HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 00- 216 Providing for Form of Bond for City Hall Funding Bonds . ,.,.~." .,~'~.._ ... .... . ....m._.. .....____..._.u... ., .... . '. '.' . ..iIi>I'~~titb~';y-Wh~;~;;t, th~Bllid6i'ty' OR{)INANOE NO.-21ft. of Bozeman has'oaused Itscoi't:lOrat!l. -:............ . i . seal. tQ'MI:lll)\3i6-a~xeQ;;~ri'dtbITl:,'ffijfili: : . . . .... .... . . . " 'l\nditbecoupons'!Ulretoattacbed'to'''l)e An Ordinance Providing f'ora .. orm. signed by Its M,ayor 'and by. i~l!QltY.. cf'Bondt'or the $80,000 of "City Clerk, aM the date of Issue of thls Hall J<'unalnll' Bond>!l, Seco..dSer, Bonlt to be. registered by . salg. CIty: Ie!'!" of'theOlty of'Boteman, Clerk, at Bozeman. Montana. thts llrst , .' '. """'.:,'.' day of Jaauary 11101.' '.' ,~onta~a,"He..ero~l'e 'v;otElaLa~d: . ., _;,:pr4erEl4tll~'H14:~,Il,~li;,lj',~i,,~in~~~, i ~,;b:l:lt.H~;t;tii)ii:t'IQ*,lin"~a.td'Bliridil...: i Attest: \ .. ............ . "" .'. I Wherea., U~(ief":th~.?~~:J!~,'~:~f I Section 2. TC~~,~~~~~fthelnterMt Ordlnan'l.lll NCi,.200 of the'Cityo't{Boze;: cOIlPons to be atta~hed tosaldb'otids man, Montana" duly passed, ad4llpted shall be in substantlallythefollowlng and approved on the' 16th day of Ellhru- fotm to.wlt: ary, 1900, bonds oHbe said clty,to,thll ' ....~(FORMOF COUPON} .' aggregate. amount of.. $30.000,.tq. be . '. 1: known as "City HaHFundlng,6onds,' HOZEMAN, MON'l'ANA. Sec.ond/S~rills," were ordered and No..... $20 directed to be issued and sold, $ubjllct, The City of BozlJman,in the County however, . .to suc.i:i :I. s...allan. cll '.' . be...i...n. g" of .Gallatinand State.of Montana, ~ill . pay to bearer TWllnty Dollars, lawful authorl~e4,bY.theq1181'liect elector8of money of the United . States' . of saictclty'Voting thereonatiln-electlon AmerICa,. _.. . . . .... on.'.,. . . ... .1, Ill, heldm said city;.and ....... ...... ,,' attbll ottlce or the City Treasutllr of Wh t hit... d 1 Bozeman. in .Bozeman. M,ontana, or. at . ereas.asue an e ec mD,'.Uy the option of the purchaser of thil hel~ andconducted<ur,t?,er .-l~~~ul Bond to Which this ooupon belongs, notICe on thellecd(1d~ay.of'A:Ptn,1900, and upon written notICe to said Tread. .. IDllre than a ma,jonty of the votes urer InNew YOi'k Clty,New York. at legally. cast wtltllfor the 'iss~allCeof IllUCh bank In sal.d City as Shall be . the bonds aforesald.andsald",ondsdeslgnl\ted hy said City Treasurer, for have ~een awarded' to the firm of 'N. lleml.annnallntllrest due that date on W.H1lirrls &Uompany; -of Chicago, jtsClty Hall Funding Bond, /Second Ill! .. I..... . t. "I .... ot. I .... tb' . t" j Series, dated Jan. 1,1901. No...._ no si.all, 1ft ce.n . essan ue r ___-.:..__ par 'Value; and ... . .. Attest: Mayor. Whereas; said purchasers desire that , _...:-~_ a form of. bond for sald Issue be adopt. City Clllrk. e.1 hY thlscOUIlCH, now, therefore; i Sectlon 3. nia't WbllD said bonds BE:!'!' ORDAiNED :IIY THECOUN01L OF I and.coupons have been llxecutlld'as THECtTY OF BOZEMAN.,... . aforesaid. they shall be dellveredto the .. Soctlqnl..' That each of. said'bon~!I' .:purchaser thllreor,N. 'W. Harris & . sh~l1belll,substaotlli.lly tl'l:efollowlllg Compll,ny afoeesald, and upon. the' form,tClwlt: .' delivery ofsaldoondsl1i'a\lY .of,them, :(Fo.RM OF. BOND.) . . " audpayment of th~ purchase' prlc8 fo~ tJNt~QS'l.'.,\TES OF.AMERlOJ\......: ,s~gt~\,1J, F\ElamO~l!-tof.~bEl:b:or.~ltO~l'l.: .i.' .... :::S'l.'ATE"O];'M:ONTX~.A' ....ret4.ndeil therehy shaH be paid and Url'Y '. OF".lIdl!1<J1\['AN; : cati'clllled. the:: IntentiQnheing ... .to . C~TY* Hh:C~'U!S:])IN~ ,J;l,?~D, c. . eMb";(j'butndtr'.tO:II,1'il\rif:~tl1Il1nl!i!~.,~". ;,;,'SeCll.md.l:llwies'.... .'. ...' .....--,...:-.......... . m.~....._""'",_~', No, - .' ... $~OOO'. . by this Is~ue of bonds ~he Indebtednes~ '.KNowiA\;iL~...il\1E~IB~/fH])'E1-l!l:H.RES' of said City of Bozeman... .. .. ' ENTs, Tl1attn\3!J~~llp(;I311z~malhjl'l t411./Section4.. That. all ordlnllnee.or County ,or G/l.Uatl\l.lln(l.State 01 Mon. parts of ordinanceS In conflict with the tana,ackno~~e.d,l:te$lt$elf,to."ol:"e., and, proVI~IOh$hereof beand:t~e same Ilre IVr .va1ul;lrl;l\Jl!lvlOd. lIlO~llby ptol1\ISllll.tV berllby repealed- .Bud that.thlll ordl- pay'to,beatertheSumbf.(iblE'l'HOU$. .....,.. .: ...... .'. .'. '. .' AND ':I)OLLJ<R$,On JanUllrYl,'192.I,Ornanc.e. '. s. hl;l..lI.,..,t,a.. k~effllc~ frO;~.'.r.' n a. ~t. er at a.llY t1.ine.betor.fl.salelel. atll,On o.t..after ..~t.s..p....:..~.k.ll.t;I..a~.~.:..~ ~I;!pro ...a,.tl...!l.;' ......... n.. ; January-I, 1911, at:the.. option of . slllel ,. F.ll~sedr;.~ .~~'l,\: ; tills City. togllther wlthJntet:e~t On 8aldsum;211tll.'~PY(lr~ee . ..... ; 1960. '.. . ..,g .' from thlldatebere~f,untll palli.atthe ...," ::.} I: tn. ':q,'tW.M. ALWARD, . rate.ot.Fou~ PER ()Ji;.NTUM peraJ;lnum, ""X":wi"t":".:~..,""".,~" . . . . . M' .' . . .~ payahlll semi-allnll.lI-Ily Oo.th~FI~st ":';(''At''D.8~;;''i'''.;.,t:bJ.n< m.~!-.9r. DAYfl OF JANUAR1;.A.t<ID JULYul eacl1 uEv. . .<".r;A"E.. Yllar,upon Lilepreseutllfi.QU audsurren. City Clllrk. der of the inter ' ns hertltO at- ' : '. tRched,aB thllybecome'. !tile: . Both prIncipal' a .... . st iJlJ,Yllblll.'ln law tUlmoneyof1iIl~.;iteel8ta~eaof Amlltlca at the olllCll~;Q.t:the lJItyTrell.8' merot Bozeman, Irit~eman,MOrit~Ila, Ql)at th6oPtion. 0 .('.lliP. urc.h. aser...he.re- or, and upon Written .notlctl to said Treasurer, ill New York City, New York, at SUCh bank 111; said Cltyai;j,.sl;ta1l be cteslgnatedby sludCltr Treasurer; and .for the prowptpayn:ient oftilia bond, With Interest all aforesaid, at ma, turity, the full faith,crlldlt lI.ndre- llources of said City ofHOzeman ate hllrllhylrrevocablypledged.. . .' Tbls Bond Is Issued llysald City of Bozeman luexchange ror and for the purpose of refundlogmaturl11g boods ofsalel City bearinA' a hlghllrtateof In, tllre.st and heretoforll Jllgally 'i.ssued; and which arevalielart(i'binding'obH- gatlons!>! said City,; and this Bond IS ssue4 inaccordance~lth more than. a majoritY' .voteQf.t/1eql1alilledelec(9fs of said City voting thereon at a duly ClIlled.lllection lawfully held In. salel- City On' theSeCO'nd day of April, moo; and Is Issued pu.rsulmt to aoelln full eompllauclO with .the provisions of Sec. tlon 4800 of tllll Political' Code of Mon- tana, and lioustlhlil Nd. 2.06. approved March 6th. 1897. of tb.e.laws of Montana of ,1897; alld a1l Acts amendatory there- Qf alldllupplamentarYlhereto. .AND IT IS HERE;BVCEltTffIED AND HEOITEDithat aU acts,col1ditlons and things required by tbe conhtitutioii and 1awaof the 1St ate of'McJlltll.na tobe:l1one precedent ,to and Irlthfl.lssuance df'tlils. Bond,havebeEln properly. done, ' 4ap~ llenedand been performed 'In regular and due' form and time asrequired'by law; andtl1at!th"e totallndebtedn\ll!8d~ lllild City: of' Bozeman. Includlilgt.,lHs Bond. does. nOt exceed any constitn. tlonal or statutory limitations. i I ~~hi4H~~J5 A, ~~~~#?~~ /~. .~, ~/~j~~ ~~/:::.;--~~-~'3~' ~~~~ ~ ~~,~ ~,.t-~~<~~,> ~:tC'-I-~- ~~~ ~,~v~. ,z/,-~ 2,,74-0 .;:~..~ ' ~.~, "--. ! ~l>-r-~~~/-/7~/ ~~ ~~"'J~~~<-~__~ ~~ ~-'k~~.' ~~~~~~oC.L~~~./,~.. ~ ~~/U-~rz~l; ~'7' ~"~~ a.~~~~-ihdL;;' ~,~~~~ (/~_.-rL 't~ ~ ~."" ~ ~?'7~~-=> .I.e",,-, ~~T~'~~t.-d'Z~/~, , 2::../~. '2-'::~t-t---"~ z,-rz~~//~d?.:..4 ~~-:f -t::~ ~t-;-Z;4.~1' ~ ht'u-~~~'711-'-~4.~ ~ zXJ:z-t-44 ~~.. -~.."/~ ..-/:. '-'~~~;:.$ ~.~~l ~ Ht-L ~.~.~ ~ p..c~ / '" -/;;d/ rJ '7,..,. J, - ') J d" y/ u:J . _ ~ U/ U/W-'.At-<J f4/?U'J..t...?,r; ,..fl"Z.._:~ 7U.~ ,>';"~;'p'4 ;;Z?-I- ~~~,LPU~.5~/'~fj~::ZL4:..L I _ '. -7 ,d;,'- ~ _ v';( ~ ~ //~~-,,"-L.!'-. h~d4''''''-4.J/ ~'.~ /4'- ~.... ~...U1--~' /q,eJ/. .............",.,. ,...-;' - X . ..--:7 '" '" / v 7'U'/ /t7J ,\/ //tI ~ .~ ./1 WI?~"