HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 34- 644, Amends Section 4, Ordinance 607 . ...--- .~.,~._~ -~._-'-'~ .. . "~1!'."?:~_':= ,<T . ..,.. . ~~,.~ ~~,~?!:~~",:",..~J.:';.~!!!,,::. ,'" '..,:~ :.;",~,. . ,. ,",. .. "','.' - -. ". ".!""';:';<~,"',~_;~~r ~",:.", ~',' ,~,' -..:~-'--_.~--"---"--_. ~f',n.r pl'P/l :.1.::l: q,c',*c4L 41 9 _____!!/l~.:J.i.._ .....~~.1It;_t.aL . ORDINANCE NO. 644 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION FOUR (4) OF ORDINANCE NUMBER SIX HUNDRED SEVEN (507) OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, SO AS TO CHANGE THE FIRE LIMIT OF THE CITY OF BOZlMAN. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: I Seotion 1. That Section 4 of Ordinance No. 60'1 ot the City ot Bozeman, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR FEES FOR MOVING PEBMITS AND DIVIDING THE FIRE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN INTO TWO ZONES,'AMENDING SECTIONS 4, a2, 40 and 41 OF ORDINANCE taG PASSED AND APPROVED SEPTm4BER 6th, 191'., be, and the same is hereby amended so as to read aa tollows: Section 4. That Section 40 of Ordinance 480 be and 15 hereby amended to read as follows: Fire Limits Zonea R~~"v'~'v! b" Ol'~~~~!~n*l No ~ ~ Z ~ L' ~.' -J..J ,..' .J .1 jq \~J. ~ ~...l 1:;;0 v i...._...._ - Sect ion 40. That all that portion of the City of Bozeman included within the boundaries hereinafter mentioned shall constitute the fire limits of said City: (i) Commenoing at the interseotion of Mendenhall street with Fifth Avenue, thence east along the south line of said Mendenhall street to its interseotion with the west line of Lot 15, Block D, Bouse's Addition to Bozeman; thence south along the west line of said Lot 15 to the south line of the north half I of Block ~ Rouse's Addition to Bozeman, thence east along the said south line 0~~ ~~. of said, Block D to the southeast corner o~ said;lBlock D; thence south aoross the alley and along the east line'of Lot 1, Block D, Rouse's Addition to Bozeman, thence south across Main Street to the south line of said Main Street, thence east along the south line ot said Main street to the east line of Tract 64, (Assessor's designation)J being owned by the Standard Oil Company, thence south along said east line ot Traot 14 to the southea8t eorner of said V Tract tJ4, thence west along the south l1ne of S~1d Tract #4\ prodUced, (parallel to th* south line of Main street) to intersection with the ea8t ~1ne -, of Wallaoe Avenue, thenoe north along the said east line of Wallaoe Avenue - \ to the intersection ot the north line at Babcook street with said east<line -.," ..'..~.. ___ /T""'--_:" "-':'~ _ . ..... of Wallace Avenue, thence west along the north. line of Bab~oOk B~e.t to its , ...... .-.~"......- intersect ion with Fifth Avenue, thence north along the east lineD.~.:~€~ ,_ . ,..,~ - .~ Fifth Avenue to the ~lace of beginning. Lt" (b) The aforesaid fire limits shall be divided into two zones to be I des ignated, Zone II 1 and Zone 12, defined as follows: Zone 11 shall be all the ar,a within the .fire limits not included within the boundaries of Zone #2. Zone #2 shall inolude the following areas described as follows: (l) Beginning at the northwest corner of Blook "D" Tracy'S Addition thence east along the south line of Mendenhall street to the west line of Grand Avenue, thence south 120 feet along said west line of Grand Avenue, thence west along a line parallel to a~d 120 teet distant from Mendenhall . '.....,. .,.._~,~..,.,._, '".. ,., '~.. 4.2-0 street to the east line of Third Avenue, thenoe north along said east line 10 feet, thenoe west to the southwest oorner of lot 35, B100k "D", ~raoy's Addition, thence south 10 teet along the east line of lot 34 of said Block and Addition, thence west along a line parallel to the south line of Mendenhall street to a point 120 feet south of the Northwest I corner of Block "D" Tracy's Addition, thence north along the west line of said blook to the point of beginning. (2) Beginning at the northwest corner of Block "F" Rouse's Addition, thence east along the south side of Mendenhall street to the northeast corner of Blook "E" Bouse's Addition, thence south along the west line ot Wallace Avenue 130 feet, thence west parallel and 130 feet distant from the south line of Mendenhall street to the east line of Rouse Avenue, thenoe north along said east line to the south line of Mendenhall street; the \ point of begt"nning. (3) Beginning at a point in the east line of Bozeman Avenue 180 feet ~I south of the south line of Main Street, thence east on a line parallel' to and 180 feet south of. the south line of Main street to a point in the west line of Rouse Avenue thence easterly to a point in the east line of Rouse . c:::I .:~ Avenue llO feet north of the southwest corner of Block ~A", Rouse'S \, ,..,,',~ .-:"''') '.., Addition, thence east on a line parallel to and 110 feet distant from the ., "::3 north line of Babcock Street to the east line of Wallaoe Avenue, thence .~~ I' - ~? south 110 feet to the north line of Babcock Street, thence west ~long -':l said north line to the east line ,of Bozeman Avenue, thence north along .':} ":.:4 said east line to the point of beginning. r'C) ~' '-, ~ .\ , Section 2. o",~,.;:.II( This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after . thirty (30) days atter its final passage. Finally passed by the Commission of the City of Bozeman this 23rd day of March, 1934. -, ,_. . "- ~ .,. ... ';LDtroduoed, read for the first time and provisionally passed by the Commission of the City of Bozeman this 16th day of March, 1934; final passage fixed for the 23rd day of March, 1934. I E~feclive April 22, 1934. \ 421 I, Carolyn Westlake, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby. certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 644 of the City of Bozeman, Montana, was publ.ished by title in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the said City . of Bozeman, in the issue of Match 27, 1934, and that due proof of said pub- lioation was made and filed in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and the seal of my offioe this 27th day of March, 1934. -" -, .-_. o. .. . , I ,. . " .