HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 02- 242 Declares Intention to Open Public Alley Through Block B Across South Ends of Lots i to 10 Inclusive and Across North End of Lots 11 to 20 Inclusive 7b, ..~!: "-'f. """ aOUNOJI, REsOr~UTI0N NO. J..,JJJi. ~ COUNOn. ~ESOt.UTI0N DEC!JARJ:r-W ~HE InTENTION aii' THF: OlT~ 01"' THF: CITY OJ' BOZEMAN, TO OPE': A PllBI,JC ALLEY 14 I1F.FiTWlm<; \, If, /,,;1 ',<.k' :,'~ ,,:,~LOCR~ORl(]]NAI. TOW:H'\]'i'E OF' THI~ Cl'JI;~~~Z:~MAn,ASHOr,~ TH}'; SOUTH EJft7S, ,;i:!OJi' LOT"i 1 TO 10 lNiJrJUSIVE AIm ACROSS THE NORTH END OIi'!.Ol'~ 11 TO ;w m+it ..}\';.,'t.. CLt)~lVE. AND TO SPEC 1 At.l'.Y ASRESS' THE COSTS THEREOF' TO tHE PROPF:RTY m'~i<'" SAID BI.OCK!\R1JTTllHi SllCH A,IJLEY SPr.;cIALLY BENEf<'l'1'ED THE~EBY t'; PR01'ORTlOR4~: ,. ." ,,~, ! '. <~k;t\~~ tO~PE HUM:B~rt"'()~L1,NE A R l1''li;ET BORDT<;R INn. THF.RF.;Q]\T . \, . .".1, WHE'lEAR, <\\ rWlOberofthe propl'\rty owner. in Block "13.... original town'i te of thl~ cl~yli'BOUllliiln,h<3.Ve petitioned to thCllq:i,ty Council tp ~u9r ~ ol public 8.1lfl~1 14 teet wide throne;h the o~nt.;r of s.lid block from Bla c:k A V~~ . to B07.eman Ave ',' <lnd, :v.. 'l'l:HF;nEA.~. by common consent ot th..;",ownerlll of property /lbu~(t:~,ne; thare- ..' ....,yjP"y,>- On. an dlley hill boen. since S'ept. 29th, 1/'181. opened .md uUdi'M' a nub- ~\i(;~;~,i~<; ,~ ,.11e lilley throuGh the oentAr of sa1d block from Black Ave. tOlf.po1nt 57 , ,l':i(r~, ; . tee t Eu t of the WAS t line of Bozeman Ave., and ~"I WHEHF,A3. W.M.Nevitt. th':'l oWner of thu rem..ain1ne; ground necessar:r to ,,'. extend ..1<1 alley to Bbck Ave., hl'l8 offered. to accept $320 t~:r th~o:,::~lime, and WHERJ!;AS. the open ing ot .a.1d alley would be Ii publi 0 banet it : .'1'KEREPORFI, Be 1t Ruolved by the City Council ot the a'1ty ot Bozeman: .IHrat. Thlllt it is the :intention of the C;i.ty Oouncil of ~~\(hqr of :. ."".):I~:~~~~~~;":}:.~;,;:'::I '~zel11lln to oIlen a public alley 14 feet' wide thr'ough the ,cent.!""" 84id 'blocJ.( "B" trom Black A.ve. to :SozAIl1lln Ave. .ume to be 7 teact;; , of the I('''l~:f'': South flnd or lote 1 to 10 inclusive md 7 teet orr of tht'l Northeh~s of .'.'1" i:',:<',~,;:i\. loti.,ll to 20 inclusive. Seoond. That it 18 the intention of the City Council to aceept the ot- ter or VI. ,',;1. Novitt to t.ke $3;,0 for tht'l Cround necesSdry to extend 34ld estimated lAlley \'0 Bozmlllln AVA., 8ill.1d sum be 1ng t.he"ax&E:t cost o:f.' op(m1ne; 8<tid 1111ey. Th 1rd . "~'. :;.,. :';'\,:,i./~?,;:"':' ThiAt It.~:~the lnt~ht16n Qfthe C'1ty Ctmnoil to specJdlly asa- e8, the ooeta of Qpe.ning u1d dby to thepr'operty abutting said aU@);! in '.pl"oport 10n to the number of linear feet bQrd-er1ng thereon. fl'ourth. Thlllt;thfl property apeolallybene,fihdby the opening ot said alley , and to be assessed for the costa thereof,:i.8' all the property in uid block "B" of the origlnlll townsite ot the 'City ot Boz€tman. I w~~. .ii::i",~_.. 'if} I/, ,,7 -~".. .~.. ....~.. 2. Pifth. That the COlH of opening such alley -.hall be pa;!.d for by "'"lir- <t:;:~:.;jkt drawn on the street tund ,I:lnd whan suidspeoid illU8~.~~ii,t leo01,"!' .,j:~\:(~i. t the sUllle shell L be pdid ~n to the atI'Mt fund to :rlt1m~~r:l{l the 8<irne. '~'~,4P.' ':i[J.at.t128 ~ dd~r ~f~, 1902 olt ..,..30 o'clock ,. "o'hr;"~:'>"i" ,,' ',' , "'~:~,~ '\ . City dotih'~,:,OhllUllbl~r, be .:tn!i 1.8 set Iipdrt liS the time Ilnd ~:.:\r'~!I~)<" JF ','! ~,\." :"'1 "~#in<l:~ ~:~~;1on oilth.i8 rUo1utiOT,l. will be 1;.akflll by th'e.01t:;{ Counoj.l <it ""I;.~h t; il~aP:lll 01t~r Couricil wUlt\!an objections, it an~;.,,:~.r thtJ proper~ 't'~'~;'.:)rs Off;f;ct9.d by thA open ing of such dll~y. /";~~'f;?:;~~;r'j The City Clark ot the City of 130~ml.in, .bt~ .md is ha~~;b:Y-1;, ,i.nM ...... .' -7'.5~ Lh-?'7+p . '" ., sti1.lf:~tEldt\6B;i.V6 notlcl~o: tht'! time and pLleo, dS l8 !lrov1dfllv h:,r 1dW, by :.'::',~;':~"" . , ,,','. r-' "i' pos't inC noti'~es .in three C~ )p\.rbl.i.o pLiCAB in said City of Bo'it&'~i4;n. l<'I": PdB8fHl and I:lpprovt!ld on this Lr-" day o1'-"~, 1902. ~/~}~ _:.<,~;) Mclyor ': .:'... (CiJ;:~ Attest: :,"Qt~ City CIlH'k. , .~:':. . . .' I' P~al Pi.HHH:lge on the ~ cti:\:' ~' ' " ". ot~, 19 O:~ , :1 Iii t " .....IIiii