HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 34- 650, Authorizes Director of Public Safety in Emergency to Restrict Use of Public Water Supply ..'.,.- < .. --,-"",".,--.,.,"",?,-:~,?~,,~ . ~ '!"::::,),::,r~',,:,' '-';' ' ". .... I.':',~~' ~. .'~'~ .~:::10?~ ".~~~', ~7l.;;~'?!:~[~'!'~i~....~"~t!, ,~~;~",,~~:~~'~': ,.~...I"- .. :"~'"'P'RRlr'~~""""""_._" ._':':.'-"="'1""-"",","--' .. , . and CheekEd fl. JI :_~E..___ 439 __.m.______. IJ ~. ff~-~-j~.._~ .... ORDINANCE NO. 650 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SAFETY, IN ANY :lEdRGENCY, TO RESTRICT THE USE OF THE PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN FOR IRRIGA.TION, - AND/OR WHOLLY PROHIBIT SUCH UBI; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE AND D:aCLARING AN :FJ,U:RGENCY MAKINq IT NEC:BSSARY THAT THIS ORDINANCB BE IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT ". / IMMEDIATELY UPON ITS PASSAGE AND ADOPTION. .. . / / I -' Whereas: There is present danger that the water supply of B.azema.c..._Q.;lty .... -- ~ ...... _ J~ - Waterworks will be insuffic ient for the needs of the inhabitants G.{~.~t!-.L.,~id "0" n.~. .- City for fire proteotion and domestio purpo.es; and "----...,.--' Whereas: There is no ordinance, rule or regulation whereby the Direotor ot Publio Safety of said City may restriot and/or prohibit the use of suoh .- water for lawn, garden and ether irrigation purposes in said City, and it i. emergently neoessary in order that said water supply may be oonserved tor neeessary fimproteotion and domest1o purposes that suoh power and authority .., be immediately conterred upon the Direotor of Public Safety; therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY TEE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Seotion 1. Authority ot Direotor of Publio Safety That the Direotor of Public Safety of the Cityot Bozeman, be, and he is 0;"". . \it'"" here~y, authorized, direoted and empowered, whenever in his opinion the necessities of the situation,demand suoh action, to rest riot and/or wholly I prohibit the use of the water supply of Bozeman City Waterworks tor garden, '""- I lawn or other out-door irrigation or use, exoept fire proteotion; suoh restrict10n and/or prohibition shall beoome .ftect ive twenty...four hQ.,ursrl~",- notice thereof shall be published in any daily Ilewspaper published rp, t~, ____ /- ..":' " City of Bozeman, Montana. .......--- Section 2. Penaltiee Every person, fir.m, association or corporation violating any order of ~he Direotor of Public Safety made under the pro'Visions of this ordinance, shall \ ~~Ubject to a fine 01' not lese than Five Dollars nor Diore than Twenty-five Dollars. In any prosecution f6r 'Vio1at ion ot this ordinance it shall be no defense that the otfender had no actual utloe or knowledge ot such restriotion and/or prohibition. In addition to the tine hereby provided tor, the judgment in any such case may also pro'Vide that the water supply from Bozemap. City Waterworks shall be cut off trom the offender unt il the fine is paid or seourity given tor, the payaent thereot, and all costs, in the event of ,. I appeal trom such jUdgmen'.,of oonv1ction in the police court of the C1 ty ot Bozeman for violation of this ordinanoe. Seotion S. :affective Date By reason of the emergenoy deolared in the preaable hereto, this ord inanee shall be in full toree and ettect from and after 1 ts passage and adopt ion. -.,': ,~:-'""~~~-"._. .d. . 440, '. Passed and adopted by the Commission or the City ot Bozeman this 11th day 01' May, 1'.iil34. . - /1. ~~~ .- ._- ,. Mayo " _._~ I "=~~pproved by the Publio Servioe Commiss ion of Montana on the 16th day of May, 1934. I, Carolyn Westlake, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, he%eb, c,rt1fy that the foregoing Ordinanoe No. 650 of the City of Bozeman, Montana, was published at length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in said City of Bozeman, in the issue of May l'.iil, 1934. and that due proof of said publication was made and filed in_my office. IN WITNESS WH~P I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my otfioe this 1.9thday of May, 1934. ~. , I ---. ~.~;-,..... ....'-.... .'~---, - ~ ~ ~..-,.- --- - .. :.......... . -, ,- I \