HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 02- 238 Declaring Levy of Special Assessment of Taxes for Payment of Construction of Public Sewer Number One 1'- i ! t, " A / ;\i:.,{;/X;':-:' h' { '{ j \",. (,," ! /-/ Nl1lNf'lT, m;:~;;)!.nTlon NO. ,Ii )(1 r ...'~ ,-' "-"000--- 1\ R1Snot,UTJON T.l.:V'!JNO flPh:CAr, M~~E:'lSMF.N'.r or? 'r,a..'J{l!ls fl'QH'l'Jnr, f'AYW:-'IT o~' '.em: con~:~TRlJeT}ON o:'~ PUBT,JC S!ll.wI!~R NU~ft:IE:H om~ QI? SUt;>l1'lm~NT Al~tfii'i;Nt1D PAC IT\' 1'0 F1!!:HVE AD A Dl RT1UCT s1twm~ f10R TUg PROPF.RTYBdR1JJe!'U!lTu''l!1'lE11mmL WnWHF.:A.fl , _M~1t:XJ, th~ 01 t,y Counc 11 hascQused to M oonst.l"uctatl that of Pub}.:! e Sl'J\vet' Hutttbor On~ iliA d$8<ft1bnd in Ord .in.wee No, 2~n; fi(llHlttl\iv,f!' iUld oapacity to serVe 4lS a dist.r1 ot; M'w~r fc)rtha' ()f ';i(1vl:{1Y'D1strict Hm!lber O,na bord.cring thl'rl' a on , lllnd wherlhie th(*,:::t,~:'ty 1:::~'}!,:;'i'~\,:?(,':, : COIlIlcil h,-18IHlt1rn~lted the C06t; ofconstl"uctr1ng .a cUatrlct. al~\'ilJri''riAAPll'' I,,:". blc~ of a,oeommod'-lt1rl!) eueh I)r'opert;J,to be a$ f()llows; All tho !)\'l'6pc:rty . bO"'dp'I"1ng ()n Pt;t)l-!o BeWfll"<!lllmbM' art$; on Main Strant bAtW~H!:n CRUEl .mn Roul,'le Avanu[\), anI! pn HOllU Avenue HNW Mtwltlm Mclin Mend.enhall ,Stl'~0'l;, to be :'Hxt.y CElnt$pol" l1ne'iill foot. dIat dll'Q:'J~~:'l" i"'::.::', ~ ::,;\ ~ . propl'll"'t,ybord.erlng on Pllblic Sewer NUllIboi'One to b~l ]<lorty ( pa-r Uned f'00t; NOW tffffiRi/:RORbt,Bl,'llt H/iH)olv@d, and ~ '!...': ,', '" '.,:..>,'":.,':,. : ' by th~C.l.t:t Council of ther Clt:y .Q1::eOMllIan, that the ~\e'V!lnll lillJ.~lt~':a,at. 0IH)SHI'l:. tche 8$voral !(Its tinct IilAr'CElls of Und IUI ~lPIH"arB ht~reto 4.ttilohed m",de a part hereof, be lAnd the S;1me iAr't'l I I: , , :tl<lftl(11IIU'l .us*,uil!td therO()l1 to ttetray:t.hl'l OQtit.1\:dte CQst of Ii cdpliinla, of accolll1ll0daUon 8i!~dpr()'P~rty, Th111 i!l&$flIlRroent Council H$~olution Ho, 222 p"'al!l~dby tho 01 ty Cmmc1:J.. on May, l(~Ol, 1 t is fUl"'th~r ord6redMli,~t Ba;l,.d seveTal SU!!15 be from the r"ltSP6ot1V$QWTler13 of t,hEl laTldcleScribed ln8d1d II -:tU Th<lt tho ~di:\Y 01: Apr"il, 1902 .1t 7..:'iO o'clockp,' :1/ta .'"" 1.'i:l'ut::il:gIUl~l'tlt .:K1t 'Ul!t a~Nx:k '" t tho QC'llmcl1 Cl1dMbet in the City by dl'!flj,gn.1tC'ld andaotapiH't d$ thet~me andplillCf! at which bo Ute finiAl iIlctop t1 on of t1jls rosolllt ion will be hei.u:'dbyt~hllt c,il,Th.6Gi tyOll'\rk of the Gi 1;y of B()1,f'I~,U\1l'l h~l1."ebs' noU(l~l"/r.thft tlmo lAnd pl~ee of .~..,.,."".~..(~~t~'."..'.~'...1.'...~..rl.1. '.' '~'."".' ........ ...... .... ......C..~.,.l.....~.'O.....' ,ij., ":'.'.1A~:~~I~'l""}(~'" .\ , "ur\. MML , ", I ,.} TY. f~ljl~1UC-~ fl'inllll. "- P.ss....ge., A$)r11,26 .,;ii/..902, ~ ,cry . ' '?~~~,~',-='. -- - ........ 'In=---r -~~ ~~~:~---~ --::=~:~._'-,,:-=:;:';;~~~;::~.~'~~~~i~~~~'~~~~~'.~~~~~~i.~;~~~~:~:~~I==--;,. " w':"-- I II I, " \.0 ~. '. t... 'I, "",.,) .../ '," i i II Ii II I I' il 'I Ii ii, ii Ii :! 'i ,'I N_ .,...... ..- 'fbW"'mlOtl. $CHDlLJ:. .........,.'..~ ...:-- i ~''''I .- to..... ~tr. "I,.. SUry'l tttta 1...... A... '.....2.rt....Il.. "... '.' V of e ,l...lMI .W._.of . ,anot ',lO.l1,1a.U.14.1'.U,1 '.1>> " 19~t __.._....iIIM,__......~..._... _.'_ ___ i' il. ii II " II II I' ,! II Ii Ii " ;i Ii' Ne:leOIl."U7 :lr. Lots .). &1 e.o. -.U.,.. tot 3, II "- i II I I ~,.It&.,..., l.ot '. ...1.1- -or', tot. ....'.1, .'1. P. L ...... f4t U tt. .a....'..otl. ..... o,~..,...___....lt' . \f.",,,,,, '...' .... IS .., I...,. 4i. If_boa It..... .. "1. w. .,..... ..r ."1"15 ,." . .raM'8 KIl:v. LMa a " '. o .w .lfot....,...:t:. 3,1,4,$. N;oo ......u... '....', ... p .y..... j...... ~:~1~. ~ 1. 2"'....,. " J_..',.....~...... .e.t.... . ~,.,...... .' ~..c'.. .I\.W.... ot 4. lIlt., .It't. I. Lot 6, .'.D' _. :MfI;,. ....ft 0' .. f.d. I , ,. .. h~.. fSl'w.J.,htt.. $"8H .lI. th'. , :f _..J.' C 10), ~ / ,n j.. , .. . t' 't (~ '-.,. all" .... .. ... " " ... ...... I' .00. ',.....t., 11 .to . M-oet. . , 13.50. .. ''11 1& o...,uct. , " .&0. , 4.4.- s.....'..t. , .... ._ }'-.., , f It It ........, 18.1f III "'". &1. 'Tel. 6'0-<<'.'. .' .00 . ~,. '''.10, ... ... H.. ..". , .. II ,. I. 31,."1:). It " ':1, I u.. ....;1 ...t.... . II 'i' .t ft ".1 .... 0..... ''''. If " " I.' t r;, ; '~.'" + , I: J. I 1: ,. " -* I i ~i" ~.IIIE::i: . llr ,:"":,~.,.,.~..,,,.';'''''' ~ 2. George R. N i ch Ills, ,>:' i,:,~' r,ots 7,e, ,...1 "A" Original 60 .... 36.00 Nelson ~tory, Pllit, r.ot. 9 and " If) n. West side 10, II " 45 2"1'.00.- ,1" Wrn.M:.Nevitt, ,'.' ~ ~ ""1" 15 t't . East side 10 a.nd all of 11, " .. 45 " .. 21.00 Nelson g', dry, 25 ft. treat l!1de of I,ot 1, "B" It 2!;-60ots. 15.00 Fl'mrlld Bf.lhribger, 5 ft. 1Il.,\ 8 t side of 1 lie' 2.8 ft. West Side of 2, " " 3>0-- " ,:1.8.00 R. I,ohkey, 5 ft. East Side of 2 &: 26 ft. West side of 3, " " .'.. :51 " ,,~ 18.60 J. E. ~1art1 b; 4; ft. Rut side of ;3 & 28-1/2 ft. Wast side of 4, .. .. 32"i'1/2" 19.80 A. O. Roechor, 1-1/2 ft. East side of 4 &: 20 ft. West side of " " " 21-1/2 " 12.90 ,) , R. Ii' . MClY Estato, 10 ft. East aide 5 5 and 17 ft. West Side of 6, " " 21 " 11i .00' v Nelson Story, l~~ ft . Eut $ide of 6 and '13Weet 81de of 7, " ". 26 " U.60 S, \11 Lewi8, 17 ft. East side , . of 7 <ind 22 ft. . WAst side of 8, " 11 :59 .. 2:5040 Ruth Mcl'herlllon, R ft. F.ast side of t,ot e, " " a " 4,60 S.W ,T,l!I'Nil!!, :'S ft. Wnst 81de of I,at 9, 11 " ~'S " 1.80 "",,,_..._J I,oui$ Krueger, 27 :t't. ~ut Ilide t of 9 and all of 10, " " " 34.20 Edwin A. Marrit t;, Lot 1 and 26 ft. West Side of' a, "C" n.',' 56 " ;?i:?60 \. Luter ~, W1l1son, 4 ft. Eut side of 2, all bf 3 and. 7 ft. Weet Side 4, " " 41 " 24.60 -~-',!,~',:':;,:',. ;::.: ""...;,.+,,;'>:.', Lot 1, ::::::':':':-\,';:":: r\';'r'!"~J; TriUf. I.ot 2. 1....:i,"'.'~":..",t,.,8r. Loh 3.4"" .(.. '!i_...,)..\)M.,.n,,'~,.. ,:';Lot 6. :::!;~' t.,,."' (: 'ifi} I i,i;::, '1,<' r"; ,., I(.~ "1-' , , "I'''... :s . V. J ..ittn$l", 23 ft . Wast I1de .e. ~\I.. ~Ji1-.,.;rw :N',~\la:A . Or-1g ln41 Plat 28 " SAdaot r.ot 5. NdhhiStOr"Y,' r..iIlt $. (J. W. Sope~. a5 ft. ,W..t .ide ot TJot 7, Anna M1teheU. 5 tt. Eut I!l:l.de of 7ahd 8-1/2 tt. "ut Sid. ote. oiorg$ HUff~n19~1riLote, '. .h-nli ellfe3M.,>:i*1l!1a' ..fl#.:.... ..,....... .' .... ..../ ....,.,' , .\l;'ll.:'ot:,i~j;.l1.,...of' 9_'41.11 lit. "~f.;y,t,y .._~iti.., o~:U, ... ". 1.":,.1l'I"..t~.'_-\h.".~.~ot 13 :':i' .alUilEitti....'t.. .,1d& ~t 1,.. . . 25 " " I . 30 · . " 25 · " " 1.3...1/2 " " J.9 " ," " "I'.". " 101 It " ... " . '6 · HenrY1i:l'ns I:.:tats'f" fll. . . ;: ,11'::\ '..'.Iil....,'.4lct. ...Q~l,4and .'~1oir J...e.. ,',/,'1 I'. 1'.', , \II It 44 It ,5;,'. . ::O~1:Y....o.t..'$o.,.~~. ):;; ....,~"f-,'.''t'i,.,~:~,:j ;'\~l;i ill ,,'i' , ,'.','/I{'; '1$:("" ,... ,j" ../'. ;;;, . '. ftH:lkl~. ....1IM S'l'R~. .'.'",""."":, ,:,-~"i.t:r,~':'\"""--'''''''''''IjIII,o'''---, ,'.' "I !; ttjl;UllIttn Counw. Lo'tll;2.3.4 ,5,6, 7 ,8, 'k.' Tra.oy'l at, . *n" 224..45 ~ ;;:,'s. 'JJ . (Jab orn .:t~ t9 . \""'" 'j;'> ~.;::::! " 28 It Jame,' 10.11.. . It 56 '6 56 " .' Il . ,,' " ~;:I."0i~,';' {~.~' >,.' >~}~,~, },; '" . " ;.", ',~>-:~,':~J~::~,. ,.'.1i!..,'--.: :6'6 · 56 " " " 56 " .. 88 ,\II" It ..ae It . " " ~~" II . . ." i,"" I ~ .l.'~,OO tel,OO 15.00 8.10 UAO 6,().,60 2' ,:60 26.40 '~"'.r. lOQ ,.60 ~?..60 ,1~~...2Q I"-,..ao 9~:20 " -::",,:t'*:~,~~fVx ~i) .2Q ",.:*2'0 .~_;+~W :. ,'.:..1.>dJ. GO.. I :,<;~,:,~,I :". ~~.IiO U..,6G ',:,,':"',,',,:,;,';\-" : ,~:, "',:,::y.i""\':,,,: , ).li::~'60 4. LllmmaEs ta h, r.ots 7,8.,9,10, "0" TracY'~,s Hi 11 5,0.40 1st. Mr,., W. JlI. SlOIlU, r~oUt 1,2, "B" " 56 .. 25.20 Walt ar Cooper, r.ots 3,4,5,6, .. " U2 " .50.40 Mr.. J. Andnrson, r,ots .1,8, " " 56 " 25,.20 (}e'o. A.. IUld M..lLCobbQn, r,ots 9,10, n " 56 " i5,.QO ~ LllJ!lIl\ft Flltlltlt, I.ota 2,5,4,5, 3-1/2 ft. Rut side of 6, " .. 1'1'5-1/2 II , 61,.9 ft C~th!'lrlne Clark, 24-1/2 t't . Wen side 6, all! ot 7 .snd 3 ft. Rut side 6, " " 55-a/2" 24.:96 ,,,) , Nelson Story, 25 ft. Weat 81d8 B. illl of 9. " " 53 " 2;'~'85 J. }j). Pat'tee Estate, 25 ft. mest .ide Lot 10, tI " 25 " 1l..,ij5 J. N. Br(lWn, :3 n. West $ide 10, all 11,12, " " &9 " JIM .0'5 "in_ton Bro.. Lot 13, " " 28 " 12.60 ~TdS . 11. Klng, I,ots 1.2 and 9 ft. Weat side 3, " fl'" Or;l.gind 48-60 i 28.80 Plllt .:~t. Cla.rk Mero~ tile Co. 19 l.'t. East sid. ~ .1 rid 23 rt. West side 4, " " 42 " 2,1'\;,.20 _. Mehan Story, 5 t1l . East Side 4 dnd, 25 l.'t ., West Side 5, .. " ~. 30 " 18'.0'0 Mllgg;18 P. Mdloaey, 5 tt. . East\. .'. :,;' ~(, . : side of 5 and all!. 6, " It 33 " "\~"'*tt.,80 :.>'" Mendenha 11 <'l: Smith, 25 ft. 8 ~ehe8 ..st side 7, .. ," 26..2/3 " t6.00 Lilmme Estll,te, 1....1/3 ft. East side 1, $11 e,9,aud -4 ft. 61'1*1/3 Wu't sid. 10, It " " 36.80 ) '>;o,,:,'fI' .""( ,.6......~ ~y '-' ~, !"' " ,," ..,~-,,- 5. ~elsonStory. 24 It. East side 10. all 11.12, NehonSltory, T",ot 1. ilJld 215 rt. W..1ii lid. 2, W. M .N$v1tt, ,$ tt. East aig a, ana,', '*'.: E. D ochJ on , 14 :ft. West. ."'" Or- 19J.nd Pllllt 80-S0,6 . ," L-/ liE''' " 5:3 · " II 159 " alde 8, flontiUta Anao:rt. 14ft., East.lcte 15, '. ,.,'..'.~. : Kr:u...r, Let '6, . , . White, Leta "! and tit. ...,t'lde 8, J!ohnWal'h.9 tt. ..st 8ide o! 8. IilM 1~..1/2 ft. W ut " It 14 " " " 14. " 28 " i~', " _1.' " " .' II slde of 9" Ntlson St.ary, 9-.1./2 n. I.at S.1d.e.... .9f..~ nd.. 18 ..tt. "...'t '1d& 10, " ~~W~~.~J 10ft .lIItil8\ "1 d. 1,0t 10, aU 11, " 27..1/2 " II " " 2'7 -1/2 " " 32-1/3 " 1Ii0'UllJ<:~1J.g.:t', LQt 1 and. 25 tt. Wut $1de,a, J. J: . Milrt1n, ~. ft. 1l..t 81d, a, ..U l5 ~nd 18 ft. We. '10, 81c(1.t 4" ... c. tatta,1 (') tt . man II 1 d. .1.~-1/2 f"LWe.t 814e I, "'1. ,:a<<rl.,m, l':...l,/att. ..'10. 'and U..."l/2f't .W,.t 11 (1;1- 6. ~~~1~,~~ T"04g&,16..1.t2 tt. Ea.t .~d,.6 and 10 tt ..ut "I" II 63 II " 49 " " " " 23...112 " " " 26 " II 26...1/2 ", " -- ,;" 46.00 :n.SI) 35.40 6.40 j" .~ B.40 ~. 16..,80 2.6.20 .16 .50 leL~50 19.5. 31.80 2.".40 14,:~10 15\.60 1&,'.90 ) ~'" ' '.'''' 6 . S. IT. (}':born, Ie t't. East: 'j,.de ",0111 5' end 4-1f.a it. I I; I Wut side 9 , M. n. .Tefters' Heir's, 23-1/2 ft .East.ide 9, d1 10,11,12, Net son Story,JuniQr,Lot 1;5, Ir, M. :BlMLton, Lots14,15,16,17,lB,19, " 50-1/2 .. "))" oY1g,ind Plat $0/30 .. .. 107-112 .. 9~~~15 Q .. ae " 1~ l,aO .. 1!H3 " 94.80 " 50UTR S J DE MIllNDENH At.J, STREET PlBTJl J'O'1' /lt1. " .. .." rt n " 11 ","",'" " "' It ., ft " " .t .. " " " " ,.. " .. LammeE'tate, 3-1/2 ft. East aid.e 21,aU 22,23,24,215, "A" Tracy /i 115-1/2-45 t 51.98 let. eathll'lrinEI Cl.ark, riot, 18,19,20 and 24-1/2 ft. Wtst s1de 21, " " 108-1/2 " 48.83 3. D. Pattee; Estllte, Lot 16 and. 1/4 ft. West s1de 17, " " 28...1/a " 1t2.72 J. D. J:ta tt.ae Estate, 27,,3/4 tt. mast side 17, " " 87-3/4 " 12.,80 w1i1ston Bros. r~ot8 14,15, " .. 56 " 25.,liO .., Nelson Story, riot, 13,,14,15, .. 11''' Or.1gina.l 84 .. '3'7;.BO Ph,~ Lamme Estate, r,ot Hi, " " 26 II ;1.2.60 Nelson Story, r.ot 11, " II 28 " 12.,60 :-", W. H. ',l'raey, "'I Lots 18,19,20,21,2a~2Z,24, " " 1'79 .. 60.51\ '""", Mirs. H: . i4':l'l:lZ ;l.ar , LQt$ 12.13.14, "!:- " 7e"1/a " li6..~) Benj. '.Whito, r.ota 15 .,16., 'II II 56 .. .,a~j2 0 Whit e 'Ca1feCi, r.ot, 1'1:, " " 28 " 12;:60 I. D. ll'argusQn, ;tots le,19,20t21,22, " " 140 " 53 .00 ---~---......... /'''', 64 -~ .,. 52 fJ-t, ClttU,LUV 1020" "23.40 t.i2l1lli e Wood., tote 20,21,22,23, M.'J:. I,ink, tot 24, Tho,. M\11"pbt, Lots 25, 16, N.luft .Stor.)' , Jr., tot.t1!~~a,29 ,10,11, I. W..!<i}al,., r~ot8 32.,U, ...,. '.P't"IlZ,i8l', 34 ,3ti ,36,37,:&8, ".0" Ol'1g1nd 1'1at " 28 it 12.60 ,25.20 ", " " 56 " II " l40 .. 6:5.00 '1 ... 56 It ~fi.20 I " " 140 " ,6.;-S ,,00- " " )I(')R'l'lf $~Dlil MJiCNDlllNHAU STREET. Jll~BT. #1. rlI,..fttl if/(..,iQfq1 .;Ml'~';'~l[~/ I.', '):")/')i~~ w iR .."'".,c1 , L0t11,2,S,4,l'j',6, "',~, "1 urO (HlI> eX', Lots 9,10,11,12, Nelan Story, Lota1,a,3,4,5,6,7,S,9,1.0,ll,12,"O" "All Traoy'. 224 " ~nd. !LOO.80 50.40 II " 112 " or1g;1nal Zl19 " Plat ".,), 14:!id) e t.n.1ot> Br-o.. South 1/2' ot1.., south !L/2 ot 2, all 01'3, '.il. 'racy, LoU 4,5, :Lou~.JCr'"..g.", Lot. 6,7, ~a L. Gt"1tf'1n, $o,th Halt of 8,B,10,11, P, K. Armstrong, LOt!:8 1,2,3,4,5, "M" " 84 .. ,3\7 .80 " 56 " af>,20 " f$E> " 25,20 " 106-1/2 II ~'t.93 " 140 " la.oo .. II " "I" Dr" AlI"'h 1 e M-eDonald, LO~' 0,7,&, tli4tot!!:.:' O:r&t.1E. !.0U 9,10, .,'J!,L~~. TJPU 11,13,13, II " 84 " ;$7.60 . " 56 . Itl.20 " II 84 " 37..60 e. L1u1$ Wood', r,ou 14,15,16, !l'. K. Arl~.'llrOnth r~lilt. 17,'18 ,J. 9, It'_ Orig iad Plitt 84-45,4 '~7. 60 24 j\t,.CVV~V.,.'.~....~.:'.....'",:"""":,,,:, '74. ^\.i .. .. 4li~;"aO .. II SOUTH SlOE LlMd IlTRBKT, D18T. #1 ~ Mrs. M. T. l,ew1s, IJot 15 and 22 ft. West aide 14, "All A. I,yoan, , 6 it; East Elide 14 aU 15,16,1.7" " TrilCY la 2nd.. 50...45,6 22~50 40.150 ~,&,~,20 .. " .. Rudolf Vogel, !,Qts' 18,19, ll". K. Armstrong, tote 13.14,16,16,17,18, W. .M. AlwilI.:rd, Lots 19,20,21,22,23,24, J!:m:l,.ly Daugherty, IJota 12,13 , Mr8.0:. 0' COUlle:U , r,ot i4 4nd 24-1/2 f1L .mlist S1dfll ],5, Mrs. Carrl e Bohilr't., 3-:J,/2 ft. West, slde 15, all 16, 5-1/2 ft. East s1de- 17, N.1eCln~tory, 22..1/2 ft. We'll " " 196"" ,1~:'60 Or1g~n.l 1.6$ Plat " "0" " " 151 " 1500...1/2 " 6'7.95 at!.73 "H" It " .. &s..a./a " '1&$.;63 'i'.I; " " 37 " J.6,~6 Ii Bide 17, all 18,19,20,21,22, E. ..Toole, Lots 20,81,22, .. " 162..1/2 " i4 74, II 73:,.:13 1:0:.60 " 1" - ; 1; to\tunonn, r,ot. 29.30, 1it'!"8. .1't1dHh Da'll'1Itl, l,ots 31,32. , ' .. " .. 86 11 " 56 " " 168 II ;~i~;1~!ao .,,'ao 'i\':r1iJi( '.' 7if.60 . A.nna M1 t ehe-ll, Lot. !3,14,55,56,37,5B, . / 9. MOR!a SID, 01' r~AMMm 8'rRtllE'f1l2:ST. #1. 'k<;f.'/.'#;~'i{7:>t% H. W.lI'o~t..r,. , . I.'. l' and.;.6'.7,8,9.,3.0",l.l,12, W. LX,analng, :Cots 1,2,$., ,,5, :Mrs. J.,,:I. ,Caln, Lou 6,7. A.. J.S)J,(j,rk:qe, L~~.a.,9, 10" D. A.aW~H.ner~ot. 1.,2, ..~.on.. $ tory. 'Loh ~.4,l5i"'.1,."a.9, ~a~l\&ll'l , to t 8 1, 2 , .1.,.'.(~l:ll'op, Lots :S,4, ..1ul"U.rb.r ,Loti 6 ,6, John Mi,Uhe:r..1", Ilot.. r. $, J.,t,..DeJenn.tne, ~.,.1i(}'f. ~~~:~':t:e"Lota :1.1,12, ;,' "'.L'i .'.... .1:'001., " Loi1J13', 14,15., .~.. Tr"cY'1 a.3S...U.,d 3.rct . "M'" Or1~1nlIll t4 4 11 PUtt 11 70" 11 1O 11 105 11 " 10 " .. 232-1/3 " 'It 70 " " 70 " n 70 II II 70 " . 70 II It 70 .. " 102 .. "lo" " "K" .. It ," " " " SoutH $JDE 0.1i' LAMME STREET ,D] AT. #1. C' ,. " 1 (':" .!f".l,c1d.I ..",{ Jf /~/d74lJ/~,' '.'Y';'I '\.:'~I . "0. Rou.... l,t.. 140....U,e La1Y' ,1ft, 1&.,17. :1.8,),9. SlJit!th" Lot. 20,21, and tt. Maat std. 22, .. It 67-1/2 " HUfl'man., 16..1/2ft .We.t aide 22, .u. 23. " " 44-1/2 n 1:1. A. . pea.e, Lota24, 26, 2'6-" fl'. A.~X'W.U" toto. :ar" ,se. " " 84 " 35..1/2 " " .:<,::.':'.::", iL,,':",':: ~' ;SJ. 'i..~O :'::', .', 47.25 ~;.50 t~~,;~63 ., ,I'." I ,,", 3,!'!50 ~1:i.50 ~::" .50 ;,fl ~60 ;', " 'a.~6cO ,,;;7': ..... ~],~.~<> . : """ ': "~: :)~:,,:;,',:"'> :,' i~, '.~,;~'Q , 63.00 ~\q~,i5 8 20.0~ " ~7.BO ,lq,;98 .., :, I, M I I II II II II 'Ii Ii I' II , II :1 , II I i I I I II I I, n:~TH J.D. SJ~'E O,t.AiWk STREET, D]iS'l.~. i1/if,f/1/:1! },MI!t.<t:1f,:" jr.J(V/f}, "\J/~l ~)if)/'I)I '7/,"'l' p'erk1n~B &I .'.1/2" 8tQ.~8 " &6 " Ne1$on Story, W. Y.l!1m1th, W. A.,. Z1et.ke, Dan ~. Harri 8, M. E. OblU'oh South, aa.26 2&",20 ~o~ae " " 45" ClCN'l'RAt AVENUI" '<":1 90 P-t,CuJ;UlkuXt,'{ ~l'lla1f' 81.01.r.. . 4iQli~&O 1st. 90" It 140 "0-.'50 ' 90 ' TraG,'. 140 40.50 2nd. " ftST 8l)')E Mrs. W. "'. Aloan, rJot 1, Ita" " " 20 II iI'. L. Bern.pe, r.ot 1, It Mr. . MiAry DllV18, Agt. , I.ot 20, " W':Ionston Bros. !Jots 13,14, 'Will tar Cooper, Lot 12, Mrs. M. T. Lflw1e, !Jot 13, EAST B1Dl!l ClIllftRAL "A" Trilcy's 1st. " Tracy.. 2nd. " " WEST SIDE Of!' ROllSE H. .M. :Surton, !Jot 19, L lU 18 Woods, rIot 20, fI', K. A.rmstrong, r,ot 19, E. w. Toole, T"ot 20, "D" Or 11llnlll Pat " " II]" .. " " EAST B]DE 01' ROUSE J. v.' T 11 t on , Lot 14, "1<''' Rouse's , . lit. R. A.. Baxter, Lot 15, " " Bozeman St~am IJi! undry , r,ot 1, "0" " Il'. A. Maxwell, TJot 28, " " aoo " 10e 66/100 " ;',,',' '.,.6,.,00 . .':":':':":",_'1',',1 , Aii,:, 90 '.'. ;.('0,/<. ,..',:/;:,,1: 140" 6'~,~OO " ~ ","> ,. AVENUE. ..V':;'J i:g~ Cl~:!. 00 90 140 . jO.~,O 90 140 It \f.O"a>o A V1IlNlIE . :,.' 2..00.',... ~:\0vW.. t~i~}.: 150~~OP' " ,5'0.00 11$0 " 150-454 ,...'$}00 "::'1." , " ~1;":.')O 150 " L"":;"~'" 6:~tl'O A VEl'HJ1!] . 150..60 90.00 1&0" 90.0C> 1&Od5,{ . \,6'1.5Q l~O~\'" ~J~ili(N4l).o.O I i)1 Il' l; ! ,'il: ,...'.:.1.:..1.,..':. :1\' 1\ ~,~ ' ..I',..~ .< :j I I I' I ...1 'I I ..... ..""" '""~'" "68 . ' 11. WEST sanE Of'l' CallUlf! 3TREBlT, DlST.#l. M.I!:. Church South, l8abooek & Davil Addit ion. " '" .. PllJ"80nllge, " JOnlllthan Busby, .I\(~lhMary. Hagen, .0 .t. HOlt, 1. J. !rnntz., II " " II II II .. " II .. II M)!t.. A.a . RuSseU, , Jane Van Alcin, " " ,Mrs. Maria Orton, " " " " .r. f,. Jame., Mr,. Marta Orton, l'h11Up ilOtl.on, 3. N4Jiwton'. JJ".an. , " " " " II. II J. M. Clr1A1ghUl,(J V.B()sert,Agt.' E. G. B. Hill, Mr.. AdeUt SnlHh, Mr,~' .MIllriaOrt.on, .w. t. Hol,loway, VI. H. TriiCY" " " '" " " " " II " " " 60- 45j ;SO- " 60 " 60 " 100 " 111 II 8'1 " 4.$ . ,II :'f.( ''',';....',>, 4.50 l,.Zi .50 27 .00 2'1.00 45,.00 ,41~ltt:9o 1<6>;;'1' II: . "'.'~f~\',' " :a~\O& la,..3tl .2i..ool 2i7,,~OO i'.:ii'Z.'OO .,::,:"..".:::i ': A,ri"5'" ..",~,~!..lt. :~ '('~;:~;~f. 4~.9Q : ~~7:&Q'.r'" ala..50 . . .'~~i50 '''''':';:\/':0'0'' ' '. "'~'of:W'~,~:;,.,~,. ., .3Cfoll Jt " ; "::,.'),,.','-"':, .) ,.:l.,~';'..5(} ,'i ":,::.~""""",c,:,,.., ,Jaoob J)idawLCk, 12. Babcock & Davis Addi tion. 50-4!? ,6- 22.50 50 " 22.50 100 " 45 .00 50 " 22.bO He " 74.70 56 " 25 ..~o !3~'i " ;:;;:'> .[:5 55 " 24.75 116 .. 5:" .10 1". 0, Ddvidson, A. O. C<Ulfilrlld, (Taooma,Wash.) " Mrs. I}. Cowhey"d, ~, ,17 ~'}rs , Welch, n , . s. n. Till, Mrs. L, llelsoll, :'Irs, ;;, 'H iff, I"L Sexton, r I , Not. ..ice is hereby Si. ven thst the City [, Council at a regular', meeting held on April' 17, 1902, by resoiution levied and aesessed 1\ special tax on all the II properly bordering on Public Sewer, I Number One, for .an amount equal to I the estimated cost 'of constructing'a, district sewer, capable of accommo.'I \ dating such property: such public; Sewer, serving as a dlstrtct sewer for I the property bordering thereon, , Such sssessment is as follows: i On ail property botderlng on PubliCI Sewer Number One, on Main Street. between Tracy aVenue and 'Rouse ave- nue, and on Rouse avellue between , Main Street and Mendenhall Street, 160 cents per linear front foot; on ail lother property bordertng onPnbllc : Sewer 'Number One.. as now'construct. I ed,46 cents per lineal front foot, The resoiution levying such spec- ial assessment is now on !lIe 'In the I office bf City Clerk of the City' of Boze' man, SUbject to Inspection. That the City Council has ~et Aprtl I 26th, 1902 at 7: 30 o'clock p, m~, at the Council Chamber in the City Hall or the City of Bozeman,as the time and place when the City Council will take !lnal action on such resolutioll and will hear objections to,the final a.dOIl'- tion of the same, I By order of the City Council, " T, M, PIERCE, ; Dated April 18, 1902. City Clerk, i 4 NOTICE, t ,.. 'I i. \ It " " II " " " ~~i ~~:;Z~J~! . 6t., /J/(..tfi~YZ-O/ 0-cud;:J j!k~ r /3-t ~au../~<f~u+~Ly. ~ /h;d-~~~ l~~ ~~~kv~~ V/u-n..M'""' U. ,hJZ-~ ~~ A~~~7~ ZU w~~~y ~c,~yt:-G/ ~~4, Mtt~ #0 Y:-P~J fl:!v:4 ~-/;-~ ~ '" (7 11-7~.--(., I/,O ~ ~-dd tr 1?Z. , '-1