HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 32- 624, Narrowing Beall Street Between Tracy Avenue North and Bozeman Avenue North by Vacating a Certain Part of Beall Street "" 354 e\ ~~{ ./ ~;~ "'/' /~ ORDINANCE NO. 624 )~ ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOZEIWl NARROWING BEALL " ,,':- STREET BET""N TRACY AVENUE, NORTH, AND BOZEMAN AVENUE, NORTH, BY VACATING AND DISCONTINUING .A. CIBTAIN PART OF BEALL STREET PURSUANT TO COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 213 Oll' THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. WHEBEAS, pursuant to the petition ot liar,. V. Haley, and others, a Commission Resolution No. 235 of the City of Bozeman, deolaring it to be the intention of said Oi'y otBozeman to narrow Beall' street between Traoy Avenue, North, and Bozeman A:ve'nue, North, was adopted on the 2ind day of April,1932, and is hereby referred. to for further particulars; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said Commission Resolution No. 233 Notiee to the property owners atfecte4 thereby was duly giTen as required by law, as appears of record herein, and at the time and plaoet:speeified in said Resolution and said Notioe, the City Commission called for objeotions to the action proposed by said Resolution ot Intention and no objections either oral or in writing were presented or made, as appears as record herein; now, therefore, in consideration ot the premises, .,~ - BE l'f ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: .I""'" ... - --- . Section 1. That all that portion of Beall Street in the oCity-- " ..... "',~' of' Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, described as follows, to-wi_, "; ~.~~ -~ ~,.,._~" ,-". _...~ r ....,r ~. Beginning at the Northwest Corner of' Block "M" ~f the ...... Orig~nal Townsite ot the (;it1 ot .t3ozeman; thence 'north -' ...... along the East Line ot Traoy Avenue, North, a distanoe ot twenty (20) teet, more or less, to a foint in the Eaat Line of said Tracy Avenue, North, sixty 60) teet south of the Southwest Corner of Blook "D" ot Beall's Seoond Addition to the City ot Bozeman; thenoe East on a line parallel with and sixty (60) teet south of the South Line of said Blook "D" to a point in the Weat Line of Blaclk Avenue, North, in said City of Bozeman; thence south along said line to the Northeast Corner of said Bloo~ "II.; thence West along the North l.ine Of saia Block "M" of the original townsite of the City of Bozeman, to the plaoe of beginning; Also, b.g1nning at the Northw.at Corner ot Block "L" ot ","""', the Original Townsite 01' the City of Bozeman; thence ,."""",,, - .:':"t;lorth along the East Line of Blaok .A.Tenue, North, a ,",. . _-.. d'tatanoe of ten (10) teet, more or le8s, to a point in ~ :-- ..: .:...~~, the East Line of said Blaok Avenue, North, sixty (60) ~. .......:r:: fMt south ot the Southwest corner of Block ".A." ot ""'"Bea11 's Seoond Add it ion to the City of Bozeman; thence .-~~> east on a line parallel with and sixty (60) feet south of ~- - --, the South Line of said Blook "A" to the Northeast oorner of 8aid Block "L" ot the Original Townsite of Bozeman; , thence west along the north line of said Block "L" to' .",". .- the place of beginning, be, and the same i8 hereby, .vacated and discontinued tor st~.et purposes, and the easement of right of way therein of the City ot Boz_an to the strip Of land so vaGated and 4isoentinued, be and the same is hereby, forever released and surrendered. Seotion 2. This Ordinanoe ahall be in full foroe and etteot trom and atter thirty (30) days trom its final pas.age. , .., . .- 355 Finally pas.ed by the Commission ot the City ot Bozeman at a regular .e.sion thereot held on the 2?th day at Kay, 1932. '1. Va~ i meat: ~ ~"~.' Y- ) .~*te ~l.a on .~...:....:.. ,.... '- ~ Introduoed, read tor the tirst time, udprovisionally passed by the Commission at the City 01' Bozeaan, at a regular seaslon at the Commis... sion held on the 20th day 01' May, 1~32. lina1l passage tued tor the 27th day of May, l~32. Published in the Bozeman Daily Chroniole on June , 1932. Effeotive June 27th, 1932. I, Carolyn Westlake"Clerk ot the Commission at the City ot Bozeman, Montana, do hereby .ert1ty' t~t the toregoing Ordinanoe No. 624 by title at the City at Bozeman was pUblished/in the Bozeman Daily Chroniole, a dailY newspaper of general oirculation, printed and published in the ". '..1. . City of Bozeman, in the. issue 01' June. ,1932, and that dUf:! ppoof ot . r 8aid publioation was made and 1'11e4 in my ottioe. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereUD.to set my hand and the corporate seal of said City this lOth day 01' June, 1932. ~ I J rJ-~<-~~~> ~rk 0 ~ iommlsa on".. . :: .-,.----_. /".- . - .- . , I D \ \