HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 31- 610, Amends Sections 28, 29, 30, 48, 77, 79, 80 and 81 of Ordinance 576 " \",~;:,.. ~ 299 "\''''~~.~a~-~ RePealed bru 0 'II' '" -.... '" )11.... J fUI ~:::.........J./ ORDIlJA!!CE NO. 610 mance NfJ.~ AN ORDIN.AnCE AT.rn:mnJG SECTIONS 28, 29, 30, 48, '77, 79, 80, AND 81 OF ORDIN- ANCE NO. 5'76 ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE REG1JLATING TRAFFIC UPON THE PUBLIC STREE'rs, AVENUES AND TTIGH\iVAYS OF THE CITY OF BOZElVIAlJ, rWNTANA, .AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 540 AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES AND SEC- TIONS OF ORDIHANCES IN CONFLICTHEHEWITH", I AIm INSERTING 'rJ,IEREIN SECTION 53A. , . BE IT ORDAINED BY TIill CO!&ISSION OF TIill CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA: Section 1. That Section 28 be and is hereby amended to read: "Section 28. PARKING PROHIBITED IH CERTAIN PLACES. (a) Between the first day of September of each year, and the first day of' June of' the following year it shall be unlawful for any operator to park any vehicle during the time between 8:30 .A.. M. and Ll:30 P. M.: On Third Avenue between Main Street and Babcock stree~ On Babcock Street between the west line of Fourth Avenue produced and Grand Avenue, On the north side of Olive Street between Fourth Avenue and Grand Avenue, On the East side of Fourth Avenue between Babcock street and Olive Street, On the West side of' Grand Avenue between Babcock Street and Olive Street, . On the East side of Trac'{ Avenue between Alderson Street , . '. and the North line (prdJected) of Lot 29, Block E. Hoffman t s ''"I'" . Addition. " ~ ' (b) It shall be unlawfUl for any operator to stop, stand or ~; . park any vehicle upon a street, in such manner or under such conditions as to leave available less than ten (10) feet of width of the roadway for the free movement of vehicular traffic. (c) It shall be unlawful for any operator to park a vehicle with a width greater than 84 inches, or a total length exceeding 18 feet, upon any street in any business district(Of the City of Bozeman, unless such driver shall hold a special permit from the City Manager authorizing such parking~ in accordanoe with Section 31 (c) of this Ord inance. " ", Section 2. That Section 29 be and is hereby amended to read: "Sect ion 29. PARl:ING TIME LIMITED IN DESIGNATED FLACES. (a) The operator of a vehicle shall not park such vehicle between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. on any day for longer than 15 MINUTES _I' . On the east side of Tracy Avenue between the first alley South of Main Street and Babcock (Post Office Building) 90 MINUTES On Main Street between Rouse Avenue and Grand Avenue, On Bozell1an Avenue between the first alley north of Main street and Babcock Street, On Black Avenue between the first alley north of :Main Street and . , , ~, 300 Babcock street, On Tracy Avenue between Mendenhall street and Babcock Street, . (except as above limited in front of the Post Office Building), On Willson Avenue between Mendenhall Street and Babcock Street. (b) The City Manager is authorized to make and enforce such regu- I lations, relative to parking etc., in front of buildings in which any considerable number of persons have assembled or. are expected to as- semble, as may seem necessary to assure rapid and safe exit of the assenililage from such building." Section 3. That Section 30 be and is hereby amended to read: "Section 30. ALL HIGHT PARKIIW PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to park such vehicle on any street for a period of' time longer than thirty (30) minutes between the hours of 2 A. M. and 6 A. M. of any day; PROVIDED that the police, in any emergency, or to facilitate cleaning or repair- ing the streets, et c., may further restrict or prohi bi t parking." Section 4. That after Section 33 the following Section 33A shall be and is hereby added: "Section 33 .A. OWNER RESPONSIBLE FOR ILLEGAL PARKING. If any vehicle is found upon a street or highway in violation of' the ordinances, rules or regulations, controling stoppinG, standing or I parking of vehicles and the identity of the operator cannot be determined, the owner, or person in whose name such vehicle is registered, shall .. , . , be prima facie responsible for such violation." Section 5. That Section 48 be and is hereby amended to read: "Section 48. LIMITATIONS ON TURNING AROmJD. It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to turn such "--. vehicle at any point except at intersect ions so as to proceed in the' "'-., opposite direction unless such movement can be made in safety and without backing or otherwise interfering with other traffic. But such turns ~ ,:...., shall be unlawful at all times at the intersections of Bozeman Avenue, Black Avenue, Tracy Avenue, Willson Avenue, Grand Avenue, Third Avenue , and Fourth Avenue (projected), with Main street. Section 6. That Section 56 be and is hereby amended to read: "Section 56. STOP BEFORE EN'J:ERIlTG AU ARTERIAL HIGHViAY (a) The following streets are hereby declared to constitute art- \ erial highways for the purpose of tllis Ordinence: I Main Street, between Buttonwood and Eighth Avenue, Eighth Avenue, between Main Street and Cleveland Street, , Seventh Avenue North, between Main street .and Durstol1 Road,' College Street West, between Eighth Avenue and City Limits, Oleveland Street West, between Willson Avenue and Eighth Avenue, Willson Avenue South, between Main Street and Cleveland Street, (b) Every oyerator of a vehicle or other conveyance traveling upon any street within~the City,of Bozeman intersecting the above ~ :"1.' 301 . designated Streets'and Avenues shull bring such vehicle or con- veyance "to a full and complete stop at the place vlllere such street I meets tl"8 prolongation of the nearest property lines of such arterial hiC';hway, subject however, to the direct'ion of any traffic officer or slr:n of any police officer at such intersection. ( c ) The operator of ap.y vehicle who has corne to a full stop as required above, upon entering any arterial highway, as well as oper- ators of vehicles on any arterial highway, shall be subject to the usual right of way rules prescribed by law and applicable to vehicles at intersections (See Sec. No. 54) . (See Figs. I, II, III and IV). ( d) The City Manager is hereby authorized Bnd required to place, and maintain, or cause to be placed and maintained, on each and every st reet intersectinG any arterial highway designated above, and at or near the property line of every arterial' highway,' appropriate signs upon the street; such sign::;, devices or marks to bear the word "STopn and to be located in such position and to be provided with letters of a size to te clearly reed and legible from a distance of at least one hundred (lOa) feet along the street intersecting the arteritll highway.fl :1 Section ? That Section 7'7 be and is hereby amended to read: "Section '7'7. DRIVING BY CERTJ.IN PERSOiW l.mLAWFUL. It shall be unlawful for any person under the age'of fourteen ( lil; ) years to operate any motor vehicle on the streets of the City of Bozeman. It shall be the duty of officers of the police department, to arrest any person violating this provision and to take possession of the vehicle so driven and hold the same until the satisfaction of an;;" penalty imposed 1'o:c such violat ion. 'The owner of a vehicle shall be held responsible for the operation of such vehicle by any person under the age of fourteen (14) years. It shall be unlawful for any person learning to drive a motor vehicle to operate the same on any . arterial hiGhway of the City of Bozeman. Section 8. That Section '79 be and "is hereby amended to read: "Section 179. LICEiTSnW Arm EO?fDING OF TAXICAB AIm BUS O'NlTEHS. It slJall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to oper- I ate any taxi,cab, bus or other vehicle for hire for the Imrl)Qse of ' carryinC~ :passengers wi thin the City of Bozeman without first obtain- ing a license for such operation issued by the Director of Finance, in accordance with the prOVisions of this section. Any pel~son, f'irm or cor:porat ion deSiring to obtain such license shall file a 'written application therefor with the Director of Finance, setting forth the name of the person, firm or corporation to whora the license is to be issued, the name of the manufacturer of the vehicle to be operated 3(f)2 ' '~ , 't <~': ~:,. J' thereunder, the motor, ElcTial and model numbers of the vehicle, and state motor license ntunber. i Such applicant shall file with the Director of Finance of Boz- emc"n an indem11i ty bond by an indemnity ins.urance company authorized to do business under the laws of the state of Montana, for a period I Of time for which the license is requested, I)rovid ine; for the payment of indemnity to passengers up to ~;;5, 000 in the event of the death or injury of one passenGer, and up to ~~10,000 in the event of' the death , . or injury to more than one passenger, vlhile riding in, boarding or alighting from the vehicle for which the license is requested, PROVIDED, that in lieu of the foregoing bond said applicant may file evidence, satisf3ctory to the Director of Finance, that he has filed 'wi tll the Montana Railroad Com:,:,ission and has had eccepted by ita bond or bonds p,roviding for th~ payment of indemnity to passengers, (in case of injury or death), 01' amounts equal to or creater than are hereinbefore specified. Vvhen such applications have the t;l})provalof tJi8 City I,lanaCer .certified theron, "the Director of Finance shell, upon receipt of the fee herein provided, issue a license to such applicant, coverin,,:,' the operat ion 0 l' t];.8 vehicle i'or vlhic11 the license is i~)sued. A separate license shall be issued for each vehicle operated I, under the provisions of this Ordinance, and the charge for each such license shall be 015.00 per year. All licenses hereunder shall expire on December 31st from the year of issuance. In case licenses are issued for a period less than one year, the charge therefor shall be that port ion of ;:~15. 00 which the period for which the license is issued beo?s to one year, provided that no license shall be issued for less thatn three (3) months, and the minimUJ1l fee in no case shall be less than ~;,5.00. The Commission may csncel any license issued for the operation of any vehicle for hire upon secof.~c1 conviction of the holder of such license for violations of the provisLons of this Ordinance or of the state ~otor Vehicle Law. No provision of this section shall apply to trains. Sect ion g.. 'Pha t Sect ion 80 be ajld is hereby amended to read: "Sect ion 20. SIZE OF ':rEEICLE AND LOADS. (a) No vehicle shall exceed a total outside width, includinc any I load thereon, of eight (8 ) feet, except that the width of 0. faI'Iil tractor, or of loads of hay or straw, shall not exceed tTIelve (12) feet, end except furtller that the limitations as to size of vehicles stated in this section ,shall not Bljl')ly to implements of husbandry ~ tenporarily propelled or moved upon the public highway Or to road machinery engaged in the construction or maintenance of highways. . ,,~' '.,'.',. ''', 'r1t303 ., ' ....,.. ., (b) No vchicle unladen or v!ith load 81:.1all exceed 0. he ight of', fourteen (14) feet six (6) inches. ( ( c) No vehicle shall exceed a length of thirty-three (33) feet. ( d ) No vehicle shall carry any load extend ilV~: Iilore than three I (3 ) feet beyond the front fhereof. ( e ) No passenger vehicle shall carry any load extending beyond the line of t~e fenders on the left side of such vehicle, nor extend- six' inc more th8,n/ (6) inches beyond the line of the fenders on the right side thereof. - Section 10. That Section 81 be and is hereby L:Taended to r8t,d: .~.,;;~'-'''~,.- .,--- . .' "S"ection 81. TRAILERS AIm TOVfED VEHICLES. \. ,'- '- , . ..:..---- (Q) lJo'li1otor vehicle shall be driven upon 8.n;-i high\'laY drawing or havinr: attached thereto more than one other vehicle. (b) The dravl bar or other connect ion between an~l two (2) vehicles, , one (l) of w.:':ich is tovving or drawing the other on a highway, sLall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in length from one (l) vei:icle to the other. Whenever such connection consists of a chain, rope or cable, there [;hal1 be displayed upon such connect ion a red flag or other signal or cloth not less than (12) inches both in length and width. ( c ) The total length of any combination of vehicles shall in no ,I case exceed sixty (GO) feet; provided, however, that the Highway Com- mission and local authorities in their respective jurisdictions may further 1 :kmi t the len:Ctth of trailers on highways where curvature vlOuld make the use of long trailers dangerous to other traffic using the highway. Section 11. REIJEAL That all ordinances or pa,rts of ordinances i:6. conflict 'with this ordinance are hereby repealed. ;' Sect ion 12. EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDIlJANCE. That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon the eXl')ira t ion of 30 day's from its passage. Introduced, read and passed for the first time by the Com:",ission of the City of Bozen,an at a regular session of the Comnlission, held on the 5th day of June, 1931. Read for final passage and passed by the of' Bozeman at a regular session of the Commissi n I Act ing .'" ~' Attest: - - - -" ~, l \ - " t3()4 It .... r;. .."'~ ~ i.,~ . ; Ii ...' ~ " t- ... I, Elizabeth Johnson, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby cert ify that the foregoinf; Ord inanoe No. 610 of the City of Bozeman, was published by title in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper or-general circulation printed and pub- - . 1ished in said City of Bozeman, in the issue of June II. I 11?J1 .1 and that due proof of said publication was made and filed in my office. .. ". . I:J VHTNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and the cor- porate seal of said City this-'- ~~~ ' .. . ..,.: ....." , ,-----_.."._,.'." - .-- ,,~-"""'-- _ ..i:t. ,\{\....I". Cle k f tl1ets~_ ion .=.;. .:'''~- , ~ ~,_:... .. , '" ...........'... ~~l :.~ . . - ' I ~,ttiI'" ' ,,,", ~,~' ~ -'" .' :: :::: ~ ~~ ,...~,..,,.r- - / -. ~ ~.. ..... ...-.r ___ _ .............. -",;' - . .~ - ,