HomeMy WebLinkAbout19900813 ~.. ~i' ,J_~ THE C I T Y o F B 0 Z E MAN, MONTANA COM MIS S ION M E E TIN G AGE N D A August 13, 1990 Page ----L- of --2- Pages Item Items of Business Action Requested by Commission Previous Action No. by Commission I. Roll Call - 3:30 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence 3. Minutes - Auqust 6, 1990 Report from Pedestrian/Traffic Safety Committee re priorities for Motion and vote to acknowledqe receipt of report 4. installation of sidewalks - Dean Drenk, Chairman Discussion - FYI Items 5. - City Manager's report Consent Items - Motion and vote to approve, and authorize and direct the 6. aopropriate persons to complete the necessary actions Commission Resolution No. 2808 - authorizing participation on the Workers' Compensation Self-Insurance Program of MMIA; a. approving issuance of bonds for same; authorizing execution of attendant documents Acknowledge receipt of application for vacation of East b. Aspen Street between North Wallace Avenue and North Ida Avenue as requested by Jim Caffrey; refer to staff Acknowledge receipt of petition for installation of stop c. or yield signs at the intersections of West Lamme Street with North 8th Avenue, North 9th Avenue and North lOth Avenue; refer to staff ;.. -- THE C I T Y o F B 0 Z E MAN, MONTANA COM MIS S ION M E E TIN G AGENDA Auqust 13, 1990 Page ~ of ~ Pages Item Action Requested by Commission Previous Action No. Items of Business by Commission Building Inspection Division Report for July 1990 d. Work Session - budget for Fiscal Year 1990-91 7. Ordinance No. - Tentative Appropriation Ordinance for Motion and vote to adopt and set oublic hearing for 8. Fiscal Year 1990-91 August 27, 1990 (if the work sessions have been comoleted) Adjournment Motion and vote to adjourn 9.