HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 02- 240 Declares Intent of Council to Construct Portion of Sewer Number Five, and to Assess Bordering Property )( ---000--- c cmK: I L In:;"" OLtI'T 1011 NO. .2 if () , p, HL!"';OW'l'ION DECt.:J"iW:\1 IT THE IN'1I::NTr:;N 01" T2lli err;; CJUlIe II, OIi' THE C l'n[ OF IK1;_:DUA'n, TO CuNS'1'HUC'.1' A p(;[t1' ION 02 l)1'~TnlCT1Ii;3,ml ND;,,{- 3E!;t<'IVE, ANI) T;) S;'ECli\Ll,Y' t',<':',;;E.S'~'!'HE ?Rml:El~'l'Y JvHD}:r:ING Tt'l1;l:U:Ol';'1 i'Ell UNEl,l1. l1'Oar, Fell AN AI.{OUNT '~mI''fIGlm':T TO nl~I;1'll\":l' TH.!~ COS'!, MO Hx.i'ENar.: Of' SUCBCQE"';THUCTION; AL'!iO To Ci.Hl"'TRUC'r A:>mT DN UP ;:'UBLIC ~E,'t'F;H NlJi.mEl-10~m Ol~ ',mWICl'EJiT '3I?;g .HI',) CAFAClTY 'rO~1j;HVE ,\.8 A DI'"",'fU,,iC'1' I "'L.~,;' "':-:',:\' ,i<'\. "",1 <:J1~Yl'hn :i'OH'I'HE 'HO-)r;!:~'rY 30Im:E.UNG TliliREJN. I~J\1l) "I'a AS$S~ 8UCl'l-;"RQ:~:.;LTY B</IO;;:H nw T iilm.::;u,: 'f 0 rH':i'1Z,:..y TIll/ EST l:ii.~,'l'E CO"jT ImCE~";:~r;;Y T<, C ;J!;'--"J:rmCT A D r-:TH rCI":;L'NEEt CA'),31:.\',: O1? s:;::aVn:G3UCU :'ll Q:'ER'l'Y . ','!I{El:n.:N'l, the ownerfl of one third 01' the fEll. frontage of t11Al i'ijt real utate bord,oring on that portion of' Dhtr1et ~3ewer Number Five ~j"",Wi.' , '- hGrdnatter deRcr1bea, hav" petitioned. the City CduncU,'tQ'~IIP.lmo ~Q be aon!'ltruete'l ~uch port iO'1 of mal(l dbtrlct u,.,er",t;fnd the G1t.J ' . ~, .~ \!~ , " Counoil deem:;t it rtcaC0BMry tilnd. cxpe(lienttt:f;~ l'lan1t.a.ry- pU~he~ for tho r€lddenh of ~dd t.Ul'Itrict, t.O ordor the conl';t~i~~"on 01.' ,itU611 t'I$wer, all'lofor the ..a_"8.l'Ion de.ms it neCOrlntlry to eonl'lt:ruct thl'lt, .'/ r portion oi~ PUbl1cJqwer"J'It;!nber OM 'ar'! '11ef.elna:ft.~r:,.~e:~;~~~!,i; THERJ::;"Cr{E, 1313 nliuolvElilby the City CounoUot the CHit of' 1)0 .\!leman: . . .... ..' ~':' J<'ir!lt,- That it h the lntenUonof. ~,ti\jil*'iY Council to con- l'Jtruot that ,portion of D 1driot Sewer number "i'~1ve _ ducrlbed 8i'r r01'!": 10'11:11: Beginning e1t or Mar the c:el'lter of' the'tnt~~.!Ql1'Qr Third Avenue anti College ,.; trect, running thence north <m Third. Av!)nueto ::.,..,\" the cenhl'l of Olive '1treet, thoY7ce went on 011ve3treftt to Uu' center I. of ~~ourth Avenue, tc> connect with ;'ub11c: ::;ewe~ Numhe'l' One oni.:'Qul"th Avenue. '<, <jeoonti,- 'I'hnt :it h the intention of the City Council to ltpe- oially M.'1liHl-H the property borrlet'in~ on tlo,1<1 portion of "aid. D il'1triet ;",ower Number five, no to be conl'ltructed. in proportion to the line~ feet bOriering thereon, log<l.lly ~1"lge~mt\ble. for an amount ~ur.rlc1ent to defray the COrlt nnrl eX1>Qn"e!'l ~ !'lueh conl'ltruetion. Third,- That thepro"pcrt7 to he \IlO u:"!'1e!'-l!'led !!'l all the prop- erty legnlly l.'l.Me"'llI11ble within the bound.l'l of $EnTer Dint1"lct Number "~I~ "Ii~ '...'...............,'........'....'.::.... i".':,:,:, )) !~j: I'. ' ;".:'::' :: ~:" ,,\ ,';:." -,:~",:~,~,:,~~::.;,;:":~':'" ',',~~~~:~:.:.'~~.~'::':<,:~:~'~": r I Five bordering on and e.cqommodo. to(l by !'Iuch. portion of' 1) 1striot Sewer Nmnber Five, ~o to be conAtructed. ana an above desoribed. l~ourth,- That the uUrnate .coet. of' conli!ltrucUng Raid. p()rt~on Of t1ald l.ill'ltrict :'lower in ~':,lalO. aD. That the e~t1mate eoet per 1in.. ElIlX' foot to the property bordering thereon and specially benefited thereby b. 45 cent~. Said lHlwel' ll'l to conrll!'1t' or a slx-inch, firat qu.ality, double !'ltrength, vitrified, salt glazed lIIooket mGwerpipEl, in pieco!'! of two feet in lemgth." to be joined. withf'irl'it ql~ality . ~~tu-tik,~- . portland came nt un'l laB in trenche~ with all the neell.lB!,:",a:ry apl:)ur-,;~ ten3.ncern, including man..holel'l, lamp-holen. and. flu.htankl'l eonl!ltX'Uot-"r ed of' ha~l brick laid in oement. Z~lU9h tanka to be fit ted. \1ith Q!x'" inch I!l.utome tic LT111er I asyphona. All \vork to be done in accot'l'lanoe with the pHtn:!'l and s~)ecl1'icationl'l on f'Ue 1n the office 01' the city Clerk or~airl City of Bozeman. \ \; L'.ifth.... That it hi the intention of t1he C1ty 'COUrlC.ll to oon- struct that portion of J:'Ubl1. c. ,if. '"ewer Number One. de!Jcrloed as f'ollow$: Beginning at the ceum flf the interueUonof l"ourth Avenue a.nd Olive street. running thence north on }'ourth Avenue to the canhr of 13a.bcOck ~treet. ~,~:!'l(jr':'..~11.()n.iar~~8t.f!~1~dttGl"l1nd Avenue. to connect '111th'!'le\yer on GrandlA\venhe. . "lame to be coneiructell of auf- \ k . "t ~I i'icientPlc4f!.';al14- capacity to serve aft n (l1llltriotl!lew~r for the prop- erty of'3ewtlr 1)htrlct Number One bonlering theroon and"'benerited thereby. <"':ixth,.. That it is the intent.1on of the city Counoil to 8pe- cially &9!!1EUI!f't the property legally l!'ll'lFlesAable bordering on gald por- tion of' !laid publ1c !'lewel'.' in proportion t.o the linear feet horoel"ing; the:t:eon, for an amount eQ.ual to the utlmate cOst ora liii"ltrlot aewer l)l;1pable oJ' 1.:>ccolYrno(1e.ting such property; Buch a~qel'l!lment to be u.SOJ.'l to rloJ'ra.y !'IO much of the coat of' com~tructing nai,l portion of' ~'ublic . ! ...., r;ewer Humber One, Um woulrl equal the cost that wottld bo neCe!1flary to construct a dbtrict Newer of' ~urJ'iclElnt size to ::\ccornmodato the propertJ" bordering thereon. That the property to be eo aSi'lef'J"Ied is all the property legall~i' n",,,,e":Rllble for such purpollle within the bounrln of 'sewer D !strict Number One bOrdering on nncl acoornmo(lated by such port ion of :;"ublic Sewer Numbei' One. AO to be con"tructedllnd as r,:' above 'ltl",crlbcd. seventh, ~ That the o"ltli':lc:tc COI,t of' eon~h'l,wt InD ~'nlci-J ::<iJ.'tion 01' Public "lewoY' Number One tt""'lcl'''lrc e.r> :), nublic ",(lifer r\n,l'~,hl() ot ~urricierit f1 ize ~llVl Ct":)E:.,city to rler-vo n~ ~l d,i~trict ~evro:e "[;'(}J;- t;,'10 pl'O;)Orty ,J(,H"';lCl'h:;r; tlHIt'Efon. :b: '{l7f3,':;':J. ~rhl) onti"iC.te <:'iJttt Qf' C:,)l1~ !'It,1''u(',til1'.':- :I fli"tri.ct :"leVlcr c/_',,:x'_iJlf.1 or C\CC()r:t!",O'l~ltin'; the i,'r~),crt:/ to be !"I()iMtod b:{ ~uch I"O!'t 10n/"'l ot1 iublic :;owar ilu1"{lbcr Ono , I'! 0 to "'0 con- '1tl:'lwtcd,- i!'l .,:182.8. OQ,.nYl'l t1-j'o _(;)"t i'V:ito. cantpa!' llne~l' f'Clot tu t,'i1C .~~ ~ proporty borrl.er:J.nr; th(H"()On c.l1df'or W11ieii r'l,;,)\';c1n,J. ~);fl!'lI')f'i:"mnTlt i'-: to 1).:) I,., .," me,do, J.~ 45 c(~nt"l. .' ~ '~ ;~;, ~r', ., El(:;hth, - That "the eh::lro.ctn!', (Un1Q,J:1!'lionn, nt~ ~otDriQl.nr Duch . , ~.',',: "" . .1 " portion or;"iubli.c "ewer HlL'TIhor> One, 1':0 to 1:;c COll!'t1.':..\('ted.. 1~'~ t'~c> !]tlrne "iIl' ~ll: l;tb':)'lio ;\:('oflcribcd. ror the con!'lt:ructioY\ of:~i:!t!'ict'"()vJcr;'t:tmber /'"'U-'z.. ~, (n:cept, t,l?,at 1;.!1Q pi..:)O il"l tb beC;\i"~bt-inch ,;.ipe. IN'I ",~:, " ran ~h, - ~ha t " r~t the tile a_~la.y OJ:'~l 1(,.6;::;, n.t '7:.::::) .)'r,lDC;" " . I Counci;l. Clwmbo:r in th' City llnjl be ,.D'i 1." ":C:.. ::;"'l~t n'l 1.',; I i the t~,.:-:c '.'!I'Jon f'1rml act:t,on i?n thb rO!"lolutiorlwil1 be tcd~cn '"y t>(J City C;o'uncH, ';,n~:1 at which tir~l~ the city founeil v:ill hot<r ()1.'j()ct1::Hl"! ,f . ~ .,' H'ony, of' th~ l,:r.o-'~ert~ OW'rler!"i nf'r~ctao. by f)uch i~~:;;I'ovemontn" . 'l'ent"il~'~I:~ho.t th~ City Clerk ot! the City of' nozli;<':::n ))() rFl i:'1 hereby il1structe'l to give notice o:r t:1e ti":~ EH"l 1-'1;:'.C0 ()j' '_"'dC: 'L()::r'- ing t:"; 1'1 ~Jrovi;lcdb:/'12'lJ, b:l[)o!'ltin,:~ DotiCQ hi t::l;6c)U,blie:1lncen in r: ~,':':', i ~1 i I '~ (ity of .3ozG'nnn. f':\tl '~cd, .:)T'l U J:>;r'ovcd OYi thi!'1 tr= --~"-""" ~3Y of July, 19U2, j.\ ) , ,'\ttF-"t" (:@9 (7J1t1?~~ (; it y (n r; .,..1, ~~~_.__".:_t:>'()Y.''' --:(!gc, on tIlt". ;!f/' 'I[~-,V (,/'- ~-~ ." CnuJh~5/j J?J7k./'~-.J/~~~: illcv~~~~/~/~.~7 c-v4C1/~~?~~7~~.~ ~~7-~~~~~?-<~~1 ZA..'lv:lqD~.U~7~7~. ' ~. ?4 ~~?4~~ ::c:- ! ~.~~~--t'~~ jl'-'1C~~~ . ~~~)P~.~=--/7t?L. : ,r~in;:>.l 'i.'~....L'\' .', i:;;! ('11 "" '3~~i?o~. .~ (- 1'- .; l ~ " j " l( f:' .~ J , I r .ff , .~ t: