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Ordinance 03- 251 Appropriations for 1903 and 1904
1 ~",' "'~"""''',''''',','''''' 1"1 ,,' '","""..',!" ~ ~ ~ f 1 },~ """'"-,'",,-."-'.=:::::::::'.-:.-C";~-~ ._.._-~~,""..~~-'. - _..__.____'_,_,._____.~~~~.',.. ..,. _",."',.,,~,...,,~"'_.._~_"_.,~."___~_.~.~_'_'.w,,..,','...""'_ ',"':~ .--,,: ':;.::;,y .',~~~~'q','-'':''~-:-.._',-,' ,"",'" j "$ " .'~,'.,' ~~-. '~)'j ';';' OR;) )IU)JOI NO.. ,.t 6L'_._^_ )( A)1I' ORnJANO'lle, Jo'IXINta Tn 8~~"'R.lNA ANn MAnN!l TW& AJmUA!i ,. .1 .",I,:!I-, ..'-" tPPRQ:r-R U.'r F>N ~'()a THE "(1tAB" 190;~ ad ),904. --------~-.-'*--_.*-- ~ .Be ~t 01"'dUMd by the Ch"c..IIRe~l of' tfilll 11':'-'1 otF!oMmdn; ,.ot;Lon 1. Thltt. t1'1" 1'011.G.1.I\. ...Qunh ,\l"'t hore"" Ii,pprOl't' j"lUd fromt t.htt ,.,,,.,..11 !flUId for tbt f1so$l Ifl," antUne U41~'1." 1904. I. ~ "or ,he ul~r:r ortlllyor <It the 1'..111:\81.' taOG ..o/)p~rllU11't,Ul1,t.......ftO.OO '::', "'" ,'" : '~""""'i.. 1'91' th~ 8dllu"y ot Alderman, ., \htt';tau of .:\oo~(I)r *l!'IUnt! .,.00, l\t>t ~xttti6{Hnt. \"0 !~t\Un5" a n:a(lftth.:,;~........-....--.....""'...-......--.. $&:1'$.00 ~ I ~ ,:I l I 'I' ,I 'Qr the lIal"J";Y ot fJU1AU('ll!'JUI1. al th<< rltle otta'.3~..l";S,.r '\'(i,il' rllon th..-'-.. ...____..._....._...,.__...___..... -_..._...,---,-,-,_.....-..',.....-...~-,...',.- - ~,,.,., t4,O{). 00 . . ' , "~: :.':, ",:j, ~ r 1 I i '! WOr llllhr:,r of' o.it.;r (}lerk <It the rl.t1}. of $ds.6o"r.,nth,..PQI:).(}O" .Qr tohl/ll';,lhn of t,h.\!I. Oi/.tJ Clerk dad. U't,Or"Bey,..ril..':t;bellilJ"tJ eOlfJ.b;ifUHI it1- \M rl\U 'lit .40~~OO pel" :lonth, ad '2"r~#i~::~.""~"~~ . it' ~ .. (Itrt.<}C1 t'@tnt, toul $6P!>.OO per lIonth....;...;'-_.._..--..............."""'""\,...........*~OO "-or th_ ultU": of (1j.t;+< Tl"'Ml!I\fr.r. .l't\herit.te of "';:,,00 per .!:m:th , '_ __ _..'........_ _"-'..'_ ......'...... ~ _ ___.__ _ _'.._ ____,____. __~._,,,,_"""__'IiiII'_~: :":~,\,.-,34'",", Q<). P'Of" l;;&bry of Pol,i.e. ,JUde" d t.l'lft rd'!.e 01' .21;s.'j:~..l/1 ,:j ~Oft,)1., 'I':;f,.::.,:.::,:,'~'.::!;:" " ':'1:":', ,,",':~i~';,"l'<: .. ___ __ ________..,:___,---IiIt.. .________ ______i,_..... -- -'........-,.. -,~.~,~... .;.~,.oo,:.,Ob" "or th.t IhtUry of thE! (':hler. or Pol~c.. at. \h>t l".\f.$ ~~i~.o() p~~ . .. .. _ _ i"f'- _.. __....., .. _ _ _.. ... _ _ __ _ _ _ .... _...... .'. _... .'_.. _, _, _," - ......, -...... -'-'.'... """,' ,~,'.~,:.,~.~,',",;,',',::".,.....,',',:,~, ..."C1:,:,,::',I..':~';:"/" ,.,,;',',",,',"'00, : ,'" '0, ,.0. '::~: ,.?: ':,\1::,;::., ',:' ',: ,/",'. :;4 ,. '01" tM 8ltbry of tWQ r"Ol1C(lllIl.., 11\ the l"'dU or ti5 "')():~\~~i:,,'fl!l$~rth e o:l oh ...__.._....'....___..._...__-:-.._ -...-- -.........-..... -- ,......--......-- - - ,~..~tJ.-:~cC),..rio. gOl" \h~ cabr}t l>t RIt6'~llti!ll"Ate;C!lftt. lilt th. rate or ~~ .t)OrH~r_*,~i,.1Q~ l~ ('hw g ."--"----" ~-..-....----"--- ~-:;"'f~';. _1._..______~.."'-..... ." .Q1~' For thl) 8l:11dt")r of ,Tdn1Uuo iUld...tall(~t ot '.he. QU.1 naU.. Ilf. tht rat.. ot $f.P', .00, I'6l" m{lnth,....---....----....-...-..-....---":"...-----.........:"-..,et.OO,~, 0' 1 t.1'or th'" 1,,,;tLu'y €If C1n n~llH,h 01":(;'\'0('11". at t~ r'aU 1>f $:15.Ql}.pe:r , r rIlI;..n. th, _'_.. _______.. ....,-.........,..-------..-- ----- --...:... --....-..- ~---.e.;$Oo.n,:1. I i I Ij I Ji ': PO'" thlll IH1!n'Mnt ot~lu..t.j)11 l"hu"lal 'us, It' 'h~ rah Qt ~af.h l'ldtJU:' t!\t . Qf) ,\)'1.(1 \'l:,i~h },t'lf'<U'l t t:1i. 00, -....---- ..---~....~ ------ ....---,....- e~~U .Ql). tor e{1mti~nI'MU.on o1')1I1.""r Co:nmltl'/J1onfu", ~t thi rat,1'l! (If ---$ / ,., '......,~.,~_. , -- - - - -~-- ---- -~ - ---- 1 ()(; " '. y;, ~:; , 1f'.!;fiJ" ;:"; .i'11 1'_';..._,..;, ;:j,\r!f;:': i"," ;r. Ih~';'.',~:.~,,"''':::':':'::::::'':''::::~~~'' :,. :~o'::'=,'-o,,:.i,,~::,'" . " .::1 il!I ~,\~ !j ",~ a I 1\ I J ~ 9 (a) ; '1l . , ' I,), :,' ~'::', [\ ';:. ,;:' " :'. " '\ .,:,"",..,..,'".,,'.''''~.'I.' ,i~".,"'~,', l',~;:,' ". "Or" dtl1 wh~lIl aot.vaU)" .1lli'llQY'8d:-...-....................---.......-..--------.:.. IlI'or.118ht 1fte OUt""" '~lcUJlB..... ----- -----.........---...--... ...... ---- ".600.00, \.1 "'or twd '9ti hMt _ City :e.1I11d.1.n3.-..-......-..--....~..-----.....:"'.....$,\!)O.OO. .'" . , , ' ,I "or Pl"intUtfi l.ind .tl:ltlolh\ry......uh ..---..-- "'1f"'"'' ---~$500.{)(). 1'01" BOdrd otPrhont,l'" ...-..-..-------..-...--..........--.jI;;~".....-- __ ----$aoo. 00, I:~i~" , \ .'l,:: :10, ~ \; "01' IIlitkiBg ....,. oOM.~\ii:m.....--........_--.......--..---..... ___..__ n_$ I'or JH~c.l.'UuIOIiUJ .~P""..., ----.............----..........---- --....- ---$1 ,000 .00, !Ileet- ~()n 2 .Thlt toUo" tJe: iAmQI/U U .U'. h(ltl'"ltbya.pprulr 1ll\ tolHI f":'()!!1 the lH''''., ;, !It r.~ t I'\zn(t: Poruldl"Y of ~t:.r.tt eOmm.J.U,i.i/RfU", u th. 1"1lIh o.f $1i'i,OO,l;!U" lltlHlth, ror not ~xe..dbgh1n:f/J months IHU" 1'aa.l", ..------"-----$615 .00, fOr l}.Jll'.l'rt. ~n6 l$t;r\Uta,..---"'\~.il\~----------..--....--...._-n-- ----:$:570(").00, ltor":'truti ~mp.l"ovtrlt.m t a. --++------- ----- -----------------$2000. ;lD, ,~ ," "',, t . 80U !OD 3. 11''' tollOw 1n1~."Dt. lire hflr~b:f Itppropr1a ted trb!:!l t.ht tlirftll'uad : ,;}l '~ i~ ~. ~ : ., , ! 'Or the ','41<lr,"~,",OOf,'" ,th.~,~ ot t.he "1r6 Depi:l:r'tm'ltrlt, ,tt. 1;.hl) r,lt.e of 140.00" Ilftt' UlOrd-. -...... -- -..--- --..---....--....--------....--....e180.00. "01' tht'l 'llll!:i"Y O,~)h~ WRt1~l\lII,r 01' tht'l P4l"'~ I.~!",p..trtl1ll'Jnt., at tMr.lto Or '10.QO. P&!' ~t.h. --..-......,;... ---..--------...-..--------------$120. 00. , POQr :\(11"', e qu~;:'"*.,r.t...--....---,:..- ___...._____.. _ __...._ __.. ....... _;......... _ $ . /! "er mhellllllR'!Ql19, eXl)~~~:---:"'----..-u-...,:,---"--"--_:'..-..S)')))) ,} ) ~r ul.1r1 0'1 Drl...~~,"..~i,h(lt riltB of $;& .00. p<tl'l.llonth-tf..aO.OO, ,"77 /l7D~JI1) " ;tf/~,e:.. ~lIlot,loJ'l 4. :.T~lt tall'..nr";ounl;S '..\t"n ht11""'by dr;pr"tlp:r1dtl'ld ,from ~\' . 1,1bt';:lry r~u~\~ ",:~,rt; Il'or thf\ $d"~~:Y <Jf r.1b\il'l.n, "'\; tM rut..e of $:lF) .,'In. per' l<'Jont,h, , .r: f .'~.;;\: - - - __________.1olIo_ ~~-:..~~ t... .....,;.;.----~~,-------------.._- -- -...-~,~o.. :)0" ;#;, a.OQ. "Qr th, pnllh,ISft'!..t bO" itt: .,.. ~.c'1on~. !hft ro~..ing <..;.. 'tt.;~.. , , '''~ ' .:,: . __., ,Wilt t. r !ItlAd; {f" ", ~:\hft lIJUil;'~;t; IVIlUl" (loll(llct.or, and m1!llCltl,JrlflQtil'l u.,IH"lnst'HIJ......... ",:.,,' lI~t8 are hfU""OY lIP1"TOt1r1a1ieHl _<lit!! <1\ tn8Tate,,"! .6Q.f)r)"/ f' mOtl th-..--------... -,~...... --.. """..- - __"'M_"'~" 'M_ ,."...---..--.......,......:..,.....,....- -,11'.'0.0,0" .....,........"'.:.=,~,:;~~;:,.H \ _' , _ ..'., "''''''':_':-:'':'~'':''' ,~., ",,',-::':-_'::":_'1::"_""": (3) 'Ol" the uhry of tht 'IllUr \JtHlty man.il\ 'M~~li.riftt::i; \\\"i)"i"'c MO'" t.h. ______.. ""I!'I..__...._tIiIlI.'_..,.......'-......, _____._~_,....*......W!" ".,----.,...~---'....'~' ?Q!" m18Ct,lLtr\IHHI$ llIXpf'lRl!!.e&.~ _....- -........- d__...................~.............~.OO. Oil · l1"ction r.. T.h~ f'ollow1ns l!l.\'l1fHmt& Il\l"ft hen.~bt tH'Ipropr'lat.t\ tl"M ..he ~rlt;xvn~10n Il"tmd: 'O~ th8 ftxten810n of w.'at ~"ttJ!'l)' , VI> - ' . ' ,I ---- m.a m8,-'.-.'IIIft-----'~--..-..."--'--....--.. '''', ":, tt~ct 1clTt.7. ':holt thllU'" 1., h~rflb)' I4PI"roprld,Ud t'rum the ~",'unlil t;hf. follow1nt ,\:tl,ntntl!l: .,,':,,~::i'):> _.. ...."..,,,< .r do" dO." ODd m...OlOM... ....no..---l,;O'l. >f),~~ <:teot1oh n. 'T\~U1 OrdllU'lnM tlh.dl r:o J.nto etfflct on 1't1'l(l a~ ~$~,y,l.t'4- "I I liJO:') , I . Pd$ :~od t ou A[)lH'O..."d Qn ~ /1 g -, th~s4dJf of lkJt. PI ,~8 ';.:' th 1.1)1' 11, HQ;',. day of A~r~l, lpO'~. f?';:~,'., "'!:'r ~w.;for'., .,. ,i' ,:,i., ,.'.ilI,~..i' 'I',;:, '"if: .41'1\1 ,',,"'<! ., ,:y~C \ "\.. ...., ATTF:g1~ . ('lj7ll /8/" ' " UYI'~~ , Ii I' ..~".:' , I e it." derk! Stat, :or Monhn<l, ~ ) COURt 1(, .f Ga1bt1.t ) 8l!I. .f l\,:t. M. P1~~e, 011:,1 Olflrk of the CHAf Buellllln, StClte otMentllna, de herebf cert1fy,that... the 4th, dllY of April, 1903, J. pllllltedtlv" c.llin.! the r,regoiRg Ord1nliftce, N., 251, 1n f1Ye public and i),aspic... ueue.pI:jp'l!l 1ft the C1 tyef Bezemlin. ",;;:.;;;~~~,~" ]'N WI TNES S WHERE 0 P', 1 April, l'O~. hav. h....nto~hi' C liTY CLERK. :':,:"'F:,'i"':: 4tb, day(~i.,t 11_ -,-