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'~p hl'H'Erby lTl, ~tt'ld .;.,'1 ' '~i,: ",",( ';":,';" '," "..,...:\~!":~:-./.": '\1", '",itef", 4t~\1.,~'\"i)'r Htl1t~ by , . 'I\;--'(:~'('I .' ,.~,;:'*, 0(' I!U:1Hlnt.m. ~\t:"\~~$:.%,~ .~ 1."" (L:. . : . -f'jnal Fd a tl.ti A: I:! , on l.!'H~ ~o'.:':::"d~rt<t'J()f-: Stilt tee of Man tana .}".. ) ss"; ,County of (};J.ll<<tin. ) ], T. M. Pierce. '\, I Il' ~.". .", '.d' ..;,::) .' '" 0pjv~ \':~iL,.. ""~"':".:."'. . I"'" : ,:. ~'A"1lf~ ~.,},tKi;JH. < ";'," :' :", ", ,.>.,"...... ~,.j'" nlTY r,r.!,:ru<. ."H::! " .~ . ~ " ':..... '.,' ~ "" ..,*~".' hereby certify thiilt on the 7th, d.y of N~v,,~.r. 1902.:t::~veRllIt(bl f'. ',il\,th. t1ll1!;'~~ 11.*~:?;~~Qt~h~i~i",,,,~~iil~~~~ ....n th~\.t~~~~Giii!~~~,,~~~,~+ on No ,~44~t. . .~t,,,'i,:;""',',:;:,<~,, :, ',": ","",.., )'Il,i:"+ ','!i.'.'/"~::'<:.',.;' ::' :::, ,', ,".: ,:," :\, .,' ".t'l ~.'f \it ,".Y' ~\~":,I;",~),~: ::'.f +~;t.l;:~''':,: /}-:;:':"'" ';:):,,::, ,,;;, '...., ,\: ','" ,,' ,".' '::' "::?i:t;'. ,':,: ,\':'.. ":" ,,:"'~~'" . Plti'!'$thg s"uCh, .tUcU1Jl,three pubilj;i,'c''\5'ial,.e in 8ioli4Cfty "of Bozemtllll-.,.' :<':i~'l.\') , ',"'" . ].iN Wi:fmSBWHERFja~:~).!I~~.J'tJ.~'r#\,p. t,.\l8at my h,and thi l!l N evembe r, ~th. ),902, ....... "i;'\~'l':i;'l:;;#t,-5f2~ . . , C1 t.y Olark, City Clerk. lilf theei ty 9t BOZ.nwri., if).,,:*:; :(l,i~t~i .... MO~'t,lIlnlil. .- /' ;;:.,'.:\." "-