HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 32- 620, Appropriations for Year 1932 342 f i\0~eO- "f''l'oOot'-ocW '3>'\)<'l. f ,...... ~J;2rT~~:---- ...... J.~ .__0' ..- _tf'pfl' ORDINANCE NO. 620 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING MONIES FOR THE SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE, ETC., OF THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1932. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Seotion 1. That the certain balanoes, accrued and uninoumbered, I after the claims allowed, January 2nd, 1~32 have been paid, and after the ~.. interest and principal of bonds or warrants heretofore oalled have been paid~ , .. shall remain as balances in the several funds and shall be and are hereby - ~, , -:, " -- appropriated for use during the Durrent fiscal year 1932; all as prOVided itJ. '--~ ~ ._' Section 5506, R.C.M. 1921. Said balances so remaining being as follows) to-w1t: FUNDS BALANCES General i 19,14'7.00 st reet 11,009.64 Fire 4,993.60 Library 5,524.91 Park 4,415.05 Cemetery 25.8'7 Band 961.93 Fireman's Relief 188.'76 Refunding Bond 858.52 Sewer Bond 3,288.77 Babcock street 1,907.92 Water 7, 134 . 9 7 "'~'''','S~;'J:. D. Revolving 56'7.50 ,,~,:,..-~s. . I,. .D. 8.785.38 Total , 68,809.82 ..... ....... ...- J.'_-,' - --- Seotion:.. 2. . That the following sums of money be, and 'th..... are, I .... ,-"",~",!. . - 7 ' hereby,--app-i-llpriated for the operating expenses of the Municipal Government of ,.-' . " the City of Bozeman, for the payment Of its obligations and for capital outlay for the ~lscal year 1932, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5502, R. C. M. 1921, as amended by Chapter 173, Laws of 1925, and in accordanoe with the Annual Budget and Reoommendations submitted by the City Manager as amended and/ or approved by the Commissioni.as hereinafter set forth: "A" OPERATING EXPENSES Department of Law For Salary & Offioe Expenses $ 1500.00 " Other Expenses 50.00 Total Department of Law $ 1550.00 Department of Safety $188'70.00 For Salaries " Expenses 2900.00 Total Department of Safety $ 21 ?70 .00 Department of Finance $ 5s:ll0100 For Salaries " Expenses 6030.00 Total Department of Finance i 11940.00 Department of Welfare # 6565.00 For Salaries I " Expenses 19053.87 Total Department of Welfare $ 25618.8' Department of Servioe ' For Salaries $ 1500.00 " Expenses 2'7062.00 Total Department of Servioe ~ 28562.00 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE J 89440.87 (Exo1usive of Water Dept.) Department of Servioe Water For Salaries $ 6000.00 " Expenses 16000.00 . Total Water i 22000.00 343 GRAND TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE _$111.440.87 "B" DEBT SERVICE Department of Welfare Park I S.I.D. Assessments Prin. $. 1708.20 . Reg. Wts. Prin. & Int. 987.60 (To be paid from Park Fd. 1913.98) (" "" " Gen. " 781.72) , Total Welfare $ 2695.70 Department of Service Streets S.I.D. Assessments $ 666.09 (To be paid from Gen. Fd.) Babcock St. Opening., Registered Warrants 4766.00 Water Department Bonds 29600.00 Total Service . 35031.09 Gen. Obligation Bonds Sewer Bond $ 4583.60 City Refunding Bonds 8899.90 Total Gen. Obl1g. Bonds i 13483.60 ., S.I.D. Warrants . 45785.38 ~ '. - GRAND TOTAL . . 96995.57 " ,'....... - "B"a. Reserve for Emergencies and Uncollectible Taxes $ 1560.42 "C" CAPITAL OUTLAY I Department of Service Street Equipment, etc. $ 3000.00 {From Gen. Fund~ Misc. Equipment & Improvements 3.000.00 , ., (From Gen. Fund) Water 12047.45 Total Department of Service ~ 18047.45 Department of Safety Fire Equipment. etc. $ 1600.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 19647.45 . ____ Section 3. That this Ordinance shall be published as provided in //"'A. /", S~ctio'n 5503, Political COde. R.C.M. 1921 as amended by Chapter 173, Laws of ~Montana 1925, and ten days after such publication, may be finally passed. but shall not be finally passed before the first14ond~ in February. Seotion 4. That this Ordinanoe shall be in full force and effect tram and after its final passage. Finally passed by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a regular Bession thereof. . held on the 12th day of February, 1932. .. I -, @?~~ -~ :.. ... ..._~ Introduced, read for the first time. provisionally passed, date set for public hearing January 29th. 1932, by the Commission of the City of Bozeman this 22nd day of January. 1932. Published as provisionally passed in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on 344 the 30th day of January, 1932. Published as finally passed in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on the 16th day of February, 1932. Effective February , H~32. NOT ICE I -......---- Pursuant.to the provisions of Section 5503, R.C.M. 1921, as amended, notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing on the Appropriation Ordinanoe for the ~iscal year 1932, provisionally. passed January 22nd, 1932, will be held at 4:30 P. M. Janu&ry 29th, 1932, at the .,;Commission Chamber, City Hall. Copies .of the aforesaid Ordinance as provisionally passed and copies of the Manager's estimate of requirements are now on file. with the Clerk of the Commission.at the City Hall and may be examined by interested oitizens during office hours. ..- ~ ~ ~ " Dated January 23rd, 1932. -... --..... --~~ ~ ~-.:;,--'-- ". ..- ...' " " . ~-' "'-'0_- " .. I, Carolyn Westlake, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 620 of the City of Bpzeman, Montana, was published by title in the Bozeman I Daily Chronicle,. a daily newspaper of general circulation, printe~ and published in the. City of Bozeman, Montana, in the issue of February 16th, 1932, and that due proof of said publication was made and filed in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and the oorporate ..,n - ....... ~. seal of said City this Bind day of February, 1932. ~~~4fi! ~~.. - ~ n..,.. ~ -' . I '- " _r',~1III,. , - " - .~. - \ ""'""'-. .- " , ....~._------..:~... " ...... ... - "..' -- .'~. .