HomeMy WebLinkAbout19901009 t - THE C I T Y o F B 0 Z E MAN, MONTANA COM MIS S ION M E E TIN G AGE N D A October 9, 1990 Page ~ of 3 Pages Item Items of Business Action Requested by Commission Previous Action No. by Commission 1. Roll Call - 3:30 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence 3. Minutes - September 17 and October 1, 1990 Decision - Commission Resolution No. 2810 - levying and assessing Motion and vote to finally adopt 09-17-90; 10-01-90 4. assessments for garbage collection for Fiscal Year 1991 Request for permission to address Commission re attendance at 5. Solid Waste Workshop - (a) Inter-Faith Recycling Effort; (b) Bozeman Community Recycling Coalition Presentation to Mayor from Guillermo Avora, Argentine foreign 6. exchange student (4:00 p.m.) Request for deviations to Sections 18.42.080, 18.S0.120.F. and Motion and vote 7. 18.S0.120.B.6. of the interim zoning ordinance - Jennifer Mitchell - 511 East Mendenhall Street Ordinance No. 1319 - amending Sections 2.28.030 and 2.28.040 of Motion and vote to provisionally adopt and bring back 8. the Bozeman Municipal Code re qualifications for City Judge and in two weeks for final adoption salary therefor Discussion - criteria for consideration of entryway overlay 9. corridor applications - Bridger/Rouse corridor " .. THE C I T Y o F B 0 Z E MAN. MONTANA COM MIS S ION M E E TIN G AGE N D A October 9, 1990 Page 2 of -L Pages - Item Items of Business Action Requested by Commission Previous Action No. by Commission Discussion - setting of Commission meeting schedule around holiday 10. Discussion - formation of Mayor's round table 11. Item requested by: Mayor Hawks Appointment of subcommittee to review Pledged Securities as of Motion and vote to appoint 12. September 30, 1990 Discussion - FYI Items 13. - City Manager's Report Consent Items ~ Motion and vote to approve, and authorize and direct the 14. appropriate persons to complete the necessary actions Proclamation - "United Nations Day" - October 24, 1990 a. Ratify re-appointment of David Fassler to the Police Commission b. . " .. THE C I T Y o F B 0 Z E H A N, MONTANA C 0 H MIS S ION M E E TIN G AGENDA October 9. 1990 Page 2- of ~ Pages Item Items of Business Action Requested by Commission Previous Action No. by Commission Award bid - Two 1991 cars for Police Department c. Building Division Inspection Report for September, 1990 d. 15. Recess 16. Reconvene at 7:00 p.m. Work session with Recreation and Parks Advisory Board 17. Item requested by: Commissioner Knapp Executive session re personnel 18. Adjournment 19. Reminder: Interagency Breakfast - Wednesday, October 10, 7:00 a.m - Baxter -------