HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 03- 245 Amends Section 2, Ordinance 212 """'''";",~~i';~''AllJJB~':''''''''~' .... . ':\"',t"':~';"'" .: . .... ~....~~!::i'< ':':,i",':':;;~:::'":"~'.,,; '. Bank"" with on$ wash ba.a1n".................. . ll.k..y. ....b oven"",..""..""....."""".......l,60 1,0 BMber _bop, :first ohBJ.r.._.. ..................... .,. lla.b.. .bop, ....h 04d!lla~;toJ."....... ,I"' ",;.'H/l.tb, Pr:lVa.te~I.............,~ ., ,....'......... , Bft/th. b08i:r<ltna house, 1st t\1l).......,........ BQ.tb. eac.h additiona.l 1iUb. bOaMlll1 bou"......;,......................................... Bloth, pobU....... "........".............,....,......' BIIUBird S.Q.lool1. each t&bll8..................,.... lloardlng hono. (".ll"",i..l... tban $1 G . , pe1' a.nllum) per 1.0om.."........."......... Brick work, per thoulilaoud l&id"..."........ lluteh.. .hop" ,.. ,..,.......,.",,,,,,,,, "......."..,. Clg&.I....to.y (no U""ll" I... than '15 pet' yea.r) pel' h~\d.."..".......... ....... COWflI, 6&Ch.......""....... ""'1""'"_",,, ....." FOI'gi!, flr8t tire,............ ,...............,........ Fo'l'p, each ~Vld1t1onQ.l flre,.;.._....."........ Founta.lns (atM1ona.l'Y, porta.ble or lawn tountalns, jt'b: for Boda. foun~ talttlJ, ete., 1-16 incl, o:.fftoo..,........... For months ot May, June. July, Aucu.t , ..lld S.ptemh.., o. ...nyl....tlonal SPECIAl, MONTHl,Y'RATBH. pat'tor any nionth..~ .................,.... 1.iSO A.I.....'" """', " P61"Mouth Hall aud 'lodge., hoom......',:.....................'l.a~ to 2.00 ':~".~~~ifn F~...1'8 Over lItorel, eto. Horae or. mUle,. ,.~~I" tnoimUnl wa.&binlJ i?:o.r;o~.ql' ,rno181amutes at IJame rate u .....IIItIO............,........."............."..".. ,60' ." d...III,,!". ~)J'!: a.nt'l mule, efWh &f1dltlon81............~ .~(Ij, j'.:~VN1'At~_", H. 1 lor prlv..te >tabl. .l.l~ 1""': (St-iililI>#V. po.t,.bl. O.I..wn 10UlltoJll. " 'i~~. \~ ~~ rr:.. :1:onB......................~::::::.::....:..1.2G to 2.00 J8t. terr'.od. tounu,tlfs. ew.) , , I li Illoh n.IO"" .; .. L"und,'Y (nO lI..n..l... tb..n 180 per .j\ IIlOh 0 ............ '""..".........."........ $ 3.00 .., yeo.r), per hlWld, up to lour ha.ndB... 2.50 'I" U II h :nce....,.........'.,....,."......;........".. 10.00 Laulld.y, .Mh l>dd!tlolloJ hlMl'! ..hov. .J'- P t'OblO 0........." .."..,.............,...."...., 20,00 2.00 . or a. e 01' Ia.wn touutahuJ ('.It <'II 101l..........,............."""..,.;';X."..'if.:.. ~ ;, IlUmbe.ol.",,,n orin... '. ... .or. ..". ....yol."" with ." Offic@o~Bleepll1~l'OOm"~,~. ....., .76-2:Ocf~~~ ....... - , · "f!.L..~..~.l~.d..Q.I. of I.i; ft'l~h Oy.te. .aloon....""......,....,...."...."...,......$!.25 to, '. l, 0\,\11'" ,,"d tb....te... given ..bove will b. ch...".d III Prlntlng otfice, six l1a,nde or le811............ j ~dttJl)ll to tl1e rAte ft)l' hOM. (~n&ln,e extra.)......."... ....................... 1.25 :;thUU.HIlD Rou..s- Phatogr..ph "oJl..y .....,....."... .......".......f1.2S to 2'g~ (~. oll\... or .I<<plng .oom.), PIMt.e:dng, per BqU~t'$ ya.rd............." .... , ',' Rate to be ChM'Sfd to JandJol'dl!i. ReBldenoe, occupied. by OIle tK.mily tOT. ~.;~ " domestic use, of tout', rooms or Ie!, ~ ~'IP. ~ Re.ld.ll", .""b additions.] 'ooIl1I<tJ1t.~.1 a -I tI. ., .s.~' ~} :::~~~:~~~~.~:: :::::::::::::::::::,:: ::::::::: :::::: ::::: :::~::: ~~ ::gg 'I;,. $p"rlnkllng, for eacb Jot h&vlng fifty teet ~()nt or le'. lflth -rnJdenO$ thereon. to rqu]a:r domesttc customers G't wQ.ter, trom e&id WiIoter works tOl' tbe y~1t.l' &It the ."te 0171lc. per montb 04dltlon..l, o. $4.00 per .....an forthe month. or MaYj June, July, AUlJUl8t and Septem- bel! of eaeh eaJendilir year, 01' '1.50 pv lnontb. Or h'ac- tlona.! part tbereof a.nd 80. fol' each a.ddJtlona.l front foot OV8t' 150 feet, per month. And when not otherwise a COU8umer ot water of ",a.id . wa.ter worltl9', and !or vaoant lots, tor tbe year a.t thE! ra.te ot $1.00, ,per month, ot' '7.50 'Pet *"!lB.80n f~~ thl!l monthlf!i\'~t M.Qlf, Jun", July, 41~kuar. an(l $~ptember, or a.ny trB.CtIonal part't of eitherl o(;~~ld ~rnc;sntltfh alld 8e. pel' tnot~th for ea.oh Q.ddltton.Q.1,tr:ont trdl1t ov~r 130 teet. 1'0'1:' eaCh 8"~df,t101U;Ll front. root fI.i cent8 per ~eaeOl~ when the $4.0t18@3son ra.te Js pa.1d. 'Pl;'ovlded, tha.t tbe aprinkllng ra.tes herein m~e ..hall not tra.kfl I!!ffect untn Janu&ry 1, 19011 a.ud the tXliBthll rateR $haJJ be tn tbrce unttl thM time. $pt'lnklllli carts, pnbUc, pel' oa;ttj while 8ta~1:e~S~i~~;:" "~~i~" ~~.. b~~;;';l~~;' ',~i~ horIIM or !~, tnc.ludlnl earn,.., WHhh~l!I.........'" ......---.-..................,... ~84 . ::~:/:If<',,:;:j .'ll,,~>:S..ti..,l 'i,;~"" ,1"..,:,,:': :'."" :,/ ,'" ",' ..,> '~:<"';"" .mehded t.Q ~e.d illS fgllows:- .' S.oIiM B. The tollow!na Y1....,f'.V'1~y ..tabU.h. ed for the Ul!!le" 01 wa.ter, payah"'11llllilf7tn a.(tvance: Per Moutb. '1..25 3.00 1.00 .60 ..LV .Sll .50 1.~ts ,50 .25 .~O l.25 ,'~O ,15 Au' ,~() I I .75 I. , '.. i $5.00 1.50 .J', ....f .It..Ilit.':..... ~\ Appr~, .,l"~~ '. " ,'~ . . Att'~~ri ~:' .::.~.::~;?t.;',., ~,'~ ~y . .1 "'~' .\ "~ :)~I. ,.- r, I,'" L . ORlJ lKArt'1fK tlO.';'IH2 rIfJT~'J!U;~". ... F.NT Of<' THE BOZEMAN ~,..".,,,:OF.,T..,..gr.' SAME, . '" "~ ,~- '.I.',.. ',..: : , :: i: $ I '\ .~~~i~_ S...bl., ....h addlt!onoJ ba... . ... '. St.am bOllOl'!l, ...ted ~1If h~-;';;~'''~~;;'' hom ODe to ten~bo"e POW8l', work- ing ten hout's per da.y or .lees, pelt' Ste::r~~::er~~'~~'~:"'~~""~'dfti~;~~: .&0. 8teo,ba- pow.. up to twenty......"....... .85 III boll.., 0... twellty ha... pow.. (8peoll>l) ~toton. wo.k, per Perch..."................,,,....: .10 ~ .... .nd .ba~. lJrinaJ'l PrtV&~~~~:.~:.;;i~~~;l~:~t;..t.fI& to 2,00 Ul1ll&18, In atorea, b&nka a-nd od1.ces, .~U. .ars cJosln.. elWh (Ill. of O1'fftoe ,at. dJ.ItOl'lII- tlon <>1 CIty),,,.................................., Water CIOHt.8. IeJt..cJoiilfnl, 'prlva.te, each W..t.ez clo..to. o.ll-<llo.lna, publl., ....b ::~ ~:~J~", :~~~ct.e~ eaeh;,................... , ..,b........",....""..,.. it ~ + .. ." '\ 1,00 ~.,":'.. .~~.~ ,25 .50 ,I MBTBR RATES, 100 to llOO &&l1on8. per d.&YI per 100 .allons Sa 1~g;::9 1500 aallon., PO' day, P..100 goJlon~. ,~. 3000 0 3000 aoJ1oll., per day. po. 100 aoJloll'. alto. 3000 to 5000 a..1l01lll. p., day, per 100 g..lIanl, a.. 1000;010000 ioJlouo; per day. PO' 100 a..Uan., 2ljo. . ,,,,,;r more ,a.1I0DfiI, per dq,y, pet' 100 p.].Jc:m., Do. '. '1 Pe. Montb STORlie ,urn SIlOP..... StOftB. wtth a width of not 0'"1" ilS teet' and o...ltOty hlah ...1...................................... 1.g~ Fot .'a.ch &ddlttonal !!tory u~d In connection with .tOte 01' IIhop, not Over :95 teet, In width........,..........,....... ...."...,................" .75 ll'o..&OIl additiOn,,! 10 loot or 10.. In' width FQ'i eac:f;,~~j~J~a~~ri~~'~~..i~~..i;~. ;~'fd'ih'j~f .40 each I!ItoJ:'Y' above.. ..j............,...'''....I............. .2fS SnllmT OR P A VlDMIlNT W...II!IHlI:....... F~ I!Ipclukllnt BldeWalk and to center of et:teelt, for t!laob Jot having &0 reet tron't , Ot I.............,......... .............................,... 1.50 ll'6. _b .ddltlonal f.ollt loot..."..."............. ,Og ~.n llse of water is d~sir~ f~r purposes for whi.-chnordt.1l 1$ here fixed, the City Council or water committe may fix a rate. I J ;'\ . j Se c t ion 2. "..,U..i:-ehed, to , 1st" 1903. The rate here t'lSt,.iIlD-i t,.kft fI fffl c tr.farch, I Ii J