HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 31- 607, Providing for Fees for Moving Permits and Dividing Fire Limits into Zones; Amending Sections 4, 32, 40 and 41 of Ordinance 480 ... - ~-~..,...~~....,~-~. .."1 ' ',;"~~;,' J2,,,!~ 283 ~ y-5F'~ , ,...."..~t, \,\ ORDINANCE NO. 6077~'.'~,L," ..."' .'il"'~ ',' .',........' .' '--. '\ l\\\\~"\." AIiJ ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR FEES FOR MOVING PERMITS AND DIVIDING THE FIRE LDJITS OF THE CITY OF BOZEM..A,N INTO TWO ZONES, AI/lENDING SECTIONS 4, 32, 40 AND 41 OF ORDINANCE 430 PASSED AND ,APFROVED SE'TE':dBER 6th, 191'7. . . . I BE IT ORDAIJ\'ED BY THE CO:MMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZELLAN: . Section 1. That Section 4 of Ordinance 480 be and is hereby amended . to read as follows: "Sect ion 4. It shall bo the duty of said Inspector to keep a record .. . of all permits issued, which shall be regularly nillubered in the order of their issue. Also, a record, showing the number, description and size of every building erected in the City during his terra of office; of .. wh:t:~laterial constructed, the aggregate of the number, kind and cost of all buildings, and the sanitary condition of all buildings. It shall be the duty of said Inspector, upon being served with a notice requirtng him to visit and inspect a buildine;, upon, or in which, work is being done, under any of the provisions of' this Ordinance, to do so. ~ It shall be the duty of the Inspector to sign all certificates, permi t s, and notices required to be issued under this Ordinance; to ~ ... make complaint of all violations thereof to the Police Court of the City ~ :7Z: c') of Bozeman; to keep in proper books for the pur}?ose, a register of all (:"') . ~"-: transactions of said offiee; and to submit to the City Council a monthly (,'1 r'o<" :'~'." 7lII .1[1.,', ,:10 "'f:::' statement in detail of all such transactions; ,','...,,:11II ~":) :~~ The Inspector shall have power and authority to designate the route ,&;,,;:1 . ""'...., over or along which any buildin~ may be moved and to determine the C') 1W'(,",j f:,^" amount of the cash bond hereinafter required. ... \ " , M.I-l',;,.'.... Fees for pernlits issued by thG Inspector shall be as follows: I For each building or structure, costing from ~50.00 to $500.00, a ","" fee of' ~)l. 00 shall be charged therefor. The fee for any work costing from $500.00 to $1,000.00, a fee of $1.50 shall be charged therefor, . and for e~ch $1,000.00 or fractiona~ part thereof, an additional fee of25~ shall be charged therefor, PROVIDED, that no fee shall be charged for re-shingling or re-painting. II The fee for a moving permit when any building or part of' any .1 build ing is moved on, along, or across any street or alley shall be . according to the following schedule: . " 284 SCHEDULE Voll.llUe Fee Less than 400 Cu. Ft. $ 5. 00 aver 400 n tI up to 4000 Cu. Ft. 15.00 It 4000 n tt " t1 10000 n n 25.00 I Il 10000 " " 35".00 ThiJ;'ty-six hours shall be allowed for moving any building under the foregoi~~ schedule. $1.00 per hour shall be added to any fee paid under the foregoing schedule for each and every hour any building or part of any building occupies any part" of any street or alley longer than 24 hours. ,No person or lJerSons operat ing under a ;,joving permit shall cut, move, raise or in any manner interfere with any, electric light, power, telephone, or telegraph wires or J)oles without having first given the person, firm or corporat ion owning or operat ing such wire ~ or pole at their nearest office in the City and also at their principal office within the State, not less than three Jays written ~ ... not ice of the time and place when and where renwval of said wires c:') .....T'~. .d'.,~ and/or poles or the cutting of said wires and/or poles, (:'") raising, e,~) [,.,- moving or otherwise interfering with said wires and/or poles, will ;;,.,...d (c.';) r:~; ..[(..:::~ I "7::;:; be necessary. ~".- c;'::, ;"""',,. Both the owner of th~ building and the person or persons -~;':::-,:~~ , , -c.:, operating under a moving permit shall be liable for any damage to c.') _.,~ "~. C.'~ and/or (.",1 streets, alleys, curbs, crosswalks, t re e s , wires, et c. , r'.....:..... . C,,'., ,'1Ij !,',,:,> C:'j:,:; any other property whatsoever; as well as to any person whatsoever. An acceptable cash bond in the amount of not less than $200.00 shall be filed with the Director of Finance to guarantee pa~uent of damages as aforesaid. III The fee for a permit to install any furnace, heating or power plant, a charge of :jpl.OO shall bo made -therefor, exoepting electric " power. Any permit that has been obtained under a misrepresentation as to the approxiw~te cost, or on failure to execute such work in ac cordance with the apDlicat ion, plans and specifications, shall constitute a violation of this Ordinance and the permit so issued, shall be null and void. I The Inspector shall examine all buildings upon, or in which work is being done, under the proviSions of this Ordinance, as often as practicable, and make a record of all violations, if any, of the sevex-fJl provisions of' this Ordinance, together with the street and number where such violations are found, name of the owner, lessee, occupant, architect and builder, and all other matters relative thereto. . ".. . "~n'_ . \ ' , '"" ...,.~ . " , " , , ",-,,'~, ..,... ,.~ ""',.. . ~ "",,:,!, ',P ...".", ", ~~;(~?r~,;" ~!:: ~::"tf:'~";' ""_,_n 285 It shall be the duty of the Inspector to examine all buildings reported dangerous, or damaged by fire or acoident, and to make a record of such examination, including the nature of such damage, with the name of the street and the number of such building, and the name I of the owner, and to examine all buildings upder application to be moved, raised, enlarged, altered or built upon, if considered necessary, and to make a record of the condition of same. Said records shall always be open to the inspection of the public". Section 2. That Section 14 of Ordinance 480 be and is hereby amended to read as follows: , "Veneered Buildings Section 14. That it shall be unlawful to conwtruct any brick or stone veneered building for any purpose within Zone # 1 within the fire limits of the City of Bozeman, and no such building shall be constructed at any place within said City over one story in height, including gables.~ Section 3. That Section 32 of Ordinance 480 be and is hereby repealed. Sectlon 4. That Section 40 of Ordinance 480 be and is hereby amended to read as follows: 'I f\11 "Fire Limits Zon4&S ,... ~ >, '" :,~: ~i Section 40. That all that portion of the City of Bozeman included ~l "" within the boundaries hereinafter mentioned shall constitute the fire t'::-;, :;~'.'::'~ C""'~ limits of said City to-wit: (" ''') f.:: (a) Commencing at ~he intersection of' Mendenhall Street with (. '1 1'. ."~ .,. '" .-' -" \.. ~ Fi:rth Avenue, thence east along the south line of said Mendenhall Street ~'" "," c..,:J :-:-"-"" to its intersection with Broadway, thence south along the west line of ~"""'''j .....-!I<:,;...... --~'"'.;,..,.. Broadway to its intersection with the south line of Main street thence --, - , east along the said south line of Main street to the east line of c..:~..: Tract # 4 (Assessor's designation), being owned by the Standard Oil Company, thence south along said east line of Tract # 4, to the south- east corner of said Tract # 4, thence west along the south line of . said Tract # 4, produced, (parallel to the south line of Main street) to Intersection with the east line ofW~llace Avenue, thence north along the said east line of Wallace Avenue to the intersection of the I north line of Babcock Street with said east line of Wallace Avenue, thence west along the north line of Babcook Street to its intersection with Fifth Avenue, thence north along the east' line of said Fifth Avenue to the place of beginning. (b) The aforesaid 'fire limits shall be divided into two zones to be designated, Zone # 1 and Zone # 2, defined as follows: Zone # 1 shall be all the area within the fire limits not included within the boundaries of Zone # 2. 286 Zone #2 shall include the following areas described as follows: (1 ) Beginning at the northwest corner of Block "D" Tracy's Addition thence east along the south l,ine of Mendenhall Street to the west line of Grand Avenue, thence south 120 feet along said west line of Grand I ., Avenue, thence west along a line parallel to and 120 feet distant from Mendenhall Street to the east line of Third Avenue, thence north . along said east line 10 feet, thence west to the southwest co,'ner of . lot 35, Block "D", Tracy's Addit ion, thence south 10 feet along the . , east line of lot 34 of said Block and Addition, thence west alan,::: a line parallel to the south line of Mendenhall Street to a point 120 feet south of the Northwest corner of Block "D" Tracy's Addition, , th~nce north along the west line of said bloct: to the point of beginning. (2) Beginning at the northwest corner of Block "F" Rouse's Addition, thence east along the south side of Mendenhall Street to the northeast corner of Block "E" Rouse's Addition, thence south , ~ along the west line of Wallace Avenue 130 feet, thence west parallel and 130 feet distant from the south line of Mendenhall Street to the , ~! east line of Rouse Avenue, thence north aiong said east line to the .. ,~.::') ',.l!'"' south line of Mendenhall Street;to the point of beginning. r~"'I"_ I ......, <<) (3 ) Beginning at a point in the east line of Bozeman Avenue l".~'."'" '.".~ '-",,3' 180 feet south of the south line of Main Street, thence east on a c;:, -""'" line parallel to and 180 feet south of the south line of Main Street ...t..3l -'~'1 to a point in the west line of Rouse Avenue thence easterly to a . ) ; point in the east line of Rouse Avenue 110 feet north of the south~ ""'1 '. .:.. " west corner of Block "A" Rouse's Addition, thence east on a line ,....,.11! parallel to and 110 feet distant from the north line of Babcock street to the east line of Wallace Avenue, thence south 110 feet to the north line of Babcock Street, thence west along said, north line to the east line of Bozeman ~venue, thence north along said east line to the point of beginning. Section {). That Section 41 of Ordinance 480 be and is hereby amended to read as follows: " Building Restrictions Section 41. No person Or'l)erSons shall hereafter within the fire limits, erect, enlarge or construct any building other than I '"hat which is of "Fire Resistant Construction". The walls of every building hereafter erected or. enlarged . within the fire limits, shall be built Of bric~,hollow tile, concrete, stone, or other equivalent incombustible materials; and shall have the roof, top and sides of all roof structures, including cornices and do rme r windows, covered with incombustible material. No portion . of any exterior wall shall be built of, or covered with iron, tin, 287 or zinc, or sheet metal ,of any description. EROVIDED, first, that the Director of Public Safety may at his discretion issue a permit to con- struct wood frame residences, and other small buildings incidental' thereto on any lot or lots within' Zone # 2, within the fire limits, PRO'TIDED, second, that all buildings so authorized shall be covered with composition shingles or with other approved fire resistant roofing material, PROVIDED further, that any and/or all buildings or structures occupying any part of said lot IDT lots which may extend ,into Zone # 1 within the fire limits is of such construction as permitted in paragraph {a} of this Section 41tt. Repeal Section 6. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Effect Sect ion ? That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effec,t , from and after thirty days after its final passage. Finally passed by the Commission of the C1 ty of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held, on the 2'7th day of Maroh, 1931, " rf"';:"1I"'I~~"1 hi Ordin~~~~ N06 h .2- ~~( . ',I ' . , '~, < '~l" J .,', . , "", , . I , ' > ";'<,'J...J,:;.,J'c "', i. Wli""" ......._ I . .Attest: -../ --- , , ' ,-- \ - ... - - - - _.. Introduced and read for the first time, and p~ovisionall~ passed by the Commission of the 9ity of 'Bozeman, the 20th day of March, 1931. Final passage fixed for a meeting to be held March 2'7, 1931. Published in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle :April 9, 1931. Effective .April 26th, 1931. ), Elizabet~ Johnson, Clerk of the Commission of the City of / , Bozema.n, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 60'7 of the City of Bozeman, was published 'by title in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City of Bozeman, in the issu~ of Al!ril 9th, 1931, and that d'l.ce I proof of said publication was made and, filed in my office. . IN WITNESS iT:EREOF I have hereunto set my hand and the corpoI'8.t e . seal of said Ci ty t~nis 10th day of April, 1931. " .'~.! .. - . - - - ~ - - .......