HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 02- 241 Creates Funds Known as Sewer District Number Five, Six and Seven Fund .- , '. ':t ~ r' I) " ,-, f'''', '" , nt-")'~:rA'~T(q\'~T" 7 1/ / . IJ.J,ll .,.1" .,j,. I:'~\.j~ ~~,_.__._ -,p,oOo-,.' , AlT ORDINACF. (~:Ili:A'j'll'[(J CT':I:TA.HT j;'UlJN~ TO BE KNOWN AS S1!:WH:H DlI S'J'P J c~' NlF1T-\r;~c: R'J VFi, p'mm, ,T!l:ll'l!;R DJ 3T]Jr;T 1:lJ: ';B 1\1'\ 'HY l1'lJND1 ~mWl.~f-{ nlS'l'H]CT NOJ.mK'~ SlWEN fl'tlND. Be it 6rdiiined OJ' the nity Council 01' the Oit:! of Bozemiiln: <,action 1. Th.J.t. there i5 hereby creiit,1d . fUlld to b\'l krH)Wn .a8 i:ka "Sewer Di $ t ri c t j;umbllr fi'i va I'i'und". .. coQctillllt1 2. Th;dt <ill revenues dorived frmm speciilil .usessm.nta of taxea ilU property 1,10. Sewer Dj.strlct Number F'1ve, sh.all by the City Trlil.as- ur.r be credited tG Sewer Distr.ict Numbar "':live fundi ..nd ..11 costs .nd e.xpenses of conatrnctJ,ng 8eWl!lt"S 1n s.;1.d Sew!!!"" Dlstr,1.ct Numb.h' Pi Viii <;11.11 be p;il.id f'row sol..\,d fund b:J w..r'r;il.nts dr.wn Qll a.une, Section 3, That there is he:reb~' crcated oil. fund to be known .s ~ew~r nistrict Number Six ~und". SlilctHlll .J" Thdt ...11 x'@venue derlved from spec,i.iill .sse.,snwmts of t.xes ou property in ~ewer District Number Xix, 5h~11 by the City Tre.s- urer be credi t\:ld toSewet' District ~Tumber Six P'und i ..nd ..11 Cggt ,ind Up\:lnS6S of cQIlstruct1ng .e.ers in s..id Sewer D.l.strict Numb<H' Six sh.al1 be Pdid from 8.il.id fund by warr.nts dr..wn on the a.me. Section 5. Th...t thar. is herby cre~ted ~ fund to be known ..s "Sewer Di8'd'ic't !!umb.lf' ,Se,vllu Pund". Section 6. Th.at ...11 x'evenue derived frO-in specioll .ssessmants of t..xes on propert.J' in Sewer" District Number Seven, sh.l1 by thl' City Tras- '.lre!' bid crilldited to Sewe,- District Number Seven "'undi ,md .11 cost ...nd expenses Qf constructing sewers in s<1:!.d Dotl'*"~J:~xti Sewer District Humber SaVan shall be p~id frwm Bd~d fund by wolrr.nts drawn on same. POlS sed tIll s rda~' Of,~__;_l';)Oi!.. (bZ-.t^::;;ved th,"~__d", Of7w_:03. . ,\tt.,t ~ __ e. ~~---..-li~o.r..o_ elty ca,~t'k" ~~t...to o1':.tQnt.J.n,l, ) S8. County 01' 1.).11. tin, ) j. T. ;,1, Pierce, Oi ty Clerk of the (;:1. ty of BIi<Zdlm.ul.. :1on t.Ula, dG hereby certify, that en July 10th, 1902, 1 posted five copies Qf. the foregoing Ordinill,ce No. 241, in five public .nd conspicuous pl.cea in tha s...id City of Bozeman. liH W] 'l'IrP.SS w:-r11'HlWI1', ) helve hereunto Sit ~ h,wd en this,tl1lil 10th, day of .Tuly, 1902. ~......... C1/J'Y CU<:RK! I .~ ~