HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 03- 250 Levies Special Assessment for Payment of Construction of Part of Public Sewer Number 1 p!/ 1 () Z~\ / ";/ I '. ~::',:'r::,;"'-""~ r~ . ,:'.;~i~'wf;~~'", '.' "...'. .:p! t',.,: "::,'-'" <,;,~,','f,', ''',', "',,,~'!i!",::"::,iii:,J', "";""::\~(~~: (1;:}130I,lJ':l: lON' o Fi' TIff: ~1!iHV7i: M" AD] B'l'~~ :t C'",' t~;;" ~~"~.i-:~ '~;('f:p.:) 0 limO. the; {'1 t.:; ~:':Hli(iI",'" ;', ~~~ 2;tO~'::P';(BS"d or. Aprll 1~.>,19'~". : ': ' ~)"I'+' ': t)'i i;~'.'i/t~nil ! ! i,\ .and July n, l;+OZ r.ipect ;i.v.i\~\,~,l'dllred :~;', , "', ,~': t,h.it :'>Gt':Cl()n "f Pl,bl1c ;:',~wer No. ()fl6, d~'~'l:;,:~:'\b61i .as j,~t'lg1nn~r'G lilt Ql" nllcU' the Clnter of th_ inuraocturi.iil;f4'cili,r'th hlUw& . ,\ ;'1:\'. l1'ottr-f.h Avenu~~\.,the ~tro(lt t(~ the C~\,lt.r .t I A.vanue olnd 011'1& street, runn,j.n,,~,:'~hence;hrt.th on .,1.. 'j QI,Ba:ocoeli;i:.,8tr...1t, f,h.no...\'; on :Btibc)~'ck \ AV(lll,Ue, t.hM.l~8 N01'th on Ll:r;axUl AVlllHUO ,..ee.1 tIn' to thl108nto'r Hi MJ~~,:""!,'0~:~'.,.',',.'" ~,.<'i\!'l ',', on ~"n St rttt I". ~ .nd. wm,}REARit~!'th.'; .. I ' Grill.ml thara COnlHtcq.ng w,.:l.th,put>l,!.e Set/er U.LlI!' ,h...bl'lon cn!l$tr-ucted of .\lff~d1~nt sJ.Z.andcaI)ac1ty to sElr~. ill.'; ;\" " a i)~lllt.r~et 3tt'.'HU' ,for the l'l"Ul)l.~t:y bQ""'6t":i.ngtheu"'.ori"illld t"'j)8c..al*,Y ~... . ' , " ~:; ,,' . . :f'.l.tHd, l:.:l$~l'dl/, .H\d1f:!~1RIA~., tH!, eH,y COllnC11 h"i ..t}.m~t~cl the Q';oet; 1111' t~on,gt.ructi.ntl <11 j)it:lt~' .Let. Sewer'~~..p.able qf <.:lcommfJdaHnr; such pnlilert~, t,o b. Efir~' . . . . .. .p.r <tont' roo<(f'~, ~lr<H" 'OR'. b. .,. .' .' RU(,lvtfu . lind It 18 hel"8b:r ol"d.r~d by th. C1t:t 'iCo~noll of tM C1t~j'->t that '~htt IJlwal"alsmna .et. (1).-G1teth.ndor.1tt. of H. /"":";,'t:' th~ 1ll"V01"ill lata ;and p.lrcHll. ~tl;lnd' i18 llPPIIl1'8,,1.l,l' hnre'i:,,j,i'loit.t.iilCh<ld, artdi~a.d$, <Iii Pioltt hlitl"QQt, t)O lUlU .~il~luod Uwr(HHL t,\i) diLf'rii.;/~h8 ~18til.ll<ilt6 c\ut of Mm~ltl"Uc~ij.nc '(J "''' ' '. ~,tr.ot ,,,"," c., "01" of ..,.mL'"""""S ....1. pr"porty. .". 'ho' ...,.,.,""."",'".",V",, er"""'""',a",.",',',~,','.',:.,..f.~,,,,.,',: . &'."m. "" ,.LL..,,,. f"o~ tho re".ct.., .wners or the lac,.. d.'.rio.4i":'~: .. sli4;i..d. ::;ehHdt,h. Tn1~\ ,18S~8Sment 1:9 pl!lI"s\lt!lnt. to .41;i.d eOlmcil X\e",,'lU1i,~,~I~;r(\ ',,:'>~'~;::, >',':,::';'::::,:, '",;','! I:': .,.'~. \< "'. I No.. ';,.:;:Hl IHlci ;,;~,O. p<1\Ese.db;l Ute () ;i.tiriJ01.me:l.1. en Apr-il 17. l?;!Qg,'. C:5.ty L, 190,,~ l'~'8I,ect.j.vf)1i1.' , Thl\t t.h~ ,e.:J: ~, l't:i\~' .if A.prll {'i.903 , . ~: I Conncil Chlll.Jllhe,. :l.n thti (')~t.;r ~{.dll, ;1.& at 7:30 hfIreby d.ts:~gnllte~, ""J.'" .t, ',:,;. p"'-l"t ..lI th. Hm\ll al't(\ place .It 'Whioh Objetot1(m t. t.hf.<~' f1n_1 ~~d. . th.~a 1.e&()3.ut~on ',~ 1.11 bh .IUl'd b~r f..hn City f1elll1.cil.''th6 Olln:-k , ':"t':"''> I, i. ':/,,, "" of l1eZ<:lrL1<trl. 1l'lhfH'611~r di1"flCt9d to give nOtj.CH'I e.f the Ulna ant,' P ," ":,;;]d;,.,1~~1:',\:f f! /-VA'./',__~__ ~""ili\<,il(,, . ~ . ~ ~ ('.~~r:':~ . 'I~ '.,... "., . . . 4 ~,:t,.:....:r~r .. (~,.'UCh hfl!dl~i:'lg lU~8 pr.V~hY liiW, _,_ )?~.2-.~ ' F.j8$~d '~~",' 1)0:5, ~ ""~,'t1'~.,. f"t 1.-:"",7 :'!l"A~~'!r- ;"j ! )i: I': " . I';' I;, .. ,I t ~)4\1iCiQl Dilltr'10t.Nt'I.". ;,".;1li'it1n alo).:~:H.f~;!tt c,' r, 'u j;hid* j~,c,ilOiJl . ':"~~ '",,' ~111t.,,&, . ",\lQng.B..bCllek ~t''''.:J:' '. .,,;'~. "'if, . ,,'~ ,', !I'" .',~' J, ,.,. :i", ',,/ "'1' ,---------...- ,.ft A'i t,,: (~} . rIOT m-i AN:) YH,O('K.,o\DT;] 't JON 'rQ i)" 'lo~'r;;'i' ~'i r s1d~ tl!'''t'H7J''.h ^v!'\nm! \, 'SQ,<('i'!T'IU'I, nUt"!"! !'It}: :Jonr~ren h:;' ".-:. '~i';ll,..;in(~'1 '~; ',> ,,;~ . ','~ 10(1 r~:~ t ,if~J'\t~ne .J.n.'i:~' (lliv4'l "'~r.~~ b~;,15~, l~"t alent ~'~)art~ A,.-.,nuc'.'" >te" '~ . \ :,{!ll1~ ll\,l\ · II ;')r'd. W~t'ltl"'." .,J .\~. ,. , , 'Yil' ';i~k '1.Ail) ~"1.. f"Q,I\ ~:, . on '~ p~tH\(l~lo ~';,. M? '112 . ~:.~. '. ..~',.~ P, 'c", I, r ~~ I} II. . l'llll I e , :;~, ,,:;,;,~, (,~, "...'.,.;'i' ": " ,:+ ~~,::' ':,'::, "it rl t ~i (iiApt , r,?", . ; " ~o\,rt,h\Vt}nut . 3ch~e't ~i~t~~l"~ N~. 7. (JilJll.;l.i:'l 0f:. Mont. .,:.~ ~ ':il~'v ...~&,:,..'.,.;', . \, ",', './. , ';"~~ ';'<, ~ 'I ,,,:.,,.. :,',..,. "';"\.;I'~:"".'.":;"":;'" ..., All..S (11_4 ,272 . r. , Lj: 11 ,:~'-~ ~~~ <I r~ , .JMbC.....lk r1t,ru\, ,!,2~ ,1'\ 1:1\, ,"l"Atl1dfl l't1nlll\ c:'I':lI;,Hd. '~"")'m~ _lftng \11,11\ f\ t.l': i"-fl or ~~r.~;1rt,~,; ,,<,.'::';:UUt1),. 1:. Ui'tl:'\h q1(UJ nt ~.,,:~~t..1~ County }~" .,.,r,~~*,lX .1-e,..,.l;;l !,~~~,;!<,x.,x..'( ::,' ' ,'Jl~,;", :":;~)'\'. '~t ory.. . r-,~f"," ~,'i j';,:': ,'. "', '~'M. :1'" J :~,7,!lA, ' '\,' , i ,:,' ',.f' ~}J~~.ll'~'~~:t1r . :' ,:t'l~" r,o~,;', lO,11,12tl~~.:V\, \ . ~n:'"::~ ~: }:.;;~~ .:'",', ':, ~L, <~:~:;.\~ ;" ii . :ili~t",r,~t "~ ,"r' ,It t.an.d. i;~'~' :'.\;,:~~~~ J.l If t 1 ~(1 . i, '"..."','r'i~,,J ,.:~,;\\.c'" 1'," '1" -,. : "',\. ~~1; itj , " t,'I', .....~ ,,:Y~'i:hd\rifj to t i ;'i "f! '" ~ Cl:r li'r...et~or..,\l .m,(I (lk , :;1 """, 't' ,..~> ;,~ . ''\t i :, AT. , , t .,'1+: 1'15 .:'1'1, , ~\~~j \:;~"'~6" "~<:'~;:;,',., ..~.'" ",', I.",. .~, 'i'$ '. "ia..,,, aOlil' * . I~' 1{i", ',.~,t.o.,.y t t\ f.1ctt'C'lulifl' ~ ,.('. '!"', '. .n" h+11oor' t,t, "l"? t,.(;, t. 0, 1 'i'. J:r: . .. r," lnd P9~t eO ft. "f r,ot J', }~r.l>ll::t1m' ,J PLock "A:11t 1'1 filt"'Y t (':'. " :!i ". ,': ,I,' .. t I .~ '; :11)lJ t.h.. n,lti.o1Ii:)JillbO(l(J}.:; , ~\ ,,~ ..*,~~' ~ ',\, " 'I\\j~, i"~~rt, HUH'.. ~\ ;r'l.~:r;~ . :'i,C, ","-' "1', \'It.., ',:.' i" Ii . At';~.HH\J <~~ , "";/!~( , !>~ '<''>;J: ,01;....", 2'16 ~, ~'~. --:,:::.t,,:,:. '..'"".u .. / 1 ()i.4 .", . m .__ _"_""...._.,~_'~"".".'.,'~~'''''_'''_ ,J"..~...~,._~~~_~.u,~_,"....,'.."..".".~.."._"~,_"...__...._'_..__'_________'___...______..__, _,_,_ ._, ,,~_ __."".__.m _ __.,_"_'_'__'__,...,_._.__' .__,... _,.____,,_,,_____,_,... ...".~~~,_.,_..::~~:~.~,~,~::=;:;;.:::;:"':::=:::~I~=::=~~_=_=:~.-~""'~_:,::,::- ==5?~'~"'""'" ~:...:;:~.:-~~~.:..:t~~:..:::::=-=::~:" ,:::~:::::,..:-_,~~:::: ;....':::~:-:-: ',':"--' " ,., - . -~ '.' :~-:-._=:'~~:~,,~",. ".,',., "".,"~,:~~~:,.:~,::,;:::::.;::=~:,~':~;~~::,':~,"'~I:,:"':,:",':".0:. .... "''':::.:'::.::~''::=:;;.::,':;:::!',." ';1d~~ r '\ , '~ L . 'It or:,' 'll".~allih i..l~ t 1 h;<"i ',,' ">' ,', ",. ,[,,'\ .~r;~!Jllil 'i~ t. i t'n!~<l1 "1.:'" . Story :~,\H,"".1. t,i j,J ~"",n ~ " j':1t 1 ,'ii, It 3':" ',)."'~:r - ~1 ',' : ":~. Aldl't>~;".tf"> ,.,. ,J..jfl e f~ tI. , , ., ,]..',~~.. , .!J.tOt.i' '.11 "A~~esl.\\id. ,i"""..;.).,,~i!~.'li~:::;6ii~.:i~}jj,i.,i: '" ,,'.' ',,' ."'''1,'" , ':: ",,' " '1" ',' . 'r--p' t"Il~1~xJ'~,~'~,\)';:~\~':<::>;,: ':: fI;",,'~:1:');:~"":'~!:'~"~::;"; .,'>.. '~:.i.';"",k\;; ,:~l'i~:''''~i (}I\:'() r ,,';;' '~""', ;'l~~ :":"'1""\', .'t . "~ Me" ",'" \(~ . ", ',' >J, ;, ",:,i:::::I~iy::X:;;~;;~\I' .l(lliv ".1,iim',) l'. ; ,', r.ot(l'l, 10 'i,:",;,\~l'ld. T,,) t :r~~r'"}. ..,'-,",.,.,.. ,,:';;c'"i ",,-,_,, 1iTC!!l'XWj.,, ' ,>j"':: tlQeiJllelebyglil&b 'tb~ttI16 OitJl, , 'i(it, tM,.C;llty of;, Bozeman at If' , '..!jold'ou Ma,rob 28((1, 19081 ~/' l\,!avltld ,Dlld j!ssas~ed U speQ,!a;l . !tbe 'property bQrueringQu :\l<>l'tloll of Pub Ii. Sewer NlI~ber: " '...J,\sb~~~luDfter dell(lftbed d,'.. bWlloastruuted, fox !Ill amo 'Oillllt to defray, thncs,tlmnt ;~"pali~el'" ',' cOllat~\Iotlllg' ";:.t~..* ~ewer e,ofnOOOmlnll , clV'ly "pU'bU....hed "toperty. "obnlle8s~,eDt Is . ~. r-: , . tlfty-fl,~,oellh por hnallr tIODtfoi'Jt"i, } \Ill, tile llroparty bO~d~tiDg O,D luobi!J':<'1;y te~6tnllloW GOQ8trl.lQ,ted llQ~ de8Gtlb-:, .: ,.d.s fol1o~l'I: " ,w'haue of d.t ! ,'Allproperty trQbtill80r~orqeril!;:'" '," ' ' ~'QlI Fourth AVellUO.betweeD 'Olive :" ""',.",.,.""",,,1;",;6:, t,s,':~",".,' ~~,;hO,' ,o~, :~,:~tt;,B, t"l,~, ,~~bO~,~~;J~ waT:!',l~~~~::~,\,"~.~~,.,~;:.. "',,J,, h, n~ ,/ ,<:'" r""",,,,', d"".,~, "V,', 6(1,\1, tl'" ,aQ!1 Uratld" A, V",illU"ellO' . the 4t.'laiP, "Ill,,' t"t,.,.','",'","",.',',l,f,O,3,' ':t"ellD...a,'botlolrs,reet IlQd.Jl4alD U,"s.' 'i '''''1#-' ".....,'" '~l ' ' ,'.. " 1"'"',,..~!I~,~ltrOlD'lon.lt,vyill'ID~l1~.;lil~De. ,i'<,' , . .'~' '1:.:,:,:'):-<,"'" 1'111,tll'~ ~QdOjtyOliirli'." 0%\111 ' "i'",.". '''''' i:'J'I;',:~lii"i~II1(llJ"'~ ,.OIty Olii,k'lIt$ . V~'" . ;BO~~.b.'\1b3m tOiD' .\' ':lI,,'Oti:, ObUDQU b.. Bit ' 1.(. I\;.t~ ;800'olollk&. ut, .to ,hfli k ,\:iIlDllJQ"I~ t~e"YBlI'1l.:,J I ;"" ,,',' ,.b(;BQ:itlllsu, btbe t1tne...q,Ii'.: 1<' :ol~w""hlilltl1uOnYOOtlQol1 ,,111 tQt." ,t1lill'l,aotloP OQ,:l\lloh re,'DI01lQn alii! oJ r','heM obj,e!ltioD(~;~~'he,ftb.l .~Oll'io. J ,\of~lJle, ," :'!'f' ' I' "":,aa",Yl0,.,,'d,e,',,l'r, .!It ,',:th, e Ohy OODQ,',ll" ,~ ~" 'J:.l.tud~tob. a4t!l,1908. :'~;! ' . L,,;';':._, ~~.~,l'lero~~ O!~J'.:,Q!!r\la Ita"' "AnI!, 2~r" :,;:M~ :.: 13(3,H)., ..