HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 30- 597, Providing for Vacation of Certain Streets and Alleys in Northern Pacific Addition 217 ORDINAlTCE NO'. 5g'7 AN OHDIl;AiJCE L-{OVIDIHG ITOR THE iT ACATION OF CEHTAIN SI'HEErS AND ALLEYS Ii; NORTllj~.ll, PACIFIC ADDITIC:}T TO THE CITY O:E' BOZEl,OC;, J.\B FOLLO\/S: "K" Sl'REET FROLI THE lTOKC'IIEASTERLY LINE OI' CEDAE STRF.1T;T TO ':C:LIE CITY LIl.aTS; I.' . "h_.lT STREET FROl,~ Tlill ~TORTH.E 'A STERLY LINE or PEAR STIlliET 1'0 " TIlE CITY LIl,1I'l'S; . "E" STREET I'ROM THE NORTEEASTERLY LIlJE OF PEAR STREET TO TLE CITY LIHlIT2; CEDAR 8T flEET ;_<ETV1EEF bLOCKS 93 AND 94 AND 9 8 AND S?; SFHUCE STJ:iEET DET',iEEN BLOCZS 87 )..lJD 88, 93 AIm ,,2, .11.1U 9 8.'J1D POI1TIOlJ O~' Sl.:LALL illt'ful.illEHED BLOCK; \iILLO'.I :::iT BEET BETWEEN BLOCKS 88 AND 89 "DID Q 2 .A.ND 91; Cl.LEl1iiY STREET BETWEEN BLOCKS 89 AND gO; fIill ALLEYS IN BLOCKS 8'7, 88, 98, 90, 92, 93, 94, 97, 98 AND 99; EXCEPTING FROt" SUCH VACATION THE PORTION OF rrIIE ALtEYS 1:r DLOCKS 92 Ai:JD 98, AND THE PORTIONS OF '''M'', spnFCE AiTl! ',iILLOVl STREETS LYING W!TlIIH 30 FEEl' OF TIlE NORl'll LINE OF Sl1.ID ADDITION AND THAT PORTION O:F CEDAR STREET LYING BETVlEEi: LOllS 3 AND 4, OF l.ILOCK 97 AND LOTS 21-.t.ND 22 OF BLOCK 98, .ALSO TIL\T.OHTION OF THE ALLEY IN BLOCK 97 LYING SODTlf.IESTERLY J!"ROM LOTS 4 AND 5, FLUS SOUTII- ~i:ASTERLY mill-HALl' OF Lori' 3 OF SAID BLOCK; AnD IN L;r:EU T~illHEOF AED IN CO:;-SIDEl1l..TION TliEnEFOR, GERT:t{(J'DE BHC\'iN Aim TLJ:~ I'IICN'r.ANA FLOUR 1,IILLS COL~Pl;]JY SET A.P ART .AND DEDICATE TO THE CITY OJ!' BOZEl'.IA:J A HIG:lT OJ;' VlAY FOR HIGI-IWJ..Y AND STREET PURPOSES, AnD KJ.\.TIU>.RHTE F. iJTOTIY T 0 CO:JV'~Y TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN CERTAIN LOTS, ALL lIT SAID .1 ':.;0' T)'''"T'''''~''.J "l")" ~'I-"'I(< '~.. DDITIO'.T . _, ...,l~:J.:...Li~. 1: J.tlJ -'- v .t:>. .u. .< ~ r. ::. :~,\ . ., VI II E l1 II; AS: (l) GERTRUDE BROWN filed with the Commission 0 f the City of BO:2;enan, on the 13th day of September, 192':, a Petition requesting that all of the streets a~d alleys in Northern Pacific Addition to the City of Bozeman, described as follows: "K" Street from the north line of Cedar Street to the City 11mi ts ; "M" street from the north line of Pear Street to the city ]. imi t s ; "U" Street from the north line of Pear Street to the city "imi ts ; Cedar Street from the west line of "1" street to the ci ty limit 5 ; Spruce Street from the West line of "IC" Street to ti'!e City limits; Willow street from the Vlest line of "K'" Street to the C ity limits; Cherry street from the west line of "K" Street to 'I the city limits; and The Q.lleys in Dloclcs 87; 88, 89, g2, 93, 94, 9'7, 98 and 99; '- be vacQted for the use and benefit of Gertrude Drown, Montana Flour hiills Company and Katharine F. Story, and in lieu thereof'Gertrude Drorm to set '... Ql)o.rt and dedicate to the use of theCi ty of Bozeman a right of way for hiGhway and street purposes thirty feet wide, and hereinafter described; and (2) On the 11th day 6fApril, 1930, at a regular session of ,,'-' ,:""., '. " 218 the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Conllllission Reso1ut ion Ho. 1 '76, ent i tIed: " A COl.uvIISSION RESOLUl'IOn DECLARING IT TDE I::'TEHr ION 0:8' THE CITY OF BOZEMAN TO VACATE CERTALT STREETS AiJD ALLEYS IN NORTlIEliH PACIFIC ADDITIOn TO THE CITY OF BOZEi"lAJ:J, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: I ttKtt STREEvr I"ROI\l TIlE NORrHEASTEHLY LI1JE - OJT CEDAR S'rnEET TO TIill CITY LIhlITS: "ldH STREErr FEOk': THE -:'ORT~mASTEHLY LIlJE Or' :L'E;i.H STHEb'J:' ~[10 T}G~ CITY LIL:ITS: "H" 31' REEl' FHOLi THE ;TORTIlE,ABTERLY LIl:'E 01" I)EA.R STnEET TO 'I'Ll CITY LIl:II'J;S: CEDAR STREET BET\IEEH IiLOCKS 93 Aim 94 AIm 98 l,lW '~7; SPRUCE STREET BETVlEE1I BLOCKS 87 AIID 88, 93 A,HD 92, A1ID 9 8 AlE PORTION OF Sl,l.<\1.L U1J-Ifu1,IBEHED BLOCK; WILLOVI STREET BE1'WEElr BLOCKS 88 AND 89 AND 92 AND ~l; ClillHHY STlilllJr BETYfEEN BLOCKS 89 AIID 90; THE ALLE't: IN BLO CK3 87, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 9 7, 98 AND 99; EXCEPTING FROM: SUCH VACATION TIlE PORTION OF' TIIE ALLEYS IN BLOCKS 92 AND 98 AND 'rIlE PORTIONS OF "IiI", SPRUCE AND ':'!ILLOVr STREETS LYING \II'l'HIl<j' 30 FEET O:E' THE lTORrl'H tINE OF CEDAH STREE1' LYING EET ';1E Eli LorI'S 3 l-i.lJD 4, OJ:!' BLOCK 9 '7 .lGill LOTS 21 4ND 22 OJ!' DIDCl( 98; ,.L~jO 'I'EA'l' POHTION 01' THE ALLEY IN BLOCK 9? LYLT sotJTIl':IESTERLY FHOhJ. LO'TS 4 .<-'LTD 5 , rLUS SOUTlIEASI'EHLY Ol'TE-IIAL:? OJ: LO'I' 3 OJ!" S~~ID nLOCK; AIm IN LIEU 'l'HEREOF AIm lIT COlT..:.>IDEHA=:CC1N 'l'lllilillFOR, GEnrr 11.TJDE I BHmnr AITD '.l.'IIE MO?;T;":;JA II'LOUH lULLS COLPANY SET AP ..iurr J:.lTD DEDI CATE TO TIm CITY o Ii' BOZEL~I.:: A RIGIIT or ','lAY ]J'on iUGIIHAY AlTD S'l'REEI' FLJPJ.:OOSES, AHD I:'.A,'l']l1I..HIHE F. STORT 1'0 COj:TVEY '1'0 T~J];CITY OJ:!' IJOZE,i.i\.lT CEHrAIIJ LOTS, ALL IH SAID J:TORT1;}~RN :!?AClli'IC ADDITI()N"; and (3 ) "nOTICE Ht BE C01iITaSSIOlT HESO Lli'l1 10: , lIO. 1 '7C DECL':..IG:::a IT T;':E I:\~E:..:rrI C'IJ" OJ? ri.i:.IE C IT"::,.~ 0]' DOZEi\,J~I'~ rro liAC..;.~l.lE CEliT.lll~': STnEErrS i~}JD ALLEY'S IN NOHTimRN EA.CIFIC .A.DDITIGIT ~ro TIill CITY OJ!" BOZE,,:AI;'1l was served on the lot;:, day of' April, 1930, in the !Tlanner that service of SUlT!l:lOns is required to be made in civil actions on the persons and corporations " affected by the proposed vacation, to '\'i it: (a) MONTANA 1!"'LODR l,iILLS COI,J?.ANY ( b ) W.O. BOH.ART ( c ) KATEAHINE Ii'. S'rORY . (d) J. II, DAJ:Ert, AGENT, BERTHA IlThlAN, , and a copy of so.id Hot ice was mailed to Bertha L::':-];3.n at bel'" last known post office address, to wit, 403 SD-l1ford Avenue, ,Flushinc, Long Island, I New York, on- the 16th day of April, 1930; and (4 ) The CitJ~ T.:anac;~r of the City of Bozeman did cause Notice of - ; such l1esolution as aforesaid to be ,:;'iven as re~uired by law by publication . . in the Dozeman Daily Chronicle, a do.ily newspaper of ceneral circulation, printed' and ;:1JJ'li[5hed in the City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, State of L~ontana, on Tue sda:l , the 15th day of April, 1930, vll1ich Trot ice so served ~ and -'-ublisl1ed as aforeaaid stated the time and ])Iace, to,vlit, Friday, the Y.., "- 219 9th day of May, at four o'clock P. L'L., f1t the Corm:niss ion HOO1n of the Ci"liy :al1, j, D ~,: CT~,,1 n, 1,1011 ta na, as ttl8 time and place for hearine objections to the vacation of said streets and alleys, and the passage of an Ordinance by The Cor.-J:liss ion of the City of Bozernan vacat in(; the scr~:e , Yihon and vrhere I any awl 8,11 Ilersons rrhose property abut s on the port ions of the st reot sand e,110:,":-c: :dfected l)y the rroposed vo.cat ion may o.:)pear and S'01,'! c8.1Jse, if Len y tt,C":,- 1ocve, "rJ-:.:,c [..'J1 Ordincmce should not be passed vacating said streets and 8110:\"3 in sc~ id ="'ortllorn I)ac i fi c ",idd i tion, and sett j,nc: a)8.rt and de(l- icnt :1.nr: in lieu thereof and in consideration therefor of 8. right of' na-;,' fo r st root ''-1"10, hiCh71G.:I Purl?ose:o: as b.erein set 1'0 rth ; Q!ld ( 5 ) ~t tbo ti~o and pl&ce designated in Sctid ::::oticc for the hca~inG of objections, to wit, Friday, the 9th day of Uay, 1930, at four o 'c lac k :-. 1.1., c.t the Commission RooI':'., of the C1 t Y 1:0.11, Bozeman, Llontsna, said ::::atter comin,; on rOfulc.rl:r to be heu!'d, and clue proof l:,.,lvin' I)een made u of' tJ:o scr""rice of notice and the publico.t ion thereof in the Bozeman Datly tlln:-oniclo DS Cl.:r>o:~'es[.irl, Qnd no objections to the vacation of said st rcet s c.ncl 1:1110:l8 in rmid iTorthern Facific Addi tioll hCI.viE:S been T'1ade or filed, S2,ye . o.ncl. excoi:,t the objection by letter of Bertha I IT:1HJ ]j , i, :f' it C[:,Y'. be. demec1 c~nd corl,:o:ic1ered f]l.:ch, nnel tho Corar:1i:::::-,:i.on considers tJ:lat :::')o:ctj,,---, ::i:"."c:., _~ ':. - """, .,1. ~L ~.,.' J... ',., , '.1 '"' ra~ty j_3~'~c~ostod, nncl. tLn t in <::~n:,r event, her interects arc fully protected, I Ci.Ii (1 t 1".: [1. t tIle vacD..t :Lon cr:' be had v:i thou t any injury or detriment to her or ';, or : ::'01' crt y; and tLe COl:lnission havinc invostic;ated and e::ar:lined into the " ;';erit:::~ of sc~:Ld Petition, and deeminG aild considering that the vc::~cat ion of tJ:,o:::;o :,-,ortions of the streets and alleys of ::Iorthe:r.'n rac i fie .Add it ion, rcfPT!'ec1 to, can be ]wO. cU1cl ~-;lado without inco:"vorl1cmcQ or clisadvantaGo to tr::Lffic cor~,irJC L-Ita Boze'":lCtl1, traffic in Boz er:lUl1, OJ..' t raffie coine out of 130 :,', O;lc~:,'l , and tLa.t the shid vc,catioll ;7i11 be to ~che advant:.cCc o:~' Gertrude B l....o'~'.r ~jJ., kontana Flour MilIa COlllpC~l1Y , and Ka thcirin8 :? Sto:-c;y; ancl . ( G ) In consideration of the iTacEctioll of thOSE: portions of tLe streets and alleys in NortJlcrn Pac ific Addition, hereinbefore dos- e l' :i, bed, 'J.nO, Lj liou thereof, a:'ld in consideration therefor, G:CRI'l(UDE B:t\O\:~: u.nc1 ~..O:::,TAIUl FLO"lm :,aLLS CQI,IP.AlTY will set apart and dedicate to the Ci ty of 13:cze-1 <:cn a ::c:L:~:ht of tray for highway and street l)1..Jrposes, u.nd lili~.C j,",L.~I( :l'.:'~1 J/. 3'10 iTi will convey to the City of Bozeman certair, lots, all "S' in ~T()"l;Lcrn IJacif'ic AdclitioLl, as l1erei1l2,f'ter set fo rth ; 'I (a) GLRTRUUE E,hOVI:N to set apart and dedicate to the City of Bozer:1an, a right 0 l' Vlay for LiChvvu;Y' and, st reet ::"urp08es, to Ylit: r " All -[;Lat l)Ortion, Blocks 91, 92, 08 and a 8";'<.11 -unnumbored block lyin2horth of tho intersectio:-, of 11M" and Spruce Streets l' 'eluded within t:cc followinG metes and bounds, all in Northern Pacific Addition to Bo z eLlCUl , t i w:l.t: BeGinninc at a point -in the ~~orth line of the SEi of Jec. 6, T. 2 S. R. t) E. {said line be~nc: (,Iso tlle north line of said Northern Pacific Addition) where said - line is intersected by the northwesterly side line of lIL!! Street, sai point being 380 feet, r''":''>'> ('"~ less, west of the northeast corner of sc.id $Ei of Seo. t) . tllOnce , /11.,,; - ." ".1., ,'; -.: ,.~...';:.:tt 220 west alol1{~ tJ~e north 11:-,(, o.t.:' s.aid No::'t:18rn l"acj_fi.c Addit ion 1040 feet, more or leso, to a point where said north line is inter- sected by the northwesterly line of Lot 19, of Block 9[, of said :,Torthern Pacific Addi t ir)l1; tLence 30utln7estcrl~:,'" alonG the nort~>- westerly line of said Lot 19 a distance of 44 feet, more or less, to a point where said northwesterly line of Lot 19 is int ersected by u line parallel with and 30 feet south of the north line of sa iel lTorthern Pacific Add it ion ; thence east IJarallel vrith and 30 I feet south of said north line of Horthe:rn Pacific Addition to the nortll'l"resterly side line of ilL" street; thence northeasterly along said no rthwest erly side 1 ine of "L" Street 44 feet, more or less, to the place of beGinning; (b) MONTANA :FLOUR I,iILLS COr,.lPAIN to set :::part and - dedicate to the City of Bozeman, 11 rit"ht of vra"Jf for li.i~)l1.;ay . and st reet purpo ses, to wit: All that portic)ll of Lot 20, Block g8, Horthern Pacific Addit ion to Bozelllun, located between the north line of said Addit ion and a line po.rallel vri th and 30 feet south of the sar:1Q; ( c ) KATlIAHIlJE 1<'. STORY to convey to the City of . . Bozeman the following described prenises: The sout~easterly one-half of Lot 3, all of Lots 4, 28, and 29, in Block 9'7, and Lots 21 and 22, in Block 98, of Northern 1?acific Addition to Bozeman; il.JOYI) TIrE RE1<'O RE , BE IT ORDALillD 3Y THE Cm.l,lISSIOH OJT TILE CITY o IT' B OZE!\lAl,T : Soction 1. That all those ~ortions of streets ~nd alleys in i;ortl1ern Pacific Addition to the City of Bozonan, describod as follows~ "Ett Street from the northeasterly line of Cedar street to I tho city limitE; "M" Street from the northeast erly line of Pear Street to the eity limits; "N" Street from the northeasterly line of Pear Street to the c it Y 1 imi t s ; Cedar Street between Blocks 93 and 94 and 98 and S7; Spruce Street between Blocks 87 and 88, 03 and g~?, and 98 und portion of small unnumbered block; Willow Stree~ between Blocks 88 and 89, and 92 and 91; Cherry Street between Dlocl--::s 9S and 90; The alleys i~ Blocks 8'7, S8, S9, 90, 92, 93, 94, 9 '7, 98 and 9g; Excepting fr01Il such vacation the l)Ortio~-, of the alleys in Blocks 92 o.nd 08 and the por- tio~1s of "J4l", Spruce and './illorr Streets ly- ine Vii thin 30 feet of the north line of said addition, and that portion of Cedar Street lying between Lots 3 and 4, of Block 9'7, . and Lots 21 and 22, of Block 9S, also that por- tion of the alley in Block 9'7 l~','iIlC south- westerly from Lots 4 and 5, plus southeast- erly one-half of Lot 3 of said block; be, and the sane are, hereby vacated and discontinued; I Sectin 2. That in lieu thereof and in considerat ion therefor, (a) GERTRUDE BROWJ:J- shall, and she does, set ar,art and dedicate to the City of Be,zeman, a right of way for higlnvay and street purnoses, to wit; All that portiQn of B19Cks ~l, 92, 98 and a small unnumbered block lying north of the intersection of "Mn and Spruce streets included within the following metes '~nd bounds, all in Northern Pac ific Addition to Bozern.an, to "'lit: , . line of the SEt BeginninG ata point in the north -- --.-.--. - -~._-'.'.~~_.'._~"""""".._"-_.'-- -------.' -'''''~.._'- 221 of Sec. 6, T. 2 S. It. 6E. (said line being also the north line of said Northern Pacific Addition) where said line is intersected by the llorthwesterlyside line of "Lt! Street, said point being 380 feet, more 'or less, west of the north- east corner of said SEi of Sec. 6; thence west along the north line of said Northern Pacific Addition lQ40 feet, Dare or less, to a point where said north line is intersected by the northv:esterly line of Lot 19, of Block 98, of said Northern I' Pac ific Addition; t;-;,enue southwesterly along the l1orthv:esterly line of said Lot 19 a distance of 44 feet, more or less, to , a point where said northwesterly line of Lot 19 is inter- sected by a line parallel with and 30 feet south of the north line of said Northern Pacific Addition; thence east parallel wi th and 30 feet south of said north line of northern Pacific Addition to the northvlesterly side line of ilL" street; thence northwasterl;-:," along said northvTesterly side line of t1t"street 44 feet, more or less, to the place of beGinning; " (b) IvIONTANA FLOUR MILLS COlvIP.A~"Y shall, and it does, hereby set apart ~nd dedicate to the use of the City of Bozeman a ri;^ht of way for highway and street purposes, to wit: All that portion of Lot 20, Block 98, Northern Pacific Addition to Bozeman, located between the north line of said Addition and a line parallel vii th and 30 feet south of the Sal.le; {c}KATHARlrlE F. STORY shall, and she does, convey ....- . - - - to the City of Bozeman, the following described premises; '_ The southeast erly one-half of Lot 3, all of Lot s 4, 28 and 29, in Block 9'7, and Lots ,21 and 22, in Block 98, of Northern Pacific Addition to Bozeman; Section 3. That this vacation is had and made pursuunt to the I.. provis~ons :f.sections 5039, paragraph 6, und 54~4, Political Code, , R. C. Ll. 19"..1, ., Section 4. That Gertrude Brown and the Montana Flour Mills COTIlIJUny, in considerat iOl.i. of the vacation of said port ions of st reet s and alleys in said Addit ion, as }Ierein set forth, shall execute and attach hereto and malce a part hereof, a confirmat ion of th is Ordinance, and a Dedication to the use of the City of Eozemnn the premises hereinbefore described, as a riGht of way for highway and street purposes; . Section 5. That Katharine F. Story, in consideration of the vacation of sClid portions of streets and alleys in the Northern Pacific Addition, as herein set forth, shall execute and attach hereto, and make a l'nrt' hereof, a Confirmation of this Ordinance, and a Deed to the City of Bmemul1, of the lots to be conveyed to the City of Bozeman, as herein described; Section 6. That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect frOIl and after thirty days from the date of its lJassage by the 1 Commission; . FII-J.ALLY fASSED by the Commission of the City of Boz et1an, o..t a recular sess ion thereof, held on the 16th day of May, 1930. .'It ~/ ~ / r. / ,__. ia~ Att-est: _ ~~..~. 'C 11: of tl Comniission ."'.fi;:,'. 222 INTRODUCED, read for the first ti~e, .and provisionally passed by the Cow.mission of the City of Eoze:m.o.n, at a regular session of the Comm:Lss ion ~,eld on the gth day of Jilay, 1930. FETAL PASSAGE fixed for thO 16th day of May, lQ50. i P'lJELISEED in the Bozetnnn Daily Chronicle on I,:ay 18th) 1950. I I EFFECTIVE June 15th, ~930' :~:, I, Eliza.beth JolH~:Jon Cler]~ of tho Conllil:Lssion of the City of Bozema.n, I\'loJltana, do 1'loreby cirt ify that the forego illG Orc1inc,Ylce No. 59 '7 , of the City of Bo~',o~,,_Cl.l1) hlo~ltln3., was published by title in tho Bozernn i Daily Ch:coniclo, [t daily newspaper of geEcral circulation llI'inted and , publistod in the City .9,I' DO:::;o~~l[ln, in the ~_ssue of i:a~ 18tL, 1<J30, and that due proof of said I)'llblication was made 8.rlC~ filed in 1~,Y office. IN,iITlJ::SS \lEEHEOlT' I have l1oTO'lmto se-l,:; ny hand a:1d the corporate seal of said Cit::1" this 18th day of :,lay, 1930. ,',C ,,- ~,~,~, , '~ ,", ,Cle " of the " nunission -, - . - - _. . . . I,. :". " . . .,- .. ~: . . - I ....... ..... ", - -, h '"'..- , ~ - - - " --- ... ,. .- ........., ,- \ \ \ :0'-" 22;:) D E D I.C A T ION - - - - - - - -' -" .... BY GERTRUDE BRO'.VN . GERTRl:lJE LRO':iE, of the Ci tyof New YorJ:, County of New Yor', State of I'Jew York, IN COnSIDER11.TIOlJ of the vacation b:7 the City of Bozeman of streets and alleys in Northern Pacific Addition described as follows: . "~~" street from the lTortheasterly line of Cedar street to the City Limits; "L,," Street frOT', the lJortheasterly Line of Pear Street to the C i. ty LiT!',i t s ; ":~\I Street from the :::Tortheasterly.Liue 0:.1:' .Ps<:::.r :treet to the City Limits; Cedar Street Between Blocks 93 and 94 and 98 and 9'7; . Srruce Street BotWOQ.l Blocl\:s 8'7 and 88, 93 and 9 2, and 98 and Port ion of Small U:r..nw11bered Blocl:; Willm7 street Bet'l;veen Blocks 88 ,.nd. 89 and 92 and 01; C~orry Street Between Blocks 89 and gO; ~ho Alleys in Blocks 8'7, 88, 98, 90, 9" 93, 94, 9 '7, 98 "-', and 99; Except ill[ from such Vacation the fort iOL of the Alleys in Blocks 92 and 98 and the Portions Of ul'l", Spruce and Willow Streets lying ITithin 30 feet of the North Line of said Addition, and . that Portion of Cedar street lyinG Between Lots 3 and 4, of Block 9 '7 , and Lots 21 and 22 of Block 98," also that Portion of the Alley in Block 9'7 lying southwesterly from Lots 4 and 5, plus Southeasterly One-half of Lot 3 of SGid Bloclq as provided by Ordinance No. 59? of the City of Bozeman, entitled: "AN OHDINANCE PLOVIDIlJG :FOR TIlE V ACl>.'l'ION OE CI:;HT.hIl'J UT.REl1'"i'S AIJD ALLEYS HJ lJOIri'IiERN PACIFIC lJ)DrrrOH 'I'O fi'IIE CITY OF DOZ:&..LA.:~, .hE E'OLLmrS: llK" 3.TREET FROM THE NORrlIEASTERLY LINE OF CEDAR STREET fi'O TIill CITY LIMITS: . "h,~ll STREET FROM THE IWRTHEASTEHLY LDJE 01"'\ i:EAH STREET TO TIm CIT~" LDlI'l"S: . "W' STREET }!'ROL~ TEL :TORTI:JlliSTERLY LnJE OF PEAR STREET . TO THE CITY LL.aTS: CEDAR STHEE'f EETWEEIJ BLOCKS 93 AlID 9Lj, klJD 98 .lillD g'7: ^ SPRUCJ,i; STI5EL.'T BETWliliN BLOCKS 8'7 .A.L"{D 8G, 93 AIm 9 i2, AND 90 iGm PORTIOiJ OF SMALL u~mU1vil3EHED BLOCh.: dILLOVl STREET BETVlEEN BLOCKS 88 AND 89 AND 92 }l.HD 91: IDJEHRY STREET BETWEEN BLOCKS 89 .lJ'ID 90: THE, ALLEYS r:T BLOCKS 8'7, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 9'7, 98, I am1 9g; EXCEPTDJG FROll SUCH VACATION THE PORTION 01" TILE ALLEYS IN BLOCKS 92 ,AND 98, AND TIill l)OHTIONS OF "12', SPRUCE AND ':lILLOW STREETS LYING WITHIN 30 FEEr:C OF TIlE HOl=(TE LI:m 0]' SAID ADJITIOH AND THAT POHTIOlJ OF C'DAR ST}~EET LYDJC DETi;VEEIJ L01'S 3 AIm 4:, OF BLOCK 97 AN]) LOTS 21 AND 22 OF BLOCK 98, .USO TlIA1' PORTIOl:; OF 'rIlE ALLEY IN BLOCK 9 7 LYING SOUTBWESTERLY FRml1 LOTS 4 AIm 5, fLUS SOL3TIIEASTEHLY ONE-HAU' OF LOT 3" OF SAID lLOCK; .AI;D IN LIEU THEHEOF ~ IN CONSIDERATION THEREFOR, GERTHlJDE BROUN AND THE MONTANA';(:;WLOUR MILLS COMPANY TO SET APAR'r AND DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF:.'-BOZEMAN A RIGHT 01" \fAY FOR HIGHWAY 2.24 AND ST REET PUlP OSES , A~'ID IVl..'l'HARINE F. STORY TO CONVEY TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAI~' CER'rAIN LOTS, ALL II; SAID NORTlillHN PACII"IC ADDIT ION. n hereto attached and m.e.de a part hereof; DOES HEREBY DEDICATE to the City of Bozeman a striD of land across the premises owned by the said Gertrude Brown in t~;c City of Bozeman I for street' and highway pur~)oses (in lieu of and in consideration for streets and alleys vacated), as fa 110l'fS : All that portion of Blocks 91, 92, 98, and small unm.unbered block lyinG north of the int ersect iOll of "M" and Spruce streets, included Yli thin the follol7inc metes and bounds, all in Northern Pacific Addition to Bozeman, to wit: Begim'inc o.t a point in the north line of'" the~ SE! of Sec. 6, T. 2 S. R. 6 E. (said line beinG also the north line of scid Northern lJacific Addit ion) where said line is intersected by the northwesterly side line of W:-..." Street, said point being 380 feet, more or less, rlest of the north- east corner of said SEt of Sec. 6; thence west along the north line of said Northern Pacific Addition 1040 feet, more or less, to a point vnlere said north line is inter- sected by the northwesterly line'of Lot 19, of Block 98, of sa id Nortl,ern Pac ific Addition; thence southwesterly along the northwesterly line of s~lid Lot 19 a distance 0' 44 feet, more or less, to a point where said Northwesterly line of Lot H! is intersected by a line parallel with and 30 feet south of the north line of said lTorthern Pacific Addition; thence east parallel with and 30 feet, south of said north line of' Northern Pac ific Addition to the north- westerly side line of "L" Street; thence northeasterly along said northwesterly side line of fiL" Street 14 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning; AND DOES HEREBY RELEASE said City of Bozeman from all damages by reason of the laying out and opening of' said _street or highvla7/ as aforesaid; I ' , IT BEING UNDERSTOOD that the land hereby dedicated 'shall be and become a street or highway, subject to all the laws of the state of Montana . and Ordinances of the City of Bozeman with reference to the use and main- . tenance of streets in said City. IN ,HIJ:'NESS HHEREO:S', the said GERTRUDE BHO'"N has hereunto set her hano_, this 9th day of ~QY, 1930. ( Ger.prude Brown) A C K N 0 VI LED G IvI E l~ T STATE 0]' MOITTAIJA, ) . ss. . COU1'JTY OIl' GALL.A,'I'IN. ) On this 9th day ,of I,lay, 1930, before me, JUSTIN In:. SMITE, a Notary rublic for the State of Montana, liersonally appeared GERTRDDl; EnO.ilJ, known to me to be the I)erson whose nane is subscribE.ld to the wi thin I instrument, and acknowledt"ed to me that she executed the same. IN VlI'I1NESS WlIEREO]', I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial seal, at my office in Bozeman, Montana, the day and year first above written. ( Justin 1\1. Smith) Notary Public for the State of l;lontana Residing LOt Bozeman, Llontana Illy Coramission expil"-es Dec. 16, 1931 t., r "~' ',iV' " ,...,lI" ,225 D E D I C A- T I 0 N BY MONTANA FLOUR MILLS COMPANY THE LiOlJTANA FLOUR I,IILLS COMPANY, . a corporat ion organized and, existing under and 'by virtue of tIle laws of the State of Llontana, with its I Drincipal place of business in the City of Great Falls, County of Cascade, State of Montana, and a branch business in the City of :Eozemar:>., County of Gallatin, state of Montana, IH CONSIDER.'1.TIOE of the vacat ion by the City of Bozeman of streets and alleys in Northern Pa~ific Addition described as follows: "K" STREET FROiii, TIill nOR'1IIEASTERLY LInE OF OEDAR STREET TO THE CITY LIMITS,; "LI" STREET :FROM THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE 01-' PEAR STREET TO THE CITY LIMITS; l'N" STREET FROM THE lWRTHEASTERLY LINE OF PEAH STHEET TO TIlE CITY LIMITS; CEDAR STREET BETVlliEN BLOCKS ~3 ~'ID ~4 AlTD 98 AIID 97; SPHUCE STREET :2ETWEEN BLOCKS 87 .Alll 88, 93 AliD ~2, AND ge AIID POl"lTIOlJ OF SlvlALL mmUMBERED BLOCK; \iILLO\'l STREET BETWEEN BLOCKS 88 AND 89 AND 92 AND 91; CHEHRY 0 STREET BETWEEN BLOCKS 89 AIID 90; TEll: ALLE'IS IN BLOCKS 8'7, 88, 8~, ~O, ~2, ~3, ~4, ~;'7, ~8, and 9 9 ; ,I EXCEPI'ING FROl,1 SUCH VACATION THE l)ORTIOl: Oi!' TEE AtLl!irS IN BLOCKS ~2 AND ~ 8 JuID 1'llli fOR'll IONS OF "1,1", SPRUCE AND WILLOW STREETS LYHTG WITHIN ,- 30 FEET OF THE ImRTi ,: LINE Ol? SAID ADDITION AND TEAT ~'ORTION OF CEDAR STREET LYING BIL"TViEEN LOTS 3 AND 4, OF BLOCK 9'7, AlID LOTS 21 .AND 22 OF BLOCK 98, ALSO TI1'~T PORTION 0:'2' THE .ALLEY IN BLOCK 97 LYING SOUTI~.7ESTEHLY FHOlj LOT~) 4 AND 5, FLUS SOUTHEASTERLY ON'.2:-IL\LF OT LOT 3 OJ.:' ..... SAID BLOCK; as pro'Tided by ORDIiJJJTCE KG. 59'7 of the City of Bozeman, entitled: "AN ORDInANCE }lROVIDIHG FOR THE VACATION OF CERrAIH STREETS AlD ALL3YS IlJ lJORTIillR:T PACIFIC ADDITIOn TO 'TIrE CITY OF - 30ZE'.;AN, AS FOLLOWS: "K" STREET FROI,I THE NORTHEASTERLY LIlill 0]' C::'::DAh STREIT TO THE CITY Lll.IITS; - "IV:" STREET Ii'ROM nIT: nORTHEASTERLY LINE OF PEAR ST:,mET TO THE CITY LUa'l'S; "N" STHEET I'HOLl THE HORI'~IEASTERLY LIITE OJ.!"""' l)T.G.AR :::/I'R:2:w.I' TO THE CITY LIMITS; C;,;DAH STREET BETWEEN ELO CKS 93 AND 94 .AIm 9 $ AND 9'7; S})RUCE STREET BETWEEN BLOCKS 87 ~,ND 88, 93 AND 92, A=~.-D 98, AI\:D SEALL PORTION OF Sl.~LL tmITUl,:BJ:mED BLOCK; I \ULLO'.-[ ST~1EET BETW~EIJ .BLOCKS 88 AND 89 AND 92 .AND 91; CI-iERRY:;TREET BETWEEN BLOCKS 89 AND ~O; TIlE ALLEYS Hr BLOCKS 87, 88, 89, 90, ~2, 93, 04 97, 98 l:"nd g~' , EXCErTIlJG FROh1 SUCH VACATI,JN TILE 1'0RTIOlT OF THE ALLEYS 'IN BLOCKS 92 AND 98, AND T lIE PORTIONS. OF "l.i", ;~PRUCE AND VIILLOW '3THE:TS LYING VlI'l'i:n;- 50 FEET O:F THE I:JORTll 1E:-:::; 0::' SAID 1J)DITION AIm Tj~4..T PORTION 01!' C:~D.A.R STl1EICT LYEm BETWEElJ LOTS 5 AND 4 OIl' BLOCK 9'7 , A~m LOTS 21 iJ.{D 22 OF BLOCK 98, .'~LS 0 ' TEA.T I;ORTlm: OF TBE ALLEY IN BLOCK 97 LYLJ'r \.' SOtJTHViESTERLY FROM LOTS 4 Al1D 5, FLUS SUl.JTii- F...ASTERLY ONE-HALF OJ? LOT 5 OJ<' 3AID BLOCK; 226 l.JJD IN LIEU TE~:ImOr A~J) II: CO:::::::I:CEI\,'~TIOl'" r::'lIKiEli'O:E-\, GL~T ET:DE :CiHO'.m AIm THE MO:7T J.LL\ FLOlJT\ 1,':ILL3 COI,.:r,\lfY TO SET .;."J?ll.H.1' AIm JEDIC1...TE TO T=l~ CITY OT~ :SG:,:ELT.AlJ A :u.C-lIT 0::':" ';IAY :;:'0::'-: i::Im:='.1AY iiI-.J'}J SrJ'R=:Err }:'-C.'I;}';"::SES, ),.IID lCi'::r iL\liI:.r8 :7. ::'1' 0 r:~T 'I' 0 (JC\I':'v.j1~: ~.'.~ 0 j;r~... -:ITY OJ]' r)OZl~,..AJT CERTAI:: LO'l.':':', ..:":..LL L7 SAlT') FOH'l'lEHlT l';:..C:~~?lC LD:~-'1 I'T] Ie:;" hereto attached Gnd made 2 part hereof; DOES EEI1EJ:;Y DEDICATE TO the City of Bozeman a strip of land I described as folIous, to rrit: ..::\..11 thnt })ort ion 0 f Lot twent~r (20), Dlocl: ninety- oicl1t (r,~ 8), nort~-'erl1 l'ac if ic ",';,clcl it ion to I? 0 ~~ 8r:<:1:;1 , located between the no~th line of seia Addition and Q line parallel with ana 30 feet SOlItL o:f' sane; A"D DOT"': -"C'liErr'" [(TcV"AS7 ""'id City r,f Bo'/or,,',"" f""o"~'~ll d';'y'w~e'" b''T .1. j ... ...&....J1o-.,. .... .__..J"j.. ....I......l... ....J J.;.; .kJ W c.... _ ......,.!....J ...........,..~__ ;,j, ~ J': --'- L4.... ,L~ ~_; .. I~' . v I'eQSOn of tlw lc~yinn: out and openinr of said Street. IT :C'EI::G C:DEnSTOOD .~llc.t tho land hereby dedicrted shall be and become a street or hisll,\'la;', S1Jb je ct to all the lal'rs of tho state of Lontf:;lno. and Ord inonces of tl;c C i t;,r of T~CJ7,enal1 wi th refeJ:'e~lc () to tLc ')80 SLr~o.. ::~,_c_ i -""1.- to i1.<:.Hi co of st rGet s ire sc,id Ci-c,'-, r:-I 'lHTlflS3 Vf-;ER:'.~O:{, T.:.I:L :MONTA~,A ILOUi:,; J.,.ILLS CUhJ.Pillil ~lQS Cul):;:: cd tLese presents to be executed by its officer::: thereunto dul:: ::,1.It~~,(n'ized, o.I1:1 itc Se~l to be hereu~to affixed, t2.';.is ~~tlJ. cl,:~::.~,:- of ~'.~a:)/', 1<:30. hlOJ.~T.A.lTA :iTLOUH LILLS COj,','[i'..l::'lrI BY { 1}. R. .li1cC~VE) I ,- '. ATTEST: PTGsident - Secretary A C Ie :.:- 0'1 L :~ D G.,. E J. ~ T STArr'z or MO:~;TA~TA, ) . ss. . . COlilL,]:': 0," C;\..;J CiJjE . , ) On this Gth day of kay, 1930, befoT'c [l8, F' Strobclll::', a ~',.. . .l.' .. "'ot"'I"" 1':;1)"1 ic .-PO"' -'-"e C'tate of' ~:o'ta'i" - crso"Gll~. o.Pl)earccl C. H. L.c GU Vi:., ..., '-.... ,j _1.)_...,. ..1. _I... vl,,i ~ .... J..~J. ...1 c;: l_~, kno~n to PO to be the President of the cOlj!or::'tion that exeC'lx',: ed t::e wi tL iE illst runont telc} acknor:l(jd~:ed tome tLClt s l~_C~,'! co~~ror~tioll eZGct~"tod t;~o SQIile . Il.J' '~'~:'Ii.L\i\ESS 1~'i~~_~~I{J10J."", I :',a vo ~i Gr'CGlto set uy hand and affixed n~ notarial soal the day and year first abovp written. --1.11.~ Strobelm) I Notary l'ubl ic fo r tlie Stu to of ]:..ontc,nIJ. Residing tit. Great Fulls, .l,~untalla My Co'-n:.ission EJqJires February 11, 1931. I 227 TillS IDENTURE, I\iade on tile 9th day of Ivlay in the year of our Lord, one th01..l.sand n:Lne hundred and thirty, between K.ATlIARINE IT. STORY, of the City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, state of 140ntmm, the party of the first part, and the CITY OJ!' BOZEMAIJ, a Eunicipal corporation, of I the County of Gallatin, State of r./.i.ontana, the party of the second part, -~7I.L ~.,,]~GSEi~~' - , that the said party of the first part, 1'0 r ~~nd in cons idero.t ion of tho '::;1.~Ll of One' and no/l00 Dollars lanful money of tlw Un:Lted states to her, i1'\ hs.ncl I'Ctid by the said party of tho second part the receipt of whicl, is hereby acl:::nowledged, does remise, release and forever quit- clo.iE. Lcnto tho said Imrty of the second part, and to its sucoessors, -" und as S iC;:;lS, the followinG described real estate, situated in the City of DOZeI,18.11, COlmty of Gallatin, and state of IV.i.cmtana, to wit: The southeasterly one-half of Lot three (3) , and all of Lot s four (4), twenty':':eight (28) and twenty-nine (29 ), in Block ninety-seven (9?l, and Lots twenty-one 121) and twenty-two (22), in Blocl-::: ninety-eight (90), of .i:Jorthern Pacific AdCition to the City of Bozeman, accordin{='; to the plat of said additi~n on file und of record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of the County of Gallatin, State of ~ontana. (It is understood that the conveyallco of the foregoing described premises is for the Imrpose of ,.' affording the City of Bozeman a right of way for repair- ing and maintaininG its pipe line for the Bozeman Cit y Water Works.) ...1 TOGETHER with all the t enem,el1t s, heredi tronent 5 and qJpurtenal1ces thereunto belonging, and the reversion anddFeversions, rCT,lCl i:nder and rema inders, rents, issues and profits tl1ercof; and also c.ll the estate, richt,title, interest, property, poszession, claim and - der.:.and whatsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the said party of the first part of, in or to the said premis,es, and every part an~ parcel thereof. TO 1I.iI.VE AIm TO HOLD, all and singular, the said prerdees, with the appurtenances', unto the said party of the second part, its successors . ,and o.ssigns forever; PROVIDED that in case at any time the saidprenises are not used for the purpose or repairing and maintaining said,~ipe line, tJlen and in that event they shall revert to the grantor, her heirs and . assigns. IN WITHESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has hereunto set her hand the day and' year first above wii tten. . {Katharin~ F. S~2~Y) I Siened, Sealed and Delivered , . in t he ::;~resenoe of (Justin M. Smith) "'