HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 03- 249 Levies Special Assessment of Taxes to Defray Cost of Sewer District Number Seven .-~ ,_... ("), ., n~~) )( ., ~",,""":=..,- ""!!Jf'\1 ~, ,-:'*" ~' ,.~': "'''>.(;:+:'''~'~r. :,,~\,:1i:.': ~"" t,~,.", ~:jl]' .,.'..'.i~, c.uneil 'Rnd\lt1On No..?r-fl!.. ---000--- '~. " Rlll'lOT,U'l'1ON J/!t:VYl1t1J ePlC1 At, tlllS.EsmAN1~ 0" t AXI$:,~~i'{)~~A".(.f'E c6~~.y~o'" Cm($TRlICTINU A POftTI0N O!l' )jlSTR)CT SIWJIlR NO. ernD'. . .' ~ WH~R"U8', th.". O.unoU by O~~P$j.l ~lII':Lut~.n Nl; 2:37, pol;..... on APr11<~t~h~!0~h .~~~t"*ithe un8tr'uet.i.,(}~ l)t~thllit' port.i.~.:,:tlf Dl.tr.ht :,.... ",'::'.':',,',:: ,i; '!~ Sewer M.."'\@ffX- 3'Il'1'" deur'~b.4 till f;'ll~w.:l!lIlginillg d.er nltiier tU ',,'lii""/" 'I- ' c\llntttr';~;1~h~ :j,n~~;~,ot~6n Qf Otnt.l"alAvenuc! ~.xa.:K$.Jta.nd Ald,er.IitD ',::"',,, J", ,I; :' ,:.", ""', ,,"::-. ,. " ',:::~~'! Strtlflt.rurih;#lg t~n..~,N't'th QCl C&nt.r",l Avonult, t. '-ho Clnt,i'" lIlf -ta;l.n !Ilt:reet, '~i'i'p~'r;iE .~th Pub1. ~c~~:r, Ii., ~ YI1IER'II:A..<:\, t,M a-ame h~. b..:,:".h..r~,;,\'~~. c.., .t .. ~ /. . .. .. .'. . . .. ..nto p.~ 1 ~nealrront i"1)f:'~:':C,,"~ prlllp01"tl aaa b.rd.ri,nc; thanon ana .~p,oaUl1~'" :' , :"':,f: , ",,~, }'.' ,:, , ' , ,I" ' beMfit"cl thctrtbt.NQW'1I:mR1!l1l'OR:Ji:, Rs;i.t Resolve", lIiO~""\)~t i. hll1r.bl ." .'.. '". ""',, 1;" i( , .rlier8d bY thN~~~~~~:,d~unC~l\",~ the C,i t.y of :au.man t 1:jI.. aav&r;j)J~)~t surna sAtl)po.i t~::'.~.'nlimalQt"\,hll sllv~u-..l .wneI'8, <<I.~the a8V8;rlil ldi. ,~::,,' 'It; , ",' ,",,:':', "', '",. *n4 p;ara:ttla sf liln~."'~~~t;;,~.it,~ ;:th. schedule thftr.t..~tt.,c.I'ied;~, II.nd l'n"~ .apartUJllreot, ba fld th',:~ioIlim8 ,,","..p.tti nil lIl5seu," th8r~6Q;~D .1!dufr1)' if'. cc~~ .fc.n."u\~~;*" p.;',... Qf "~ll Dis'd" 8m.. N. ~80vfi ~ 'h~ ....ll..ver~.~t ..11..... f....th. mp..Hv.~o~;;~, ol! . t~~llindl.d;.aor~bed ~, 1.'~;t~,Ch'dU]e.,: ." Th;iA aUe8ST1ent j,s }le~s~~ntt., ' H,Jd <lounell R...lllt~~,:,q,~; :~: .',:,PIi""cl by the C lty Ceune 11 on 1:~r;j.~ ,~;; 190&. ' "':"<,;,,;;..,'\ ,"~I} ;~~;~r, , , ' .2 2tL .~' l;':: \ 'I:,':f' Th~t tl~1 . ,~. . n .. tin' ,".t '~').lr ~1,~~03, i:1t 7 :30 c '1~I1K P .J'Il.",~~: .', 'ClLty 'Qoi,c i1 Chamber ~n t,h'$'(j,~~ t;l ,'~~~,1.. :is here hY d.e;t}ated .in~'a~~ .,:i"""", " .,.,t/i" ", ,i"" ",',1,'"" ',' ',,;;, ","',' " ",,"',".., I,~t't il~ i.,"\lltt and rl~ eP. .,t~;1c-rJ,".~:Obj~,Ct. i an t G thl'l f:i,.~al ::#a,b~iiQnlr' "o;~. ",' " "'1,, ," . .,~~!';.,;;..;' ' . '~4t:hl.' 'r:~' ,," thn will b. hear4 by th.j4!Q'i.t~:.~Olln(',ll. , Tho Cl,tiIotk"fJ;,. t~i':':etty '.i> . :,:Mman ~... hereby directAd ~;':i~4e notlM of thet"lJ:lfl ::~nd'~, ,:', ..~'k "',' " ,', ' '," ,,'. ".} ~',I ~;:::~~~~~~i::3~Y lae~~~/.. . A;~~RT. ~...... .' C'HY Clerk. ;,~:., ' "'L;:''''' I ,.,". ...,.,.. "j,!i:,. J~ }"'~~\lll"."~i.fJi"";~'fil .. ".:77, Ut03. '~, " ',,", ': :' '" ' , ..r~'" ,'", :: ':;.,~< ~\;'! " : ',>',:1' ':,,', ..., .) ~,~:;~c_.:.::::___,.. / ""- y ~ ~ /~ ~. ! ~ ~iI t J. : ~,1,','" ,: "';}? .' ",'; ~ " :- " . ! ";i ~'l .1, r1 I'"~ . ~ ",Wt!J"lt ~\"\\ ',\,\' 14, , ~': " ','f:1~":i ~ 1 ~'l iL." l '1 :;t.,;~ .l, '\,~f"::' '.'. ,', ''",1 ~"", .} ',":~, \I,'i t,Hh."' "~.".'1l ;,>'....,"'1. I ~fWr',,, I"~ ~ ' .' ~:h '!r "l ~'(:1.!.I\, ,~~. l. n :: " i1 :'; ~, ;M.!ld.: ~~, t. '1 'r"~ "L:_~". 'C l') III r'~"tf, /,/ ., I l'."il;'\:'il. ''!tn ~~: ,1 ,,;, :~:">' , I "i' -'::.; ~), "f"(~:~; ,\, ,i";;/,:rt .'. I,'J !)WIA:' 1,0:..1 , , , . c.~ r.~~'~'::' . l1, I':" r' '\ ~ :'~. '~ I c-,. !""ci'J, ~:(I~,' ~~) ''p''~ ... ~t J\I: ,,.. r,p t i 1 , .~ 1 ., (:'1i i: ... ," i. ~; ~:;'1I~ ,) YO' r~~ {I 1<i '-H~!'. VJt. ei : , 1'\(, ':11 ',~ :, c; ~ I f -';:"~"':' ,.. .' ,< "" '. . , . :/: .~" ":,..,. " '~::~;'<",~ A~~ ' '", ", ',,' , ' , ':"~~"" ' ",':~:~'i;7 ",r? I ,. ." r,V',~~n.~~ "." T,ot,:, 1, ~ \. Phill',l Lotli'" , .' I. I, t .':! ..;.~." " ,.. "I'" 'l/.-en, ~' r' ..I}'. ... .), _., 'J r ,i" ,,',t .'...... ,".'~' ",,,(J ',' / ~ $ .., ~.' .,' . 1.,,' ~~; /.'. ", d..n....~ 'lrIU).n :1:"h .~...1 . ,1.''1, ,i,.. "'"" '.. ;..... , ".?,~ . , '. , . . .',. ~' "',.." - ...,..,.. ~ lO() \ 'h'.1 "'~\?;e~m,', .',:;,: .fI1'lnden:'\dI1 lifTs ... . 1;:0 t " i Ie, ;'; ,1 r), ~1"'\I16",orl ,;..lr..thJ. T..ot 8 1,:::,:;, Rh'lrid,l1l :~:dtr~, }',ot ,~, ~Ojbrl:nSQn ,1.;';1, t;<~ '-:';'S" ',"),~: J ''f , i'1'-d..r't.JHa.,:l (~,. :''; '., L~t f1 n, tJ, ). n, " j' {~ 'A~d.An;(ln :,Ir-s, ,7riJllCi;, ~", ','it\." :" "'.,",..,,.,.,', ',',','",','"ft, '., ", ,."',, :",!'i, i:r~~"),:>:,',;:\,';t 3t~ti~',~;.>ij \' 1n[;:'\1'3lI t, tiC> , ',.1'" ",:~,.t6M;~, ?",.",'!ii'., ':,',' 7,', ,:;, r , ;~ 9 , ~illJl.:t~~:~xJtx+:X:;d:t llIIl: :i,~~ t: t;.rt'\,~"v . ,l ~ te, t I} , r~t s "4~i'1l, ':., ;~:, , "~~~:;':"'" ,',,:~~", '~" 1"01" t1 e~,i!;Pl. bna, ;- <it" ",' 'C'A,,>.','A' t _.,J'I';'~;' . "~,,":~~, .~~4,.., ,'I: .~, i'-' ,:~ ~)/?;i::::' 'I:.;,:: . Pe'iiau H.A. !;i:,it $ 1'V1213 ,t,l' ':'.',,-, t. , . , iru$tafa. ~lrlt Pres- b~r~"'riun", Chmch, ,;tJo~e 14 ..,15 , 7(1,,;15 un l', s, .' '<f;~Li~t ,; Hi ,:?-'l ,18,19,20, ,~I;:11~.il.S ,-liC Fl'ftd ';~~~'~'ts ~ll 12 15 ,,1;.:;,<,1 .' " ',,' .' ,'i ~(rron".Tf1,nnnc B, ot s 14,1;),16, :~' ,',:' " I (.t.';~~r.f; ~;e {) .11.. ot G Hi ,,2.P. ~:)t'~j. t.h :': S .. ;~". .t.~::: C!' ,~ "t4; Lnts 1),,1;:1~ ".1/,2,1,1, " :3ch ;),11<1 chmo-lIJ,:' . ),0 t 14, !'(' .1:/2,1;'", . nCLi'It,;;Ltpn Hr,'IlP"P. r,o u' 15,16, t.L,lmlllHtiIr 5 . E . ,J ,J, Q t; s 'J7,l,19,20, r;'~ ~~, ,.. ' ~{,r ~"., ~j ~ , ;0, '~,~e l,:,.,Ljr'S ",. . r- . ,: . ! ,,~,~i6:;12 , !'~'~,;,)f'\';~t}" ,', "'. "; 8h0J.r$r ,Mra. S.A. t.:'!l t s 13,14 ,15 , r'~",. .. ~..'.............,~ . _-+,..:t t~~~,_ (2 ) ~:"'~'( iiI:~"'~ ".~[::;'~i;' :i J. i rv i u \'. , 1," 1.W ,: G;) , G (J . , , 90 H .7"1, ,'I' , , :)0 1,::) .<~O. , , 1 , no ,1: .~:. . "~Cl . , , , , 9~ ~'1 .70. , , ~~st Rid~ ~ont~dl AVlnua, ,t~ ,II. "7" '~~lrvHw, e,o :"1 ,80, BO ,.~ '~ . f; () . , , , r I.) ",) ~~:: , , , , d1 '~l. . FiO ..,".'\ , , , t 90 ',7.'10. "6- , , 91) , '- , , , . , , , , 1',0 "1" ~ , , , . , , , , , , , ')i,' gO . , , ,.l~, II(}-" Alder~f1r." 'fl , , t, , , , , , , . , 90 47,70. I .1 ,::,~,~~::~'~~~~~,~~::;;,:;;~=~=~~~=:::;,:,~;-;-~~';:;~~:::~~~~'~'=':~i~~-':~~~~--;;;:;'::~~~~~~;;:~=~~~~~~7~:~~~~~:::~. . ',', ,:. ~ "' . )i\~:~~'ll ~Ilt ,~ f'~ f.i":'lt .:'\ rot'! II - byf,'~('l,\l!, ':;';"",,:11, 'f,OJ,8 l~\.J.':t;,,:-:..l./1\i r) t' ,~ tt t-~~llI1Ul /::. H. ;;.'A'nf,~ '~l ,!",;~ ~n l" I '\. ::'~:i::' ,,;~~;':;,f't t~d.' vri. ,'~" ~otJ2t'~i.,*I~a~ 'U , 12 " I.llt. i'.) :!'!'.dit.lm1t{1' ~,^," "At;'" NOTICE. ,Nutloe,:ishereby,glven !,OIt;V 'oounollllftl'leOlt:Y9to( ",. ail'ata tUlletingbilld on MAroh $8rd,190S, 117: ;".O,~"Il,t,j,',OIl,,',',!e,V,lad ,'"Il,d,Bt,', ".",e...,d"" a'"PlIel..1 " I."., ",h,." ,a~,I, ,.\:'$0 pro, 1Kl, rt,t"" btlrd,ldl), r,Jl,I....,,\, : QI~tHot Sewer NQlllbetSe'V~!l,aa liilW' : oQnsttDlltedfot aD Pllloilnt 8nflloient to dofra1;}he oO~,a 8D(l, .olipens~aof OOD- 8trUORDg 8uob~ewet. Stloh al~al%llNlt i. tbe'Stll;ll offl"fty-tbreo oenta,p,erJln- eat frollt 'foot on all tbe propsrty, bor. derl~oD I.Dob sewer a. DO,W oODstrnllt- e'd, ~6.wlt:, ,All proparty froatinll' or ~'OrdtfiDli: on Central &Ventle betw~n' ~baoenter IIno of AldersoD ~treet lIDd Mam,.Jree" I ' . 1'he reaMbtlOD le'Vyitlg nllb, tal, ' IlllDed by tho Mayor and Olty 0101,11, ' . , " i., oDtllf) in tbe ll'llIoe of tbe Olty 01.'11 , 11' W] 'j'''-l"I:$ q""" of. ~,OUy of Bozelll.n, subjeO't ,to ID- .\; . ...eQ~~(ln, 'rba.tho Olty Oo~nO'I1 bb ~,., " .@~JirU'llrd,19tlll.U 7:DOo'otQ.~k p;!li.i~,j;h4!' ..tthe dOlll101l db.mll.r iu ~e QM ' gall of Ibe Oity of Bo.alll.n, al Ule ~I~.,..a, ,II,',", pilleR Wile,' ,!l-tbe, Ol,t" 0, 011110'11 WKt.,ilIlJlR lI1sileottlltl olll'Ooll.reIbJ'O. \'f~il\allc1 Iltlr obji!eijon to' thl Allal 'adliltltlilli af ,HmO. ,'. B)'orderoftbe alty OOUllOi,,),' :8fttedMllrob' 24h, 190D, 'l'.M.Pierce,Oity OJerk, ,.,._.~---...o-:-'&,~-7'""-~" . .f