HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 34- 652, Vacates portion of alley in Block 109, Northern Pacific Addition .. ,......, . . ,~ . ,. -,. p, ".,.",,,,",.,,,.,,,.' PrOOf Rllad and Oheckl:ld 443 1/- ~/-3~- -~""~.~.._'..'._.l.-- -.r111L"'____l"h_m:__~ ORDINANCE NO. 652 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CIn OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, VACATING AND DISCONTINUING THE ALLEY RUNNING WEST FROM WALLACE AVENUE THROUGH BLOCK 109, NORTHERN PACIFIC ADDITION TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, TO CHURCH A VENUE . WHEREAS: ,. I .,,--~ I. -./ There was filed with the Oi ty Engineer a petition, tn due fOrm,.,~;b!"'the :~ Gallatin Brewing Company, praying that the alley in Block 109, Northern Pacific Addition to the City of Bozeman running west from Wa11aoe Avenue through said Block to Churoh Avenue be vacated and disoontinued; and II. Said Petition was signed by John W. Fraser, President of the Gallatin Brewing Comiany, and said brewing company is the owner of all the property abutting on said alley pJroposed to be vacated and discontinued; and III. At the regular meeting of the Commission of the City of Bozeman held on the 12th day of October, 1934, said petition was considered by said Commission and it was deoided to grant the prayer thereof and the City Attorney was instruoted to prepare an appropriate resolution deolaring it to be the intention of maid City to grant the prayer of said petition under the procedure provided by law; 'I IV. The City Attorney prepared Resolution No. 276, declaring the intention of said City to grant the aforesaid prayer, which said resolution was presented to the Commission at the regular meeting thereof held Friday, October 19th, 1934, and it was then and there unanimously adopted by said Commission; v. -..,....... At the regular meeting of the City Commission held at the time and place ,. speoified in said Resolution of intention, evidence was presented to':'~~' - .- . Commission proving that notice of the time and place for hearing objections to granting said petition had been served and published as specified, said petition came on to be heard, and sinoe no objections have been filed and no person appears in opposition thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAIEED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZDIAN: , Section 1. That the alley running'west from Wallace Avenue through the center of Block 109, Northern Pacific Addition, to Church Avenue, be, and the same is hereby vacated and discontinued; I Section 2. The petitioner shall pay all coats and expenses of the passage of the aforesaid Resolution No. 276 and Ordinance No. 652, and all other neces- sary costs including the oosts and expenses of necessary publications qr .1 publication thereof; Seotion ,3. This Ordinance shall become effeotive and be in full foroe and effeot from and after thirty d~s after its final passage. " , ~. ."'." ,. 444 Finally passed by the Commission of the City of Bozeman this 23rd day of November, 1934. , A't~,'_ .... I ~I!i~ Read for the first time and provisionally passed by the Commission of the City of Bozeman this 16th day of November, 1934. Date of final passage fixed for regular meeting of the Commission on the 23rd day of November, 1934. Notice of final passage published in the Bozeman Daily Chroniole the 25th day of November, 193~. Effective 23rd day of December, 1934. I, Carolyn Westlake, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 652 of the, City of Bozeman, Montana, was published by title in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed and published by' said City of I, Bozeman, in the issue of November 25, 1934, and that due proof of said publication was made and filed in my offioe. . '- IN WITNlSS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 25th day of November, 1934. /l I ' , ., ~~,--, .. -~. ~-- ... ","" --.. - '. "::.....".;.;,,-~ ' -. '" -. .. , I, .