taken :f'r'om the 1Jli.lce ot'
" ",
... '
l:ni'ldnlua or \Such ttf&WJlbt'ol(e-r or lSoeond hti\!ul de'l,ltlr tor one
~ w$."k after the l'h1.tlt ~!' :t te!"'l~dIlt and'iSn1\l'y (if i tu (j,OI:lCr:1!ition
in 'tl'lt1ro{;fl :~ter .11l)!.CllDllt uj'I<:m ',};I?'m"1tten t1,"I1~.l:v):r"1t.y of t.:l:H~
, I '
C1'lie.:!' of l)o;U()i; , ~'\.."1d 'Nh"r~ ?,.G",6 is. :lOlu, .t}:,,:: n';lJ~l~1 e,r the
peralOn tt, whot:l ~Hn(l r.1:ulll 11':; ,mt,..t'.:d in thJ l""'l':iHt~lr' 01n,fldte
tie tU"l'.lde bold.
Seotion ? An::/ p(.r60D vic.ln:tirlg ;lnyofthe prpT1..
",iens or th,h Ot"diaanoe,Mllll on oonviotion, Olf ]JUn1tsh~)d by
u. f'1n..,o;t'llot l<,uUI than ToInli :Doll~il'1i.I nor tHiS'(; thlll.!l T~H-Et>il..hlmdre4
DOll1lJ"8. \,l,nd m')!)" bt,(lomm!t:tfld tG thG ci'L/ J;d.l un'i;:l.11:l1il.chtine
i e p'dd.
Sttctlon Z.,~ 'j'll<J C.:i.t;v Cvmlc$,l tiW:;'" j",,:vekothv license
oC MY pawnbroker or ':",I:IH~Ol\d h,\ud d(,!O,ler 'Rho lnnbeon cumTicted
,_t iil. violl;,t1Qnc;l.' tr""'l:llil cl"dbll"nCo~l.
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