HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 03- 259 Prohibits Gambling -' _ '~r~~_' ~ :HilillliH .... -" -'"iC!il!iIBf:ipJllliltllil!" ~. ~ , - tllil -- --~~',~i=--"'" -,--""",~ -, ~~~,~tj:i.i!..~=-_..- L":.i,':i:ai::,:a:;:;: .-!l.L" ,~ - .,,-- :ldifl 51: W('" 1 f; i;o 'eon.3ii'lt of" dtiix ill,:h. f1,,,;,t qll,..!l!!,:!. dOllO-L" sl"rcI!lh " ,vi '.,"1 ('1 d I :'all gL-I<I(H',1 socke.t ~~\';\vor I,it,,:. ,j,l~' p1oc"ls, of two rHO t, in ill 1tH1n;t!1, t.o t)" ,joinc,c{ Wlth,:r.1!"'i\t.(111a!,it:1,:)':)"~,L\nct c:';:'1ent ,1W' Idl1, in~;':iln~ ~h\'.:.; ,JU0i/~ t~nV~'n :fi'\('~~', J.n dHfth. ~.;J."il il,l_l l!.f/cet';~~...lr} al\:'l.lrtl",'!L.u~~~,'\~" 1td,,,luCl~ ; in!, LI:'I1' fl()J.ll~. "\,Ill hol'HI dnd flllll:l xak tdnk, conet!"1.H:ted of" h,}t'(j br'ick .t 1.11-1 if' t'(~:m'lll. ~lu,;'l1 t.dltk to bu flctOc! w~rh <ill d\JtU:'ldtic C'l,)< inch ~j,;,i.ifl 'HUn!'" ~YlJhOn ,1\11 work \,0 bo \!\}jHl in, dcnord,Ulc6 with plansdn<i spec1f1cll t.LOI1S en fll(, j,\ 'hn officn of the! :':j.c:! Cl<11'k, C 1'11dt thE-] 8st1r3cJ.te co.,'1. or const"t'ucting sol1d portion of' District ~Jew- ~",\ .~ , '," , c.';';}' L~ . ;\, () .~; ('.1 ~ 0"" .'"\, . ~" . ";~hd t: I,'\., ..... "i', t irn.i to co:) t p~)r 11n(ldr fuot to tho property bordering 1';..1"./ thdrcon dl,';.d 'll,och.J"ly lkncd'i t:(,c' th(t,l~r5t)~~ is. &'f) C{\1,1.}.1. Tildt t;',,(, ,~ d,I~' or ():::tob,',r. LV"", at??"'-:SO b'c).oekp,,~, . .11. tlH) :)onneil (~hdl'lbAr .11n thB Cit.J of Rozn:'1d!l, ~''lO!\td''ld, 1$ 'by Solid AJOJiNxi "ol:n()il 'l:::'i('lut.r~o "UJ th(> 1.11'1(, i..lr ;"1;\C0 'fe;,," t'", h:LFin~~ of ohj>JCL1ot1,? . if dnlll or tt;o .1,ropflrty owners e:f'fGct:Jd b~T ]I f:nf> eo!,:!ot,rH()t:10P 0:: :"Hcb i:3 ':l',~ e':::'" , t:ly Orrt r' of tht' Ci VI COl,r-ci 1 . ,',,!tp(j ')e t Ohf;r", :Z::.. ,1:1 (p, , ~ C1T\' Cr,tj:W, Stdt.n ot :1ontdna, ) ) , 88. County ,)f U;illatin. ) ] , T, M, Pierce, 01ty Clerk of thA ()1 ty of Bozem.m, '{on t aDd" I do hert1by certify t,h~'lt on the 2nd, d~y of October. 1903. 1 postnd three Notices of which the foregQing 1s a duplicate, 1n three public pldcBs 1n the Cl ty of ROZefTIiln, dS followfl: One on ',hfl bullet1n bOdrd in the post offica. One on t ~le bul18t1n board at th8 office of the County Clerk <lnd Recorder and one on thR electr1c liGht pole dt the intersection 6f 'lrt~ A.vanuC\ linn Babcock Street, U!itne88 my hdnd and the~ Bozeman, Uontdn4, onChiS Octot,>nr, 2nd, 1903, . I CITY CT.};RJ{, l;,z-{/}~}, . , O'ftTJ1N,4N O*" ~'Hi. ...z. 1J'"9, X TO I A" 'J'mlHf\Nm: ,llil\UJiI'.l.' OA:vl3.T.H", 1 Ii IH1i; OlTY U0'1 1I0~"M$AlS AW!I 'i'n ' : ~ ! PH;)\' ] f) !;': ] '~iW::J't f~O:: \I] OT,A.'rll')'i! :l'IfltR:-:Q!". ' , ", Ii ' "',R8IJ881ed byOrdinanc8No.~yf I, !lr, 1 t 0rcLJ.1nl'ld by th\~ "i\yo ')olj)j,eH (It" thtt r!i !,;/ ~f" ~.,~" ~,~l'(1'I;~r.l. : ~ect1on 1, :~'V,;~"~ por~;on who (.llla.1N. pl!f:nl, e'u""'i,&!'l em. Q!'@!U!j or eiUAS.. to f)" ;"' : ; ( ~~ I'; ~ J \)1" who (:O%Hdl~"" (It- ~,I','IHl:O to ~0 ~ondu~tud, ,,1 t.hl\" <:~8 ownar (1" f'!n{",'>,\fH'>, lIln)! p).ll"11! of mDntft., 'l<ln$,qUf:nttll.,r01i6~1 nt 1101r, ~ton" I), t.J.!'l f.u.- LIt;, ,l"q"C"'n ',af;i'o, \ , l!It1,d hOr'8,j l'~lk(\t-,crupl}, sovon and d hulf, !:.w6nfly- anti, o 'F ~'\n~:! bclnki1l[~ or lJ6rocntaGI'l glil:lb~, 0," dnY &;lillllO cl.Immunl,y known as a 1 tn-I) ", hint', y; ',"Ie . Dr ~n7 ga~~ Of fdro, rQulette, dr.. lokRr, nolo. or .rlY' fq"I,', ()~' r.:hltl'loi'l. !ll..ydd '.11h cdr"iS, ('\lCH, or any Clo.icb (),r :n.~chi.nfl whdte",,;,' , fQr '')!'In&Y, che ck 1'1 , orfld i t~" Or' .ny l"811"~USt.'ltlit.iV'\ o~ V..lhlO, or for .H',,' r,,'pf'c1!"t;' 0" thing wh.,tftv(J:-', 1G gtlilt~' of Ii rtt1$daHl~ii~nul" <111(1 on coy1et!\)!1 aklll, hf PYnhh~d by It r1~~:r4~~~ii ~~iii'~~~'~6 rn1nrjr'jd doll <At" B , '"...... '..-- R8pea'a~ by Ordi~jn:a No.,. -5d 15 / '., . ' .... " ':',,1:':'-:"'/ ',' ~,:. (,:' '",' ".Uon 2. ~"<<r, ller.on -bo l,<<,!Omits t!llmbl1n!'i,ft,.,tolstton \)t!l?,j\. ,~~";:;,. 080 'Or to ;'l 11 Ord lp,al$'.h.or\t'.on aft' l"'ellL1...IIi'lm.~cO'" eon t l"'t'~~~tI'l . '.~;. , ,'-':',;t:.::-:..,::".., :,::',::;~:~;Yl,,~lW': ">;;':' or, h..,': or lnhh Q"''',r'Q''t.~tOJJ ,1,*,,11 ty of It .1It'l$l!I4tl1nor Il')~~,.i"'; oonvlet.1fln 'hall b.pun~~.' by latlnll! in <\l'1~', It\ll!llnot .:ltcfll!ldlr'r,thtgl1ill~" ,,' , ~,' \"1 """""",!!\), "''J! ,,' , "I 'fjl4;;,i'';'.".,,::\ " bun4J''8Q doll,,.,. "~I "'.,..:;:2J>1.,'. ~~~tt,h1;!r ., .'~;!~~'~,: ~floti.()n ~. NO'P."'....":n."..t.. eomj.,ent ita " ..-1 tnelJS, sh..d,!. be )*X~C".:' ....t...,. '.nU t~t.na eano."..hl't the ott'.aae.t gilmbUuf, ~'n thn 5ro:"'ilil~?M'!S thJj\ hh or-htt" t..U.mcny 1'11.,. e:ril1l1nate hlrudr 01 hl'lrl!'(1lf, but, n.!) pros";,' ,,::~;.,," l:\\H,'/~~,;:,::":,c eeuu,OI,',\ ,iil.t\1' ilftnr...~. beh..ti ~Iillnillt hill OJ" h~r tor \!In.y Off/;)n:'l0, U"A~~a",.","'",",."",,',i'(t,',",' , ,'IJJ, h" () r 8 tl,lJ t: ~ l.': U..( 1 EIlII ., ',~j" " . ;'. ,,"'~,. ~ $'oihn 4. '~hlll ilhht Qt?olho or _n,.p~U...,..trtl..,.,..t ~ha ('1 tJ of. '0..11413., .hdl' hlil"tt.td"lo....th,.,,15d it eh~l ..hi, .dQt1) upon Nr!dj'lt. .t t.~.to....UOft Uto.tt an, hona_. ".0.. tftrlt or .p.:ttIUtf\1l h: bl'l1nfi uud tor -rott."le.....'.,..:td.bUtfJd.b,.t.iii-.. .er'dlnill'l", to break ollsn ...,ny door OJ!' '~.nl", late tm.7'~,Jt..u..,. P....' _t o!'" ...rt_ant tQr the [lurpo'l g ,.~r..tlna.ft4taIl'''' ..dn.t: \httpr1JY1.l".'U\h1a ,....l1...,O.!.d ',"al". an, -~.aUnl dtt'f1c,"whieh, -'b..I'~:'~<.I.T14.ftOe~~~\t~:8f;:ilnt...J'.' ott..,t'L fl r. \ ~.'''d --1l?~II#=" , lQ~/ , ,Approved Q~':..i7' j,i.~3. il, ""'" ,'" ,.",';.""".' t?~ l~' '"", ", ~ '... "UAY'llli ~!I ,: , ,~,':.::,:.~,:.,;,~'i,;,:,~ '>'.,',::,::: !:'~:'~~/:;61r"",/,~,:~:':;)':, ,,,'::'/':_ :. ,t,", ""', . ",' '! ' " " "..., ' .Ii '., "M',..,.,'."-','".,.""','""l"i,.',',\,",,.,",,.',",,',",",', ..""":'j"~::""""""';"'" ','" ,A" ",:',::':":.:~f"'''t"",'"",,' ;.'"',,'.',,',",'.,,,',., ',' ',' ;d:" ,c',' ':,: ,:,' ,.', ,~ ,',' ./i:'j" ," ," .....-4.,. W 'I' e J'rY r.r.1I;!U~. II Ii; Bun.. . ) ) 1'1 f , ,'tt or Dalla Un ~,r " , ,. , " ',' ,,' ,.',' ,'.' .,' ,',' ," i: ,,". ~. .' ,:aT . N;.P-...,.... . QJ1;f>()~J'!'I"O..,/,t!h"..ot.i~.y:'~ol' '9rO~~~'~l1llU1, · , , .,' ,." .' ,"".... the ana ,i.t o~OctobElr..q, <6, '.,',,',' I: .MOI'l~ilna,.. h.".tn, c~r;;~fmg' Q::g Gr'lp.~4>>O~ 3&9, in tha t)\l~l~Qaa4 !p(lwi'(IHI 1'1.& a.pies 0 ',,', 'S ' " tO~t: one on ther"~l'lt.~ol' i, R"",,_, ,', '" .piou.us, ',1*<:88 "10",,., t ""h. ,~~ tyc, OJ, f,"~:, 'U-,' ',' "on' .'.ft'!,~,,~~h,e, ' ,bul,let1n ,b9.""", '-40,,', d,', tha I tot, thn('Jolrnot:1.. m..Bmberilt ,,~, '. ,"'.",.. bu~lnn Of Hum Ynk!c 00.: , ; POItO:U1e:,Qne, .on;~e~P.,t)..t9~tf:th:t:tlU.tb bQIlN&n the ."a,nt..(lO\U'"" : lit No .47 ,"<l8t Milln ,',..," '.,,! ',)re ',Annu. .n4 Ma,1n 9tl".~t._~ '11".,:M* 18.. B\llldSl"llIItth.e.~"t. ef~t.,.,;;.T.t'" !h~! Cbrk;tn;dRecord.", of uld !}.1~~, b\lllAt1n board at.tlul v, ..4'.. '.. ' , ',', "";,'!< OO\lnt\!~ WITl'r"R~ WHF:RF,Oll', 1 hl3'1J8 hereunto let; my ham' p~;g~e s~d, of "~~:' ~rU C1ty o' Bo.....n..08 th10 the 2nd, doy o' OctOb~:-. . ,'" ;w~.~' /1 -' GJ'tY crJERlt,." """"";",',I\l)"",, j' ~ ' ''''':';:':,','t,'j!~~f1Ji'::'\ .... ,? '.' .':', ",. :~':L :":~';' :"~'~,'\:"'\i. II !I II [I I l J !I '!I ,I .