HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 31- 611, Regulates Installation, Etc., of Gas Piping, Etc., and Regulates Repair, Etc. of Gas Appliances " " ..__ _ '.'.._..' __, _'..M".'_'''~__''''''''''''~'_ 305 , l'ro~r "!ttl'll\. "1"'\ ChpG!J. u " R0lJ3al3d b'/ Ord:aanc8 No., IP:; f q. 1<) -" ... . ..~........... ....-_. -." J;l. I :.J r:--.--...... ORDlNANOE NO. 611 __......._w_ AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, EXTENSION, REPAIR AND USI OJ' GAS PIPING, !PITT INOS, ETC., DESIGNED TO CONVEY NATURAL GAS FROM THE GAS ur ILITY '8 MAINS TO GAS CONSUMING APPLUNCEBIN OR ON CONSUMERS t PRllNISES; AND BEGULATING THE INB'I'AT.T.ATION, REPAIR AND I USE OF SUCH APPUANCBS IN THl!: INTEREST OF PUBLIC SAFETY. BE IT ORD~INED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: ABTICLE 1 , General Regulations SECTION 1. ApplioatioJ.l of Regulations. . That the follOwing prov1aions of this erdlnanoe shall apply to the installation, .xtens1ons, additions, alterat10ns and/or repairs of gas piping from th6 gas mains to the oonauer. building, and in or about all buildings and to the use of natural sa. in and about all buildings in the City of Bozeman. SECTION 2. Responsibility tor Ento~oement. It shall be the Guty ot the I)1reoter of Publio Safety to e.fore. the provisions of this ordinanoe; and he or his 4es1gnated insp..tors shall have the right, at any reasonable time, to enter any and all buildings which conta1~ga. piping or pa appliance. tor the purposes of inspeoting the same. SEOTION 3. BODel iequint.ot Gas lit,er. Any individual, tirm or oorporation engaged 1n the work of a gas fitter or in the busineas ot inatalliq p. piping, t1rtures or appliances, shall file, aDd keep on tile iD full toroe and ettect a~ all t1mea, in the oftice of the Clerk ot the..Qommission, a Surety Oompany Bond acoeptable to the Oommission in the _.ot $2,000.00, oonditioned to the eftect that such persall ahall perfOrm. all work i;o. oonneotion with the installation, eztens1on, additions, alterations and/or repairs of gas , pip1ng, fixtures and/or applianoes done by him ill a skillful ana workman- like manner and shall supplY only sui table and proper material and shall oom.ply with all the provisions of the ori.inan.e. ot the C1ty ot '. Bozeman DOW or hereatter etteotlve. SECTION ". Respon.ibll1ty tor fural.! "Gas on". It shall be unlawtul tor any p81'''. exoept an agent otthe Gas . utility to turn "gas Oll" in aBY prea1... orbul14i118 or .'nature, either . at the time of installation of a meter or after 8a. has be.n "turned oft" a at any other time. . SECTION 5. Duties ot a.. utility. It shall be unlawtul tor the Ga. Utility or any employee or agent thereof to turn "sa. on" to Uy uw 8ystem or any extens10n of an 014 system ot gas piping unt i1 the'" UtUity MI oaused an insp.,tion ot the gas-piping and/or installat18n to be maCe bY' a "qualified inspector I to insure the t18htne.s et the 8Y81;em; the proper in8tallation ot pip1ug . . and applianoes; and the uae ot sate _"erials, appliances, eto. ~_ ~____ '.,'__ .....n.r__. . -..) 0'. i.:! ,... o ,.,,:y Whenever such inspection shall reveal a condition unsate to life or property the Ga. Utility .hall notity the oonsumer ot what is nec...ary to oorrect the unsafe condition aad shall not turn "gas on" " until all such conditions have been corrected. The Gas Utility may make subsequent inspeotions and teats of gas-piping, installations and I. ....... applianoes when it has reason to believe that appliances or piping are in an unsafe condition to life or property and the Gas Utility shall discontinue the supply to any consumer when such condition is found. SECTION 6. Gas Piping and Applianoe.. . '._. .. (1) Installation. i,~. \ (a) ae.8-pip1ng for lighting or fuel purposes, and all gas conaum1ng appli8.Iloes shall be installet to conform with generally aocepted good praotioe. '(b) The rules and reoommendations ot "American S'iandard Gas Satety Code" approved as an American Standard by the Amer1can Standards Association, ot the "Requi:rements for Howse Piping and Ippliance ... . Installation" aa adopted and amended trom time. to 11m. by the American Gas A.sooiation, a nd of "The E1111141.g Dode" and of the "Regulations for the Installation, Maintenanoe .. m4 Use of Piping and. Fittings tor City I.' .... .....:.............. Gas" as adoptea and amended from t 1me to time by the National Doal'd of Fire Uailerwriters, shall be deemed'-: .~ . '- . to be "generally aecepted gooel praotioe-. (2) Inspeotion - Use Prior to Inspection Forbid4.n - Coneealea Piping. . (a) It. shall be unlawful for any person or firm to use or permit the use of a new system or any extension of any old system ot gas-piping in any building or struoture before the same has been inspected by an authorized agent of the Gaa Utility as hereinbefore provided. . (b) then neoessary to u.e concealed gas piping in . . any installation in any building or structure said gas piping shall not be concear.d until it has been inspe.'" and teste4 ter tightness and approved by anautborized agent of the Gas Utility as hereinbefore provided. - SBC'l'ION 'I. Dispute between ae.e Utility and Consumer. I Whenever there 8~ll arise a dispute bet...n the Gas Utility and a oonsumer relative to the safety of any ins'tallation or appliance the matter shall be referred to the Director of Publio Safety for final deter.mination. ARTICLE II SECTION S. penal.y. . ,,' ~l07 That tor allY violatioD of any of the provisions or requirements ot this ordinanoe the person or persons so ottending shall be fined in any sum not exceeding three httndred dollars, and/or may be imprisoned in the I.' . . Oity or county. Jail tor a period not exceeding ninety days. ARTICLE III . .' SECTION 9. Et"teot. It (1) That this ordinanoe shall be in full toros and etteat from i and after thirty days after its tinal pas-ass. ~d (2) It any seotion, sub-seotion, aentenoe, olause or phrase of this ordinanoe 1s tor any reasOn held to be unconstitutional, suoh de01sion shall not erteot the validity ot the remaining portions ot this ordinanoe. The Oommission hereby deolares that it would have passed this ordinance, and eaoh seotion, sub-section, sentence, clause an4 ~ra.. thereof, irres- pective of the taot that any ODe O~ more sections, sub-seotions, senienoea, olauses or phrases be declared unoonstitutional. Introduoed, read and passed tor the tirst time by the Commission ot the City ot Bozeman at a regular se.sion of theCamm.iesion,- held on the loth day of July, 1931. Read tor final passage and passed by the Commission ot the City ....1.. .... or Bozeman at a regu:Lar aea.1on ot the COlllll1ss1oll held July 24, 1931. .-.. ~ ,. .-...,,~; , ' ,- Published in the Bozeman Daily Chro.101e 1uly 28, 1931. Effeotive August 25, 19~1. I, Carolyn Westlake, Clerk ot the Comaiss1o:Q. ot the City ot . 0 Bozeman, Montana, do hereby oert1tythat the toregoina Ordinanoe No. 611 ot the City of Bozeman, was published by title in the Bozeman Daily Chroniole, a daily newspaper ot general oiroulation printed and published in said City of Bozeman in the issue of July 28, 1931, and that due proof \ 01' said publioation was 'made and filed in my sttiae. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereun.:to set JA'1 hand and the oorporate eealot 8aid City' this 28th day at 1uly, 1931. , C.'~~~~ '. ..-' . 0 t e 01lDl 8s1on -- "... -- "..-'. .......... -- - " -.._".- '" , ..... .... --- -- . '- ....