HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 03- 246 Amends Paragraph 22, Section 2, Ordinance 201 9(} ~ :':1\ 'T '!- i AM O"J)INANe, TO ~ .0::':: ~r.c~~~-"P 1~A}jC1l1 RO. 201 RltA'J!}lNI TO r,lcr.H3F.I'Li' ~.'" gp'c(:{' '" ' . ,'~ "' , ,,}:~ ann 1 + " '\-" .{ Be 1 t .ordaS-Red by the 01ty Oouncll "f the O.t t;r. of Bozemiiln: \ fl.ct!on L Thd "Parligrliph 'I',....nty 8econd of Section 2 of Or-d1niiRCQ 201, be amend&d to r.~d a' tollowa: d Twcnty-~.cond , -~tvery travellin6 m~rchant, hdwk~r OJ' pe~.r ... 1rlW't <<arri'. a p_ck or trunk .and ve~dl!l gOQdS, W<trt'lB en' inercheind1lS8 of . , l) ..1,1<:1nd must poly li\ lin.nSe fee .f Twelve Dollars and fl'1ft:r Cent:,; per \ quarter;,vOl"!}'pl'll"tum hav1nG nil' fixed place of bvs1neS5 in the .;it~r of Bozen~".t" ~hO go. $ fll'fm hous~ to hO\ll!l...n~ offers for ...lllt or s~lls go()d s, '1,~\i....:, . w.r"'r~::merehalld 121ft ~st pay it license ree .r Twcl ve Dollars ..nd Rifty Ctt:l.taP~ qUiIlrhr;' ilnlt~,r~r merch,mt who travel'fu from place to place ud not"~$',",",'.., :U,d,Od 1ft the .,6"~,,~ pro~hTon. lil~d ....nds goOdr;, warf'ltl ill!lld mer" chtlnd1sf" ..' tf'll!lporary quart-rs, sholll pay .. liC8n5~ foe of Il'ift;,' Dollars '1: " !,~ '.1 p.r qu-ot.rt8r,','but UH! pt'ddl.r, l1olwkl.'lr Qr trdvll;.ng merchoant, who c~r1"1es ~: 1",1' ..le and eelle only agricultural product,a r.t1Si'Id \1:/ himself or ;l1"- \t1cl~a m<lt~{,.lracturHd by hj.r!'lstllf ~s nnt includl~(r ~n tht'l provilli01'1.S ()f;.h1a { , paragraph. , :~ , I.J-- P.,s.d, Ld'lY of :t:!- Appr'T~d,~ddY :~d.rch, 1~05. e~ . /~~' "i..lj (lr . (If :,!,...rch, 19 O~l) . ( Seal ) A.ttest: ()1t~,"'l' ,'k . ~tatR IIlf MQntdn..., County Qf rhtll.a1;;).n, l ) 58.. l ~ 1, T. 'f. Plnrc., nit;l r:V:f'"ll: 01' thE'! r.itt (If Bozeman, Mont.,:tnd, do here by cert1fy; that on the 7t.h, d<t~' of'March, 190"., 1 Ilosted tlve copiea or tho fer8go1r.g OrcUn<lnctl No. 246, in :riTe public ilnrl cI'Hlsp1euoU5 place. ~..lIil1d 111ty or BClzemiolR. ,,} ,.lft' "']'X'NF.~q WHERF.()l'l', 1 hdVA h$reunte l!l~t my h.md OH thie thH 7th, ~Y'bf' M"'r"oh, 190~:i. \' I Z":Hy r'brk. Yi , il. '..; ~ ~~C-L ~,.2~(J ,~;7L/..... $'~) (I .1 ... .' , (t