HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 03- 253 Declares Intention of Council to Construct Portion of District Sewer Number One - --.- 'I' COm-TO 11. RE80I,Un(ll', .'\0, 2.. .64. --___- ~, ---oOf,;--- :. ~ A :;om';'~Hj RF.<:;Or.lITlON In;O!,,\RllW lJt;':l'H'~ PiT'ElNT10H 00' 'l"Tfi; caY COUNcn 01' TE'll: 1;1'::1 OF' E10?,1r.HAN, TO COHS'tRUCT A PORTJON Ol~ Dl S'j'Rl,f)'r p'F:m"H IHlMB'i':R I 0'"1" p.'" ."" "f'1'''''''-ry A' <"I'~~"'" ''''T'''''''ROPW.RTv Bonn.......]"!} Tl''''R"'O''''' PF't:) LIJ,T.A"" I , ,"., ,''',!.. ,t... "',',I,.J,",:'.! ,,,,;,,...,..!:'I;," ,.' I" ..... .. f. L'Iln" .-.",_c,.i'" .1'" . "'" ", 900T'():~: 1\:: t\;,-10mI'l' !iU<<;>'~l';IlNT 7'0 nRf'lU,Y THb~ COSTS AND EXP'rN'~l;~ 0(;' ')l.J8H CON.. . .t ST~,rH''l'l 0" , " . 'I!!'lpm:'b.':;. '.):1'" ovm.rs Q:f' Qn'~ bunt Q!' th4'l f.\Ilt front.tgt' of t),'i :r(l,d .8t..",~.' b,H'd,'Y'inC en that r.ortioll of District gOWIU' Numb~l" 'n':', htn'~~n- " " if~ ,~" . ..ft€<T "~c;(;l'lbll(l, tlJ.VtJlg pflt.~tj..UlH(l tn tho CJ,t:r ClumC11 to CiIliHJe to bl'l , cOl<'.t:",'1~u;d such 11'jrt:t.. of ..id .ewer. .ad t;'ilfl CH;," CCIl.m(~11 d(~f,:'lS it, nee~s:"',~;'/ .lnr1 &xpedi~nt. taY' s4mU.at'}' puy'po8tHl tor ~he reeidlmts ,1i" slll;l.d c1istr'i:~t to or'dHr th~ COJlll!lti'ucH-n ~f .aid ..wari 'I";\"'~~",OR~, ]j" it. R@IllQl.,8d by UHl nay Couae11 Qf thl'i Oity .01" B0zemiilll ll'il'St.- ''I':,:'' it 1~\ t.hR intftn1;lOn cf' th('l ('!lty CGu!l.cil~:r thlil Cit:' of. 3CZlI\rmH".,Q con8trnot th~t PQ!'tiorl of District St'iwar Number,:ili,Oi(e. descrln- 1,\1' acl ilIU.; followB: '\.A,. :":5ill):in'0 at Jl pl1liAt tout' hundr'lld .U\~ t~n XU% 11::1: JdllI!: ~-:tweat .t the west lin:~ offlirth A".au8 .At ~IJ" l'lt'!iAr tht\ CORter of Main ?~T!:lftt;, r'lmnil'1IS 1.l':.enCfl ea,t l:lJl ~4fa1n Strlttlt to,dr,.,.r thffCtint,liit' of "ifth Avenue , .' ,: ..\.' e()nn~cU"&: WJ~;h the .ewer nGW on u.i1n atl"..t llI.tluoh poiat. "".lcoriil,- mr'..lt it i8 thn 1ntt'ult1ort ()!' th;'leCl;tyCotU\cil o:r U:,(')"'Ci1.:rQf :" 1CSO:!.l!\lHd'lf to SlHlICi<illi 1Il.1ItUUS th~ PNIP8rti\.rderil;.g on s.....d ~,;()l't:i.ClB of ;;1;',; 8..'1.;ld'i.:::'i:-:t S.;tW$t' Number .1UI, HO 1;0 blil ctUatl"uct.ea, ~n lil'OrfJTI:iOJ1 to ) th,\ lin'~,.I;' flll"^t b.r<l~u'in!J th(H'''41n; far lAl'1..............uut 6utficnnt tl' (juf'r,w "'~,;,jll th.. '~(l.' .\Y\/l ~xp.n8li" 01' sllch crmsl,"'u.;:t;;..n. 'i~" , 1'111rd.,- '.,i\jt, the prop.". .rty till, bi! so iOlScl".lId'f,;",l1t'.h...",...,. l"lr'<'lf",;"t.y' .'iI.'.it!liJt. thl'! b(l1;r~(itJlllt' '~ww.r Diatt":j.ct Number ORe berd ~~0R ."d IlCO(\':1c:lod<ltood by such ror'l"i~l~ of District ~&wer Nwnh('(' 0Jl~. s . be o..tIItrllctnd ;;\nrt lItllJ ',- " .... i '. 'reL"W"" ~b,VA dRscr bRd. . ; '",1. ". .... ......... 'Nwth,- ",>At tho u\1..t. ...t .r c...It..U",,' · .d portioo .,t sdd a..:.. ...,h . . sewer is, .I~ '-!- /0'.. . 'rh...t l.h~1 t'st:\,mate CQ:it per linear foot to th~1 pr'oI,nrty bori\.t1,~t thEH'OGJl and eepeci..ll'Y bel'ltlt'Jttect tllertby. :\.8. _ 0.....0 _~_C'Rt&. rl.1d 'fnver 18 tt9 c...1st .t aix il't.Qht. t1nt qll~litY, d()ubb $t.t'illlgt;h, vitl"itUd. ult glll..lj.. ..clt:e"lewer plip.. .~ J1:iD.a XU ~. ..,'. ll() ~;~::: '~'... , un p110.$ two f~H\t in bUE;ht;, tfl Oft, Jtl:Jled with first (luiAll ty p<w'tl;;\.nd CI.~~ , , ll1~b~ ~l1d lil.id 1n tT'!Hlc:1H'H ",bOllt, S1Xr+~tlt lc/~ePth; with o;l.ll neGe(H';,.l'Y '\ ,., ". . , .,~rt'fmdnl'H'.' includptf) lAmp heles. __ h'~. ilnd flush tank:;, '~(mflt:rUct .,.4 t' 1.: :.n1 brick lill.ld ~. oement, H'.lllsh 1iiolnkl'l t', b~' dt.tl'ld with c:.1.;;. inch a\J:t~~.atiC ;::..11..1' fl;lPhons'. All work tcb~l dons in ..(:(;,Wd"nCA ''lith pLm$ ~ ' . .~(~C"'r:ec1fYCill.t.1Qn5 en file j.n t.h(\ Offica (If t.he I')Hy Clerk, t~~th,-, "~.:':.;ll; tb.~ -? 't.t!"d,,:~~ Qfr".J~ ' 1,9f)::i, ilt '7-;>0 c 'ijlnck ~I ~ . at the'lity Ccuncll Ohambtn', :In th,; C:i!,y nd~U, be \tl1ld it> :H,lt ~q.U ' . .111lrt <o.c: thl<> t~l~fi ddlJl.llC' wh.n f'1nal action Gln this rl'\$Qhltinn w:;l1 bo " :gi':,,, I ., ,'(. taken b:/ thrt r.i ty OClJJtc:i,1,".d tat which time Ulll 011,1 a(l\lllCil W.1.UiH",r' ) \",>,,:'" ':'<':{:' "', ',:. .:'. ." tb;t_cti,HHi , if om;!, cf th.prop.trty liv.1ners eff'lJ"cted b~' the coni; tn;et i(m ~ ' t ' tt'IHOb, srl'.\lar.; I , V Thf' ''':ity OlM'k of th/ll OitJ!;,.of Bo~. n, be! and i~ ht*rnhy inf';'Jdi.:~',.,;d tor;lv,," ):o1.1c(, ~f,hl!l ti'lK! ..neI ;PlicA.r h~..rinc .tt\ ,1.; .provide ;,', I \ ~ 1.., b:r pOiJting not:ioe"ln thrlllt\ lIUb\~C lMid'''''<>1t t:r(Ql HOZHl:hln, &" ',,,." j A4opt~d ,"nd appr{lvll\d' .A:rfhif, ~_d.;l.~r , 19~:r,'. i1' "I.t>> ..' . l ." ~ft~.:~t.:,~. ".' -", i-' . . ., " , ,.'/1'$, . .. ' \ ," ....,..,.. ,I ~, vl t;,r. Chrk" ' ' J' ' Pinal rus~g" OR thl ~t- day:.!, H- __, l\H"~. tt:'-::A Stolte of Montiina/, ) ; ~ Count~r of GalLatin, ) as. \ ), T, M. Pi~rc8, Oity elerk of the City of Bozeman, Montiin~, d~ hereby certify thiit ) golve not1ve of the time lind pl.ce of he~r~ns ~ on the f{)reeoing Rl'l$oluqGln NIl). 25:3by post1ng such no,t1ee G:n JulJ", 20t.h, I 1903, 1n thrt'l6 pvblic I,1.i1cfl8 .in sald City of,Bozem..Ji.," dupl1cate of which' noHces 1s iIlttilch to thft or ie;inal l"t'lsoluHen on fill!, . \ :IN W)TNItSS WHF.RF~O", ]1 have he rl'ltmto, 8~..t...... Y ha..ncl ..o...n ...t.h..1S 29th, d<l.Y r of ,Jul~r. 1903, , . . ' . . " .' , , ' . , X i\'::;;'. - . "--"- . O.ITY CtJl:RK. "".'.' ".'!~':',l)BDUlA.NCE NO. 2M. I'i""''''''''''' I'~~ '~':~l'Dance cOQcernlna the SWlngtn,;.'~~~ ci".'.1n.b,.OltT Bo....."",":: Stolt!>. of Mo n t;:l. n d , ) s s . ,- . Count~r of GOillatin, ) BilItOrdalned by the City Counol! 1 T, H. Piecee, Oity Clerk of the Oity of Bozemiiln 'of the City af Bazeman; '. O' d;' '1 2511 · Seotion 1. 'Na peraon shall within do hl'll"e by cert 1ry, th.. t thl'l ..nnexed ':I" j/,ance I' 0 . . -.. the.lillllta"af the ,City af Bozeman. WdS duly published j.n the Bozem~n Cr,9n1c1l'l, ol wel!!ldy ~hang'agate,<;>rpermitagateto' nflWa-piipl'!r :r"l'lguliirly pUbl;LsIll'ld;Ln sii';l,d City of Bozeman, beh\1ng, orremainl1ung, so that it. 11" the iSS\ll'! of date ,July, 29'th, 1903, dS ord8r'fod by tl'l6 'will swing over ariy\sidewalk. pave" - " r. 1 mentarpublio atreat pr avenue, ' C it". -, 0 l~n ~ i .'. . .' 'Seotion 2, T.h.IS' .a~.. ~an....o.,.e. .Shall .:!iN W)l~Nli,RSWHF.RF.O'fl', 1 h;ave h~. &unto. set. my hand on thl S not apply ta gates wh'i4h ewing in .Tv ly, :3 Oth, 1903. · . both direotians IlDd ewing ~~d JWd · Ilatoh automatically, 'C_ ,,-.'.'.,,_ C]lTY CLft:RK, i Section S. Any person vlol,;,tlng I the provo isians af this ardinanoe, shall: (uPOn 'oanviotion, be fined not lesslhall i lane dollar nor more thall ten dollars, ' 'andany.person wha shall oantinue to ',vialate this ordinanoe shall be guilty of a separate affenoe far each day of ita violation, aud shall be fined acoord- ing to the terms of thia section, , Seotian 4, "Chis' ardillauOljt' shall' take effeot 80 days after_l te ijla"""lle and publloatlon. P"...ed Julf 16, 1908, j .. A.P. Pt...a. Ved.........16th da.Y. Of. J.. .UIY, 19. .08, ..... · SeaL. p, T, MORRIS, . i ,Attest:"", . Mavar, · _T. ~;.~rRoE. C!ty o~,::i.::_..,.