HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 31- 606, Appropriation Ordinance for 1931 2_' ,6'" a' ProOf 1teRd and Cbccl!"d ORDINANCE NO. 606 ~-'-~~~-iL: AN ORDINANCE APFROPRIATING MONIES FOR TilE SUPPORT AND 1~INTENANCE OF THE M1IT{ICIPAL GOVERmviliNT OF TIIE CITY OF BOZ~UR FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1931. . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZ:EMAN: Section 1. That any unappropriated and/or unexpended balances "I remaining in the various funds after the claims, allowed January 2nd, 1931, , have been paid, be an~ are hereby appropriated for uae ~ur~ng the current year 1931. Said balances so remaining being as 'follows, to-wit: FUNDS Balances Band $ 987.10 . Cemetery 884.79 Fire 434?30 . General 14511.54 Library 4870.18 . Park 4055.~8 . P . L. & P. 20 . QO _ street 9806.75 . ' Water 12013.9'7 Babcock Street 1856.22 Fire ReI iet 186. '76 Sewer Bond Skg. 2496.89 Water Bond Skg. 93.37 W. F. B. Skg. 509.64 S . I. D . 57385 . ?9 Sect ion 2. -That the following sums of money be, and the same-- are hereby appropriated for the support and maintenance of the Municipal Govern- ment of the City of Bozeman for the fiscal year of 1931, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5502 of the Revised Codes of Montana, 1921, as amended ,I" by Section 2 of Chapter 173 of the Nineteenth Legislative assembly, 1926, -', and in accordance with the Annual Budget and Recommendations submitted by ~~: the City Manager, as amended and/or approved by the ~ommission: "AU Operating Expenses Department of Law For Salaries and Expenses j 1800.00 Total Operating $ 1800.00 Department of Service For Salaries 1500.00 For Expenses 23590".00 Total Operating. 25090.00 ~epartment of Welfare For ~alaries 6470.00 For Expenses 17845.00 _, Total Operat ing 2431~'.OO De,artment of Safety , or Salaries 19800.00 '/--.........:...---, For Expenses 3230.00 - ' -"-- Total Operat ing 2303<2 .00", -"_~-,,",,- . - ' - Department of Finance .- For Salaries 6230.00 "- For Expenses 51~O .00 ";,.".," """"...,.-e" , ~otal Operating 11340.00 \ ,'I', - RetundinR Bond Expense 260.00, TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE (Exclusive of Water Department) j 86~5.00 \. ~ .. ~:.. \~~:::~ ',,:.....~ '-. Department of Service -'~ Water Department For Salaries $ 6000.00 ~/ "',:' ~-.,'- For Expenses 19250.00, - Total Water Department $ 25250'foQ,O~" ~........, ~ ""-" .." ,. GRAND TOTAL OPERAT!NO 'EXPENSE $,; 111085.00 264 "B" Bond and Registered Warrant Payments, etc. Department of Service Babcock Street Fund For Registered Warrants $ 4'122.53 Street . S. I. D. Assessments 110.72 I Department of Welfare $ S. I. D. Assessment 1831.68 Registered Warrant 2'70.00 2101.68 . Bonds Sewer Bonds 4583.50 - Water Bonds 25000.00 City Refunding Bond 8939.74 S. I. D. ~arrants 1931 50010.00 S. I.D. Warrants on or befor-e 1/1./'1.932 60000.00 Grand Total: $ 155468.17 . ."e., Cap it al Out lay - Department of Law - . ,- - - . Department of Service $ General 2700.00. Water 20000.00 $ 22700.00 Deuartment of Welfare 1200.00 Department of Safety 800.00 Department of Finance ... - __ L... I. I TOTAL CRPITAL OUTLAY $ 24700.00 Sectio.n 3. That this Ordinance shall be published as provided - in Section 5503, Revised Codes of Montana, 1921, as amended by Section . 3 of Chapter 173 of the Nineteenth Legislative Assembly, 1925, and ten days after such pub1hioation, may be finally passed, but not before the . first Monday in February. Sect ion 4-. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect . from and after its final passage. Provisionally passed this 16th day . F" ., / , ....,-....;...,~~/......,-.....:-" -- .-.......,.'~ .-. . ,-At.t.es~: . /'c:~~~1f5'A~~V _~.c' First ptrtJlished on the 20th day of J:anuary, 1931. . I Finally passed this 13th day of February, 1931. .' ~~r ~ Mayor ..---:':~"", .~ /'. ,<>:-~:::-"'''it-i e Ei.l : ~j~, ~ HU '~~:_j_ of the _- sion ~",.,.,. " ' -r-,"r",",,~ .,,~ Published on the 28th day of January, 31st day of January, and the 1 '7th day of February, 1931. 265 I, Elizabeth Johnson, Clerk of the Commission of the Oity of Bozeman, Montan~, do hereby oertify that the foregoing Ordinanoe No. 606 of the City of Bozeman, was published at length in the Eozaman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulation printed and published in , I' said City of Bozeman, in the issue of January 31st., Notice of Public Hearing was published in the issue of January 20th, and by title in the issue of . . February l'7th, 1931~ and that due proof of said publication was made and filed in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and the corporate seal of said City this 18th day of February, 1931. ./""'.-", ..;- ~. ~ / , ~ ~- -~~- ~ ~~. - ......-~. f ..... ~ e~r f the ~s~_' r" --. -, ./ .,~~ . - + ....... "'I" " . , ~ ' , . ........ . "i." ... - . ! , .. I