HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 35- 655, Vacates portions of Willson Avenue, Aspen Street, and alleys in Blocks 33, 34, 37 and 38 ;----:-' :---"~ -'~-~.~"'7'~', ,'":\,+,!,,,,:,: :7.:;-~'~. .~,,~.I~~:~~<T'~~::-~~'~:!'-""~~~-"~:~~'::,.i"".' ~'~' .~,,_.~'~'. ...,.. .. .:.......'BiIiI... : .. ,.~. ':, 10114 Ohe0b4 71;::=il~~S~. 451 ORDINANCE NO. 655 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN', llONTANA, VACATING AND . DISCONTINUING WILLSON AVENUE FROM COTTONWOOD STREET TO TAM- . ARACK STREET,.ASPEN STREET FROM GRAND AVENUE TO TRACY AVENUE, ," ,.<,AND THE.lLLEXS IN BLOCKS 33, 34, 37 and 38, IUS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. I WHEREAS: I. - -..",,/' ........~.......--,_.,.".~ ~ The Commission of the 01 ty of Bozeman did on the 7 th day of- Deoemb'er, -' ~ ........~. '.. 1934, unanimously pass Commissj,on Resolution No. 277, deolaring it to".q,.. the .' intention of the City of Bozeman to vaoate and disoontinue Willson Avenue from cot~onwood Street to Tamaraok Street, ~~ Street from Grand Avenue to > Traoy Avenue, and the alleys in B100ks 33, 34, 37 and 38, Imes Addition to the City of Bozeman, Montana; which Commission Resolution No. 277 provided that a public hearing would be held at 7:30 P. Y., Friday, Deoember 28, 1934, and direoted the City Manager to publish and serve notice of said publio hearing as provided by law; II. The City Manager oaused notice of said Publio-Hearing to be published in the Bozeman Daily Caroniole on the 11th day of Deoember, 1934, and the Chief of Polioe to personally serve notioe on W. F. Chauner, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of GallatinlCounty High Sohool, and W. W.Spain, Mayor of the City I' of Bozeman, on Deoember 11, 1934. The Gallatin County High School and the City of Bozeman being the owners of all the property abutting on the Avenue, Street and Alleys proposed to be vacated; III. A t the regular meeting of the 00"'8s1011 of the Oi ty of Bozeman at'the . ...,.~, /" ~-,- ~ time and place speoified in the said Resolution of Intention, Resolution ~NO. 277, for a Publio Hearing the City Manager presented proof that h-;;';-~ oaused Notice of said Public Hearing to be published and served as required by law. He stated that no protests were filed prior to this meeting. Sinoe no one is present to'protest or oppose the proposed vacations and since this Commission for the reasons set forth in Resolution No. 277 deems the aforesaid vaoations in the Interest of Public Welfare; NOW, THEREFORE, Blt IT ORDAINED BY THlt COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Seation 1. That Willson Avenue from Cotionwood Street to Tamarack Street, Aspen Street from Grand Avenue t~ Traoy Avenue and the alleys in Blooks 33, 34, I 37 and 38, Imes Addition to the City of Bozeman be, and the same are hereby vaoated and disoontinued. Section 2. That this Ordlnanoe shall beeome effeotive and be in full foroe and effeot from and atter 30 days atter its final passage. ."7"~;~'1"T'l''''';.~'''"''?II~~ ...,~~,:,.~,. ::,.,,,:~::~_,......~ o.~......'o'."o .''Il''T'"O. ~ 452'- ~,. . -'. 1inally passed by the Commission of the City of Bozeman this 4th day of January, 1930. 7{y1jp/~ At~:), ( .. I.' - J . .! . " . ...- ... /1" ',,'; - . ~" ~omm(.~ . ... Read for the first time and provisionally passed by the Commission of the City of Bozeman the 28th day of Deoember, 1934. Date for final passage fixed for regular meeting of the. Commission on the 4th day of January, 1930. Effective the 4th day of February, 1935. I, Carolyn Westlake, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 655 of the City of Bozeman, was published by title 1n the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circul~tion, printed and published in said City, in the ' issue of January 6,. 1935, and that due proof of said publication was made I.......... and filed in my office. . :"1,- IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my .. . office this 7th day of January, 193Q. /) I .-" .......... .~-- ...............00.' -""'";";;:~ ... ';'-/ ....'" :.. I.