HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 35- 661, Locations of trades and industries
!< Praot Retld
f '1c and Ohecked 467
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Repealed bj r manca 0.. -
Be it ordained by the Commission of the caty of Bozeman, State of Montana.
For tbB purpose of this ordinance, certain terms and words are defined as
Words used in the present. tense include the -future'} words in the singular
number include the plural number, and 'IIords in the plural nuaber inolude the
singular number; ,the word "building" includes the word "structure" and the word
"lot" includes the word "plot".
Acce~ Bui1dl~: A subordinate building or portion of the malbn build-
w/u:eL ..;.. ,rn. t:J...,. 17:t... ,.".....- ~~ J
ing, and the use of which is clearly incidental to the use of the main building.
Alley: A public thoroughfare not over twenty (20') feet wide.
I Block: The property fronting on one side of any street, avenue or boule-
vard between the two nearest of any of the following; ~ntersectlng such street,
aye.. or boulevard, to-wit: street, avenue, boulevard. park, waterway, rail-
~ road rights-at-way.
Boarding House: A building or premises where. meals are served tor com-
pensation for five or more personS but not exoeeding twentr (20) person8~
Building: A struoture having a roor supported. by col-..-or-walls for
the_shelter, support or enolosure of persona, animals or chattels.
Building Area: The maximum horizontal projected area of a building, e~-
oluding open steps, terraces, and cornioes projecting not more than thirty (30.)
Classification of Use Districts shall be as follows:
1. IIA" Residence Diatrict..-
2. "B" Residence Districts. .
3. "C" Residence Distriots.
4. ",n" Residence Districts.
I 5. Main Business DistriQts.
6. Business-Residential Distriots.
7. Industrial Districts. .
The use permitted in Class "A" Residenoe District shall be the highest,
and the use permitted in the Industrial District shall be the lowest.
Corner Lot: A lot situated at the junction of and fronting on two or more
streets, and having a width not greater than sixtJ'-six (66) feet.
Depth of Lot: The mean horizontal distance between the front and rear
lot lines.
Depth of Rear Yard.: The mean horizontal distance between the rear
line of the building and the r8ar lot line.
.District: A section of the Cl ty of Bozeman for which the regula-
tions governing the height, the area, or the use of buildings, and pre~8es I
are the s sme.
Family: Any number of individuals living and cooking together on
the premis&s as a Single housekeeping unit. ~
Height of Building: The vertical distance measured from the average
~ street level at the building wall.
Height of Court or Yard:-The vertical distance from the lowest level
of such court or yard to the highest. point of any bounding wall.
Hotel: A building or premises where lOdging is provided with or with-
out meals, for more: than twenty (20) 'persons.
Inner Court: An unoccupied space surrounded on all sides by walls, or
by walls and a lot line.
~ Interior Lot: A lot other than a corner lot.
- L'ength of Outer Court: The mean horizontal distance between the
open and closed ends of the Court.
"Lodging Hous e: A building or premises where loddng is provided for
compensation for five or more persons but not exceeding twenty (aO) persons. .. I
Lot: Land occupied or to be occupied by one building and accessory
., buildings and uses and including, open spaces required under this ordinance.
A lot may be land so recorded on the Records of the Recoraer ef Deeds of
-Galla tin County, Montana.
Lot Lines: The lines bounding a lot as defined herein.
HOa-contormingUse: A use of a building or premise that does not
conform wi th the regulations of. the use district in which it 1s ai tuated.
.,. Outer Court: An. open unoccupied space open1n~ on a yard, street or
Prl vate Garage: A garage in which no business, service, or industry
oonnected directly or indirectly with motor- vehicles is carried on.,
~blic Garage: Any garage not.ino1uded within the definition of a
Private Garage. .
Rear Yard: An open space unoccupied (except for accessory buildings
and uses) on the same lot with a main building, between the rear lines of the
main building and the rear line of the lot, for the _ full width of. the lot. 'I
Set Back: The minimum horizontal distance between the street wall
of a building and the' street line.
Side Yard: An open unoccupied apace on the aame lot with a building ,
between. the building and the side line of the lot extending through from the
front building line to the rear yard or to the rear line of the lot, where
no rear yard ia required..,
Single Family Dwelling: A detached building having accomodatlons
- ' ::- ,:..:,~~~ ':;;i;~;'; '.
- 469
. tor and ocoupied by one f'amilyonly, and a private garage with living quarters
Street Wall: The main wall near.at to aM fronting on a street., includ-
ing sun-parlors, but not including bay windows nor ground s tory porches or
I piazzas not closed in. That one story enclosed porch, take same classification
as one story open porch, depth not to exceed nine feet, width not to exceed 60%
of main part of house.
Two Fam1ly Dwelling: A detached building having accomodations for and
. .
ocoupied by not more than two families.
1. Use Districts: For the purpose ot classifying, regulating and re-
stricting the location of traces and industries and the location of trades and
industries and the location of buildings designed tor specific uses; the City
of Bozeman, is hereby divided into seven (7) classes of Use Distriots:
r 1. "AU Residence Districts.
2. -au Residence Districts.
3. "C" Residence Districts.
4. aD" Residence Districts.
5. Main Business Distriots.
6. Business-Residential Distriots.
I 7. Industrial District.
as shown on the Use District Map attached hereto and expressly made a part of
this ordinanoe, and Use Districts are hereby oreated 1n the City of Bozeman,
Montana, as the ssme are designated on the Use District Map hereto attached.
No building shall be erected, altered, or used, and no premises shall be used
for any purposes except in conform! ty with all the, regulations herein pres-
cribed for the Use Distriot in' whioh suohbuildings or premises are located.
\ It is not the purpose of this Ordinance to undertake a wide spread cor-
~reotion of undeslreable condition~ resulting fram ~aok of proper oontrol in the
pa.s t. It is the purpose to prevent future development of suoh conditions. It
is therefore provided that the provisions of this Ordinance as to uses of build-
ings, struotures or premises shall 'not be construed to prevent the oontinueduse
. .
of existing buildings, for other use. than those herein permitted during the
reasonable life of, said;.-,~ildings. Provided that any building or struoture dam-
aged more than 50% by fire shall not be repaired, altered or used except as her.-
I in provided for new buil~lngs or struotures.. .
For the purposes of regulating". olassifying and ,restricting the location
Of trades, industries, enterprises, etc., and the location of buildings designed,
erected or altered for speoified us.., and limiting the height and size of suoh
buildings and the use of lot 8.l"8aS and determ1nlng the areas ot yards and other
open spaoes surrounding buildings he~ter erected, and p~eventlng additions to,
and. alterations or remodeling ot, existing buildings or struotures with the in-
tent or effect of avoiding the restriotions and limitations in this Ordinance
contained, the City of Bozeman 1s hereby divided into Districts as f~llow.s,
- to-wi t-:
The boundaries of "A" Residence District shall be as follows: .
Beginning at the point of intersection of th& south line of Olive '"
Street and the east line of Fourth Avenue, thence easterly along the south
line of. Olive Street to the west line- of Willson Avenue, thence southerly
along the west line of Willson Avenue 100 feet, thence easterly along a line
~arallel to the south line of Olive S~reet and distant 100 feet therefrom to
a point in the west line of the alley between Tracy Avenue and Black Avenue, .
thence southerly along the west line of said Alley to the point of inter-
section of said west line Of said Alley with the south line of Dickerson
\street produced, thence westerly _along- the said south line of Di-ekerson Stree~
produce~ to the west lipe of' Tracy Avenue, thence westerly along. the south line
of Dickerson Street to the west line &f the alley between Tracy Avenue and
Willson Avenue, thence southerly along said west line of said aB.ey and said
west line produced to the point of intersection of the south line of Colleg~
street with the west line of th-e alley between Tracy -Avenue and Willson Avenue,
thence southerly along said west line. of said alley and said line produced t. 0 t.h8 I. ..
oity limits, thence sQ1therly along the city lim1t~ to a point midway between . ,
-the south line of Cleveland Street produced and the north line of ArthUI' St,x-eet
produced, thence westerly to the southeast corner of Lot 19, Block lQ, Capitol
Hill Addition, thence southerly along a line parallel to the east line of Sixth
~enue and distant therefrom 143 feet to a point in the north line of Garfield
8~reet, thence westerly along said north line of Garfield StrEJet to the east
line of Sixth Avenue, thence northerlY'" along said east line of Sixth Avenue to
- the point of intersection of the said line wi th the south 11ne of the alley be-
tween CleveIkhd Street and Harrison street, thence easterly along the south line
o~ said alley to the point of intersection of said south line produced with the
east line of Fourth Avenue, thence northe.rly along said east line of Fourth Ave-
nue to the point of beginning.
The "B" Residence District shall embrace four parts described as fol-
lOWS, to-wi t: .
Part 1. Beginning at the point of intersection of the east line of I.'
Third Avenue and the south llns'CJ'f. Short S~rset, thence easterly along the said ..'"
south line of Short S~reet to its in'tersection with the east line ot the alley
between Willson Avenue and Tracy Avenue, thence northerly along said east line
of said alley to ~e south line of Peach Street, thence easterly along said south
line of Peach Street to the west line of Black Avenue, thence\southerlY along .
said west line of Black Avenue to its intersection with the north line of the
alley between Lamme Street 'and Mendenhall Stroet, thence westerly along said
'~.... . ;"'.. ,:'.,..
, 47
"H.. .1
alley toa point on said line midway between Tracy Avenue all4,Wl11son,Avenue,
thence northerly on a 11ne para11el to Willson Avenue to the north line of
Beall street, thence westerly along said north 11ne of Beall street to the east
line of Third Avenue, thence northerly along the said east I1ne of Third Avenue
I to the point of beginning.
Part 11. Beg1nning at the point of intersection of tne east I1ne of
Eighth Avenue and the south line ot Mendenhall S~reet, thenoe easterly along
said south line of Mendenhall S~re&t to the west line of Third Avenue, thence
southerly along said west line of Third Avenue to the north line of Babcock
Street, thence westerly along the said north line of Babcock Street to the point
of intersection of said north ~'" Babcock Street with the west line pro-
duced o~ Fourth Avenue, thence southerly along said west line of Fourth Avenue
to its intersection with the north line of the alley between Harrison S~reet,
thence westerly along the north line of said alley to its intersection with the
west line of Sixth Av~nue, thence northerly along said west line of Sixth Ave-
nue to the north line of Harrison S~reet,.thence westerly along said north line
to its intersection with the west line ot Eighth Avenue, thence northly along
said west line of Eighth Avenue to the north line of College Street, thence
along said north line of College Street to the east line of the alley between
Eighth Avenue and Ninth Avenue, thenoe northerly along the east line of said
alley to the south line of the alley between BabcoCk Street and Olive Street,
~ thence easterly along the- south line of said alley to the east line of Eighth
.~ Avenue, thence northerly along the east line of sald Avenue to the south line
of Babcook Street, thence easterly along said south line of babcook Street to
a point 200 reet east of the east line of Seventh Avenue, th~nce Northerly
parallel to the east 11ne of Seventh AV8rme to the north line of Main Street,
. .
tben~e weste~iy along said north line of.Ma1n~treet to the west line of Eight
Avenue, thence northerly along the east line ot Eighth Avenue to the point of
Part 111. Beginning at a point in the east lIne ot tne alley between
Traoy Avenue and Blaok Avenue 100 feet south of the south line of Olive Street,
thence easterly along a line parallel to th6 south line of Olive Street to the
west line of Black Avenue, thence southerly along the west line of Black Avenue
to the city limits, thence following the oity limits westerly, southerly, west-
erly, southerly and westerly to the point of intersection of tbe city limits
t and the east line, produoed, of 1hE:J alley between Tracy Avenue and Willson Ave-
~. : nue, thence northerly along the east 11ne of saId alley and otherwise to a
point 150 feet west of the west line.r TraoyAvenue in the south line of Dick-
erson Street, thence easterly along the south line of Dickerson Street, and its
projection to the east line of the alley between Tracy Avenue and Black Avenue,
thence northerly along the east 11n. o:t said alley to the point of beginning..
Part lV. B,ginning at a polntin the east line of the alley between
8ix:t;h Avenue and F1tth,Ave1'lUO 150,..teet 8outhof.:the south line O,f Cleveland ..
. '.. ,~ .';.' ..ii
.Street, thence east along a line parallel to Cle~land Street to a point in the
city limits 150 feet south of 'the south line of Cleveland Street, thence sou ther-
ly'along the line of the city limits to Linooln Street, thence westerly along the
north line of Lincoln Street to the east line of Sixth Avenue, thence northerly
along .J..h8 ~tdl't JI: .S~X~V8nu8 to the north Une 01: G<u-neld 8t....etJ~~ I
=r line of the allehYing between Sixth Avenue and Fifth Avenue, thence north-
erly along the east line of said alley to the point of beginning.
The "CO Residence District shall embrace parts 'described as follows:
p~t 1. Beginning at the point of intersection of the city limits with
the north line produced of the alley north of Main S~reet in Block 4, Springbrook
Addition, thence easterly along said north line of said alley to the east line of ~
Tenth Avenue, thence northerly along said east line of Mendenhall Street, thence
easterly along said south line to the east line of Ninth Avenue, thence northerly
- along said east line to the south line ,of Beall Street, thence easterly along said
south line of Beall Street to a point midway between Willson Avenue and Tracy Ave-
nue, thence southerly along a line parallel to the east line of Willson Avenue to
the north line of' the alley north of Mendenhall Street, thence wester~y.along the
~orth line of said alley to the west line of Third Avenue, thence southerly along
the west line of Third Avenue to the north lin.e of Mendenhall Street, thence WGst- t
,erly along the north line of Mendenhall Street to the west line of Eighth Avenue,
thence southerly along the west line of Eighth Avenue to the north line of Main
Street, thence westerly along the north liIie of Main Street to the point of inter-
section of the west line of Ninth Avenue South produced, wlth,the north line at Main
Street, thence soutn.erly along said west line to a point in the wes't line of Ninth
Avenue 145 feet south of' the south line of Main Street, thence easterly along the
south line of the alley in Blocks G. and F, Story's Addition, to the west line of
Eighth Avenue, thence southerly along the west line of Eighth Avenue to the north
line of the east and west alley in Block 4, Park Addition, thence westerly along
the north line of said alley 139 feet, thence southerly along. the west line of the
first alley west of Eighth Avenue to the north line ot College Street, thence west":
er1y along the north line of College Street to the east line of Eleventh AV:*nue,
thence northerly to the north line of Main Street" thence northerly along the line
of the city limits to the point of beginning.
Part 11. Beginning at the point of intersection of the east line.of Black
Avenue and the south line of Lamme Street, thence easterly along the south line I
of Lamme Street to the east line produced of Perkins Place, thence northerly along
- said east line to the south line ot Peach Street, thence easterly along\the south
1inefJf Peach Street to a point 150 feet east of the east line otWallace Avenue,
th$nce southe~ly to a point in the south line of Lamme Street"150 feet east of the
~east line of Wallace Avenue, thence westerly along the south line of Lamme street
to a point 56 teet west of the west .11ne of Wallace Avenue, thence southerly to a
point in the north line of the alley i.n :BloCk H. Roaael8 Addi t10n 56 teet west of
the ..st line of Wallace Avenue, thence westerly to a point in the west line of
- '" - ~ ..,. ~'.r'~'.~""''''''':'''''_:~. ~.-.' - ----or. .'....'.'
Black Avenue 150 feet south of the south line of Lamme Street, thence norther-
ly along the east line of Black Avenue to the point of beginning.
Part 111. Beginning at the point of intersection ot the east line of Black
Avenue and. the south line ot Olive Street, thence easterly along the south line
I ot Olive Street to the east line of Church Avenue, thence northerly along the
east line of Church Avenue to the south line of Babcock Street, ,thence easterly
along the south line of Babcock Street to the west line of the alley between ,
Churoh Avenue and Wallace Avenue, thence southerly along said west line of said
alley to the point of intersection of' the south line of Kooh Street produoed
with the west line of said alley, thence westerly along the said line of Koch
Street produoed to the west line ofChureh Avenue, thence southerly along the ..;.:..:.
west line of Churoh AVenue to the city limits, thence westerly along the oity
limits to the east line of Black Avenue produced, thence northerly along said
east line of Black Avenue to tp.e 'point of beginning.
The liD" Residence District shall embrace parts described as tollows:
Part 1. Beginning at the point of intersection of the north lines of
Durston Road with the city limits, thenoe easterly along the north line of'
Durston Road to the east line of Third Avenue, thenoe northerly along the eas.t
11ne of Third Avenue to the south line of Tamaraok street, thence easterly along
I the south line of Tamarac~ Street to the east line of' Rouse Avenue, thence north-
erly along ~e east 11ne of Rouse Avenue to the south 11ne of~uniPer Street,
thence easterly along the south line of Juniper Street to the east line of'
Church Avenue, thence southerly along the, east line of Church Avenue to the north
lire of Peach Street, ~h~nce westerly along the north line Qf Peach Street to
the point of interseotion of the west 11ne produoed of' Perkins Alley, thenoe
southerly along said west line of' P.rkins Alley to the north line of Lamme street,
thence westerly along the north line of Lamme Street to the east line of Black
Avenue, thenoe northerly along the east line of Black Avenue to the north line of
Peaoh Street, thence westerly along the north line of Peach Street and the north
line of Durston Road to the west line of the alley in Block 47, Imes Addition,
thence southerly along a. line parallel With the west line .of Tracy Avenue to a
point in the north line of Short Street 164 teet west of Tracy Avenue, thence
westerly on the north line of Short Street to the west line of ThLrd Avenue,
thenoe southerly along the west line of Third Avenue to the north line of Beall
Street, thence westerly along the north line of Beall Street to the west line of
I Ninth Avenue, thence southerly along the west line of Ninth Avenue to the north
11ne of Mendenhall Street, thence westerly along the north line of Mendenhall
street to the west line of Tenth Avenue, thence southerly along the west line of
Tenth Avenue to. the north line of the east and west alley in Block 4, Spring-
brook Addition, thence westerly along the north line ot said alley to the oity
limits, thenoe northerly along the oity limits to the point of beginning.
Beginning at the point of' interseotion of the east line of' Third Avenue
and the south line of the first alley north of Mendenhall Street, thenoe east-
erly along the south lineo! said alley to a point 56 feet west of the west
, .
line of Wallace Avenue, thenoe northerly along a line parallel to and 56 feet
distant from the west line of Wallace Avenue to the south line of Lamme Street,
thence easterly along the ~outh li~e of Lamme Street to the west line Of~Wallace I
Avenue, thence southerly along the west line of Wallace Avenue to the north line
of Babcock Street, thence westerly along the north line of Babcoek Street to the
west line of Church Avenue, thence southerly along the west line of Church Avenue
to'the north line of Olive 'Street, thence westerly along the north line of Olive
Street to the west line of Black Avenue, thence southerly along the west line of
Black Avenue to a point 100 feet south of the south 11ne of Olive Street,(thence
westerly along a line parallel to and 100 feet south from the south 11ne of Olive
Street to a point in the east line of Willson Avenue, thence northerly along the
east line of Willson Avenue to the north line of Olive Street, thence westerly
along the north line of Olive Street to the east 11ne of Fourth Avenue, thence
noxotherly along the east line of Fourth AVetnle to the south line of Babcock Street,
thence easterly along the south line of Babcock- Street to the east line of Third
Avenue, thence northerly along the east line of Third ~venue to the point of begin-
!'eginning at the point of intersection of the east line of Ninth Avenue with I".
the south line of Main Street, thence easterly along the south line of Main Street
to a point 200 feet east of the east line of Seventh Avenue, thence BOutherly along
a line parallel and 200 feet distant from the east line of Seventh Avenue to the
north line of Babcock Street, thence westerly along the north line of BabcoCk Street
to the east line of Eighth Avenue, thence noptherly along the east line of Eighth
Avenue to the north line of the alley between Babcook Street and Main Street, thence
westerly along the north line of said alley to the east line of Ninth Avenue, thence
northerly s.1ong the east line of Ninth Avenue to the point of beginning.
Beginning at a point in the city limits 1381 feet west of the west line of
Rouse Avenue north, thenee easterly along the city limits to the west line of
Rouses Avenue, thence southeasterly along the southwesterly side of Front Street
. ......4- ~ 1I+<..b.A -
vacated, to the westerly side of McAdow Avenue, thence southerly along the west
line of McAdow Avenue to the north line of Main Street, thence westerly along the
north line of Main Street to the point of intersection of saId north line of Main
....6R 'With 1;he west line of LI,ndley Park produced, thence southerly along said I
weaterly'" lIne ofLlndley Park to the point of intersection with Mill Canal, thence
along the said Mill Canal to Story Street, thence westerly along the north line of
Story Street to the east line of Church Avenue, thence northerly along the east
line of Church Avenue to the point of intersection of said ,east l1ne of Church Ave-
nue 1'1 th the south line ot Koch Street, pro duo ed, thence easterly along said south
. ,
line of Koch Street produced to the point of its intersection with the east line of
the north and south alley between Church Avenue an~ Wallace Avenue, thenoe northerly
along the east line of said alley to Babcook Street, thence easterly along the south
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line of Babcock Street to the east line of Wallaoe Avenue, thence northerly
along the east line of Wallace Avenue to the south line of!Lamme Stree-r, thence
easterly along the south line of Lamme Street to a point 150 teet east of the
east line of Wallace Avenue, thence northerly along a 11ne parallel to and. 150
I feet from the east line of Wallace Avenue to the north line ~ Peach Street,
thenoe westerly along the north line of Peach Street to the '-eut 11ne of Clmrch
Avenue, thence northerly along the east line of Church Avenue to the north line
of' Juniper Street, thence westerly along the north line of JUniper Street to the
east line of Rouse Avenue, thence northerly along 'the east line of Rouse Avenue
to the north line of Birch Street, thence westerly along the north line of Birch
.- Street to the east 11ne of Montana Avenue, thence northerly along the east line
of Montana Avenue to the north line of Oak Street, thence westerly along the
north line of Oak Street 1027 feet, thence norther~y to the point of beginning.
In the "A" Residence Districtexoept as her&inafter provided, no bui~d-
\or structure shall be erected or materially altered nor shall any building or
premises be used, exoept for onr oe more of the following uses:
( 1) Single Family residences.,
.- (2) Multiple family, residences; provided that the area tor each single
family shall be not less than the area required for single family
residences as hereinafter specified.
"J ( 3). Schools and-eolleges. "-
(4) Boarding and Rooming Houses limited in size tc five rooms in addition
to fam1~y quarters.
( 5) Parks, ~recreatlon.lM1i141ngs,and clu:t>s not conducted as a business
or operated for profit.
( 6) Private garages and other small accessory buildings for customary
incidental uses.
( 7) Vacant lots shall be used for garden~ng, tennis courts, playground
and other reoreational faoilities, only and shall be kept free of
all rubbish and/or garbage at all times. Provided that other uses
of vacant lots maybe permitted by written authority of the D1rector
of Public Safety with the oontinuing consent of the owners ot 8~ of
(8) the property wi thin 300 feet of the lot or lots.
Buildings shall be so placed that there shall be a front 'faPd (entirely';
unocoupied by any building or part thereof) having a depth of not'less
than 25 feet and a side yard (entirely unoooupied by any building or
part thereof) on each side of every building-. Suoh side yard shall
have a depth of not less than 8 teet. Provided that the side yard on
the street side of corner lots shall_be not le8s than 15 feet in depth.
Provided- fUrther that one aide yard of a one story garage or other
small aooessory buildings may be reduoed in depth to 5 feet. In blocks
where buildings have already been erected having a front yard less than
25 feet the depth of the front yard.. tor any new building may be made
equal to the depth of the front yard of the nearest adjaoent building.
Provided that no front yard shall have a depth of less than 15 feet
and provided further that the front yard for all buildings on corner
lots shall be not less than 25 teet deep.
I ( 9) All single ramily residences and/or other"main buildings shall have a
total floor area, under roof, of not leas than 1000 square feet. "Total
floor area". is herein to be oOIUl""e4 to mean the area of "the first
floor above ground plus 2~ of ..':tloOl" area of finished ,rooms on the
seoond floor above ground.
In the fla" Residence District except- as hereinaner provided no building or
structure ahall be erected or materially al-tered,nor shall any building or pre-
misea be used except for one or more ot the following uses:
(1) Any use permitted in "AP Residence Distriot.
. ....".-................,---..-...--.... ~
(2) Apartment House8~ hospitals limited to three stories above the ground.
(3) ChurChes and temples.
(4) Libraries and Museums.
(5) Institutions of an Educational~ Philanthropic or Eleemosynary nature.
( 6) Buildings shall be placecl to provide the same depths of front and side I
yards as are required in "A" Residence District.. .
( 7) All single family residences anD/or other main buildings sh,9.l1 hav:e an
area of not less than seven hundred square feet on the main floor.
( 8) The Director of Public Safety may in his discretion give written permission
to :keep a family .Q.OW.Qil'rUl try tor fami.ly use only wi th the continuing con-
sent of the owners of 80 . of the property within 300 feet of the lot or lots
upon which such oow or poultry is kept.
In the "C" Residence District, except as herein provided, no building or structure
shall be erected or materially altered nor shall any building or premises be used exoept
, for one or more of the following us es:
( 1) Any use permitted in "A" and "B" Residence Districts.
(2) Apartment Houses or Hotels.
- (3) . Clubs Hospitals_
(4) Buildings shall be 80 placed as toprOv!de the same depths of front
and side yards as are required in the "A" Residenoe Distriot.
In the "D" Residence District, except as hereinafter provided~ no building
, .
or struoture shall be erected or materia~17 altered, nor shall ~y building or pre~
mises be used except for one o~ more of the following uses;
(1) Any use permitted in U A" _ "B" or fl,C" Residence Districts. I
(2) Small work .hops~ horse barns, oow barns, dog kennels~ rabbit pens,
shall be allowed in ttDtI Residence Distriot only_
(3) Vacant lots may be J.}.ae4,,~r pasturing livestock. _
(4) Buildings shall be so placed that there shall be a front yard, entire
unoccupied by any building or part thereof~ having a depth of not less
than 20 reet and a side yard on each side of each building similiar1y
unoccupied having a depth of not les8 than 8 feet. Providing that the
.side yard on the street side of corner lots shall be -nbt less than 15
fee t in depth. Provip.ed further that one side yard of a one story garage
or other small ~ocessory buildings may be reduced in depth to 5 feet. In
any blook where buildings have already been erected having a front yard
~ less than 20 feet~ the~ePth of the front yard for any new building may
be mad~ equal to the de th of the front yard of the nearest adjacent
buil ding. Provided that no fl'ont .yard ahall. have a depth of less than 15
feet and provided further that the front.yard on corner lots shall be not
less than 20 feet deep.
( 5) Buildings may be ~onstructed of any size desired, provided they are of
reasonable design and are built in a workmanlike manner and do not create
or tend to create a hazard.to life or property. '
except as herein provided, no building or structure shall be erected or materially
altered nor shall any builAing or premises.be used except for one or more of the
following uses: I
1. Any use permitted in the Residence Districts.
s. Amusement Places.
3. Auction Rooms. .
4. Bakeries, employing not more than five persous.
5. Banks.
6. Barber Shops.
7. Battery Service Stations.
8. Billboards and Signs.
". 9. Catering E8tabli8~ents.
10. Conservatories.
11. Dancing Academies.
12. Comtort Stations.
13. Dressmaking ]5stablishments.
14. Dyeing and Cleaning Works, employing not more than five persons.
15. Electric Repair Shops.
16. Employment Agencies. -
17. Freight Stations or Bus Stations.
18. Coal, Ooke, Lumber, Wood or Building Material storage Yard.
19. Gasoline and Oil Stations. .
20. Hotels. .
I 21. Laundries employing not more than five persons.
22. Laboratories. .
23. Locksmi th Shops.
24. Lodge Halls.
25. Messenger or Telegraph Service Stations.
. 26. Millinery Shops.
27. Otfic es .
-- 28. Painting and Decorating Shops.
29. Photograph Galleries.
30. Plumbing Shops.
. 31. Post Offices.
32. Printing Shops.
33. Public G8J'ages.
'. 34. Recreation Buildings and Structures.
35. Restaurants.
36. Roofing and Plastering Shops.
37. Sales or Show Rooms.
38. Sharpening or Grinding Shops.
39. Stores and Shops for the conduct of a Retail Business.
4:0. Shoe-Repairing Shops.
41. Studios.
42. Tailor Shops employing not tnO'J?e. than five persons.
43. TelePhone Exohanges.
44. Tinsmithing Shops.
45. Tire Repairing Shops.
46. Undertaking Establishments.
47. Upholstering Shops.
Any building primarily used for any of the above enumerated uses may have
not mora than forty per cent of the floor area devoted to industry or storage
I purposes incidental to such primary usesJ provided that not more than five
employees shall be engaged at any time on the premises in any such incidental
(2) Buildings on Main Street or on the north side of Babcock Street or
on any Avenue may be built to the street line. Buildings on other
Streets within the Main Business District shall be so plaoed that
there shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than 15 feet.
A side yard on eaoh s ide of each building having a depth of not less
than 10 feet shall be provided for all buildings of frame wall or un-
protected metal wall construction permitted UDder the Bu11dingOrd-
(3) In the construction of any building in the business district satis-
faotory facilities must be provided for loading and unloading stocks
of merchandise, etc., a.t the rear entrance.
In the Business-Restdential District no building or structure shall be
erected or materially altered, nor shall any building or premises be used ex-
cept for one or more of the following uses:
( 1) Any use permitted in "B" Residence District.
I (2) ,Any use permitted in Main Business District. ~. r,5' I 16.
10 1'. vO'
(3) All buildings shall be so placed tba ere &hall be a front yard
entirely unoccupied by any bui1d1 or structure or part thereof,
having a depth of not less than teet and a side yard on the street
side ot corner lots. s1m111arly unocoupied, of a depth not less than
10 feet, In addition te the tore going requirements every building of
frame wall, or of unprotected metal wall construction shall have a
side yard on each side having a depth of not less than J.O feet,
The Industrial District is oreat.d to proTide a District for use for any
-manufacture. process. or tl'eatmlmt _teoever and no such use shall b~lUded
therefrom which does not create or tend to create a nuisance and/or an. :ue
. .
hazard to life and/or property. .
It shall be .the duty of the Direct.or of
Public. Safety' to determine if any use or proposed use does or will .tend to
create such a nuisance and/or hazard. Any applicant or any other interested
- I
person may ap-peal to the Commission of the City of Bozeman from thadecision
, .
of the Director of Public Sa(ety as to any use or proposed use, and the
Commission shall finally decide the appeal after Public Hearing thereon.
ProVided reasonable notice of such hearing has been g1 ven by su1tab.1e pub";
lication. ~
, .
No use permitted in any residence district or business distr~ct shAll
be excluded from the Industrtal District.
No building or premia es shall be used and no building or structure shall
be erected, enlarged or altered 1n any manner whatsoever for any trade, industry.
or use not approved as herein provided.
. .
Creation and Membership: The Board of Adjustment is hereby authorized
. -
to be established. The word IfBo~rd" when used in this section shall be con-
strued to mean the Board of Adjustment. The said Board shall consist of five
(5) members appointed by the Mayor and subject to confirmation of the City Com-
mission. Each of said members shall be appointed to hole. offieetor a period
of three (3) years and until. hissuccesaor is appointed and qualified. Vacan- t
cles shall be filled for the unexpired term of any member whose term becomes
vacant. All of the members of said Board shall serve without compensation. and
they shall not be aubject to removal by either the Mayor or the City Connnission
wi thou t caus e, (written charges and public hearing being required).
- Meetings: Meetings of the Board shall be held at the call of the Chairmen
and at such other times as the Board may determine. Such.Chairman or in his ab-
- senoe the acting Chairman may administer oaths and oompel the attendance of wit-
V . nesses. AU meetings..of the Board shaH be .Qpen to th~blie. The Board shall
adept its own rules of procedure and keep a record of its proced;ures showing the
action of the Board and the vote of each member, upon each question considered. or
if absent or failing to vote indicating suoh fact.
.- Appeal: Appeal from the rulings of the.Building Inspector concerning the
eni'orcemen t of' the provl sions of. this ordinance may be made to the Board of Ad-
jlstment within such.tlme as shall be prescribed by the Board by general rulS.
The appellant shall :f:ile with the Building Inspector and with the Board of Ad- I
justment a notice ot Appeal specifying the grounds thereof. The Bu1 lding In-
spector shall forthwi th transmit to the Board all of the papers canst! tuting .
the record upon whioh the action appealed from was taken, An appeal stays all
proceedings in furtherance of action appealed from unless the officer from whom
the appeal Is taken certified to the Board of Adjustment after the notice ofap-
peal shall have been filed with him thatby' reason of facts stated in the certi-
ficate a stay would in his opinion oause imminent peril to life.or property. In
such case proceedings shall not be stayed otherwise than by a restraining order
.', :., -":"""-;'!7,',,,,",r,r~""'"':l:IIJ~~~.'" .........-..-.. '~~' ~0..:.1l'"'":,..,""~~""~-:-.".' 0 0 ""';..' , '. ..-..' -'. ~,:O.:!,:' :''''~,~:'~~~~~~l':'',1t, \1 ' """'~~~~\~;~:"~~?:T::7~~~.*~~~~!~~""" ,0:.:'::-'""1': ::,'~o;,,~",_ "~~~~!1~~~p!~~'~'~'!;~~~.:"o '.".':;~i~~~~;j~W,'~!,'.
which may be granted by the Board of Adjustment or b,.. a Court of Record on
application or notice to the officer from whom the appeal is taken and on
due cause shown.
I (l} The Board shall. 'upon application, review the actions of the Build-
ing Inspeotor in order to determine whether they are in accordance with the
provisions of this ordinance, and in case of cU.sagreement the daeieion of the
Board shall supersede that of the Building Inspector. To ooncurring vote of
.. four (4) members of the Board shall be necessary to reverse any order, re-
quirement, decision or to decide in favor of the applioant on any matter upon
which it is required to pass under t~s ordinance or to effect any variations
in this ordinance.
\ The Board of Adjustment shall have.; the follow~ng power:
(a) To hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is error in
order, requirement, decision or determination made by an adminis-
trative official in the enforoement of this Ordinance.
(b) To hear and decide special exceptions to the terms of this Ordinance.
(c) To authorize upon appeal in specific cases suoht..Rr~~~~
terms of this ordinance as will not be contrary1'0 pe a on ons
a literal enforoement of the provisions of this ordinanoe will result
in unnecessary hardships, and so that the spirit of this ordinance
- shall be observed and substantial justice done.
I - In exercising the above _ mentioned power, such board may in conform! ty
with the provisions of this ordinanoe re.erseor affirm wholly or partly or
modify the order, requirement, decision or determination appealed from and may
make such order, requirement, decision or determination as ought to be made,
and to tln t end shall have all the poIfers of the officer from :whom. the appeal is .
. (2) The Board shall have the power to recommend to the City Commission
such changes in the district b01.mdaries or regulations as it may deem neces-
sary or desirable, as more particularly set forth in Section V of this Ordinance.
(3) The Board may from time to time adopt such rules and regulations as
~y be deell1ed necessary to carry into effect th~ provisions of this ordinance.
(4) The Board shall reoommend to the q!~y Commission the use, height,
and area districts in which each part of any annexation to the City of Bozeman
ahallbe 'placed.
The Board of Adjustment shall 'of its own motion, or upon petition signed
I by one or more property owners ot any district or portion thereof, or upon ,
instruction from the City'Commission, oause to be prepared a notice indicating,
the ohanges proposed to be made in the regulations or in the district boundary
lines, desoribing the boundaries of the t.~itory to be affected. Such notice
shall state the time and place of a public hearing for consideration of such
proposed amendment, supplement or change,-atld th~ place where maps of the pro-
\ posed amendment, supplement or chang_"il1 be accessible for examination by
interested partie.. Notic. of such pabllch_..ing shall be published at least
fifteen (15) days in advance thereof in at .1east two newspapers of general cir-
., M_' '.".'OC. .,.. '''''''\'~'''k0iJ(fT''::'''''''''''''''''''- '')'1!1~,,,11'''': _,.. ".","'1'1" .\ " u. ,.-., -" "''','' ,. "''''''''~~7' ""'"",,,,!,':)~" , .-' . -;~~~,':-:-" "~.' '''I", ' r ' ~---' ~-~. ._-'" ..
.. .
oulation in the City of Bozeman, also pole notioes shall be p1aoed upon two
or more poles in said district to be changed 'or affected. Suoh hearing may
be adjourned from time to time. Atter such public hearing the Board of Ap-
peals shall report to the City Commission on the proposed amendment, supple- I
- ment, or change, and may cause an ordinance authorizing such proposed amend-
ment, supplement or ohange to be presented to the City Commission of the City
of Bozeman but the same shall not be offered for passage until after ten (10)
days from and after the date it is so presented to the City Commission unless
the stlid ordinanoe at the time it is so presented shall be accompanied by a
conmnmication fX-om the said Board of Adjustment, advising that all of the
ewners of the frontage proposed to be altered; the owners of the frontage im-
mediately adjoining in the same block; the owners of the frontage in the block
back of or across the alley therefrom; and the owners of the frontage direotly
~pposite the frontage" proposed to be altered, have filed with said Board of Ad-
justment th~ir written consent to suoh amendment, in which case the said amendment
, may be presented for passage at any regular meeting of the City Commission sub-
sequent to the date of its presentation or at the same meeting at whioh it was
presented by the suspension of Rule 10, but the swne sh~l not be passed except
by the favorable vote of three-fourths of the members of the City Commission.
Whenever under the terms of this ordinance any proposed amendment shall be re- I
quired to layover for ten (10) days after it is presented and a written pro-
test against such proposed amendment, supplement or change; signed by the owners
'of t.anty (20) percent of the frontage proposed to be altered, or by the owners
of twenty (20) percent of the frontage immediately adjoining in the aame block
or in the block back of or across the alley therefrom, or by the owners of twenty
~ (20) peroent of the frontage direotly opposite th~rontege proposed to be altered,
shall have been filed with the Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman with-
. in ten (10) days after the said ordinance is so presented; the ordinance providing
for such proposed amendment, supplement or change shall not be passed except by
, the favorable vote of three-fourths of the members of the City Commission.
Nothing herein oontained shall require any change in ~he plans, construction
or designated use of a building for which a build~~ permit has been heretofore issued,
or oomp1ete plans for which are on file with the Building Inspector at the time
of the passage of this ordinance, and a permit for the ereotion of which is issued I
within one month of the passage of this ordinance, and the construction of which,
in either case, Shall have been d!ligently prosecuted within six months of the date
of suoh permit, and which entire building shall have been completed according to
plans as. filed within one year from the date of the passage of this ordinanoe.
Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, or
refuses to oomply wi th, or who resists the enforoement O!, any of the provisions
of this ordinance sha11,upon con~letion, be fined not less than ten ($10.00)
.'~ .' ," ,:,", ".;. ,'7" '""~."
doll't'rs ner more than one hUBdred <$ioo.oo) dollars for each otfense and each
day that a violation shall oecntinueshall oonstitute a separate offense.
~"": ,~", ,I
All ordinanoes or papts of. ordinanoes in conflict herewith are hereby
. .
., ,"''',' ,:',' " "',:tk'J:-,", ,'"
repealed, "but if SIly ...:-~tl0rlipax:!;graP1i~ subdivision, clause or provision of' .
"'~':", , "
this ordinance shall be'~ln"ll~ ~~Ch .iiivalidlty sh&ll apply only to a section,
par:graph, 8ubdi Vi8 iO""'11aUSe,Ol~'"8 0 inva1id, and the remainder of
this ordinanoe shall be valid.,and' ~f.ot1v.
". u'SECTItON lJi. --E1*'FECTlVE DATE ~); ::-
This ord1nano. . shalf.::be'.In ~tul1 f'ortiti dd ettee1i from and af'trer thirty
days after i ts adoptio~. ' 't;~ ....J-.
Passed and adopted 'Qy.the Comm1s810n~of1the,:_t.t 01' Bozeman this 2.3.
day of' T .,. 1935. ._.....~.. .
./1 J!xI-~ Mayor
:~-~/ ::ATTES~:. /
' .
~ :'_. . C er....., !6.. omm 88ion
. .
I, Carolyn Westlake, Clerk of ~e ConnnissioD"of the 'City of' Bozeman,
Montana, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance N~. 661 of the City of
I Bozeman, was publish$tl by title in the Bozeman Daily Chroniole, a daily news-
paper of' general oirculation; print&d and published in'said City of Bozeman,
in the issue of August 25th, and that dueproof of. said publication was made
and filed in my Office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of Jtf:y office ~
. - :~/~-; this 26th day of August, 1935. '
,'\, ''-.
_.--~- '" -
~ ':
I ~