HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 33- 634, Adopts Resolution of Sunset Hills Cemetery Board 380 c~ ~~. """~ ( ~ o"cP \~_"........ .,i\ \ ")- 1 "() / 'Y'~"" ' -r.;,.,r ORDINANCE NO. 634 .w Jv0...... ' -- .- ,..- -' .,.... ..... /..,J-.~- AN ORDINANCE RATIFYING, CONFIRMING. APPROVING AND ADOPTING ~ A RESOLUTION OF SUNSET HILLS(EOZEMAN) CEMETERY BOARD, SET- TING ASIDE CERTAIN LOTS IN SAID CEMETERY FOR THE BURIAL OF VETERANS OF WARS OF THE UNITED STATES AND MEMBERS OF THEIR IMMEDIATE FAMILIES. AT THE REQ.UEST -OF GALLATIN POST NO. 14, THE AMERICAN LEGION. DEPARTMENT OF MONTANA, A CORPORATION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: III Section 1. WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of Sunset Hills Cemetery ot the City of '~~e~n, has adopted, and submitted for the approval and .'.~1. ':\.1 ratifioation of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, the following ~eBolutiGn, to~wit: "WHEREAS: I. The Sunset Hills (Bozeman)Cemetery is owned and controlled by the City of Bozeman, and operated and managed by a board of trustees, subject to the authority of the Commission of said Cityp II. Gallatin Post No. 14, The American Legion, Department of Montana, a corporation, with its principal place of business at Bozeman, Montana, desires that the Board of Trustees set aside a certain portion of the cemetery for the burial of veterans of all wars of the United states. and of veterans of allied countries during the World War, and members of the immediate family of such veterans; III. I The Board of Trustees of Sunset Hills (Bozeman) Cemetery is ready and willing to accord to the American Legion, this right and privilege:, . ." BE IT RESOLVED: That the Board of Trustees of Sunset Hills (Bozeman) Cemetery does hereby set aside Lots 1 to 190 in Block 35 of Sunset Hills Cemetery for the exclusive interment of veterans of all wars of the United States, and of veterans of allied countries during the World War. and of members of the immediate family of such veterans, to be known and designated as the "Veterans Memorial"; and the Cemetery Board will layout an additional blook to the south and adjoining the above ment ioned block as may be required in the future; Upon the condition. however, that the said burial lots shall be subject to the rules. regulations,. conditions, and restrictions made at this time, or which may hereafter be made by the Cemetery Board; It sh~ll be required that permanent care be provided tor all graves of persons buried therein, lots and permanent care to cost not to ~ exceed Sixty-five 'dollars <.65.00) per lot. The remains of persons eligible to be buried in the Veterans Memo r1a 1 may be moved thereto, pro- '- '.. vided there ,be no expense to the cemetery board; :~, _ . ~ Applicationsr-Qrburial and removal permits shall be made dire-ct..., '~ to the proper offioerof the cemetery board;, --.-..:::..... \.... - - ~ The persons intended to be buried in the Veterans Memorial are veterans of all wars of the United states, veterans of allied oountries during the World War. his wi fe and minor Children. inolud ing step- Ch.il. dren I.'..... and children by adoptien, and in the determination of eligibility for . burial therein the cemetery board shall exercise good judgment and a . sound ~iscretion, and the decision of the board shall be final; and the ; American Legion Fost. represented by its Post Commander and Adjutant" :; shall assume the respons1bility of assisting the cemetery board iI;l determining what persons may be entitled to burial therein; there shall be no residence requirements; The Amerlcan Legion Post shall be perm~tted to ereot a flag pole, place oannon, or other suitable monuments of a military chara~ter within - " the Veterans Memorial, prOVided the same shall not conflict with the '.' -. "- general plan of the cemetery; , ~ .~. .~ ... ............. / .... " -",-,--",~-_... p" ,. ';." . ~ .,., r, .. .'j., 381 The rules and regulations as regards headstones, markers and monuments shall be as. a.doptedby the cemetery boa:~d; , , \ END BE IT FURl'HER RESOLVED: That this resolution be submitted to the CQmmission of the City of Bozeman, Monvana, for their approval and ratification. ' . Adopted by the Sunset Hill's (Bezeman) Cemetery Board this 10th day of January, A. D.; 1933. Leslie E.Ae.ge (Signed), Chairman Wal ter Davis (Signed,L Seoretary , Seotion 2. And the City Commission having duly considered said Resolution, it now adopts, approves and ratifies the same with the same force and effect to all intents and purposes as the act and deed of the City of Bozeman. Introduced, read for the first time, and provisionally passed by the Commission of the City ot Bozeman held on the 21st day ot April, 1933. Finally passed by the Commission ot the City ot Bozeman, at a regular session thereof held on the 28th day ot April, 1933. ~~ ,,/ ...- -' - , _.' . .. - - - , - Clerk ot the Commission ot the City of I, Carolyn Westlake, Bozeman, Mgntana, do hereby certity that the foregoing Ordinance No. 634 of the City of Bozeman, Montana, was published by title in the Bozeman Daily / ' Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the said City or Bozeman, 'in th~ issue ot ~ ~ , 193Z, and that due proof or said publication was made and tiled in my Office. IN WITNESS WHERETO I 'have hereunto set my hand and the seal of my office this /fz;tday of ~ . 1933. rt(( 4rdt1on . .- - -' d ~, ~ -, _.-- -, '- - .. .