HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 33- 635, Regulating and Controlling Barber Shops 3~2 ~ ORDINANCE NO. 635 it y.'0 -03- ,- ~ >>e~~l . '-, a. 0 ~ .' ,.... 6'0' J r ,- ?-. } "'. .'t AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN REGULATING AND CONTROL- '.' '/ ,. '..) '. ~ LING BARBER SHOPS IN SAID CITY. ,... AJ:. .>., .. .,. .,." ,r BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Section 1. INSPECTION AUTHORIZED I The Health Officer is hereby authorized, directed and empowered to inspeot all barber shops within the City of Bozeman, and to enforce the rules and regulations hereinafter provided. All barber shops shall be open to the City Health Officer for inspection at any time during business hours as hereinafter "specified. , Section 2. HEALTH REGULATIONS All muge, brushes, pincers, tweezers, needles and attachments for massage devioes shall be sterili.ed after each time used and a~ .frequent1y as necessary by immersion in boiling water or in alcohol of not leas than 95 per cent strength, or in a 20 per cent formaldehyde solution. Combs and hair brushes shall be cleaned with soap and water at least once daily. No towel that is used on one patron shall be used again on another patron until re-laundered. All powdered alum o~''bther powders shall be applied with clean towels, and the use of powder puffs and sponges . in any form is prohibited. Every barber shop, shall be provided with I running hot and oold water oonveniently located, and shall be connected with the sewers. ::-::' - Section 3. - 'e. - '/ "- The head-rest of every barber chair shall be covered with affresh , ". -. - , towel O~ by clean new paper tor each individual customer. A strip of cotton or neck band must be plaoed around the patron's neok so that hair , cloth does not come in contaot with the neok. Cuspidors must be cleaned every day, and a disinfectant solution left in them at all times. Section 4. No barber shall serve any patron whose face or skin is inflamed or broken out, or contains pus, unless all tools, mugs and ute;n.sils used upon said patron are immediately thereafter sUbjected to a thorough sterilization before being used again, and unless the barber so working shall immediately di8infeot and sterilize his hands. Section 5. The use of wood alcohol in any form or per oent shall not be used ~.' , I ~ (except as fuel) in any oosmetic or preparation used in any barber Shop O? _. ,'" , ,- ~-.......-.- on any patron. - - - Section 6. .. . BUSINESS HOURS No barber shop shall be open for business earlier than 8o'olock A. M., nor shall any barber shop close later than 6 o'olock P. M., through- out the year, exeepting on Saturdays and days preceding legal holidays, : ~, . , J<'_. ; 383 when they shall close not later ths1l8 o~olook P. 111. Sect ion 7. BARBER SHOP DEFINID The term barber shop as used herein, shall inolude every place where I shaving or hair cutting is done tor the public, every barber college or sohool where barbering is done, for either sex, within the City of Bozeman. Seotion 8. ORDINANCE TO BE POSTED - The owner of every barber shop shall keep a copy of this Ordinance, to {, be furnished by the Clerk of the City Commission, or City Health "Oi't;uf', p_osteo --'"\..--' in his place of business in a conspicUous'plaoe. - , -, , -'" - -~; Seotion Q. ~oo - PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION Any per.son violating the provisions of this Ordinanoe "'s1'i'l!1'1"1)e fined not more than five ($5.00) dollars for the first offense, and not more than fifty ($50.00) doliars for each subsequent offense, or by imprisonment in the oity jail at the rate of one day for e&Qh two ($2.00) dollars of said fine. SeotioD. 10. EFFECTIVE DAT~--CONSTITUTIONALTIY (1) That this ordinanoe shall be in full force and effect from and after thirty days after its final passage. (2) If any section, sub-sect ion, sentence, olause or phrase of this I ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, suoh decision shall not effect the valid1ty of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The Commission hereby 'declares that it would have passed this ordinance, and eaoh o. . section, sub-section, sentenoe, olause and phrase thereOf, irrespeoti~e of the faot that anyone or more seotions, sub-seotions, sentences, clauses or "--.,.. , phrases be declared unconstitutional. Seotion 11. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in oonflict herewith are hereby reapea1ed. '---'" Introduced, read and passed tor the first time by the Commi'ssion of . ., the City of Bozeman at a regular seasion of the Commission, held on the 1st day of September, 1933. R,ad for final passage and passed by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a regular session of the Commission held on the 8th day of September, 1933. '" I ~h4 May - - - / ~; 384 [, h f\ .;. I, Carolyn 'es~lak., Clerkot'the Commission of the City o:t aozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 635, ot the City of Bozeman, Montana, was published by title in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the aaid City of Bozeman, in the issue of September 13, 1933, I and that due proof of said publication was made and filed in my office. IN WITNESS WHERETO I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of '7' my office this 13th day of September, 1953. ~ .. ,- ............,....,..:: -- .~---- -- " - ""::;> . lark !f the . ommis.ion '-',' -"~:''''';'''. .. -, / .._ ~ e,.. '- -.'. " -' , . ,. ""~"'1': ~"',~~I!I"'"'",-,J<':,,"_-r~'" . I '- I ~,. -, ~ " '", ~. ~~-- - '_",. ,-- \.' .