HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 31- 617, Amends Section 32 of Ordinance 524 ,....~-::-""r_~"... ,,1\ 335 . "?-e~6- \""l'OO{ tea. .' ,-' 'j). c"p'e ..' -;).>-0; . "'..... ]j). -..j ".1..)If' ,\\ .- .;,/ ~.,. _.::~/.:;.; ~. ORDINANCE NO. 617 Ali ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 32 OF ORDINANCE NO. 524, ENTITLED : "AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE: ORGANIZATION, REGULATION . AND CONDUCT OF THE SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, AND I TO THE Q,UALIFICATIONS, TERM OF OFFICE, POWERS, DUTIES A."JD COM- PENSATION OF THE COlvlMISSIONERS AND THE BOARDS AND TBE SEVERAl. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF SAID CITY, UNDER THE COMMISSION- MANAGER PLAN OR FOa;1 OF GOVERNMENT, IN CONFORMITY WITH THE PRO- VISIONS OF CHAPTER 152 OF THE ACTS OF THE FI]~EENTH LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF MONTANA, AS :AMENDED; WHICIIORDINANCE IS DECLARED TO BE AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE" PROVIDING FOR TEE USUAL DAILY OPERATION OF MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENTS". BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZE!:JJAN, MONTANA: Section 1. That Section 32 of Ordinanoe No. 524, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE ORGANIZATION, REGULATION AND CONDUCT OF THE SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, AND TO THE Q.UALIFICATIONS, TERM OF OF:B'ICE, POWERS, DUTIES AND COMPENSATION OF THE COIvlIvlISSIONERS AND THE BOARDS AND THE SEVERAL OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF SAID CITY, UNDER THE COMMISSION-MANAGER PLAN OR FORM. OF GUVERNMENT, IN CONFORMITY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 152 . OF THE ACTS OF THE FIFTEENTH LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF MONTANA, AS AMENDED; WHICH ORDINANCE IS DECLARED TO BE AN EM:E:RGENCY: ORDINANCE, PROVIDING FOR THE USUAL DAILY OPERATION OF 1..UN-IC!l?AL DEPARTMENTS" be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows: "Seotion 32. The Director of Public Finance shall be the head of. the Department of Finance and shall work under the supervision and control of the City Manager in all matters; exoept that as custodian of all the I public monies which may oome into his hands, he shall be governed by the laws of the State of Montana relating to City Treasurers and funds of , ' . :> ' ., . municipalities and shall be responsible under his bond for the safe keeping - of all public moneys aDd the deposit of the same as required by law. The Director of Finance Shall\be the custodian of all public money for the ci ty and. all other public money coming into his hands. He shall keep and preserve such money in the plaoe or plao~s d~termined by ordinance or by . the provisions of any law applioable thereto. Exoept as otherwise provided by law, he shall colleot, receive and disburse all other public money ooming into his hands, in pursuanoe of suoh regulations as may be we- .~ - ".~ /' ~_,'" '-::-0'.',;;'.. ~.",,_ r. scribed by the authorities hav ing lawful control of such funds. T)re~' Director of Finance~hall keep and have the ~pervision of alr/aCC2.~~ of the city and shall be the collector of all moneys paid to the ~-t'y; he .... '... '.. ".. shall mail notices of al.l special assessments for public improvementsWto property owners and perform all duties in connection with special assess- me?ts for improvements presoribed by law foreity Treasurers and shall I have oharge of the collection of such assessments as are payable directly .',,,}i'.. . to the city and the preparation~'w()f'!'tb.",lists and the oart ifioation thereof 101' all unpaid assessments to the County Treaaurer for collection by him. He shall issue all lioenses and Qollect all: fees therefor; he shall be i ! i the collector of water rents and all other moneys owing to the City on . ) .,ocount of' the city water works system. The Direotor of Finance shall be I responsible for the safe keeping of all funds on aooount of the City Water works system, and the bond to be given by the Director of l!'inance, I -..-.. ". '.,.....' 336 as hereinafter provided, shall cover his duties with respect to funds derived from or on aocount of said water works system, as well as all other funds which may come into his hands. The Director of Finance shall have all the authority and shall I be charged with all the duties prescribed by Sections 5400 to 5520, inclusive, PoliticAl Code, R.C.M., 1921, and amendments thereof and thereto, and all of the laws of the state of Montana and Ordinances of the City relating to the powers and duties of City Treasurers of municipalities insofar as they do not conflict with said Sections 5400 .., to 5520; except that he shall not have charge of the purchasing of ,supplies tor or selling property belonging to the City. The Director of Finanoe shall be appointed by the City Manager and shall serve until removed by him and until his successor is appoi~ted and qualities. Before entering upon the duties of his offioe, the Direotor of Finance shall take and subscribe to the oath of office and ,,' give an official bond in the sum of at least Twenty Thousand Dollars . ($~O,OOO.OO), and such an additional amount aD' the C"ommission may require, with sufficient surety to be approved by the Commission, and said oath and bond shall be filed with the Clerk thereof. He shall receive such salary as may be fixed by the annual salary Ordinance, or otherwise I fixed by; the Commission." Section 2. That this Ordinanoe shall be in full force and effect from and after thirty days after its final passage. ) Finally passed by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof, held on the 20th day of November, 1031. .. -' ~ , A tt cs.--t:_ ..' . '~~~~~~ ~-~ .., -, ~ i '-- .. "..,),:"in trod uced, ,- read for the first time, and provisionally passed by the Commission of the City of Bozeman this 13th day of November, 1931; final passage fixed for a meeting of the Commission November 20th, 1131 . .Pub~ishe9 in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle November 24th, 1931. :' I Effeotive December 21st, 1931. (Memo: This amendment provides for the reduction in the bond of the Direotor of Finance from at least Forty Thousand Dollars to at least Twenty Thousand DOllars.) . 337 I, Carolyn Westlake, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinanoe No. 617 of the City of Bozeman, Montana, was published by title in the Bozeman I Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general ciroulation, printed and published in the City of Bozeman, Montana, in the issue of November 24th, 11331, and that due proof of said publioation was made and filed in m:l offioe. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and the corporate seal of said City this 25th day of November, Hl31. .'-'/ , ~#/lbtV'd<"L - , Clerk 0 the ommission ,.. .. - , -.." . - I , \ ,1 " I