HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 03- 248 Levies Special Assessment of Taxes to Defray Cost of Sewer District Number Six J 1t t 4, .1 . " 91 :ti.L "p="":"-",. O' '" '::,.1.': )/' ...:: , i,;, '~:"i':',1 'J</ i \ ~iM~~)11' ::~~w~~ A POH!' lQ1-l I '.11 " ,.; , ";~:~':'h ';~i Apr' U/t1 <, ' atllntt~l b~' C.uneil ." , . ' . 1902, (al'dfll"ltd thfl'Q$%tIlt;r'uoUliln 01'tho1t. po~til.onfllt D1stl";Let ,. . ":,!.,'i ~ /6ewer ~lc. ":lx, dUC1~j.o(tdu 1"olhllt$:'~.jf;lh~~~i~~\~ , ~", "~'"'~:""\~~: ,:",.:,<.\..',,":'(":";:~ or the in t.@I;ra4HlUeT of qriilu'd;, ,A,v"lue and.ean.,"'" , 'J"l:~:t'\lnn;j"ng t.h"M.' '~":'::' , ,:,;::,;~,::", ,~,~~;\i,:, ",' ~.~~~:,': ''':~'>:, ':',',~:~'~::':'"'::,,,;,i':'i! .N&rth Qn Or.ma AVf'lt!1)e to the Mll';:.~J'"':,Qt~1?F~ok Dtrl'lol; ,tll.r,:~ o(~nl\(.e,~;).J(,'>, " ' , '~'::, '" :', , " ":',' "1::(,:,, ' "'" " " ': I~,~:..".. , ,'" ',':::,;/':~.,:,:!~(' ,w~ th Pl11l1 J.O ~e~r. N(I. ()~, tind 1N1fl!}!1A('l, thfl~1~~B' b~i~n()Q~,~,tr:,~ot.ed. . ~-~A'A_rb';/1~ ".'.;."'f\",,,. .::~ "::i,'('''','."" . t II) f) M 1; ot '. '7' 'if ' 1'1'- vt:' r.. '/1 D.,;:,', ,e lei! ~ t "'u, "'Z,~t~:\~rml1~: ' ;!,~:~ ":hti rr(;l:H.t~ ~.lm'dt'n.ng th.r'6on ,.n;d ''iel;'~"cJ....l1~1 IH.n~tf H~di th'bttt': THEF::::'~(FZF't E~1 it Ruolve:d., MId 11. ..r- hrc~"tJ:f (lrde-red iiY the~it~r'b.~uai...}:.~\" oil (If thtl C1 t:{ ot'B(>tlt'lUit,tl, that V'"oi'<~tZ;~ill SI~Ul$let ()pes~~~, t~~?,i~i~ ~,' , ':: '" ':~;f~~~,' .-" ,',;~,~:,;:.\:rt:t.r:" :':.'::;.:J!~' t.h& s;"'5!",d ,:.w,I~' imd~:,.v'(\~~18 ~f' I.mll ,.,"",: -, ~ lt~':'edr!l 1.1, ':'iP:':i',~~:~r c\tt,~ched, <1bdmad_, I p~r\"Ml'~~~\~~J:~' ~nd t)),~ ,,~.1rw:' ~'et.'it~dt1vl!1y a.~au(\ "thet.O'on t,(I) t;~1",.'ai th4r'N~t'i ;ilr:'.~ti~.,:"::: , ~. ; ". :'I,:~ " ,';"''''',,''": :<!::,~,:,~""~::~".:'I,,,:::: '.,:',",:,,:>:;::r,~,[~~',:,:;.::' fltr\lCI<,1nFII.ild :ol'l..l.tm of 8,ud D18t~t't i"l~wer n~l. ~~::<fliUl_'t'h.ai';1~4:<<B~" ..m..l .,oms bs 'on.cud tr." tho ~pO"jVO owners :,;h. uNC'~,~~~~ ~,.c:rlbfHl.:Lll S<lld gdll'd.Hle. Thoifl l[Iil'lSI~I,rlt h perBUilllt to 8iitJ ynt;U;( Ru.)hit 1011 ;To. 2Vj, lli1ueHJ b;I thl!! (,;.f~~, ~CH't1011 ,or': fql'f t1 17; , 1$),1. "<~;:~i ,/1:(, l'l1~t th~ . ..J,t#;. d:uy (If pI-leH, 19(')~'1. at '1:;SO fJte~~ck r'.,:~~w,,'~'"'" tht'l r.U:' nnlIJ.ciJ. "hamper- in U.O CHY 11~1l, is ht:ll'ab1rC\~'f:;~IZ,rHlh~":"l';~\JA,t ',' " ' \ ,',:'. " ,.,:., ",", of tht> ~:,wt!rJd ;:;'~:'~il: .v&c;-,;' J~W:'''':; ~l,J1t:t r t do t; r:~,,': :'::,"~':,:'::" h::":'" :~h t:J:::;O~o::o ::~ f~~~:~t~t~~~. !,t)z~',iJLlrj il; h!\1"6b>" iJ"" ('l t Ml 1: (J b~'n', rwt iet';' (jf th6~m.\~~~:pi ,:i':~::-':: i/ " ".,', ",,'.',.,' ",);. ',:p" '~;r, of th.il'l C ..tt \; ":i r ot""veh h"'~" It\f. us is Pl:JUV!(\\,(i; hy.J.<<lYJ .~,"'ir , /1; --/. ,,"l+ ' ',', 7 ~~ ',(",~":",,,-'" j," ~:J 'I'" " P)lfHi,;,(' ..~.., ,....,...!.ll)". (~1!32 ",\:,> ',~;. A'1'T!l:B'l' . 1'i7~ Vf"~~'" ~ . " ~ ... . ... . I I ~ ~ , ... . . . ~ ,,)~ "'lit.)' 01,;:1'"].,_ .:3:~,.<;;~::.".,. , . !1'il'l,d P>it f9ilf~1t ,~.prit .... ."':.; .,1f.O~. . ...,~....'",.,._,-_."._.. ,.. 1 r ~..~~ ~...J ~,I " .'c::!::::: ~:~ ":~.' (1) :~:~ ('; '1 ,.., I ::rl.": ;;~ I'IiJ{'j? O:P D1 c;r;~'HI e'l: .'T~;'K:':.;H JH)'iEFlEH sIX. ARmM;S'f,m'P:EH: .,. 'r,"p.", ~'\">("""' ""Of)'T' ,I" A 1/" "";'-"''',", ,.' ._ ...~,; ,..,;H"1.~.... ..:~ It\. )..,'n j. .[,:, , ,t. '. '\)~ .I:;, L,:L.','" _I. \ ':I.'" -~._-_.~.-.~-_.~._..----_. I ADTll '1:1 O~T ',\'0 C n'Y G.P ""'10?J~IA~{ :-:i",:i(). ()';'1, '~"~Er~~fJ~ !\""(,,'J1IJIlI OF -. ~ :~:/:trr~~~;1Ti" N A}.$"OF OU:';H A1TD LOT 011 'i':Fl.A(~'r O.,:rbet t .0" & StieG hi (..M. .. ;ota l.. 2~ r!J,nmr II ell . :;> Aldut"$On::l ilO ;~<;~',di,: ' :;:' ;<k~'9 , 'i' . I i ,I Lewief,amllel H. , Jtob.t~ 'Lots 3, 4. .. 11\'" ;~ ,,!~~ /,)'. , , GO, ~P.l 'to 1jf:],C;O 'I,uo:,r :r;:. :r.01:8 5" Jr. 11 :1./;, ft. {;,' "a" J GaGe t,tffl t::" ....;. J"O"t:fl. S. lO, 1/~~ XL. t3;' H. 1/2 of 7!.. " '9...,410 l1(1),....tt ,J. Tot r" ". 1/""' '7 r4 "./1 I:)", '~I ~ It , 0 41 J:./;: , i1;:t ,,6r~. . . J.. '1" stein,t. g ;r. 1,otl'l (i, " , {f , I , t "0; :,' ~) 4,5 \',flyieVt. 1'.:" r,otfl 'd. 10 , 1 . 1 , ' In) ffm I.m I~. ' . ~,Q't s 1, 2 1~;',. 'V:::, 3. :,!,"" ",aher :i3\lrr ~ta 4, I) t~' l/;~, " 3 UYiU " . 'r I Pland.l.lrls (\. ,~:'. I,Q1al 6. 'i', n, '), 10. .' ','1 , , , I~.., !Jar'dnor }!'r'c. 'l'leri, Lota~, 2, 0,~, uJ" t t lJ.alnon 1':..1. . I,ots B ,:' t 10 I I , t 'I. HrJ:floy IeL,. I" 1:,Ot5 1, :'~. ";.::J U . .,:t )....v :.~ c "~',~ frol'lj.t1[::C1r F. I,ot 3, . I , I ::,0 lC.~15~ .j;.) ..., (,'l 38'\" . "..., ",. '. ~ ",1,," I ~"'" ,...'i ,i,,;(~I&\' ' 1''''orp C. F T1o'tn .,~. t [,), :;:'~"11 l,ot I;. 10 '1:"- , . , t 70 ,Jo~"_ k'~' L . OJ!' ovrm~n ,c,T) .. on ,"'1":;' CT,\, '" \a~1~,\t ~? (" ~+, ":;\~d"" , ' -). \~!;~,<.,. 11.1"H 'J. E. 'l~" , t s "I, [j, : I, 10 :tt' . " ;~. ~~o \. '* ~,;~I tf -",....':.."'~,., ,~1~ ,,~l,'~ f,' .<~~\',': .~:'~:j ">":",::,;",,,, .~~<M<'/"; '1\, ,. ~notnm{', '. I. ~$ 1,:;:, ..., , Yft..?:f' '.1. '!I1,\iyM' !f}. ,;,,. u> tQ n, \), 10 II N~1}30nS~:J>ry, ;f)-. ",0 t. iJ 1, " :~;, ,:>.:l.vin }:;' i(,l';,.$' 4" \.";" :r P. ,", '7, lrj r~C1":" rn+p ~:J () Xl i:"!.: ,;..:r ,~','.1. ~} (I'\~ u" \'; t ].,0. ":1 ~:~,)~ ':!'.,i,. .J) ;-,~: ,1, '(, 1/. ,., "".,"" , :':. ,,:~,'::: . ,!",I . 1111'" "'.:",,< iilt !lie;',.; 'ihU"'.Y''f.iox.u, tr; ~n r: 1~;",,:~. I),o'\,,:'"' ,e':. .. (., '';; i', :. , "h~L'" 'l"l~:~t ~). . (,:(1 ", '" i, ." q'<~'t' (! ]:"'" .;,',::;':", () r" (',~ " I,.. I,t)tB :)', ,_ I\l d(l Clllon, V'. Tjct:~~ 't,!, 1.0. }',,:rt:<J.,-iOl'l Clil'i1, A. I.Qt/H1:. , l:,l,d,,'~;: {' ',::::, \::.. I :. ~,' }\~.{i.~.')ti"':','L\.'....,<.'t.t 1,; ('~ F'~~ "E1 C:l"\':l..~':,~\. ;,,(., I,. . A1 ii,,;;! ',Son I., ,\- :.",i, ;,'i '" c' ~c l' ; (,,' ' T'" ',' '(,' ", ~'""',",'~,', ~- / 5"1!7 ~ .1 en.. '..~~,l (j t ~,: 1 ;',':~ s },.', . "~""L~"'~',...:L t (;;, lY~ 't.r'.' ~ '\Y. :~ 'LC<,,'i 17, 1,.'". ~ ( ;.;) :'dJiI'U01il' 'iO OJ';Y O:~;r 'T;~<E~t~',^J:r '.dr'~d.Q~ "./tU II . '. .. , , ..:L:,<~:,;,,\ ..,,~~~~:, " '''':'''''J~\' I , ',~:-> , I I'\} II II I , "10" 1/:': . , " '{,' , " .<' llf!\> , ''li'::'''''' ~~ \.., ,',.," t" , ,.' ..~} , t , . '" ''/.1 I , , .'p . , J:6.';'it D:Ulo Gr, mi r','\f'('Jl1\.lo. :b'i:,~.J ,r,\;,'jl- ~'~\i{., II 1/ " /1 "11" , I - 1.'5,0 7":.;:,0: 100 110 90 l; . .:~,~' ~"!j),"OJi. 60 60, ;)i!.i'70. ".",'" ,.~. .- .. .....,.." 1111 ._~- .,... ~ 9,4 .' 'i~;;I~~, ,. ,(~ ",e', :':;~\"";~X:~~" '_"', ",..if) }:"I?'~": 'IW'~~ ,d' :",~ ~'~, 'J c~ .r:.';~:: ::~ '" ~:j,'~' l' ';9:~:..., } i'(). 0:;' T~"12::':D~r 1"""I"'I('l'~ . '" C" , Ii,,!.} . '.1. JiI~ ,,"~:.J ~ .1. I .r , (\";\ '~O'~':reVI^:N ;~~,.>\. ' ",,",1_<1''' , ." 1M :{.,,,,t , ,,'''' , ,:' ~ > T ':~ , ',< w" , ,,'IJ,", 6(l "OV/I~"I}j'.; r, l.~.} 'i':~l,', ',~" :,.,on ,',~,'5'1 01. <0;;:\ C0 :e. J~~t:~ :~ 9 ;zo "11" '"," t u~'tOri~enrY Lo'fi;i!:~'f' L~. "0" . ~':\:": "i.,:.,: :'~: Bb: ~;incl1 "!l''''~'.);''\',','I. , " Lot "',' ,~' 141;, ,"n . , 1.,,;C j~ \/.. 'S~il' li.,l I t , , GO J;l:idtLl.~. .'>. ;l: .',~i'-. T,~'i;~ ,l:_~. .::~ ~ ;;:~,'t:g I...Jlllh,1l:j i" "a l (..:. . ':V, Lots ll,12,~. 1" "it::'~~F"l{':z 1:5. , ~"" '...."..,' 1" ~1'l'" I'Y" or""",.",;,." ,,,,,,, , ".,.. .' . ,..", ' . , 1:.0 t p 1 {, 1) '," N. J.Wi,',; ''',','',',,' l;~fj. I/;: 1:j. '. tJ ,r , I GO , I 'I'D , , t~() T1.~l~t T:l:;\{~ 1.... 1-..',. iD~ 'I" 1 ',', , I?, 1/'''' 1 " 'I ~ .. ~ ..~.' -~ iii " , , 7f:j ':) .1;-:'('/ :1. ~:.i i~C ~\j; r~:,;~. 1. c; ';,:. I,,<..l(,;", 1", ],',: ,;,':0 A>I , , ',;0 !'~iJ~~t:;.Lr,'~'.lr (i. (1:'. :Lo ell, :1,: , :U'!. ":,:" , , ~3rCG}::~3 ;,':. . I:':; . , , , , ~.">,. {' 'r ""I :l"~i' ~ff,i'/ T,Q t :,; 1 "'~, , ];J cICl '{~ r,.,; ~JY (.1 U o. ~E~. :Lot'~ 1J~, 1'7, li:'~" 1') .,...,,0 , I '\""l lbO'" , , 'i"';~:~ "C'tl)(:i n~':olm ;"l"i"1. ,;. I"ot? 11, 1:,;:,~, 1.:-::;. ''':IT'' (:0 .' , ., '\.~ d<:, l'S,D'l".\;,,: ' "t~l};:..1. t ,:;,~ ,'L 0 ;'~\ ;:~ n j'i, :!JQ ::;. :I.',') Fit c:. .1./:, Ie. ' , i 'j '7:) . \Vt') r r.~ ~r U:h71 :~? 1,c', ", 3.? l,~ I 1 . ;.;0 ':. ll:: ), "" I , , I 1;,5. '~~: n'i~ :::~\"j' iei, ,~,/ \ ',', ~" ~, i!!.t:;,ft'50y:1: . (,0 "1#,* ""'"".: I' rJ '"j ""( ," .l,,}"" ,r ,,; .,~.~', ..:~ ,'".. III n-. ~H :i'lw'1 iJ{' '.i.'. :J. }~iO t. i; 1 ;;~, :;,/,~:, I , " \;10 '1L~. J"(.~ll c. ::,0:: If:, t . 17. ... " I ~ , ,l'~ t.:.) f{:l tid ,:,'". J:~. k'}I:,C :L:, 19, ;::0 , :1 I' so C",t:'!fllic n:hurcl' 1,0'1;n 11,1:.:" I", l'lll"';,OI II 1:,:0 " ~ ,~.;:,::.:; t :"i." ./~J::'f't"t"r"rff'l (.~'? : .....~-:I,,"l1/;."".....;1t:-'. ,~~I~'",:..t\;...,~:':~ [~': ~a, 70 :5~~, ?O I'm. 40 ':;::,70 , ,d~.. ;'l~; .'10 J:.... ? h.. 1.~9. 05:;. ;.:,~,O,. ,,:';ll"'f';(~i .'::;'.~'~ r :~~'.:.:":, '~J't,..........~~ H/ I'"~ (4) O? :"i:} 0 ?:Fir ':}~ '~'lT :,'GI~:,<:: ;1(<1 il~~;~~EO~n~~~rA:~,:!'~j~.. "\',~ 1 1. i f; ~~t:t 1:"~:/ }',ot [,; .Hi, ]J;, ''Ir,''1 ~, t1d" Ald~;;fj(ln:; "-)(} 4~,!: PL>. :"'.',/1' :~', ~,~'l.:'ri;:; 'i,: i,:.t .,~ t; Il ::.:~,y:n e ;J ~ '~;,J"' C '~":i'. \J f !.' ,,:;Y,. () l' i ,,:,,1 C:'r....r :l1;:~ t; . }:!i';';,;, ..i..I!, ::~~~'l, j,,~O. I' II SHJ ",l~l. 05. :-"-'7~ ....:1-/ ' ~,NOTIOE.c. ~\ ". ,t~t\"l ,l ':~ptiO" is bJ~ahy III vall thllt tbe qi,' ty :: "':~" .', ol1ooil of we Oity of DOZaIDflol.l lit a'; ,.- , L':lO'$tillg beld on Maroh 9ard, 1905,'by\'C.ohnt,V (If Q<l11..t in, " I0601utloll~levl~d Rml nSS!G9';(\ Ilspeelll1 tax on nlll,roperty borderlllg 011 Ole., trlnt Sewer Number 5\:1:. 1l1l1l0WQOO' ~trDotcd for flllllEDonllt Qomolollt to . <l~frny tho OOllt nnd ospeolo of nutl, *trootlllg eoch se\'\'~r. Suob IIIle.amotlt is the SOlI! of fifty.fonr IIlld ona-be:lf oeDts per lIDe~t froht foot Oll ~11 th~ :propetty ..,rderlull o[l.ailob sew~r as /1OW cOlletrnoted, to.wlt:,A11'prop~rty frootlng')I' botdedll/loil OUl,nd",.A.n. ~1"/ llt'lWSJ!.:ii'::,r' rl>,gIJl<d.;r,,~.,,~' pUb11;lhtHl nM between 00118se ..net oud Bab, oo~k atreet,' .':, i,' 13 U h of The reeohitlon levylnll ,gob bs:', ~ItIlQd by the MIIyol 1111' OIty Olerk, ' Is on tllo In theofllce of the Oity Ol.-k of the Clt,. of BuewlIlI, Iiubjeet to Ill', .pootloll. TlIllt theOlty OOIlDOI1 hall ,,. .', sot April 31'<), 1 nOB. 6t 7 :30 o'olooll. p. ::J, n ,. m.ll\the Connell Ohllmbef 10 the OIty I"" Hol1 of the Oity of BOzemall. III tb8'.}j~ time Illld p1Mo when the (1ltv O:)lIllO\1,. ~',"~+" 'IV 111 tako ll.ll~l notion OD 'noh telOl,n,, '., 1101\ ",nd heaf ob,eotiou to tbe 80.1,,~, " .. , ado~tioll' of ellme, ",'! ,By order of the Olty OQDlIc11. , :'1 Dltted t'<IBfOh1l4th;190S. . " I ~ . T,,~.,PI~rOe. OltY,!Jlerl':' :' I;~~ of ',Jdl.'ln t Lll;:l.o.t '" '''''';'.1' I ':,' \ ' ',,) th;: Ci LJ l } ). 1, T. M. P:i,CU'(;(') r,g:l. t~ " ",,$I" , ''''':.~ k;hnn t;~~~iII, do h~p'\) l:Iy .. c~,~tt~l~,. ;' ':, ' ",',1':~ ',<L"::',,. ,'," " :,,~ ,.d u l:/~ij.q ~:i. $hl!l(i':::btth(~ (hill a t;in Go'lnl'!,.Y: nelt1e,\ I,uhlic.li' , ) " ..~... .~.~.,..~.- ~ .. ,~~,.__,""".'..;;.;;;;:o;"".,-:,',,", ...."............~ _