HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 30- 596, Changes Name of Portion of Peach Street West of West Line of Third Avenue to West Line of City Limits to Durston Road and Amending Ordinances 128 and 501 and Repealing Ordinance 209 214 :proof :Rella '. and Ch6CkW ~. ~ ......- .......-...;. '1---3- .. ~ . 0____ ...-_.......-...-............-...~ ORDIN.AIWE NO. 596 AN OHDDJANCl;; .1)ROVIDINGFOR CIIAIWING 1TLB l-JAME 011' TJ:1AT ~)ORTIUN 011' ~FEACll STREET ',-;EST OF THE WEST LINE OF 'I'HIPJ) A VEl:1JE '1'0 Ti.:~,~ \iESl' L11\[:8 0]' TEE CITY LIJ..aTS rro "DUnSTOn HOAD!! .AlvLEITDIlTG ORDI1L:'J.TCE ='0. 128, ENTITLED "XALIES OF STREETS" J~ND ORDIHAlTCE no. 501, E:rrITLED "AIT ORDr.L.IJC:E l~liOVIDL:,(:' FOR A Ul:r:FORhi S~,'S'rEl~1 OF ITUlvIBT:RDW ALL ---OUSES, PRIVATE, i.lJLLIC ANT) ?UsnmS:3, ni TIlE CITY OF BOZEl..l.AN, .tem REJ?Ei.I.LING ORDIlLlu'\JCE lIO. 209, ENTITLED 'AN ORDINANCE 1'0 ESTABLISII J.i.. lJNIFORl-il SYSTEl';: OF HOUSE IJl.:l;;DERr:~G \:I~'HE: THt.: crry I OF BOZElvIAN'" , AYlD HEFEALLTG OHDINAlJCE NO. 588, :-,Nl.' I '1' LED : "AN OHDIL"ANCE PROVIDING FOR CI-IAlTGING THE NAllIE OF TEAT :FORTIOIT O}l~ rEACE CTBEET \/EST O}l~ SEVENTH AVEITUE TO THE CITY LIMITS TO 'DCHSTOl'J HOAD'" WHEREAS : (l ) Heretofore, on the 18th day of A.t;rj,l, 1930, the Commission of the C i tc'- 01' Bozeman passed and adopt ed Con1:1iss ion, Hesolut ion No. 177, entitled: itA 11ESOLlJrIOlJ OF 111ill COl.J:.;iISSION 0]' TUE crr:ey 01." LOZN,.._t..I,[, l,iONTA::L., DECLi.RIlTG IT TO BE TILE IN'EEl:'rIOlT OF SAID COlvIi,IISSION TO ClIANGE THE ITAlvIE OF TEAT I'OHTIOH OF ,'EST PE.i\.Ci,: C'.L'IlliET BETWEEN THIRD AVENTJE lJTD SEVENTH AVElTUJ.:; TO 'DURSTON RO;J).tl ( 2 ) And the hearing on said Resolution so passed and adopted as aforesaid, was fixed for Friday, tho 9th day of May, 19 30 , at four o'clock , r. M. of said day, in the Co:nlTlis S ion Room, in the City Hall, Bozenan, Lont ana; and V'" (3 ) Eotice of the passage and adoption of said Heso~ution No. 177 vms Tmblished in one is sue of t}le Bozeman Daily Ch1'o111 c2.e, on the 19th day of AIH'il, 1930, and service thereof was had and made on the persons - I '" as provided by Section 5494, .. int erest ed, Political Code, R. e. Iv'= . 1921; a,nd .. (4: ) Said matter coming 011 regularly to be heard this 9th day ~ - of LIay, 1930, at four o'clock p. fu. of said day, due ~roof having been made of tho plJblication and service of said l;o~ icc:, and no objections or - except ions in v71"i tine: 0 r otherwise having been made or 1"iled with the Comnission to the change of the name of' Peach Street, as provided in said Heso1utioll Ho. 177; and , ( 5) . The COlm~lission of tho City of Dozern[:~I, havine, on the 28th day of March, 1930, pursuant to proceedings regularly ha~J yassed Ordinance Eo. 58e", entitled "AI[ ORDIlTANCE PHOVIDING FO=-: CL.:'o.::rr::G ThE i;-;l.m 0]' TIL'cT l)l:{'rION OF ])E:.CH STHEET WEST Q}i' SEVElTTII li.VENUE TO TIm CITY L11'.U':;.'3 TO 'DU1~8TON HO~;.D t" and the Co:mmission deeming it proper that the provisions of said Ordinance no. 588 should be incorporated in and made 2. IHJrt of this Ordincnce, and that one Ordinance should C omprehond [,nd include the c}J.anf~inc of the n2.1~le of reach Street, us herein provided, to "Durston I Ro;~:'~,.",-that Ordinance ;';0. 588 should therefore be made a pClrt of '"" ...- t l1.i~''':'O' I'd inane e ; ,- , I~OW TllliREll'ORE, ,- -- ., B E 1'r. ORDAIlTED BY THE COLIT,iISSIOlT OF TIlE CI'I1Y or BOZEl.iLI : Sect ion 1. That that portion of' Peclch street 'which is YTest of the 1;'lest line of rrhird AVenue and extendinG to the west line of the City .~ 215 Limits, be, and the snm8 is hereby, changed to, and shall hereafter be - -- known and designated as, "DU11STON ROADll; Sectio,,;. 2. That paragraph 9, Section 1., of Ordinance No. 128, entttled: I' "lTiL.:ES OF STREETS" : be, and the sane is, he re by amended to read as follows: !:Sect ion 1. *** 9. Peach Street East of Tracy Avenue . ' to I)l1JIl1 Avenue shall be l<:nown and desic,.n8.ted as East Peach street. Peac~ street west of Tracy Avenue to the rrest 1 ins of Tllird Avenue 8110.11 be Imm'n und dcsi.Gnatc(l as ~est Peac~ Street. Peach Street west of the west line ^. of Third Avenue to the west line of the City Limits - -, cl-:"2.ll "be :':~,own and d,esignatedas 'Durston Road 'n. Section 3. ':Clint tjw initialn'U.mber on Durston ,Road shall be "30011) and the nUT:1.bcrs thereon shall be as defined by OrdL1Ell1co No. 501, ent it lea: "AI; ORDL~Ai.JCE l::JROVIDING FOB. A mUFOill;~ SYSTEi'il OF ITlJ1,.i..i.{SRIXG ALL ~~om;ES , PRIVATE, FUBLI C J1i,"D LUSliT2SS, Li 1':::8 CITY 0]' DO:L.El;i1d;', AlJD REJ?EALING OlillL....il,JCl: l;u. 200, ERCITLED '~T ORDnrAlJCE TO ESTABLISE 1.. UNIROl1M S''...'"ST:si,; OJ]' IIOUSE ::ru1.13EHIlJG \'fITHn; rrllli CITY 0]' JJOZEJ.,jJd~' II Section 4. That Ordinance No. 588, entitled I.,' "A'- O."-DI. I.~ .', ".-C~' .,-- RO'TIDI"G '''OR C"', ^ IT'~'I-'.TG "'1"'1"' ",~ .', I"E 01" "1'" T .[\1 1i d;j~ L.I:.' V .I.~ l! lU1..L~\f l~' 1.1.1":' N~\l J! .l:.l'J.J>. . IjORTIJIJ OF PEACH STREEr WEST OF SEVENTH AVENUE TO 1'lill ,...., CITY LILI'l'S TO 'DURSTOlJ ROAD t" be, and tIle same is here by, repealed, and the provis ions thereof r:lade a pa.rt hereof; Section 5. TLat this Ordinance shall be in full force aue!. effoct fror,l and after thirty days after it s fin8.1 passage. rL.~Au.y PASSED by the COlllL""TI.iss ion of the City of Do zem.::.~n at a reCT_lnr session thereof, held on the 16th day of I"Iay, 1930. '~/ Mayo "'1 Attest: .~C~;~~le IH.i'RODDCED and read, and provisionally passed at a regular session of the Corrunission of the City of Bozeman held on the 9th day .1. of' i,ia~i, 1930, and final passage thereof fixed for the regular session , of the COl:Y.-,ission of the City of Bozeman to be held on the 16th day of Lay, 1030. FmH..ISlIED in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, Pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 5453, Politi~al Code, R. C. M. 1921, on the 17th day of ~ay, 1930. }_'ASSED l)UrSuant to the provisions of Section 5494 Political 216 . ,,'J" Code, H. C. lvi . 1 9 21. ,.. . Elizabeth JO'hnson, Cle rk of the COIlll;lis S iorl of the City of I, Bozeman, L:ontana, do hereby certify that tlle foregoing Ordinance No.' 596 I ,. of the City of DOZeFl: 11, Montana, was rmblished by title in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, u daily newspaper of general circulation, print ed and :" publ ished in the City of IJo=~eman, in the issue 'Of May i'7th, 1930, and that due proof of sc.id IlUblication '.'7as wide and filed in my office. IN ',','Il';:mSS'imEIUOJ:' I have hercunt 0 set ::lY 'hand and the corporate seal of said Cit~y this l'7-~h day of lllay, 1930. ,. -.. ~~J~~ --, ~ - '.. - Cle " of he Olmnission . . . I ' , .. . , '. .,.,roo . ,,'~ .~~ . . . ''- ....... ~ "-..-,. - - ,. .. I " I . . . . . . , ,