HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 35- 656, Narrows alley in Block 49 Park Addition -" -~~"' "_._.,.~. Proof Rea.c1 and Checked, 453 __...!L ,-_?:.L:J._~~~~_ ~..e.,7!l ~,_.1....t.fm. ORDINANCE NO. 656 AN ORD INANCE OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN NARROWING THE ALLEY IN BLOCK FORTY-NINE (49) PARK ADDITION TO THE CITY OF BOZ~~N BY VACATING A STRIP OF GROUND THREE (3) FEET WIDE ALONG Tim EAST SIDE OF SAID ALLEY, SAID STRIP ABUTTING THE REAR LINE OF LOTS ONE (1) TO TWELVE (12) INCLUSIVE, AND A SURPLUS IN SAID BLOCK FORTY-NINE (49) THEREBY INCREASING THE SIDE LINES I OF THE AFORESAID LOTS AlID SURPLUS FROM ONE HUNDRED TWEN~Y- FIVE (125) FEE~ TO ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-EIGHT (128) FEET,.. PURSUANT TO A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION ADOPTED BY THE COMMIS- SION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN AT A REGULAR SESSION THEREOF HELD ON THE 28th DAY OF DECEMBER, 1934. WHEREAS: Pursuant to the petition of oe,.tain citizens of the City of Bozeman, the Ci ty Commlssion of said City on the 28th day of Deoembe.:r,;l.-al?4, ,,' -, passed and adopted Commission Resolution No. 279 -~ -,,"~-"-,,~,~~~ "Declaring the intention of the City of Bozeman to vacate a th,.ee (t). foot st,.ip of g,.ound in the ,.ea,. of Lots one (l) to twelve (12) inclusive, and a su,.plus in Blook fo,.ty-nine (49) Pa,.k Addition to the City of Bozeman, said st,.ip being now part of the alley in said block. It , and, . WHEREAS: Due notice of such intention waS given as requi,.ed by law that p,.otests against the aotion p~oposed by said ftesolution would be heard by said City Commission at a "egula" meeting the,.eof on F,.iday, Janua,.y 25, 1930, at 7:30 o'clook P. M., at the ,.egula,. meeting place of ,said Commission in the City Hall of said City of Bozeman; and WHEREAS: At said time and place no protests o,.ally o~ in w~iting, 0,. at all, we~e made 0,. filed against said p,.oposed aotion; now the"efo,.e, ~n con- I : side,.ation of the p~emises BE IT OaDAlHED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Section I That the alley in Blook forty-nine (49) Pa~k Addition to the City of \ Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, be, and the same is he,.eby na,.~owed and ~educed in width by vaoating a st,.ip of g,.ound th~ee (3) feet wide along the east side line of said alley, said st~ip abutting the ,.ea't'" line of Lots one (l) to twelve (12) inclusive, and a su,.plus, in said Blook forty-nine (49); . the effect of this vaoation being to inc~ease the side lines of said lots and su"plus f~om one hund,.ed twenty-five (l2o) feet to one hund,.ed twenty-eight (128) feet. Passed and adopted by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a ,.egular session the~eof held on the 16th day ot Feb,.ua,.y, 1935'. "~ ". .-./ /{/I~ '-~' ayo~ .1 - ) , '-At. st;/' ~ - . u._ 454 H r, Ca~olyn Westlake, Cle~k of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, he~eby ee~tify that the fo~egoing O~dinanoe No. 656 of the City of Bozeman, was published by t~tle in the Bozeman Daily Ch~onicle, a daily newspape~ of gene~al ci~oulation, p~lnted and published in said City, in the issue of Feb~ua~y 17, 1935, and that due p~oof of said publication waS I made and filed in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of my o.ff1ee this 18th day of Februa.'l"Y, 1930. , -- , .~-.....". ~ ..... .......... -. ". ~~>;> ~ _. " .. I . . ,,_n ,~...,,"" - -. ^ I ..- / -.._-"_.~~:- - -