HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 30- 600, Granting Montana Power Company Privilege and Fixing Terms Under which Can Operate Piplines in City to Sell and Distribute Natural Gas i_!.,Ofrlms::~,. . 2';'~:;1 ,\",':,1 .'1",- .".' , ',;' ',:'"" .,' "." '. ':, .'; .fJCJ . . .....3.:UP.~.?Lm' ~ ~Lt2 ..... ........ . . .... ORDINANCE NO . 600 . ............. .~. ,...,,,.., AlVOR!)J;NANCEGRANTING TO MONT~APOWER COMPANY THE PRIVILEGE AND FIXING T:ijETERMS IJNDERWm:CHSAIDC0MP1l.N~ MAYCON$TRUCT,EQUIP, LA.Y ,MAINTAIN, AND OPERATE PIPE LINES IN , mrnER, UPON, OVER, AND ACROSS THE STREETS , AVENUES, ALLEYS, HIGHWAYS, BRIDGES, AND EASEMENTS OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, AND MAY DISTRIBUTE AND SElL NATURAL GAS TO SAID CITY AND THE INHABITANTS THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITYQF BOZEMAN: Section 1. There is hereby granted to the Montana Power Company, its successors and assigns, (hereinafter oalled the gran tee) , the right, privilege and franohise, for a full period of thirty years from the effeotive date hereof, to oonstruot, equip, lay, maintEl.in.and operate in, under, upon, 'Qr,idge s over and aoross the streets, avenues, alleys, b.lghway,yr-and easements in the City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, Montana, as now or hereafter con- stituted, mains, pipes, conduits, manholes, reduoing and regulating stations, and all other appurtenanoes and aooessories for the purpose of transporting, . oonveying, d istri buting, supplying, and selling natural gas to said City and to the inhabitants thereof, and to persons, firms, and oorporations outside 'l'~ .J~ ,~.~ ~". the limits of said municipality, for light, heat,power, and other purpose,t. /~',: Seot:Lon 2. Grantee shall not discontinue the distribution of gas through itsd istributing system, or any portion, thereof ,for an unreasonable length of time for the purpose of making repairs and extensions. Seotion 3. The grantee, at least ten (10) days before work shall / be started under this franohi se, shall plaoe with, and at all times keep on I tile with the City Manager, plans showing the location of each of grantee's lines in the city lfmits, and the size thereof. ::>eot1on4. That all pipes shall be laid in the alleys, rather than in the street::r, so far as 1s economioally praotioable, and suoh pipes shall be arra.ngedao as to interfere as little as possible with laying, repairing, or replaeing water or sewer lines and all other struotures. SeotionS. That all eonstl'uetion shall be according to best eoon- omioal standards and speoifioa tions, and shall be sub je ot to the rules' and r.egula tiona of the Pub110 Servioe Commission, and shall be subjeot to all ordinanoes now or in fut'\lre effeotive in the CIty of Bozeman. Section 0';' 'J)hatthe gran tee sha.ll, in the oond.ti.c t of the bus:i.ness herein eontemplated., at all times be subjeclt to such ordinanoes and rules andregulatiions as are now in force in the City of $ozeman, and to all reas- onableordinanc,es, rules, and regulations whioh the City the tutureadop:t. , . S8("t1.9# 7'~' ,A;J.,l.workdone in, underi,. upon, over ," ~ . '...,:..::,:.',:::..:,'..::".:,',',.....'., ":. ,,'.', :,.,',..' " , ":.,' ,.::', p~e$ent alldt:t1p~~(\l\"$~.~t1tl:$,',' avexmes, alleys,. 1iighwaYs.)r~dges, . ~(~)~#~~;~~~';~lt~i>.~~.~..~ .li9~~. . lion_a, " \p.1f~'Qsedf"'~~~~i'~ig" '6ttttlie . pr0'vislQfl'ijot',U;h.iS franoh1s~ perforlI\~d in a good. and workmanlike manlil!5:r; and. when any publio plaoe in. said cHty is exoavated or damaged by suehwork, thegra.rit.$ as ea.rly as pra.cti.cable Secti,on 8. ,The gran te'E) sliall,hold the ,saidCitY'ha~JtQ.etils,trom all COl!lts ,and dama,ges whlchshall or may aoerue.tosaid,Cl1iy ilheneg;L,ec t , de:tai:i:U, or mls0onductot the grantee inoOnneotior.J.wlth. theexezlooisie ,o.:f'itsrights ." ,',. , ' ' , ','" . hereunder. Seotlon 9. The granteels hereby give:r;l make' assignments of .this right, privilege or franc.hise aridth~:rights he1','e'\l;nder, provided that no snoh assignm~ntsshall be iUfecti ve nil..t11 wri ttan notice thereof is f'ilea. with . . ~ . the -Clerk Qf the C:ol!lp1isslon. , ~ , Section 10; Nothing in this ordinanoe oontained shall be held or construed to grant any exolusive rights orprlvJ]"eges,but the Cit,Y'OfI~ogemanreserves $Q itself the right at any time to make s'\l;oh othe,rg1','ants,or extend ~op,..other privileges any person or persons, oompany. or cprporatiqnfoI' th~'\l;seoJ.,j."t;s.'S;t;.t.;~~;ts, alleys, '"'",:,,, . pUbiliic grounds ,or any thereof, f.or thepurpo se in th'.fso,rdlnange"x~~essed, or ~ other pur],'lose as the Cpminission may be ordinanoefrom time to tiIlJ-e determine. Sec:itionll. This franchise may be revoked ,by the ""i ty of 130 zeman, at any time wi thin the life of the grant, for gross violationofoltyordinanoes, for grossly unsa t1 sfactory service to the oonsumer.s, or for'Violation~ of or failure to oom],'lly with the terms, conditions, considerations, and requirements of' this grant, notioe or any there of, provided ,the 01;1;1 .shallgiy~in w1','Hing tQthe"grantee, speoify- ing innha t partd:o:iJu..a:lrorpartioulars the grantee hasbeen;tn.de:f:,a'lll tw:l.t~.:lnthe , ' : ,," ,," , , ,,'..,.', ',", ",.' "',., :",:~,:':,:-")>,,,i,>',:;.)" ::.:,:.)" ".\"..,'.;";',< :"::,,.'!,: provisions of thisordinano,e; and the grantee. shall have a, reasonablE'ltime, after the service of such notice to make good the default before a revocation or for- feiture shall be olaimed. S e c ti on 12. The grantee, wi thin sixty (60) days from the finalpas!='age of this ordinance (unless the time be extended in wri ting by mutual agre~..'~!~)', shall file with the Clerk of the Commission of saidCJty a, wr1.tten aOc~H)r~p.ceo:f ,:, ':',.,:'.' :'.,-:.:. ,:' I. ','., f','I,,"",. ~,,'j t~s ordina~oe; but dfsueh a~oeptan.ce Is.not so.filed tl1+~ordinanoe shall 'be ,~;/' void. ,v $iif Seotion 13. r:l1he grantee, its successors or assigns, shall commence construction work on its distribution system wi thin the City of Bozeman not later than the 1st day of May, 1931; shall oontinue to prosecute suoh oonstruction work wit~ reasonable diligence, shall cO,mplete the same for the general distribution of and shall commence to distribute and sell ga.s within the, 01 ty limits not later than January 1st, 1932. If said oonstruo Uon work shall not be oommenced., ],'lro- seouted and completed in accordance with the foregoing req,uirement, the CoIllIllission of the City ot" Bozeman may at its option by ordinance repeal this ordinance and forfeit the rights and ],'lrivileges herein granted. Section 14. '.J:hat, in the de.termil1atlon of the value of used and useful property for the ],'lUTpOSes of fixing proper rates to the consumer, no value assigned or acoredited to the franchise herein granted. Section 15. This ordinance shall take' effect and be.in force from and after thirty (30) days after the final passage, prOVided, }he gran tee .shall have complied with Section 12 hereof. Finally passed by the Commission df the Gity of .dozernan this 28th day of November, 19DO~~or - ATTEST: OITlffilSS1On Introduced and read for the first time, and provisionally passed by the Commission of the Ci ty of Bozeman this 21st day of November, 1930; final passage fixed for a meeting of the l..of:unission November 28th. 1930. 22nd a nei Publi she d in the Bozeman ;.ia ily Chronic le \f ov e rnb"E.l- '-I 1. 'j;J u'. ~, ~ ~'J~, Effec tive Decemb er 28, 1930. I, Elizabeth Johnson, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 600 of the City of Bozeman, was published by title in the .oozeman Daily Chronicle, a d::t 11y newspap er of general c ircula ti on, :9rtntp(l and published in the City of Bozeman, in the issues, of November 22&29, 1930, and that due proof of said publications vilas made and filed in my office. IN 1;VIrrNESS WHEREOl!" I have hereunto set my hand and the corporate seal of said City this 29th day of November, 1930. t~ C}~ ""' . --~ ,.. .