HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 02- 229 Creates and Regulates Fire Department of City and Provides for Prevention and Extinguishment of Fires ; - ~ (,~, " ,t ~ ,,) ....1Iy':.........' . ~,',. '? I:") \ I" \ .).. '\ r:t' . , .~ fit ,;.,\ ,- .,J;, , 'f ~I ~ N l,; 1\ U\ \'\\ ~ U2;J::?t/4~AdJvf(). Z. 2:71 Section 7, 'l'hoFiro C!.lIl1miteo nt EMtim., 11. The 8h,,,.t otthe Fire ORDINANCE No- 229 I the Oil) Oonll('II, ""b,100~ to 'hA O"I1N' Deptuoneut,or i;I' hlsab."oee a~y one . . . '., of the OHy On,"wl.."h"1I11lve 0,,'111' a.."linl':lll hi.'oopacity nl'8y,dllrlDg th," 'AN ORDINANC:E CREATING AND "i.e ""verviaioll of all rOOlna ocono.~,1 prn!!ress'of a"y lire,. wl"'lIev~r I,n hIS REGULATING A l"IRE DEPART- \)y Ihe Fire Dellnt"llleut "" the app.l'o. J'IldgelU~nt it be.oomes u.oe..ar.y mord- MEN'!' OF TIlE CI'l'Y OF BOZE. d MAN AND PROVIDING FOR 'fIlE tn., .lld .11 eo"i"o., m""hillery, pn. el' to. ohecl< 0, OOlltrol the- ..m~, or er PREVENflON AND :EXTINGU, imnls ."d "I'[I"raloo oWlle,l by ,he ~ny filH.., hnlldiug or st.nctor~'tolJe IStlM"NT OF FIRES ,',..' .' F'. . De art- cut ort.",rll down ,.oml removed, He.. '", " ' oltyand uoed by tbe He. P . ohon wHh fhe onnoeot cA the' Mayor or: Be it O[llained by tho Cit.y Conuoil meat., aud all suol, lira upparaluls wl'h'tbe cOllaeo't. ot SIlY two memb~l'll: I of Bozeln"n:~ I f th and [lroport.y A h,ell b.e.. ~".Pt. In,. o"'.oo'~ ot rhe ooulloll, have 1'0Wlll to ".,ooe Section L That from al" e ter e pl"o,."a the OIly <;JOIlOOll mn, fI'.. fllIV boil,lilll/ or BtllMlUre tn. be bloWll pa..a!!~ and the takln!! effect. of vide elld may dealgllate, aod It abaU . . '. k' rhi.Ortli080ce, the FHe D.pe.'trnelJt be the doty of tba Chief ot tbe Fin. up tllrt~e l.>Drpose of ol,eo ll'Iil,orex- of th~ Oily of B('1~:n)8n Rhull ()on8i:!l,t,~,. l)'rq'w)!'tment', im rnenjAt~ly ,ofter the tlu~oishlng the ftrr j and JDny: tfll'r of a Chief of the Fll'e Dep~rhllcot., all ,ttlsill~ effect ot Ihis 'Jl',lmaOllei 10 dowb any portlol1 ot allY IlOllding Aoaistaut Chief of the FHe D,ep..'t-; uwk" . OIlmpla'e' ;'noelltory o.f all tho whieh may r.main after II fire, if, 11\ meul" Oll Elli!,:lIeer,. ond ouch l"'.llor~ry fi,'e "1'1'''''" '''0 nil!.] property a'hove ",,'m- his judgement, ooob portlou at allY membero, ""d VOIU\lrMr OlgOlllz"t~OIl 811 helllll~illi<'.to the city ot BozefOan butldill~ sO I'emailling "t.Plldiog "h.ll .a the City Council may by rosnlot"'.n I1UI] ,'el'o,'t Iii" s.me to the lJitv OoU,II- be dangeroo" to per,oll or propel'ty, eleot or denomlllate; and the me,nber. dl, all'] [,'om lime to 1.1 me thereafter Section 12, Any per~oll who .hall of the Police of the Clt.y .hall be e~- I'ep"rt ""Y 1l,1ditiolI or los. to the wllfally Illt.,'fcl~, or.hmd.raIlY elt,y officiO ulembers or t~le.flrerl~partrn~~!?t. f:f\l1i~. fH\ll at IfllltFt once'8'lnonth or Qr. ottloer (n' tlt'elnnn In the perforD1A.~we Sectioll 2, 'l'he Ohld of the lhr. teller if reqo;","l by the cHy coullcil of his duty at, !!olog to or returlllll'~ Department immedill~ley after the tak- Ill' Sll.id lire ''''llImiHee, oar.tn'Uy elli.IJtrom auy lire or while at.tellding to iog effeot ot tbio Ordmaooe, ohall flp- limine iule Ill" ooudlliou. of srich pl'O< his duties 00 a member'of the lIr. de- point ao Ao.iotant Chief ,of the File perty, ami tll.'oee thotthe, ""me. I" at porlluent,or who .hall wHtnlly 01' ue- Deportment., whose, .PP.ollltment shaill an limoo iu Il:OOU repair alld ,ooodlt-lon gllen. l1y drive auy flrey,. wago.II, .treet not tak" etfeot uulll approve'l by the alld report to the, City Gouoml or oalu oar, looomotlv.,trllln at OOtS or Olhel Oity OounciL 1'hc terlll of office of, Ilr. ooo"uittec any detects. ill or' ill,. vehicle aoro'", or ol"ul': or 1l1'01l allY the A,.istallt Chiet of the Fire De. juty to."aUle, ~"o'Jy'repair., atreotio" lhose,or Who,shaIl wiltolly outdef.oe, \l"rlmeut, ,ball be the oll,~e aO that or o,Milious """d'e.l. The ChIef of deatoy.Ol InJore allY telegrll\lh wire or. "ow plOvided for the. Olllet ot~he Ihe Filo DeportlDellt ohall turth~r 1'.- pole, or sigllal box, or allY of tho pro. ~'irc Department,aud 1". oompen.allOlI port III w!'it'Il!!, at the IIrst meetmll: of perry belollging to or oOllneded with sh.Il b. the snm of Three Doll.,re tor the Citv ('oouoil ill eo."h mOllth, SII the lire departmellt or any fire .101'10 ench lI"e he atteudo olld at whlOh ho .0CUrt"'" Ii....t all IIresllnd fll'~.alll"rm' telllllraph,ocoh person 00 offending IIsoi.t.", withill the City I_IlOIlO, ,,~il that mllY h.ve t01r1l1l 1,100' ,lurl"'!! .hall be" doemed gUIlt)' at a m;lIde. ill the abs,'nce at the Ohlef o~ Ihe Fire tbo mo'lIdl "ext ptecedillg thllt at IIleano", and upononn.ictiunthereof Depllrt",ellt, h;o coonpenOOtlOIl ~h,nll which 1It1ld repn,t is mllde, Wifh tho i .hall be IIl1ed ;0 allY ""m nvt exc"ed- he I<'ivo DollllrS for -"BOh fire wlnoh ('ause at onoh lire_ if kllown, t~e. num. ing Olle hOlldr.rl dollars. , . he mllY IIttcnd lit whIch h. may ,work, her .",1 .leo"rpilloll ot oil bllildill!!a Se"tlOo la, Thllt. allY and all b,Olld- , In co"e of lhe absence of ,ho Ohl~f at deotwye.r 01' dan...!:,.,1 alld e.lim.t" illgs, rllilla, ohimlloy., lIu.,: ~Ollero the Firll Dpearlment, the As...tout 10"' and ,]ao'lla!,:" 10 .n propel'ty, Snb. wan. retnaill. ot buroed bUlldmg. or Ohil~fl f;hll.l1 tlxel'ci~e all ,tho lJOwel'~ jant t.o the pr'ovisinns abo.ve provided other' cou8truotiollEl, withjn tbe 1..1ity "wi (lerform all the uutles ~r. th~t. in thio lIec!ioll, the Ohiof Ilt the Fil'e ~ limito, whioh by l'e"OOIl ot t.helt oon- of the Chief, am1 when Ihe Olnef '~ Dopa'l'tmellt shall hllv. the '~"nago- otrnotion or oonditioll a,re ill danger at p,'..e"l. the ,\..,slnnt .hall aot! vol, meDI and ooutrol of the fire e1l11lll.o,II,re being set on lire, 01' lire 1II .ny lOallner .s.iot in ""ecntinl( ell orr]e" 01 h,o app"rlllo' alll1 hydrallls fllrniohed b,v a .".oace to adjoiniol('property 0." to IIl1porior ollleer, III ClIse of tho ?b' the oity tor the ext.illgllishmellt .lId Ihe public gener.lly, .re ,'ach h.rel y ,p.noe 01 both the "bioi nml the aa,olllt. pre.ell'tinn ot Ilres 011,1 shall Ile. re. declal'ed to be a lInlaanoe. aud It lint ohilll, llH' rllnk,ng ollloe~ ot allY ,,'on_ible tor. tile proper uoo' of the .han be the duty at thll Chiet at the volnnteor ~{)1.IlpllllY. whlch IS ~ menl- sorne'. Fire D6pB.rtll1~nt to i)x8min~ all Bueh, her of t.he I~ire Depnrtlnellt, wbloh nl"Y S.0..tI01'....R. It 0,,"11 be onlllwtol 101' alld for .uoh purpooe mllY euter .uy be presellt, ~hllll exerciall nil tho power BUY per>01I or persons to lake ont 01' building wifhill ..elloonoble hnur", nurl pet:form all the duttBA of ,Ihllt of remove from the flraroonHl1 \vl"el'e 8tHl if I in his opinion, auy nuispnce tbe Chief of t~e Fir~ Depal'tlll~l1t. Home is k~llt, Rny lo.ddl;lrs" rruclts, OR rlef1ned by this ()l'diulll'lde shall ex- S.ctioll 3, Thn O~fY, Coou011 tMY hall." ho~e cart or any othnrllre U[I})III'- ist, he shalh.otity thn OWllor or o~u. at allY lillle hy a IIl"JOrlty .ote rem~.e nit'S exoept iu oo"e ot IIl'e, or Ulllle\" ers ro aliat," "ooh nUiSAIIOe fo"thwlth; o. dis"h~!lI:e anv member of the Fm' the ',lirection of the Chiet of tho Fire "lid in C"ae the owner of IIny premio". Depllrtment,~r an,v membe.. of allY va]; Departm."l. nol' .hall I\lIy }ler.on 01' opon whi"h a 1I11ioaooe n.isto'"hall uuteer ol'gfllllzntloll WlllCh I'IIIIY bavlI peI'OOUA, lilli", tletnoe 0" III any mallner tAll or I'<\tu"e to abate olloh lIU1oaMe, booom", a,p.rt of t~e Fire Depnrl,mellt, illjore allY at the .oid 1I,.e a'pparafos lifter beluJ.( 1I0tilled a., atoreooid: the or n",y''\.I1"pelloe WIth th~ .~rvlCe 01 "sed I,v the Ilre de po 1I. 1110 et, Any Chiet of the Fire Dep"l'lInellt .h.ll any suoh vol1~nteer organ,.atlOlI a. · PII-SO'" .iol"tinll( any of" the pl'ovi.lolI. re\lort the foots in ,elation thel'~to t,o whole" or this .eotl<'l' shall be l!\,-ll!:> of ..a, th" Oity Ooouoil. ,If the C!.ty COIlIICll ScotlOn 4, That 011 ".lId aft~r th6 mlsdemeflnlll' and Oil (l\'ll:lVlotioO' obal. fillds that snoh nOI.allceexlots It may taking .ffeot of ,~hl. ot<lInallc,~ be pllntabed by fine In IIny 8um uot direct the Ohid of Police, or ,Str.et where.er the title.of FIre MarohllU to e'xceed one hUlld.red dollars.".' . Oommis.ionCl',lo nhote .UCh nUlS.1l0e, oppea's III an~' ordlllanoe of Ihe Clt.y, Seetin.. 9. Any officer' ill nottima,M alld tbe expe".e thereot to be report. it oh.ll be understood all,l "h.ll lIlean t Id lire deport.mellt who _lid ed bv SUllh offi('er aO abating sallie to the Ohl.t of th" Firo Depart.~(\nl. ~o~:r M,e engine orotllec'"fire .a!>paTtI Ihe City COUII(lil,.to bll all Item of Sootion Ii; Any volont.~' fire 00"" toa, 1'l1n WI'operlY ot the city, to b, special sBseas.'MlIt, which .IllUV b~ a"... , pnny o"g'""lzed, an.]llcCOUl,ng u part tuken heyond tbtl oity liUllt., witbout, .es.ed ag.lIl.t thc'l'retn.oes e. III OABH 01 tho fire d"p"l't'Ilellt hel'oby croale,l, permiooioll ot the MAyor or Fire: of opeoial as.e""mellt of "luxe", all,l thl> hy this ol'dillunce,moy adopt, suoh """. Comntittee of the city' OOUIli!, ohall be owner of sucll premi'''B pel'mittillg allY .tltot.ioll,by-I.wo, !'ules '''Hi regul"-: ~ollty of ami.d.me811or,ol' if a~y per' ""chuuiBalloe to remaio nf,lor bei!'g twn. f(1I ItO "Nverllme'~t no it, "hall SOli h.villg ohal'!!",ot ony ellgllle or lIot.ifie,1 shall be deemeu gmlty ,cr, a deem Lest,oollalstent WIth, the OIty or' other fire npparl\lu'o, the property ot mi;,rlomeallor nud I1pon ,,,,,,.,ct.1011 din.allO.e.S""'ltf> the hest mtor,,"t.o nf the o.ity..,.shal.l..ou.ftOr.the a.ame to be t~el".'nt,"hell ho filled jll "ny sum 1I0t the Fire Depurtmellt IIlld lOllY, .eleot npplied to prl.ate ".tI,wlt-huot pe',IIlIO- e "eoding Iwo hundred dollo!'o" .o<:h officers nS 1.0 its m.l?be." !Ony oioll of the Mayor or Fire Comml~tee Sention 14, It sholl he tile dory ot "Oem nnoesa.ry ~Ild pl'~P'''' to~ the .<1- of tile City Oonllil,he ohal1 he gOllty, 1 Ie Chiet of the Fire Department a.t ministretioll of "0 ntT,nlrs,sllbJect, how- at a JIIis,temaenor, It allY pfl'SOIl lea lit o\Jce a weel<, to i".pect ,111 stl'nel". eVB!', 10 the .opervlslon aUf1 control loll .iolole ".oy ot the provlBio"s of alld elley~, cellllr wayo, back l(1t", wood ot the City Con"oil.?"d o"ch comp~ny ~~i. sectloll all<l .h.ll be toulld ll(lIilty "bed. alld all other ploce., within the moyon before tile first dny 01 Moy of hd shall be, puniahed by a llne '" "IIY <lity limit., where .h..lllg., straw 'e.dl year recomlllDed to the May."r .um not excead.ill!l 00.' hoodrerl dol. W~Stl', Ill' olher oomhusti.hl" materiol "I"e, of its meml,"r. tor the olllce of I mayor doooullcumulete, '"lid to 01'. Chiof 01 the Fire Del~arlmellt, I\lId it ar;~clion to The Chief ot the Fire del' illstaot I'.moval of o"oh mat<ll'illl, sochm"mher be ,,~,.f"~IOry to the Pepartnlllet may preooribe limi!". ill it .ny be foulld,hy the porsoll or pel- Meyol' lie ~l1all "\lPOI"t hll," Ohlef "f the viol,uity ot a lire, within whlell'.DO "OilS ,'eopon.ihl", orlly the per SOD or tho Vhe D...:l,pftl'ttnr:ant RllhJe.ot to the n.(lI1 excopt thOBe' t8sidiug therehlt pel'SQUS npOll w.hose prem)ses the al:\lnA el',,"ovlll of Ihe Cit.y COllnell, :em"~10 of the Fire Departmeut, Olav be loonted, and U!lon tho rotuaal Seotion 6, T~'e ]0'11''' Depo,'t.mont, membors of I'hll polke force, 01' thOBa at allY "noh \lerooo 00 no tilled to ubate under the ,hreetloll of the Olllef or 11(1" itted hy the Chief of the Fire De' the nuisollco cte"ted bY"n\:h cotlbn.t- other prope.' olfiner, .hall, "I'OU, "tnI'm rnrlll1eot,or lois Rubordi-o"teR, shall bo illle DIPterial 00 being III ouoh plnce, of fire,I<'pair wilh th~lltlllo.t .11.pnrrh pOl'mited t-<, oome; "nu the Mayo~, the persoll or \J~r"OIl' 00 I'ef"sin~ shall 10 tilt) p]ooe of flro \Vltl1 tho fire, ell' when in hi. judellUl.n.t ,he oallle 10 be deeutO'] gUIlty ot ,n1ollltalllllg a p:iuti Hucl ()th~l' ,npparfit118 \1wlpl lIB lH:lC~.!I!I!Uu.y,m.y 1~IIU upOt..l any pel'f:lOU or Ilusiaum, 8tH~ ~flon nonvlCtwll thereof col'S Dud U-.ul's"work Ills ~nu](\, liunet M~one p'l'pseHt to 8~sjat,the.ftl.tHnf!U in ~hall be finetllD auy Hl.lffi uot eXCl':lfHl~ tlw dir{~dion of the ChlOf or othar rheil' nutiflB10r fHll!liBt i,n extill~ui8hing log fifty dnlln.rs. ;1" olllcor in O!I"rlle, alld .hll II . pl.ce ~,\(I .y IIl'e nnd any such peroon 00 oalled Seololl 15, The Chiet nt the I< He work snell Hng-h.le nlHl alJpO,rotlls Jtl au OIJ who ghall r~fl:1se or neglect tu DepELrtmlnlt,or any nfJicer of the Fi,la tlte 1\1.001.. dreoti'~,nllllIner nl~ltl'~'e lirA .,\~~ oRsi.t.,ooleBS phyoic.lly ,iIl081'_oial. D."I't1rtment rlll:htt~llY performiull th,e ,. exl,"gl.lll'd. lbe officer III d~atKe ~"d,.hall be gllilty ot a mlodelD~anor ,1lltlee of tho Ohld,lo bereby .m)lo"el' RhaIl he r(J~pollIH\)le fu!' ,IIW . WOtklli~ II fln.d upon COIndction sh.an be po.Dle~ed ~d to 81n~et nud pr08EH~o.to HI th~ pul.lC.A "f. t he tire dop.rtmenl. u",1 I". oruels i by a fino ill OilY oom uotexoeedlog OOl1l't of the city,allY pOI"OIl vlOlllfl,lIK must he Hlrietty obey<)rl hy ",och ""d the .u.m ot Twe. tv Five Dollars, any of the provioions of this ",,1111- eWlY mOllll)e" of lh" Fir. Del'allmellt Iii '.1'1 :1, Iii '..1' ;1 "l I' , I\\J 1\1 I . I ~ I I I ;'Ii [: " Iii [' [il ,II \ ! iil II " '! ",,,,.,...,;;\":,z.,.:.,,,.....",:_,:;;;..,,=\_,-'>'='--::.::~'.'.'''''''-".- .~ ~, ll) , " t"JltJ ":~~:~I ence80(1 for s"(,iibu1'po",, 'sholl havo the s,me power as the Chid of Polio8 (::." 7'::71' 7//, '- , / A'-:-- ; ill olhe1' etres!" tor ~Vi.OlotiUg the city ~ ?~lW I <)rcliuonoes, j if Sectiou )(1, The gllglnAo1' of the ~ . Fire Deparlllellt shnlll,eep the o"gllle ~ ~ -, ()1~8U., in good reprlir Awl l'8ody for j' I ilnJlI8,liotB serviccl, ,,,,d "hall hnve. tho ~ F rJ '-'7W /. /7. . _ ~ .... ~ ~/ ~ 7jl- pl:HiilOlJlll management nt Its work- o-t. / Yra ~ ~ /?-t:{; ';'7 ing IHHl th~ rnllllillR' ,of the SRme, hut, I ".. ~h"1l hI] .uniec, to the ardors of the ~ /-// / _ ./. \...L7 Chief of lh. e Fi,re Del',,!'llIIOI,ltOJ other ,".A ~ --' /'../ ~--" - /j/~~ pi...-:';' TLL.-t>?f7! officer pel'fo!'nllllg Ihe rlnt"'s of the ......v-.....-_---~ . / Ohief of the Fire nOp"!'!l""'''!' '~ ' ~.c /: Sect!)),". 1~. All. orclil1a~wo.R . o. ~~. ~ '::. ,. /_~ . -2 2 /1[L-{7..;/1 pf\rtR of ordU1Rnces In o(luflJrt WJth ~ ~r " ~ this (ll'dinallO(\ ure her~by f(ll'Afllf,'fl. ,/?,~.,~ ' i p",.ed 20th day of ,Tunuary, 1002. fl't~ 1/ qt).? &, ..' .t'/ZJ~. ,/?-,/ Approved 20th itay of ,Teuun,y,l 902 . . / ~, ...., P. T, MORRIS, Aeting Mayor, / /. . '/ ' Attost: T, M. pmR:JE, CIty m,:.!" ~Y~ ~~ ~~CL~C//-zJ ' Z -Z-!I ~ft~,~~ ~ CP7$-~~?p7., ~~~'~~&L;7~~~1 h~ ~~~~~?1~ ~b'~ d~u/t.-.~~-/p7?/L1 huJ~t~ ~k~~~~~~0/'~~ }lit h;".J-~/~Ld &-0 ~~a4-v/h>. 7/.1 ~..:::-#.~ ~ I~'-'-~'~i/~ . )Iu ~ ~~~~-L-~~~.~' ~IZ. ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~- ~~a?-~~~/~., kM~~;L--;;Z- rJI/j?V~r;tcY .' ,.,........, b~/t#~ :2 ::Z~~~ ~.....h/ ~~/7.jJz:... O7It<?~-...~i:) C:--7 M~. .... :' ,\ c.. ~ ~<-~<!..-oL.~. 2 J 0... /4-IU:-/ ~-<.. 7'0.) '- '~