HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 35- 657, Appropriation for 1935 Proof lload 455 and Checked //-.2I~$ -..""'---.....-- --... -............ ....--...- 1,,):!L.J..f:c- ORDINANCE NO. 657 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING MONIES FOR THE SUPPORT AND MAIN- TENANCE, ETC., OF THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1935. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: . I Section 1. That the certain balances, aoc~ued and unencumbe~ed, afte'l'" the claims allowed Janua,..y "4, 1935, have been paid, and afte.... the inte....est and p....inoipal of bonds 0"" wa","'ants he,..etofo"'e called have been paid, which ~emain, as balanoes, in the seve....al funds shall be, and a....e, he'l"'eby app,..op,..iated fo.... use dU'I"'ing the ou"',..ent fisoal yea.... 1935; all as p'l"'ovided in Section 5506, ~. C. M. 1921, Said balances so remaining being as fo110wB, to-wit: FUNDS BALANCES General . 20,242.45 st,..ee't 13,685.53 FiT'e 4,404.58 LibT'aT'Y 3, 375.38 PaT'k 3,052.15 Wate.... 19,830.45 Band 485.50 Cemete....y Pe,... Ca~e 3,475.'14 Cemete,..y 1,126.63 Fi"emen's 1leliet 269.06 War....ant R. F. Bond 919.27 Sewer Bond 667.62 S. I. D. 2~:"95.43 s. Ii D. Itevolvlng 644.53 $ 74,674.32 Seotion 2. That the following SumB of money, ino1usive of the aforesaid I balanoes, be, and the same a....e, heT'eby app,..op,..iated fo,.. the operating expenses of the Munioipal Gove,..nment of the City of Bozeman; fo'" the payment of its obligations; fo,.. t"'ansfe,.. as shown, fo,.. oapital outlay; and fo,.. investments fo,.. the fiscal yea.... 1935; pu,..suant to the p~ovlsions of Section 5502, R. C. M. 1921, as amended by Chapter 173, Laws of 1925, and in aooo~dance with the Annual Budget and Reoommendations submitted by the City Manager as amended and/o", app~oved by the Commission as he~einafte'" set fo~th: "I" OPERATING EXPENSES Deiartmentof Law t 1,200.00 o~ Sala'!'"y Fo,.. Expenses 40.00 Total Depa,..tment of Law , 1, i.::.40 .00 ~a,..tment.. of Safety 19,440.00 0,.. Sala,..ies Fo't" Expenses 3,999.78 i.::3,439.78 Total Depa~tment of Safety ~artment of Finance 4,810.00 0'" Sala,..ies Fo'!'" Expenses 7,594.00 1~,404.00 Total Depa,..tment of Finance I Deta,..tment of Welfa't"e 14,684.03 0'" Sa1a,..ies & Wages Fo.... Expenses 7,390.08 Fo,.. Fi,..emen's Relief Assoc. 1,290.08 Total Department of Welfa~e 23,364.19 456 \ ~a.,..tment of Se""vice I 0"" Sala~ies & Wages $ 5,200.00 Fo.,.. Expenses 18,810.00 Total Depa.,..tment of Se~vioe I~4,070.00 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE $ 84,517.97 (Exclusive of Water Dept.) , Depa~tment of Se~vice II I Wate~ Depa~tment Fo,.. Sala"'ies & Wages . 12,200.00 . Fo~ Expenses 4,850.00, . . Total Wate~ Depa,..tment f 17, 050 .00 ... .. GRAND TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE i 101,567.97 "IIff DEBT SERVICE Defartment of'lelfa,..e L b~a"'y Fund S. I. L. D. P,..in. . 15.00 Pa"k Fund S. Ln. P~incipa1 1,309.13 Total , 1,3G4.13 ~a,..tment of Se.,..tice "eet Fund S. 1. D. p,.incipa1 311.05 Total 311.05 Gene,.al Obli~ation Bonds Wa.,..,.,ant Re unding Bonds 8,899.90 Sewer Eonds' 4,583.50 Total ' '. 13, 483. 40 S. I. D. Bonds & Wa,...,..ants 33,295.43 S. I. D. ~evo1ving Fund 745.a3 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE . 49,159.56 . "III" EMERGENCIES, DEFICIENCIES, I. DAMAGES, ETC. .. General Fund . 2,367.aO St,.eet Fund 1,614.99 Pa.,..k Fund 303.22 Cemete.,..y Fund 52~.63 Wate~ Fund 1,640.45 Wa,..,..ant ~efunding Bond Fund 149.67 Sewer Bond Fund 520.28 Total $ 7,023.04 "IV" CAPITAL OUTLAY Gene,.al Fund $ 8,000.00 St.,..eet Fund 4,000.00 Pa,..k Fund 1,200.00 Wa te,.. Fund ~ 30,000.00 Total $ 41,200.00 II. l ~" 457 "V" INVESTMENTS Cemete,..y pe,..manent Ca,..e Fund $ 13,725.74 Wate,.. Fund (Sto"'es) 11,000.00 Total $ 24,726.74 I "VI" C~PITAL EARNINGS Water Fund to Gene'l"al Fund . 10,000.00 ," Section 3. That this O,..dinanee shall be published as p,..ovided in Section 5603, Politioal Code, R. C. M., 1921, as amended by Ohapter 173, Laws of Montana, 1925, and ten days after such publioation, may be finally passed, b~t shall not be finally passed befo~e the fi,..st Monday in Feb,..ua,..y. (Feb'r'ua'r'Y 4th) . Section 4. That this O'r'dinance shall be in full fo,..oe and effeot f",om and afte,.. its final passage. Finally passed by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a ,..egular session the,..eof held on the 8th day of Feb,..uaT'Y, 1936. ....-/ /ftt~~ ".- Mayo... . , - _.~ - . .- I IntT'oduoed, ,..ead fo,.. the fi,..st time, p,..ovisionally passed, date set fo'" publio hea,..ing Janua"'y 25, 1935, by the Commission of the City of Bozeman this 18th day of Janua,..y, 1935. Published as p,..ovisionally passed in the Bozeman Daily Ch,..onicle on the day of Janua,..y, 1935. Published as finally passed in the Bozeman Daily Ch,..oniole on the lOth day of Feb'r'Ua,..y, 1935. Effeoti ve Feb'r'Ua"'y 8,' 1935. L, Ca,..olyn Westlake, Cle,..k of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, he,..eby ce,..tify that the fo,..egoing O,..dinanoe Bo. 657 of the City of Bozeman, was published by title in the Bozeman Daily Ch,..oniele, a daily newspape'" of gene,..al ci"'cu1at10n, 'p,..inted and published in said City, in the issue of Feb~a'l"Y lOth, 1935, and that due~,..oof of said publioation was I made and filed in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 11th day of Feb'r'Ua,..y, 1936. _.- ../ ~; '\ -.- . \ . ,/ (-..,