HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 03- 258 Declares Intention of Council to Construct Portion of District Sewer Number Four, and Specially Assess Property Bordering .---- -!I!il35;eiflltlllllli~ I 1 "J ' ". ",," ,," ".".~, ',:', ,," , "~ :i Th.,~' the Twenty _..nth dllY .tAueuat. 4~Qa;'tl!1t.'1-:$q.'c.\ook p .ll1., :1 at th4l r.ounell Ohlllllb41!"\n the n ty Hall, 1_ tlUi~"i'"'f.t,II'.-lIln,.....U.., 111 bYl!l,i!:1dCl ty CeunoU ciUlr;l'lilteci ;Iii the tU.....1"'. :.r thehtllrPI flf .bject1ons, if aay, of the prOIJerty OWlll'T..tt',A~dbY fluch prop9aett ~prcv"'tI'ltll1'lt8" ',,' By Qrdl/lT'of the l}Hy Coullcil. . ~J:Jii)' ...... Dotted ,AUglUJt, 2bt, 1903. url',()! ~ (Oay Still 1 ) Cil'1Y OLltRK. Stllt* .f Mo~td~~, ) ) u. Oouncty of CaUilltin, ) ], T, M, Plf1rofl, City Cbl"k of the City ot Boa.lIllln, MQnt.U'lli, 40 kereby certify tllllt, on the Slit, 411Y of AUt'l18t, 1903, 1 p/Uted tare. not1oes of wh1ch thl!t for~lolAl 11 Ii dUpl!Oiolt8, P three public pbcu ~ ..!d Oity or B.al~n, .. t,llews: OR, on the Bulletin 80.1"4 on the Av.at Oourll'lr RUlld 1ft' corner or "'1. atreet ..nd IIrllloy Aveftl"l; Ifte OR the Bulletin Board U the orrs.c. or thl Oh1"'k and. Rloorder of said CO\lRty aDd ,Il. on thfl t8hpl\on~ poll'l fte.!r the, oomar of Olive Stre~t ilnd fl'Qurtk Av"'Jtuf! . IN!lTN!I1~!llwrmRM'', 1 have I!tereunto Sflt,~, 'I h,~dnd", ~ "',nn"CI d, 88ueli, 1 on thiS 21st, dl:\1 or A.UIUlt, 1903. C,JYT(:/ ~ ,-;/_ OITY CLERK. / ,.I COtl)\TCH, RI<~MTJ1T] OH i'f0, Z1:r j'"' ---000--- , , X . A ammaH, RF.SOLll':r'lOH m;CI,AH]nO IT Tii,; IN'7'i':'rl'lo:'; or THE nay COllNan ()I~ TiW -:lTY 0:;' B()7,EMAN, TO cmWTHO'~'r A. POR'rlO~1 01'1 Dl~TR](~T Sl<~VT\i;H,\,(jllImH<I\' ~"OlJ'l. Aim TO "lpT<icli\nv AS~,f,SSTJTE PRopr:RTY BOHD;;:nlIW ',U'EHEO'ij, FER I,lNEAR f?Om, pm' ~,TT 1\'101i~iT ,~llP"'ll;";"T '1:0 m:F't1Ay.':!!',; CO'''1 A~rD ~:XPr~N~;'!!~~:: OP SUCH OO;::TT,U)(i710N. \ WH";R~A~. the oWTlw~rii:o.f one third of thn teAt f1"'ontaC;l!l ot thl'lreal, esti.\! -, hord>'rine; on th<.:lt portion of Distr1ct Sewer Number " 01J 1" , hllr"in.. '~ i1 ft 0 r de 8\1' i(H:", h.lv(J pt\ t it. 1 oneCi tho ()i.,ty 00 un ell to ,cause to bo con 81' r'llC teet 81leh ;J,rt1on of sald dhtrict sew~n', and the q"y 0oHlicl1 d~('lms it n~ce~1~,~ry and nxpt'lclirnt for Sdn1tdry p1,lrposo!' for the reddeTl<\a of Solid dlstriet, ~.() ordl'lr t:,~ ~()n,~,t,rllctiol1 ,f sa1d, silwer; THE111~"I'OnE, Be it Resolved by the City CO\ln.cil of tha Ci,ty o.f BQz,el.<ldn: '", "1'::;1:.,- 'j"'\.it it 1;; t,h..) int.el1tio~~ vf the. e1t,y- ~()Imcil of the, City of },ozptra!), to construct th.!t rort1on of T'1strict ,'(1WfH' >~umbt'r f?Ollr, d'iscribec ;1:3 :l"ollo'dl; iJo,:i.:l:11n;.::: ..it 01' !1':.11" ',';,' c",nt.~H' of ',he 1nte)"s~eti()!~ of Sl:xtl-J Av~tlue and 'e3abcock '~1;r"~)t, r'\lnnine; th~Htce eo1"t to t11.lJ c",ntol' of !,'ollrt.h Avenuil. there to connect with ~Ublic Sewer Number One, Second .- Thdt it 18 th~ intention or the City C6unol1 to specially assess the prOFert! bo~dArlng on s~id portion of 8a1d ~1ftrict ~ewer l.!llmtHl1'" "'our, so to he const.ructed, ln proportion to tho l1mHv' flHlt' bor.. (lerine tllernon) for an affi01iJ',t sljf"i fJnt to dcfl'ld:r thn eo!',t and expHn'6~,"Ofh \.1,,.' . such ,~onHj,r'1Jeti:m" i , ,""'-' 12 4':'11'H"~""l~17.,?,,:.,:~i ) 7 ,~1" . "'~i:;."'~:'.'>\"IIIT.hLtd.,:';;'Thut thi~f'pr,()v.,ty .0 bfl 15,0 deel!l8ed, 18 all, the proper,ty 'wlthintf;o BOlmds~..wft'!"'nl,lt1~~;hl)ribfjr ';~Hr b'Ol"dfllrlnn on linddCacr1lIlfl(td- " 'b~' ' l&t j (,1 . , " , , :" . :. " " :,' :"',' ' '" :' " "",' '~'," . t~d hy S\lch.,~o~H:lon o~,...J.d 1str1'6't Sewer rllmber Pour, IH'l'.bA aOn- -If' " ~ "1- ~ ,.,trfJc:t;~d )iUld ;;uj,at;lQ,:!(6Gaaodbad. ',1' !( flollrth.-,,1;"ht,nftft.,~t1B.lltt6,eost of CO.n~fn":.zeU~~~:,P8rtion of u1d .': ',: "~" \~'c('f:::: ;,~"",' , :,.:' I ", "<, $e~-el"<'1a'i~0b', 00 Thflt the8}IUm,ltl co~':t 1'1"1" l1r.Aiir foot t,o t.he property " ~, :' :" : ,;. ",;", ',:. ,', .. It . , -r,' bordl\lr1nc. ;,f~ereonana .~.O:tlltl::t,,',.,benet1 tted thereby is, 50 C(lht:'8~i" y ." :: .,Si:l1d S"~r 1s to codlt of a dx 1n,*, first qudl1ty" dOllhhl S:..H).- ", "", ':: , (~: 't,;;:',':'."'''''' '.:,:;.':~~),.,:'\... gth,' v1tr1t1ed, sdt glaud, socket I8w,er pipe. in pieces two teflt iifj,~".'~'.;":! ",ftr".;l,tJ'~'/' , , ,',', " , , ,'" , """'; , . 1I'<"1".n.), 'dtb t'11't1t. ,qudHy ot pert],lMld cement \inri, hid 1n,. I ....noh.....,.' ..v.n reet ,. .ep'h, vHh 011 n.......... epp"r'.neno.., M , ineludirtg;,~.UIlP hOlt'l8, l13<ln holes and, flush tank, eonstructed o!hard brick Ii laid1n Mrftent. i<'luah tank to bfl fitted with six 1nf)h aut.omatic ~,~iller I' Syphon, j: I' ,. ~ ! Il'Oiii"th,- Th.it the di.lY of Or:tober. 190~'5, at 7-',0 (). clock i r ',,<. il p ,m, .dt the City 00uDcll Oh.unber. be and ...:1.8 set dput as thA 1;1_ .. " ii' a:M 'phan whfln tinal olot1oft on this re801ut~on w11lb:e tillen by the 01 ty e;Lcil"orl iSt which time tAft City COuncil .1l1h."rQ\ttJeoU~s, it any, ;', "A::~:,: ' >~ ,,'-,):, of tlfe property own.'ra etfected by the oOn8tr~ct10n otl\lCh ...er." Thtl "ity Clark of the City of. Hezeman, Mand is)'f8rehyj,11I!'tl"llcted ;- "Qi,:~1n noUefl of thl'l t1m~ and phOfl ot sueh h.aJ!!1n-.~",.i,.prOV~lil'l~b11i~., i~7~! .y "tor" no'~.., ~n throe pu.11. pla... 1n ",."" or. "~~.....,.~,<. "J Adopt -<.and apI'r.oved on t.hh /~ d.lY pf October, 190~~, !~i I"" ~ .."",.".,.,..."""...",..,t _._~". , ,_ ________...:9yr:1:,:~;;.. ::~ ",/ .:,~\," : ,'l " ':'1..\ "'} . \~"':: ~ :, '''<lr':'~,l . . :f, .~. ""S:. ihs. K-ddY?t',Oct~bf. r, 190:5, .' 1;, ..-,.--- -,""'" ....'...'.......~......- -.-...- ,~f ,.. . .,.~~;.~~;,x l ~ HRR~BY ').',\' :. ,': .\~ " r I I - --'~~l!l!Jljl.iilf'=:.C!IlaImi_.:il.ll!!lIillilMl ,- - II.rH-~~,:r::h!Lill.- ~ _~~r~ ":no.:;.:::. -:: !!;gaB..' -~--"---'.-l1r ==;Cm~~~!ol:im:..Ii'Ji1i/". --::!iSI!!2::i!:...,~._L!l.\. !ii".- -, c;,dd !'lOWe'" i~ i;o'con:Hst ,of d.s1x iIlI;!l, fl,r.;:t 'l\l"l1i~y, dOllb.:L. Gt'.tnnt.h ,\li~'l,'i: d, :';llt gl,c,\(J(f !h1Ckc.t ~i"WlJJ' I,11;('.1,n;, p1(IC\'lS, of two f'dO\. ill ill IIHlg+.11, 1.(\ b" .!oin"ct with f.'il"';\t.(l11ali~,:)o,.+.L'.!')ct ef;:'HHlt ,lnr' 1.:111 in t;'~nn~ ~h;";-3 dt.h)il": BnV\Jll t\\(I('. J.j'l d(--!rth; \~J.'il i"\.'-l n()ee{3~~~1l~J al\'ltlrt...".tL,Ul~~",\~:J;. l!i.\..lu{A~ in, LI:TI' fjolc'!i, ''I,ll\ hol'~s d!l(lfllln!l .tllll< tank, cor:structe0 of h..lrd br'iek J. 1.:11" ie, eo:n.;:ut .~lu,:'il tank to lw flU'.(l(I"'ilh dll d\Jt~'!'!ct:,ic ~'lx 1nch Xi:i.lr1 "all(~r l:n\1on. 1\.11 work to bo thl:HI 1n aC'10r(\.lIlCe with phmsand sp6c1f1cb tlOI1.~' (1'1 1"11., j,;1 'r:;> offiCfl oi:' t.he (':j.L;! Clui'k, C Thdt tho est1r~dte COR'l', or const;t'ucting 1ld.1d portion of District ~'10W- ,',\ .~ \ "') :' ~ :'''' . 1..;1;'(' 1,;. . ;I,(). "~'("l . 1" n , '",. 'thd L :.)." osti:n.ito CO:11. ).l~)r lirHldr foot to tho property bord8ring L hI) )'I, on d ';t'I ill: (1 C lcd-li l,hHlc! f i t,:. (, c! t.hO,'\.t)~' is, 4b C(~nl.t1, " Thdt !hJ' ,~ d..ll of r)c:tot)(';r, 1:!I"\""., at}?':l..:S'0o'c,lock p, :n. . <11. , th"~ Conneil rhdmbflr a1 in th~l CHj of HOZfl;'1dn, )'{ont,Ul.:l, lsby selid illUtll.xi "01 ell '\:::')J"n,!t.!!'(i, .:t~3 the 1.i,'jl', <..1'>" :.1,.:\ca fl.'" t.." h:L;i1n',' c:f (':)jectiol'IJ , if dn." I or tl';o .!'l"OpArty owners l'lffcctud b~r :B f:!W eo!:~!'ruetlo!' 0:: ~'l1Cb S~)wo:- , 'ly Orri' y' of th.n Ci 1." no:,r,ci 1. ; ,; tf'd Ictohel", .2 ~ , 1~!C)", ~ . . C)T'{ CLr;jU~, 8t.a t. 0 of \ion 1.<:\n<..1, ) ) , 58, County i)f ll:.illat1n, ) 1 , T. M. P1er'ce, nity 01erk of the r:ity (Jf. Bozeman, Hontand, I do herAby certify that on the 2nd, d~Y of OctOber, 1903, 1 postnd three Not1ces of which the fora601ng 1s a dupl1cate. 1n three public pldces intha Oity of BozeMan, as follow~: On0 on ~hA bulletin bOd~d in the post office, One on the bullet1n board dt thR orf1ci~ of the County Clor'k and Recorder and ono on the electric 11ght pole'dt the intersection 61' ~lfth A.venuo I!lnn Babcock fitr'6et. 'll1tness my hand and th8~ Bozeman, Monhna" 011[1118 OctoqHr, 2nd, 1903. . I, OJ TV CU'~RK, ~~/]~). , . O~\nl1l.4 W Ul\: N () . ..z. ~9. X 'to I A. ~; 'J,iU;J':lI\Nm: ,TlOHl;ll'X QA;..i3r.H ,:' lr'. IHt 01'1''1 O~'I BOZM~~H ANTI ~:l) I " PH')V} l>: ''',:] '~nn:~11 I~O;J v] OU:\] ON Tf'ni:R;,:Q9. Ii .' ',R8Pla1ed byOrdlnanc8No.~~ !; '"" 'II; 1 t C)rd~,lnfld by' t.he ('11.y" ':OIlJHdl (It' t~l' '::1 t;r 'yf' \0'0 "~~ff~(j,rl" ; 1ection 1. ~~:""'!'Y !)@r~;on who a"'.lN, phry&, 0Iu'I"11(1$ fJn, O!',<!)!U!!I or Q,iVS.' t (l f).e ,'),,' rI';l, 0'" \'tho COl\(tlH'I"" or ~,II,,'IlI':S J.(j 'J(' ,eOnnlH:toli, ,': 1 thH" ,,*~~ ownot' 0'" 6l''11''', 1>,:'f1 " , 4n:! r;iJt'll!! or mQnto,'lanBqunntst, rouse nt 0011", (r.11rl'.11) , t.m f.;u',- t,.'l!"', J"'ire~n ',ii!)"', fl~"l\d horl'jl'\ llo,ko'i". 60Vft" anti . haLr, . (:rupn. t.wenty.. OTl.& , o 1~ 'I;.'\!l~/ o..lnk it1e 0 t' r~e.r oon 1..&6(\ HI1~~, 0' ttny Gllll'lt (loatlllunl~ known all . eurfl ~"htnr:~ f.~: ;\;'tlf,~, or .m',r gill\:'\1l!< Or rarCI. t'lOiuJ,a'Utl, drll'-: okf~r. $010, or lim~r el."l 01" I::h.M,Qi'i !)lulll(\ 'dl.h ear(i.a, 0.101;\, or aflY {\w'lc~1 or m.lchlne lI'hd.t.ev..,'< , fQl" "'1!mt~/'. ehltck:~ , er.,dittl, Ol" .ny rl\lp"osetdt.iv~~ o!; V~,lu41, or tor- .n; :""i)P"l"''t;.' O~" thing whcttftvn~'. lHgUllt.~' of' .. '~1sdtlltl',)FhHll'" ",nd on A,;' ' , ,1,'. dtlJ,41lJ!1l .!,(It m{l::('H,~d1::r, covlet.!'H! $L.d I. hE. p\ln1l'lh~(l by '. f1n~d ,qQjilaJl 2l:no t.hrtiie hmlOrt:d doll,~1"8. ~'.',~ <,.""..,,,"