HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 01- 227 Regulates Use of Sewers, Drains and Plumbing Connected with These, and Providing for Appointment of Sewer Commissioner and Defining His Duties ,~,~-~_... ".~ ..{ ".J (f / ~. - .~ ~. \\\ . o ~;~ c.::> ~ r ,.-i .t.;~:\ ~ 1,-... ."1 Lf'f,..,~....., ~) ~""') ~. - ~~ <.;) ~d C\') (.:=- (;~;) ~; . @; I :! j ,~-, '\ ; 227 . ',""':'..",,"". ;{(:".;,:"",;~.-=-:-~-'. .:, ,"' "'~'..:.,,,'~:',:':",:,;',~ :'.,:':,:,," " " ~:,'" ,;:,:::,::,:~_: ":A~' ttr'\<'O.R..D..INANCE '227..""."/ ,"" ,'..... CH'iRAOT$ROF DRAIN PIPE" icductlonof~alldor earth, bJ'1nri.,-~iiliud "'i;.">;:,, .,i~" :"., AND FITTINGS_ 1:!~;;rr6~~~~~~r:~:~r-ligll,t."'i im- ,'i, 1'::1':(:;,'; -:--./f,~,if;':\1'se?tio05J. From malo sewer to i,,'&l:tioo 11. . l'ermit8' to, ""Dnect AN',::~,~INj\NCE REGYLATING,!:withlll three (8) f~e~,of bnildin.g,~raln ;witb tb8 oitysewer may be .evoked TH;E"USE OF ',S:!'-'WERS ~NI) pipe will ~ flr~t qnallty. vltnfled. or annllled by tbe sewer comJlll>i8Sioner DR..A.IN. S ANDTRE"PLUMBIN',-,' salt gl..zed tile pipe. to be.lBld with Y 'at ....y time for suoh. causea, ",bioh : .... .... ''-' branches snd 1.8 bends, tile and 'shalt be oet forth in the D<!lt.ioe"<i>f re- ANDDRAI.NLAYlNG IN OON-,. branches.to be put togethrlet:., with vooatiCln or annullment. Pi he JDPY .NECTION .. 'l'iiEJR:l;;WrrH, 'AN,D I, uelOt Portland oemen~, tbe in.!de to bil dee"" ."ftlo!euDt. pnd .pll 'parties, mill. ..HROVIDlNrGl FOR THE APPOINT'( wiped smooth; no.drl\io .pipe wi!l ~8 t~re..t "bl\ll..be Mid to hpve wpi,,,ed the MENT.OF A'SEWER OOMMIS~ '1\l1ow,e<'l le.s than SIX (6) lnohes Int~r- ~,gh,t to clahn dampges on pcoom.t of SlONE ". ~pl dIameter for. oellar or ba.eme~t :.Mh~;<oostion, cr onoullm"n,t uld .' .,R, AND DEFINING HIS 'woter,hotels, resll\Url\ots, publio lod~, ,potm.I,t.sball not be re.i.sued uD.tt1tbe DU.nES. . !ng or boardillg bouaeB, bath bouses ,cpuas: of revooatioo or anoullmeut luIe laundrie., barber .hops, sohoolhouse~1 ,heeD I.&uwved, Ullless ordered, by city .a.eit ordailledbythe OityOoul1oil or. other buildingB with.. nlorethan .eollW',I.' of .the city of Bozemall:- t\1enty ocoupallts,alld Iiot less. than:: Seotl<llil II. 'Permits to. mlOke: l""'''- Seotioll1. . Drains for the purpoae ,four illohes !nterDal diameter. fOI all ;neo~n w;tb .. the pubho \111' diatllet f . ,.other buildingB. . . sewe..willt+ issued ooly when. tho (),remoVi~gsa~erage from the pre- Seotoill 6. No per~Cll1 .hall be ai- ~phlmbWgtn t.hehouse or buj,I<ii<4l to: m~.p~. .ofln~llv.ldnalsor. ,oorporatipns' lowed. to co.ostluot.o(lIse a oesspool If ',he OOIlDe<i>ted is in ..ocordunce. with the WIthin thehmllsof the olty of -Boze. there IB a OHVsewer,m tho drl\inpge l'1IJes,for plumbing prescribed ~ this '",pnsball bo'oonBtruoted, pod will be distriot in whiohthe proper~y is 19c1\t, .0rdiDanee- all.ow.'ed,tooooneot wit.hthe P Ibi' . ed, and furth~I, Whell.. .. olty sewer '\ .S~tioJ:>1"3, A-Every b~l:lg'iIl , ' . u c or paBBeS the property of aDY per.on or I wh.eh p~nm billg arrang"we",ts lOre di.t.,o~.ewe~s' ollly nndeI a .trkt personBwho .r8uowusing6eBspooIS.,80n....""tod shsll be ".pa"..tef,)r aod oomplianoe WIth l.he follow!ngrequire. tlleY s.hall be required to make cOnuneo. :IDd&pend':lIIdy oonneoted with tbe oity melllS:. The. wo~k shall be done by tion.~O:,.~a!d sewer uot later than one :sa..."., wh~e suoh sewer ;".p.o.-vided those.persolls oDly who have been yeRr-C:'tl:om tb~ eompletion aud acoept-' :ll',,<,lwher.nt Is not prov,ided wiU. II (duly IIQthodzed 'lIS d ' I . . .' ; ~no8by the clty.of ..uoh sewer, exeeptiee~)PootWHh a oSPII",ty to be , '. '. ". rPI? Pyers or In o"se of such oe.. pool. poshsl!,lItnny :lIpp.o,~d by the .ewer o"'.IIlIi&s<O>1e,' plulllb~ra, aud who are under, approv-I time, be by the Oouncil declared a :aud ~ry plDmber, befor" d..l1>il any ed bonds for the f.it-hfnl performanoe nllisauoe,in whICh oa.e the owner or ;pL1>l"lllDu.g work on a blli1<iliDg haviug of the work in the mlllloer 'presoribe<;! owner. of allY ,property UpOll which !pn.y. eOWleOtion with any sew"" pipes. by ordinauce. It shPll be uol"wfnl.for' 8u~h cess 1'0011S located Bhall be I'e. ! dralllll. ~ any connection tl>e-re...ith, ".ny drniu layer.' plumber, property qmrerl t~ make oOllneol,ioll wit.h said' or t>efe~ aDY additions are. li<laile to owner, ageot. or other penon or oor-lBewer at. O,nce. All suoh oe.. p,ool. :auy ~ld work, exoeptillg rep!I.rs, (and : po. rpt!oll .to beg!u or eontin)le the work shall be dl.oarded and p.' !l.t out of (fus" ,:ep">rs _.re deflued .to conaist of mood- ; of lpylllg, repairing, alterinl\', or of at on?e. ' . 'Ing lea.kein draiu; Boil. waste aDd: oo!lneotingwith the publlo. or dls'trio! !t IS,fm:ther p:o!vded tl'"t, if all.7, vellt pipeS, and repairs ou' fauoets. val. I .se",eI", or any drain withl,o the limits property. borderlllg 00 any Ktroct /", . ves RlIdw"ter supply p;pea.lOl'd of foro.-- ' oftbe.oity of Bozelllpnwith<>ut.. llr.t' IIVellU" in which there is a city 'OW"', lng out,we.t.e. pipes) .hall 'submit ~ '. haV1Ilga :wribf'nper"lit sotado.- .from shpll by reason of it \lot bO)1lg COlll)8cl. plpn and desoriptioll of Ibe work tb 'I. ~hesewer oOlilmissionei, whl<lh permit od with the, city sewer, hecome ,lll)WO' I ,be do."e, all blallks to be fnrniehed by , /lIust'be,l'n tbe ground the woo10 time ous t? pnbhcheaHh,the City CO",".:.,i the CIty, whioh shall be filed in the' 1!, the work is undOlr progre.s, "nd eh81l may deolR1'o . thessme a public ""is. 1 offioe. of the sewer oO.l1lllllliss.ioll6r, "nd ,i 1;18' ellhibited to any polioemaD.orotlter "noe and m.y order tho ownor t,b,,"~()f: no such work shpl! be dODe "ntil suoh '1 'per8\'ln'whO'r1lay uk to see it. . to. oonllect. the aamo with the oity' plBns ha,:e beeD spproved, aDd a writ. I'. .' Sl\llti01l2.AII f;\pplio~tlOn~ fbrpM" .e:-v~r, Auy p~':Bon fpiliugtocomply te';' permIt to do tlilll. work !..ued by ,'1 P.1J.t,~,/lIll~~,be ,made in wrhiDgSIl<!l ,,,,Ith the~rOVIS!.?~~,.QLt!l.if!...~eotinll" ?!.....81d ~ewer co.mmissl~ner; Providdeil, slgne<!,b1 .tbe own.er o,f the propeiotiy ,to any ordll! 'Of"the ..Oity'.IConl';loi.lmacj..e' tbst m bullld~ngs wllloh are oonoemn, i' ):><l.d~amoo,. or bi.. al1thorbed IIpllt..I~here,!.I)cj.'e~,h"ll b~ g\l!lty ;<:'1 mi.lle-, ed by the boud o.f bealtb becpuse of li ~ndm""t\le l\oo(impaIlied by a pia.. meao,9r and .0:0 oonviotioll..1iall be fi~dl UDllIIn!ta~y ~ondltiOD, no plumhing 11 ,showing t.he whole course of the d,rain . l!lll'~ovirled I,! S"9tjoU 15 .o.f Ihia Ox;, shall be oonslder.ed ". ooming under 'I -Whioh it i. desired to oonst.uot, to' d',lI~'noe, , .... ." ]., the head of rOlpe~rs. but allplumbiug iil!e.t.b9...,r..',1fI....it...h.... t..h. e size of I.he sawe. ".nil. . S~Cli.OIl... .7... . .,,\,uy propoaed P.t.i'v"te.., \...~b~:~ibe. done as m. the oase of new .:the ..lje' and looation of any and aU dralU of..a .lallgth of ooe thonsalld . n ngs. All wOIk done on Buoh', bt!'n..)ire&to \le o01muect~d tberewit);..; (1000) f.el\~','01' over, mUBt before a \plPnS _hall be .,subject to !lIspeot!oD, ""ald'"plilll'or. oopy. therof to be. '..Jili'.t' 'perm!t IS.ls.uedt.herefor have been .alld no aJte~atlOu shall be msde in wltht\fle applio"tion in. tbe offioe:<nt approved. by the City. Council, aud anL ?l~n or mthe work without firat, tbese-w,ev. ootlll1lliss!oner. . applioation a~d eUlOp.lIt of money depoaited In the ~b a1l1ing S speolsl pe~D1it ill writilll! 1 pndp"rmitblsnks to be funished byCHy.tren..ury suiffoiellt, in rhe opillioD rom. tbe.seweroomm,'..louer, EJvery theo~t~'\ 'IDle oity reserves the .ight' "of the O,ty Oouneilto aee the work apphclptlOlI for I'ermlt, under th,a aeo" tOJl1S,;r.a, (do.-iug neoessary work and. properl! done,audthe.right of free ell- tion shall be SOOOlllpl\Dledby, a fee of furl!iSla'l.ug neceSllllry llIat>!ldal) all (lQIl. ,t,snce Into;andUPOll the property ~Dd one dollar. ~o . beoolleoted ". by the Ilr9tio,,,~from tbe Dlaln to.' the em:b"p~omiae"draioet1 !lIta allY publio oi ~ewlr oomml~sl<lner, such.,fee to oover o~a"g$llf"rllllJ:Ile to be paid by the dlst.rlot .ewel'. by allY pr.oper olly em- na ID,spectoln of tbe wo~k, Under ,prop~~ty o.-Wlilllrto the se.wer comni.a. plo!e. or sgent for tbe ~urpo.e . of ,ex- no o!roumstanoe. .hRllpny meahpDjc ;e\onet,l\Ind to allQl>mpany the applioa. amlUlOg an~ mspeoting tpe condition ~O!~g. the work of plumbing or 1l0UBe .tlOn,~~rap~rmit.. .' of .uoh dralnsh.ll always be affordlld .. ramln~, or any' emplo'ye of suoh . 'the 6J!m.rge. for Dlpkingsuoh OOlWee. at any ~nd all times, I~eoh..m?, aot ". agent of . the sewer tioD~I,.llo!,n be a~ tollows: Oll Molin. . Sootion, 8. AI)Y pel'6oll or eorpora, oomm's..lOner or ,insp~etor, to ' p.erform :...treet trOIDl TrlO"y avauue to 'Rouse tlOn holdlllg a permit, to \Py "drsin., tb~ duties preso~lbea m thl. nrdmanoe, il i .a.veDUe aM:. 011 Rouil6 avenue f.om. must, before laying any pipe give -All sol1 pIpes pnd titting. shpll 'M"j~~at""e.t tUl MendenhPiI .treetf<i>r et lepst,eigbt,eell (18) hours 1I0tioa at ,be of oast !~on" ~nd' what i. known as sllt-Ioe-b .pipe, $22.00';fUlr four-!noh! the offioe of the Sewer 'OOIDIlliasioner.standard ~0I1 pIpe, and shall be run pips,. '20..00:00 a'lI otber street. .and lof the time thpt he will b~ rendy to. {I~m ." pomt t?ree (8) feet out.ide of avelloe,. o.o.which "ity .~ewers ar~ Il\id begin. aDd he must 1I0t proceed wit!>' Ulldmg full size up to roof, All .oil '~oridll.iDOb pipe. .$16,00, for foul-lnoh, any work of th"t killd ulltil the ill;I~Od vent ,pipes .hall beinoressed ,be. .pille,.$lltOO,: .' . ", spector is 00 the ground and lays outl: ore pas.m~ throu~h roof, at lea.t one {,". r:;oei><>p.a. No' pereop or corpo.a thewark. .' Any work doue without.J~IZ". No tll~ pipe:. .ball be allowed tlOn~hllU allow oroouse to be oonneet' n~tice to the .ewer COlXlIll!.sioner, ot, ,maide of allY bUIlding. .ed. ~1tb any drain whioh dillOhlOrglls, WIthout iuspectioll, shall be treatea', O-N~ trap, .nor poy manUllar of in~o':ap"blic or district sewer .any a." deftcieDtwork,alld mpy be uuooveI;' ..ob.truotlOu to the free flow of air prlVY~I',.n.lt, ,oeaapoql.,..ellhau.t frOllIl' ed!pnd,)f.neetl he, recollstruoted bythrcug,h t~le whole cour.e. af the drpin ste.sm el\lIPP~.o, blow'off from.. steam SPld eOQlmlss!~ner at the expense ofafd .011 pipe WIll be .allowed, and allY ,h?!ler, "'l'l>e llllhau,t from' steam'e,,- the drainlayeI o:t propeIty ownertQ'bf um~er ,.ho shall dlreotly or mdireot: gm,e O<'bll>w,-oIHrom stea", boilerslilal1 ?f?om tbepeImtt was glnnted,':' y plaoe pr m!Oke any trap,coutractiou,1 flr~tb"Ol:.nlleot8'd with"eceivingt"DJIt~ .Seotion 9. UlIle8s speO'ial permisslOp' or o"t~?r obstacles. anyw~er~in the tills.tllDk mus.t be. open to the ptw"., I~ end?rsed on the permit, the jUllo- .?~e.o~snCh dralD .or SOlI pIpe .hall, . p,l)"re.; U>eo'l'ell'\owfrom thistall,k tlOlI pleoe., siPDts:, or Y'. which have In ~}~IOU to th,8p~na1ty he1'einafter I o~nbe "oDneot"dtq sE>weror' dra>n.beell built hi the sewer dllrlljlg. tbe pr; ttB,d, forfeIt 1m authority, {md plpe.eft'er beiUB properly trapped, aDd con.truotion must \Ie used for oon- .all bemeligible to be re.,,"thorizBd tr,lO!> revented, <;Jellar water an<\: .oof lIectlri'gallprivatOl' ...we.. ". honse for.e.year. . dl'llln..oanbeooDneoten to sewer, b-Iot drains. In mak!lIg .uch e"l'IllllCtioll"I' D-Every .ink, nrillal, water ,!lI'n/lt 1)(1 protllOted from.sewergas bY the junction.pieoes, .laDt.. or Y's olo.et, both tub, hn.ill, spie, .or athor .~x-.inoh oastlrl,lll S or Pt'lIpwith mllst first be foulln befo~e 'oper>lng.tha fixture .hallbe separRt"ly lrapp"d aa ,~tldbole, eaoh trl\pmust be provided trenoh for the reBt of tbe work. j near the fixtures a. possible, au'] all :with II baokwater valve, " '.' 's.eotion 10, The InWeof every fiow from kltohell Binks, ar allY gl'easy, ..:..'.........Se.......ot..!.QlI...: .' .4.......... .' I. p....n.o .... oa.. s..e... S.h.. a. ~hnyg~" drB.I..n .0.0. n....n. eot.ed.. "':!t.,h... S .pUb.liCM '.. . .d.'S'.. flow whatever, shall be caused to p".s lij\';'\YIOt~.plpQ. O' otberconllu\t .belald hint .ewer attel It.S IBid \lnust be lef (Continued on -=:J . :l?!l!.~rer. than,two. fe~t on eith,," side of ~ool~aDd perfeotly .ole".. tbrO'-'gbo,D . / I' tA./ C-jP~ ~ , I'!? pnbl...i..O. or. .d.ist.rl.~t sewer Wit.hOU. t a It.s.e.,.ntlIelengt~, and the e"d. 0.' .al' .,' r . V ~/ I olal perl:Dit inwrtlng fIrmro tbe sew- pipes not to be Im)Dediatly' _d,must '. of/lmiSsioner. . be ",:,ctlrely j;tuaId$d allainat tae introj l '. ';';::';:~,::::.,", ".. \ -",:.:",:...,'::::,:,',-,~:,; "'...:: :'..:",,". .~,;:.;:~",. ..::,~-. - =C-'~~~:~';'N'-- c' E" ' irati pipe with-lead, and tile' rM1'f pi'pe" .111 f" '--------=---r:. ;;..- .. -- -- - - ' i'\. I lJ,Q be at.cbed to tM sleeve bv a Wip~d' aoll y asten,ed. WoodeD w,p~h tray" "wID's or 'obstrll0t the tlow;,IOIi~lll\ s'~- " . t '. ,1 snd wooden S\OkR ora prohlb'~ed III erag~ und a$ oftel\ U may' \}l\1I0-1 . " .,~'~le'.\ W tIt I h~ sidll of bnlldlugs; snoh Ilxtorai, sh.lI'\e.sur:l;lns Il' sewe~s IIRI throngh a .ni )e g~~ e I"trup; thi ,fil v~n; ~ 1.0 eft 0 ose ~ s lflbll ~?t in all oases ba of non,absorbant;.nter.' of the ,<lity" d nnde,," 10,1' I trep sbell b. maao ont of c~'st iron o' iii ns~' Y (~r~o "~rV"ce'l u, uy lal. Exoept in pipe. wbioh. ara ve;- 'Ithe. sewer Committee m h(lavy ~b"et lead, and .hall uol 000' P;-":{~tha sPWeClat S"'j'V oe tianll', , II t~ca), the 'Ilse of aanittlry T's I. prohl-. edyall breaks or defeots' be ,h~l ,'I tam lo~Q th8 tll (3) 11 f *' J . f1~ e P pes s lB. , In a bitB{I ~t b~' . I . n .ee "~a cnS 0 """0'1, be uf lend or "u.t iron, and of' , a.O, en as may e nece.sm'y, inspeot wsl.r,and shall M prOVIded with claa?' the fullcwing sIze. for'each of tho fol- Twentloth, Wa.te pIpe. f.om balh I all dt~ln. "nd pln'llbing OQnnecled 011t (lp.llJng, at leaBt four (4)1Dohe. In owing namotl fixtnres' lnb~ shall be oonup-cted to drum tuP.,! Iherewith, aUd .hall hB~e 1IC0e.. tp all! (hamel.'". " " Puth tub ulle 8n'i I If hav1Dg trap .orew.. not leBs tbau flmrl pllvate pope~ty for sl1ch pUl'pose8 E-All <1e1811B of Pl;unJlling WOI'k, I intl'hl''',' olle'la (1M) (4) ioches in dlamete. with vellt st. and If ,he shall flnd any snch drain ' .ueh as \~atcl' alcsets~l!1.bl'a, e[a" mUBt Sllt:"OUA tlu,l cue.ba1f (1?~) Inoh.. ~sa~ed and put as ~IQBe to bath tub. ael p1umbmg ont of order Ol'ln~uffi~lenl ba of a kllld aud qnalny to b~ approved LI'l",drv tub [10. aUtl ono,lIalf (l J.f) ,. p.aotlcable alld Il~cqeslble. " I.hall noWy tb., owno,' of tho p.~ ],y Ihe ."we~ oonl,misSlOner, , ("I, " I)!) ;)lch'.s, 2 f-wenly.fir.t, In no ca.e..hllll any 0 ",hiph s"t!\I' i.,f(lt111d or hi. .Ige F-;-Tbe ,dl.cretton of the .ewer oom. " I l!ll,Ol1<1 alld oue-half (1 Yo )illCh.s I vent or .oll pips be rno on'the ontside ~-,'epaJr 0" romedy the .ame, and mlss:onsr In approviug plans, ~~d ,ec. :"lCj! ] "'l'Pfll', IWO ,(2) to four (4) ~f allY b~ll(ling wllhoot a spsclal par- I allure of .1101~ pl'operly ownllr, ,~~ copllog work,as .bov~ shall be \Jmlted '1lI011'.', I mit trom the sevvet,ooml..ione., , "llgeut to r"paIr or "'llmedy Witl of t~e followlDg tequJremenl~: W,dJ ba"""OJlC aud ollA-fonrth (17.l) Twenty-..cond. In 110 case will illwn.ty.fmlr' hours,' .l1cb oWll,er , FIrst: No Watar closet sf1all ~. 1I\cho', . ~ auy fixtnre ba allowsd to dlsoha.g~~$enl, On bel~g found guilty shall, e .at np 01 allY hou.(l o. buildIng I~ 'f1m totlllth, 'I'he vent pipe from iuto thEl b.ud or trap of a Wllter clOBet, (fined AS provld,,,,l in .eclion 15 of this whloh tbe "'1111. !Ire not fu~ly aDd f.ec- eaoL tlxl1ne shall, iu' Illl cases, be of 1,lle' All soil 0' waste plp'ls .hall have e ~O~dJnU~l(IA, " , , ly wasbed by the borml'1 dl~bl\r)le of ~all1" .,,,e "" th" wa.t" piye from tbe olQan ont sorew or openlug jnsl tnBlrle lh' SectI01l19" ,The sewer COhlltltsslone' tbe oloset at each operatIon, nor shall ~"IIl(l ihd.nrB; Provideil, that, when cellar or foundution wall, ,~ all, ,OIl1!h" /ltst day of ,each mont:h, I anY' hopper clo.et be .et up, which has mOle than Oll(l f1xtmo ~hall be v teil When bnildillg. lira drlllned by oesa file WIth th~ clLy olerk a reporl fill', a trapaof leas than one ann thr~e qna,'t- Ihro\lgh th" Sl\me pipe Ihe, .i;'~ of pcol., tpe SllOIS .ules .hall be fO)!OW,' the pracedll'K ,tno~th" "hoWi,og th,e i "ra (1%) Incb .eal. All clo.e~. WI~h, .ueh pipe .hull be us follows: ~d In the IIlMtei-Qf clean-o\\ts ~~ here. number Of permIts ,.~ned by !Jlln ilun'l 'm any bUIlding shall be snpp\Jed wllh 1"01' more limn one aud not 1'0 ell:eeeel' inalt.r de~~t1b~il. \ug ,Ih" mOl\tll, to whom I.WIled" the) fiU~~c.:~~.r ~~.~;~hx:~;ek~~ a building' ;:c~,~i:tnres, one and uu..h"lf (I %) f ill:llo~I~~ lk4. A t1lllm d tbe oO~tPl~tlon ~~~;:ngai:'h;~~e:l".~~I~i~~eclr~:~~ :?;,\ hall os tIll peel nd ve. t'R sh Il ,oJ "or "one un e. perm's Issn- ,t n t d 'tl ih Ita, s ~,a e Y P a I 1<'0' more than two nud nol to exce.d ed by antbolrty of thl.ordlllauee the '1','o,le" y 00 netl e Vl'1, 1 e p, ill" SllYl-' bo v.nt.d WIth one exoeptlon; lhe tb,'"," fixt"r". IWO (2) n l:l' d ' rIb t h 1 el's or draln.,and allall ke~p a reootdll:if \ wa.,o pipa from the bar of " sl\loon ,I C es, <Rln ayer?r p um er 0 w om .uc 1 tbe saQle, " ,1' , roa b~ Vt., ed wit'h lar e d.Ullll Fo. 1001''' thall th"e~' aud not to ex- permit,WP.lssnen,.hall s,ve wrltton ' ," I'" I t y, iP g 1 oeed five fixtn..., two and one-half notloe the.eof to the Sewer Oomml.- Sectton 20, The .eWer C01l;lllll..! I r~~. '. , ,<2?) mcbes, ' siollsr; tbe Sewe,' 'OOlDIIli..ioner .hal! slonel' .hall be pd<;l 'for hie R Sllnices\ Thu~, No fixture shall b. IrpPP,ed 11'or mOl'e thuD five I!nd not to ex, make a flnal eX!lmlnation of the whole ,s'1l0h_~u~'aB !i1J!,1 ~e fi:t'Al} b:t!!'h~JI..Mii by hpvIDg Its oot~et, COllueoNu w,t~ 'ceed t(ln fixt,ires, three (3) wches, work alld if found to oomply with con~C1I, "n~,befo.e enledl,lg npon tliii, the (tDP of fllloth~r fl~tur~, .... ,I~~,,: FOllrteenth, Venl P'l"'s from water tlls requl.smellt. of thie or<llnanoe, tie d~tte~ of hIS offioe ehul~ Slve r/ boltd\tG Fon.tb, All plpM lllUSt bo.s dll'"1 closet tr~l S .halll/ot, III Hny COHO, be shall approve the _ame and lssna s nt,e olty of Bozeo'lIn In the sUm of . ect as po..ible, and SIlPll, be so auang' le.s (hnll tW(1 (2) lucher) ltl diarruller, certificate therefor", und ho ~hllll Flv? ~inndred Dollars ~or tho falhful ed that !hey may,at aUlunes, h. raadi- ,uHl wh"r~ Illcre tban one clo."( iB I immediately th~I'Aaft(lr eudo.oe o..u the perlollllanoe,of ,Ih. d,UtlS. of hi. offio., Iy sxamlned and .0pRIr~d, Before tbe ",'nled throl1gh lhs S"m" pipo, 1h0 size I application upon which tho pe.mi. Which bond, w,lth h,s o~th of offioe, fixtures are plaoed the whole syot.m Qf S"t'll ,l'iPfl BhnlllJe as fullow.: I for the work was Issl1Ad, anel whlah sball b~ filetl WIth the CI\)' olerk. ' of dr.in, Boil, ,,:a.ta, !lml vent pipes, FQl' mo,." Ihnn ct,e and not 10 e""ae(ll.hall bo kept <In file in tbo S8W." "um- S.ot1On 21. Authoritv to w10Nr hI i shal! bt! bQrmat-1Glllly 5e~led, the plp~s' two ('loseW, tWQ (2) i!lohes j!'nr mls.,oua". office, tb~ d"to 'cf s!lch fiu. COllUACtion Wlth 'city ~';we. pi))es and' I 'l'..bllh..tbap be. .fiQ6d with wst..r to.t,be Illorc titan two and tlnl to ,'x"~ed four sl inap.ction atl<1 app'roval." ,appurtenanc.. w\ll be, g~ollt.~l, ~ the; 1 lOp, .auct eve.y Joiut .hall be ."amlne~ I (4) olo.et'" two and o\,"-half (2 J.f) Section 15, Any per.on 01' per.Oll.' o~ ty cou~cll to apy .ellablo and IJrM-1 1 fcr I.akas.e and all leak. .hull be,~ecur-i, Illch,,", ],01' mOl'S till'u foul' fonnd gnilty of not complYIng with at tical d..m laye~ or plnmbet. who hue 1:1, olosed befor" oonuections a.e m"~e' a!ld nol to (lx?.d el,ght clo'., of violatillg aoy provi_ion of this or had exp~"leno" m tile bn.mes., 'Uli)on Wltlt s.-:ver or ?ess,pool; exceptth"t Ill.' .t" thl'ee (3) Illches, A water diJniTIce,for which no pe!IRlIy Is brhel'" lapphoat1On f\l~ ~uch ~u~h~r1' , ~Wh'ch, I cn.. of InapeotlOn of plnmbing !llready . clo.et, b"th Il1b allr1 wash b!\sin may Wi.A povlde't shall u1!101'/ O<lll'liptlon must he In Wrltwg,ths app 1l,ldnu!!t exi.tiug the peppert!'int of .nlOko ;te.t I .ull be "')tlted th,ough Ipe .amo pipe,.., thereof. be fI~ed iU' the ,.u,m, of' l\ot, fu:ni.h the c,itt o~lloo11 ~. 'I 'llj~:; ~le ~\l\Jstit-ntetl b;V tbe sewer com, bnt innll.uch csse. tho two inch VSn'll le.s tbut\ flvc dcllara' nO' more than ev\ctenco M"hIS ablhtyAo d t.' l missiouer,. pipe,wriich i. common'io.1ioh'fixtul.'s' on<> hundrsd dollarll, fo~ the flrat wo.~, If authorl~:v is gr~n s Fifth, "rhe joInts of 1111 fllpe., ex_shall nut e,,:cMrlflve (5)fee'li';length'/ offanse, end not leas thlln ten dollars apphoant.~y the Olty CDOna' .0 ~i1 oept, where.crew joints are t1~ed, shall nnless .p~ClaIPe.mi.ion in wtititlg' i.' for a!lch nay .uch persoll or per.bos ole.k will tssuo to .uoh \" t, a I b. msde with an Cl;llI\l ga.ket allc1 .ft:.t obtamod of Ihe, sew.".,..OPllllllis-. .hall continne t1l nt,1 cmnplylng with 'oe.ttfloate .howl.n8 .noh anthP~ltt., Oil soft lead, thoroughly osu)ked,'. Sloner, And t!,e ..ame rule.ball !lply,: or III viclation of this ordinanee after. the applicant fihng ...ith the ol~:l1"alllrk \ Sixth, All vent pipes sl\d fitting. .'~,c!\.e. wh.r.a, \~at~: ol.Qset nnd .due notice tocea~e by an,\, cily,;ffiOer,.:n bon.d in ~he$omofloIietIiQu.a~d .hall be of wrought IrCIl, or D.t. cast.e1ther n hath tub Ot:" waeh . li.asin 'ate Section 16, 'thera .hall,ou the tal<- dolla:.. WIth two good aI)!l.sllfficlent. trl)Il, aud If oaH iron,it "hall be of the v.n,t(ld tllIongh.the slime pipe,.. . iLJg .lIacl of this ordluance alld ou thei .nrette.,.to he approved ~y tlte tlfayo., g.ade known to commerce ns slnndard, .:1; tfteenth, All ,v.enl'.1 t,rpe.' 'l\'hroh first MOllday of Mny eaoh ;ear th~,'e I oondll'ODe,1 tltat, h" will bsvs 1111 the' und .11 fitliog. nsed with ~uch pipe as! are nHlre thou, lllldy, ,{80.) feet. In atler,. he appointed by tho ~~aYor, work ,lone by h]lD, or untl"r'IJ,I~ coo.': shall eOr""IlUlld wilh it in weight and~ ,}engt~l sh~lll>e ID(l~,Aa..d.nne.h~lf (J.f) with the adYlcesud con.er't of ..ths tr01, eXBOnled In ..wor~manlll<e"mau-, qusllty., und. all "ast il'.O.lt pipe uud fj,,4. '.'.Il.,e.ll''::.dlH.mol~~!Or. '!.'lc.Q, 1l~(JiEi9'!!i.1. coo.tloil, a.sswe. eommi~.iol1?r, to .ppldl ner, oltd In ac?or~anoe w,tth.th..eyt.d. !n, tings shall he coater! inside awl oUlsidll,'length oI' not'le.s than tsn (10) '"y.r. I his office nnlll his .ncces.ol' IS appomt- aoc.. of tlte m!.y, and WIll. JllMmnlfy I with coulpllch varnish, . .,~~'e than thirt.y (30) fe.t, . I ed and qUlIlified, "1 andsave. the Clty bf Boze';'iW'tl batlIlle...., flaV""tb, Tho dmin pipe shall n~d,Slxteenth, III no oaR~ shsllmore: Section 17, The seWSI' cOTl1,mis.ioner,qf Rnd ftom a~l uCCldeut(ap~l~d~;~l!f~fai, . be l!lld l)clow Ihe .osllar, fioor, .... except ..~ihouons fixtu.e. be drnmeu or vented. shall ha vo ohare" of.. all .tll<i. pUbllOo~used ,bY nll,y n"llligeuoe 111.. ~OJllti),llt: It bo ab."lnt.~ly MC"s.a'y, . It' .houhl:.t1.'W.Ullh on. and one.ful\rth, (I?l() mch. aud disHiot se~.t" ,of the clty.aud protecting IllS \Vork.orbya')iS',,~~,';t~.,~ be fnsteued along the (lell,,' wall, or'lJlr~' no' .11811 auy w~.te pl~e of, one. their cNlll6ctlons, "':11 appllcattons f,:l or lnad~qnat.workdon;~:II~~l.o~ hung fronl I'b" fi001' timber",an,l given .aud cna-foutt-ll U7.-0 mohes In dlame" for permIt. aud dl'au".,. sewSI' .if!l11(J.1 hI. e11lployss~.!, Any a!"thOI~,tlt"...,l!.t ...... a gradA of,nt least-,.OIIO(l )in sixlY (GO)" ter oxceeil twenty (20) feot III length.,. plUIO,biIlfot wo.k and col.nectionst-Ilore-' .nnct.r th\s.~ohon to any.dr~,h,' ..r;' nnd rUm:e if possible, . S(tlvent.eoth,.., Tmp vent..from two.. of wltb tb~ sewersY.\.em I shull'" 'b~..or plu,mbs, lay be r~voked,\lf,~.\{! i Eight.h, .611 chauge. in i hedircC-, o~ more fI xt.u... mnst oonuectat ,\.ast ,[ mnde. to htm,and he /.hall is.ue ,a~ OQ\l."IQllfor Qllnse...,' n..;,' Ilio)l of the d,rll!" "hui) b" Illo,le with t.wclve (12) mche. above Ihc top of . p..mlt. fOl' .uch work M "ra .equl1'~ ~ectoIi22, Anydrnlnlsyei'Ol: curv.d )lip"'.' l\i."l"r\lI eonllect.lOnH with fixturos, and !ltmN ~(]l'eW, of th,. .MIle by the nrdmancea of the ~ity. 10 b,e i.., plumber vlolatlng.tbe'.,,:\?o"V1..\on.. of, ;......y.'.,', .bl'B.I.'.el.l.."."-.atld o'.'.o-,.,;gh.t.h b.em.].. s, ..... diameter as vont, WiP. ell.. ~uto ,t, a.l\d. "U".d, (lxc.pt as ,ot.lle.wlBe provlnsd; thls.ord.l.nauoe .shall .b.e. . . ..n...bja.".t........t.o ...a.......\ 1'.Nit1lh,Wt\st,(l'pip"s from 'lUfe..', r~., not more than .J~ (6) mche. .abO;" !lnd..hall finally In.peot albncb w~lrlf, Jlne.!u Iln'y anrn. not ll~ceedln!l "ue. :.fl..'igerlllo.t.'S, bu",.' pm.1l1.'s,. ,.vaH,.r .t"nl'"\ the connect..,un wllh the trap, and tn(l' ad. d gen. .rally perfor. 1ll..a.ll.t.h.e<.JuIt..,s In. '. hundred 'l.ollaro ..n.d .in...lld.d.l.tiO..U.'. t...h.e. re'. .'1 :..a.......Il..d. O..~hl~t..' s.~nl...il.(fl. ..ib.":tl.?r. ."...~ Jl.nd .;roce.IJt". u. ...a.e. "O,~ ~Old.(~r U~l~.U.. ot rUbbO. r elbowB 'ref.el'e~;I~e. .10.. se. wera., ,(':18.., w. er. eo. n~lcc,~lOlla \.tOI may ~8 V8." h~S. a\1t.hodt. y' 1.e,Vokect.I.....lf. '"pie. .1D.wllJc.h prOY,"ll'1)8 ''''G "I.ored is Bln"tly prchlbited, alltl d.a,ms aDd plUlIlbtlll'l reqmred by he haveanthonty,.... ,. , 911."-11 "!I,t Ii" "u;lTl~ct.l'(1 tib,,,,,tly. with ElgbtsenV', All plp.s a.. to b. sO tho o!'dlllflnce" of t,he diY" amI .hall.. P"..ed iU.t day of Novsmbe. 1901 i tile dra\"ago system. . b"l: shan ,11", ~n~nge,j thnl tb~y may be ea.ily ex. cha.ge and collact therfore the f~e. Anproved 22nd' day"ofNov'c'inbe: 'chit.go. ]lito !lU upen SlUR or tray which amtned ~nd rep~Ired;, when they are I and charga. ptovlded, hy .Ihe OrdlU- '"190l, '. . . . '. " ' shall be in plain .lght. 1'111. s\uk 01' M""~.arI1Y c!\1Tled WIthin the wall~ 0\' an"es of t.he Clty, llnYlllg tho sam. ill- '. . , t.a.ym.ay co.u. nee!, \vith the di'~iu plpe_. partttlons they ~hsll. wh.n practlca'., to the CIty t.oa.nry fOr t.he ".e Of..... ,t,he,,~. '. p, T., .MORRIS.. ....... . \. npou h~t1g l)I'op"l'ly tl'al;ptld like an;v\ ble,be covered w,th wood work fa.cen., cit-y, .'.' ,.,~, Aot.lng MaeYor, 6th"r fixt"r., "edwith sc~ews ~o as to give .eady, flsct.l<m 18, Ths sewsr oommis!o\ler ',A.ttest' .T,_M, PIEROE, _I Ten,th,~lI cotltwetiol1< of \"ad with~co'~" tc P'l'''s,. I., shalll1ave the pow,er t? .top Blld.i,pte., '. Olty..O,Wb~.~ .. i Iron pillfl:.bnll be ,,"1<1e with a . bras.1 ..' NlDate""tll. All exit plpe~ f~"m ve)ltfl'om dl.cha.".gHlg Illto thc .'8eW~' I .... , ....-- "'sloeve 01' fernl,,;, the .lecvtl to be ..plum)Jmg fixtu16s,except the .otl plpas .y.tet1l .oy lll'lvllte .ower o!'draml thc"ou~'hly !1a111ked tnto th"~ hub of: from tile water closets, .b.lI . b.P!'o- thrqugh. .,whieh llllbstanoe.ssre.-di.'; .T'" r' ' viped with str.on'~ melalic ,traioers,19hRI'god v.:bicb .al'e liuble to iuj'Jrethe # ~La:C :::l~/a~LA..j'-J..-f. ' . . eq;;jjJ~~,~~~C0T~4/4- ~2?u ~./hJ.2ZY;~~~~ !Jl~~~/'YtJll .' c.;u-~L, ~ t4::zfZ~~~ -?/ ' a~~~lkt.~~~~~?7;; ? ~~_~~~w.~~ ~4-~ <!> ~