HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 04- 262 Property 14' Wide, from East to West, Through Center of Block B of Original Tract, Being Seven Feet off South End of Lots One to Ten Inclusive and Seven Feet off North End of Lots Eleven to Twenty Inclusive is Declared a Public Alley 142 -lll! ~-~ - --- . I' ')~{;"+.''''. .'(,' ~.\ ffi-:":iIii~~.- 'Im'i~.!i'III;b!if\;;~~'. ',. ~.: ;:t,,:' " ".' '<;, ":,' .. . ,.,.,,~, ......... l ~; :':', ',' Y:" , .;>" -; . ~" t I,,' ::~ , 1 .2 b2, II !)RD1'TM!~;r , "'I .. \ I- AN Orn]N,d.NC DE; CT, AE I ,; r:K'I'rAJ;; 'rj:u~~r'i, P"3~:~;r,~ A:;,!': Pl1l;,~g3 0'1 T,!NTI ,i' PUBLIC ',Tm;~~TS~:';D A.I,rJAiY""(: A'I'$\ pnOv.)Dl':':J (,'OR '"HIC op(/:nlNU i 0'< '1',')<; ~A.\m. I. ., .j, ~ ," I ' ,., 8f:! it Orddlnftd by the City auuncil uf the City of Bozem~n: f '~cction 1, That a strip of groUn(l fourLeou te~t wide, from edst to Vlesl, thruugh the center of lUoek "B" ofUH: Dr11';1udl Tovm '''1 tc,' (lC the .. City 0'" Bozl'Hmm, being seV'HI f'l'JAt off of:', f'. south end of Lots ODI.l to to ten lnclusivn and seven feet off of thA nurth end of lots'elnv0D to tWH,n ty in clus1 ~8 t be dnd the Sdrno 1s hOr'tlby d(~cldr(l(l d Ii"blie alh:r.. l ;. ... l, "lfl c t i on 2, That all tracts, parcels and phces of land h~Teto:rora convayed, and herAaft~r conveyed, to the C~ty of Ho:r,elTldn,fol' streot and bl' an(] tf10 , .thy pur:pose8, SilJJ1e liTH herehy dHclarnd to 0" public streets ;.itct alley!;. ,l::,1 :y,\~ Rection :3. Thdt thH 3trHflt ,"lonuu1snionf)I" is in5tnH~ted, dTlCi J.ti18 hereby made his duty to remov~ all obstructions from sdid stre8t~ ilnd all'!iYfi, 1n cllldint~ thA Dne ndmed 1n aoetion one of this or01ndncBt and. hereafter 'Keep the Sd!fi<'. ofHm for' pub11e use, Pd888d 'fl~ ..zIP t 19044 {/ -or-. Approvl,~d, J~7-.2..I)V ,1'''iOf- ~- . (/ , " f?;:~ ~~ ~~ ~Cdj State ot Montana, ) County of (J;ilbt.1nt ) 88, ), 1, T. M. Phree, C1ty Clerk of the City of Boz,eman, Montanat do hereby certi.t'y, that on the 25th,day of: January, 19'04, ] p,osted t1..,. cop1es of the foregoing Ordinance No. 262, in rive public and conJP1c- :: uous plal:es 1n sd1d 01 t.y of Bozeman, to-wit: One on the tornt door ot the Council Chamber at the City HaU t one on the Bulbt1n Board 1.n the Post Otf1oe; one on t!le Hum Yuck ~tore at ~70, 47 Pollst Ma1n RtreEl~ tone on the COlmty Bulletin Board on the Avant-Oourier Building at the, corner of :,1.11n 5tree t and TrilCY, Avenuo and one on the f3ullet:Ln BOilrd at t~(l Court House, ".. IN W]TNF,SS WHERF.Ofl', ] havo hereunto set Illy hand and aff1xed"th8\ seal of 8llid C1ty of BOZArt1an, on th1l!l the 25th, day ot January, 1904.; ~ C1TY CLERK,