HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 30- 595, Regulates Sale and Distribution of Milk, Inspection and Requiring Permits
194 .J"'!ont'>f' Rl'l\l\
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Section l. The following definitions shall apply in the inter-
pretation and the enforceI18nt of thts Ordinance:
(a) ADULTERATED l:IILK AIID LilLl\.: FRODUCTS: - An;,' substance claimed
to be an~l milk or 1:"'..il1-:: l)roduct defined in this Ordinance, but
.-' not, conforming with its definition as Ci ven in this ordinance
.,~ sh'ali be deemed adulterated and misbranded;
( h) BUTTER: - Butter is the clean, non-rancid product made'
by gathering in any wBnner, the fat of fresh ripened milk or
cream into a mass which also contains a small portion of the
other milk constituent s, with or without salt, and contains not
less than eighty per cent. (80%) of milk fat, and not more than
sixteen per cent. (16%) water. Butter ~:lLY also contain added
colo:dng matter;
( c ) REITOVATED BUTTER OR PROCESS BUTTER: - Renovated butter or I
process butter is the IJroduct raade by melting and reworking,
without the addition or use of chemicals or any substances except
whole milk, cream or salt, and contains not more than sixteen
per cent. (16%) of water and' at least eighty per cent. (80%) of
m1.1k fat;
(d) BUTTER FAT on I-.IILK FAT: - Milk fat or butter fat is the
fat of milk and has a Reichert-l.Ieissel nluuber of not less than
twenty-four (24) and a specific gravity of not less than 0.905
(40 degrees C.! 40 degrees C);
(e) BL~TEffiAILK: - Buttermilk is the product which remains when
milk fat is removed from milk or cream, sweet 0 r sour, in the
process of churning. It contains not less than eight and five-
tenths per cent (8.5%) of milk solids not fat;
( f) B LYfTERMI L1:, CULT-cRED: - Cultured buttermil1c is the pro--
duct resuJ. ting from the souring or treatment by a lactic acid
cultUre of milk or milk products; I
(g) CREAM: - Cream, sweet cream, is that portion of milk,
rioh in milk fat, which rises to the surface of milk on standing
or is separated from it by centrifugal force; is fresh and clean,
and which contains not less than twenty per cent (20%) of milk
fat, and not more than hvo-tenths of one per cent. of acid
react 1ng substance calculatec1/in terms of lactic acid;
(h) CHE.A1:,;,WlIIPPING: - WhiDPing cream is cream containing not
~ ',- --". ~ ~-'--........,.....-'-~ " . .m,'...."~. __
less than 30% milk fat; ,,,'~ .... ~ '. .
- CREAlVIERY: - A creamery fs a place where the milk or cream
( i)
furnished by three or more persons, selling the same independently
of each otter, is used for IDnnufacture into butter for cOTI~ercial
I purposes;
cream buyinG, or collecting station is any place where mill: or cream
is bought or collected for shipment"or#delivery to a creamery or
to any I)erson intending to make use of the same -for cOTInnercial
(k) DAIRY OR DAI RY F ARI.1: - A dairy or dairy farm is any plaoe
or premise where one or more cows are kept, a part or all of the
milk or milk produots from which is sold or delivered to any
person, firm or corporation. Tuis paragraph shall not be construed
to include what is geu'erally known as "family cows";
(1 ) DISlr~EDTjU~: - A disinfectant is any germicidal substance
ap:9 roved -oy the health officer;
(M) HEALTH OFFICER : - The health officer shall be taken to
mean the health officer of the City of Bozeman, in person, or
bis authorized representative;
I (n) ICE CRE1J~: - Ioe cream is a frozen IJroduct made from pure
crearl1 and suear, ni th or without a. natural flavorine;, and pure
celatine, and contains not less than ten per-cent. (10%) of
mille fat;
(0 ) FRUIT I CE CREAM: - Fruit ice cream is a frozen product
j'!,ade fro'11 crear:1, sugar, and sound, cleo.n, ~ature fruits, and
contains not less than fiine ~er cent ( 9%) of milk fat;
(p) lw~ ICEC~l: - Nut ice cream is a frozen product made
from cream, sUGar, al'i.d'sound,' non-rancidnut-s and- contains not
less than nine per cent (9%) of milk fat;
(q) All ice crearll shall conte. in not less than--thirty-three
I10r cent (33%) of total solids, and shall"not canto. in to pxceed
one I1cr cent gelatine;
(r) ICE CnEALl FACTORY: - An ice cream factory is any place
where ice cream is made for sale for thirty' (30) days or more
each year;
I ( s ) IJlIIJC: - Milk is hereby defined to be the whole, fresh,
clean, lacteal secretion obtained by the complete milking of one
or ::",1orehealthy cows, properly fed and kept, exoluding t'. ~_:
obtained within fifteen days before l3.nd five da:f.s- after calving,
or such longer period as maJ'- be necessary'. to rencler the milk
practically colostrum free; which 60ntains not less than eight
and one-half per cent (8~) of solids not fat, and not less than
three and one-fourth per cent (3%;0 of milk fat;
(t) MILK FAT OR BUTTER J?AT: ~ See Definition Cd) abO';"6 ;
( u) IvIILK , SKIMMED: _ Skimrlled mille is milk from. which sub-
stantially all the milk fat has been removed;
(v) MILK, CHOCOLATE: - Chocolate niU: is defined as whole
or aijusted or skimmed milk to which has been added in 8. sa::li talJr
manner a chocolate syrup conposed of wholesome ingredients, and I
which is labeled with the Grade 01' milk or milk jJI'oducts from
which it is made. If chocolate milk contains less than three
. .
and one-quarter per cent (3%/0) milk fat, the label sLall indicate
the per- centaee of milk fat to which the milk has been adjusted;
( w) hIIU= PHQDUC_T.~: - l~Iilk product s shal], be tal~~en to mean and
include cream, skimmed milk, ad just ed milk, buttermilk, cultured
buttermilk, butter and ice cream;
(x) MILK PRODUCEH: - A lI~ilk producer is any person, firm or
corporation which owns or controls one or more cows, a part or
all of the milk from which is for sale, or sold or.delivered to
another person, firm or corporat,ion. rrhis paragrarJ};r. sha 11 not be
construed to include what is generally )~novm as tTfaLlily COVIS";
(y) MIU( DISTRIBUTOR: - A milk distributor is any person,
firm or co rpora t ion which. has in possess ion, offers for sale,
" sells, or delivers to another any milk or milk products for
consun~tion or manufacturing purposes;
(z) MIIK PLANT: - .A milk plant is any place, or premises, or
establishment where milk or milk products as d~fined in this
reGulation are cbllected, handled, processed, stored, batt led,
pasteurized, or prepared for distribution. This paragraph does
not apply to milk houses on dairy fa~ls bottling only the milk
or r.1ilk products of that individual dairy farm;
Definition ~jLabove;
(z-2) PASTEURIZATION: - The terms "Pasteurizat io;,~!1 ,
"Pasteurized" , "Pasteurize", and similar terms, shall be talmn
to refer to the process of heatine every particle of milk or
milk products to 0. temperature of not less than one hundred and
forty-five (145) degrees Fahrenheit, and holding at such temper-
ature for not less than thirty ~30) minutes i]1 pasteurizat ion
apparatus approved by the health officer, the temperature and I
time being automatically recorded by a temperature and time
re'C(,-rding d!3vice approved by the health office:;,;
(z-3) PERSON: - The term "person" as herein, used, shall
include all persons, whether natural or artificial, including
firms, co-partnerships or coryorations;
',:.~\:.:-,~~ :'I~; ..
Section 2. No person shall produce, sell, offer or expose for sale,
or have in his possession with intent to sell, for consumption in the City of
Bozeman, any milk or milk products which are adulterated or misbranded, and
I wh icll do not comply with the provisions and standards of this Ordinance, or
any reGu1c~.t ion or order or standard which may be promUlgated by the Board 0::"
H.ealth of the City of Bozeman under the a.uthority of this Ordinance, or the
Rules and Rec;ula t ions and Orders of the 1I,Iontana Livestock Sanitary Board,
or the State Board of Health, or the Division of Dairying, Department of
Agriculture, or whichie unclean or insanitary, or which is produced, hand-
led or leept under unclean and insanitary condit ions, as herein set forth;
Section 3. No person shall engage in the sale, delivery or dis-
tribution of milk or r.~iU:: products, for consumption in the City of Bozer18.n,
without first having obtained a Permit so to ~o from the Board of Health of
said City, as herein provided, and no person shall bring or send miH;: or
milk products for sale in said City of Bozeman, except through a distributor
holding a perrnit therefor, except as hereinafter provided;
I Sect ion 4. No proprietor or other person in, Charge of any store,
hr.9tel, restaurant, boarding house or other place where milk or cream is
sold or dispensed sha1l offer for sale or furnish any milk or cream other
than that sU]Jplied by a person having a permit to sell milk or cream
issued by the health officer;
All proprietors or other persons in charge of stores, hotels,
restaurants, soda fountains, boarding houses, and other places where milk
or crear:l is sold or dispensed to be consumed on the premises shall, upon
d er:m n9- , furnish the health officer, or his representative, with the names
and business addresses of all persons from whom they receive milk or
Sect iOl1 5. Every person desiring to engage in the sale, delivery
and distribution of milk and milk products in the City of Bozeman, except
those mentioned in Section 4 herein, before so doing, shall rnalce ap}!lication
to the Board of Health of said City for a Permit for t;at l)UrpOse, whiCh
I application shall be in writing, upon a form prescribed by the Board of
=IealtJl, and shall be app roved by the Health Orfi cer;
Section 6. Said applioation shall state fully:
(a) The full name and place of residence of the apY'licant~
the exact locat ion of the place or places frorrl which
said ap~licant obtains milk, and, if said applicant
obtains milk from other persons, the name of the
person or persons from whom said ap"clicant obtains
(b) The number of cows in each herd supplying sa id mill\:,
or any portion thereof;
(c) The manner in which sa id applicant intends to
dispose of said ffiilk;
(d) The locat ion of the :place where he proposes to
conduct ~aid business, if the same shall be
fixed; "
( e ) SUCll other information as the Feal th Offic er
may require; and
( f) Such Penni t to be issued free of chcLrge; I
Section 7. The filing of such apT11ication as aforesaid shall
authorize the ap~licant to sell and distribute miH: until the Health
Officer takes action thereon, and 6 i tIler grants a llcrnli t to the arrplicant
or refuses to dc, so;
Section 8. All permits issued. under this Ordinance shall be for
the calendar year only in which they are issued, unles: sonner revoked
for cause, and shall be renewable Et!lnually on the 1st da~r of January of
each calendar year thereafter. ITa ':~orr:li t issued hereunder shall be trans-
ferrable, except upon the reconnnendat ion of the lIeal th Officer aTI:d ap::Jroval
of the Board of Health;
Section 9. Any permit issued under the provisions of this Ordinance
ma7/ be revoked or suspended at any t ll1le by the ~oard ot: Health when any of I
the provisions of this Ordinance, or cny, of the Rules and Regulations of the
Board of Health, or any of the Rules and Ree;L.lat ions and Orders of the
IJ;.ontana Livestock Sanitary Board, the sts.te Board of Health, and/or
Division of Dairying, Del)artment of Agricul turc:, providine for the sale and
distribution of i'1.iU: and milk products, shall have been violated, by the
holder of sucll perril.i t, when it shall be broucht to the knoYlledge of the
Hcalth Officer or the Board of Health ttu.t such violation has been rl8.de,
the Doard of Health :ha11 give the holder of said ~)ermit written lToticc
of at least two days before the day of ~earinr of the time and place of ..,.
hearing, and tb.e charGes made; that thereupon the Board of TIealth shall
conduct a hearing, and in case the ell.arce:; :r.mde are I)roven, the Board. of
:::ealth shall have flJ.ll 8.utb.orit7r to revol:o said :lerr:.:"',;, .l1n(l the findings
of said Boc.rd of Health shall be f11:':.a1 ().nd conclusive upon c:uestions
relating thereto, PROVIDED that pendiEG tho hearing on such :Tot ico, the
Board of 3ealth r~y, if it be deemed fa r the safet y and best interests of
"1:;' e })OOrlc, spec ify that unt i1 the hearirwis h::1(1, the pel"r;'.i t shall be I
susllcnded, until the final determination at such hoarin[', and if such
not ice. do es so )! rovide, the perr;;jt of the party so served shall be
suspended du:r:'inc such t i~1ie ; .
Sect ion 10. Every 11e1",son engaged in the sale, delivery and
distributj.nn of 'dll: and milk prO(hlcts iT". tLe Cit::,' of' L;;Z81:1all sliGell notify,
in Vlri t trJ.C , the Heal tlJ. Offi cer of said City irm:ned ia tel:{ uTlon the chancing
~'... .'" I"".......:.....~.O .......,.. ,~..........'''-'. '.A"~"..;..:..."..I..;.,~~,..;'""'~~. , .,,:,;i 1 _ '. '
of, or '~,dditi()n to, the source of supply of bis mil}~. Said ITotice shall
stnte the exact 'location of the place f'rom which said milk is IJrOcured, the
111J.rlber of cows prod uc ing the SfujJ.C, the Quantity received, and the name of tt,e
I.iel'son 01'" :::'orsons SUIJplyinG the sa"ne. .
Section 11. :rro ~erson selling, deliverinG or distributing milk in
tle ~~ j.t~j c\ f Bozer,10.,'_ , licensed under this Ordinance so to do, shall receive
any r;ljJ.1: or m:Llk products from any source until Le shall havo first ascortc.ined
frm:l tLe Health Officor that the 1)e1'80n from whom such mill~ or r;lilk l)roducts
0.1'0 obta j.:cod holds a perT:i t, as IH'Ovided b:.,- this OrdiEal1ce, frOtl the Board of
Eealth of tho City of Bozeman;
Sect ion 12. All persons \vithin the City of Bozenan offering for
sale, or }:.Clvin€:~ in his rossession v;ith intent to sell, nill: or mill: products
, shall at all tiues keep the nEll11e or nSIilOS of the person or ~.orsons from
~lom such milk has been obtained posted in a conc,icuous pIece ~n the
:.n-'o1i1:LSOS in which co.~_d 1"l.ilk is kept or offered 1'01' sale, PROVIDK) , that
ceneral distributors of milk shall only be required to keep a record of the
nm:.os of all :persons from whon such distributor is receiving !'lill:, vvhich
recore. shall be open to the inspection of the Health Officer;
Section 13. It shall be the duty of the health Officer, at least
once every ninety (00 )~~~YC, to cause all dairies, creameries, pasteurizing
Iilants, :::-dlk plants, ice creanl'fo.ctories, and other places vlhere milk
inte;-lded for sale in the Ci t:;r of Bozeman is produced, or hane'led, to be
insp ected for tho liurTJo se of determining v:hether such places are equipped and
olJcrated as required by this Ordinance and the Rules and Regulations and
Orders of the Montana Livestock Sanitary Board, State Board of Health, and
Di visiOn 0 l' Dairying, Departnent of Agrioulture;
S8ct ion 14.. Nlilk sold in the City of Bozeman shall be frora
COVlS wh__:.cll have passed a negative tuberculin test, 2S prescribed by the
Montana Livestock Sanitary Board, within one year previous to the filing
of the aI):[)lication for pennit. The applicant. shall file with his eplilica-
t ion D. chart or form issued by the MGhtanD. Livestock SaEi tary Board
stat in:.:; that such cows have been subjected to a phys ical examinat ion, and
I tuberculin tested, and that the cattle reffia in tng v!i thin the herd fa iled
to react to the tuberculin test~ and are free from S;)lIllptoms of other
infectious or contagious diseases;
Sect ion 15. Refusal on the part of any person holding a permit
under the authority of this Ordinanoe to perrrdt the Health Officer of the
Ci ty of Bozeman to inspect the dairy , dairy farm, milk plant, cattle and
appurtenances of such dairy, dairy farm, mill<:: lilant, or other place where
, . .,':;
snch milk is produced,. stored, handled, offered for sale, or sold, shall
be sufficient to suspend or revoke such permit, at the discretion of the
Health Officer;
Section 16. The Health Officer shall be, and he is, hereby 1-
authorized to seize all milk or milk products YThich may be brought into the
City of Bozeman in violatL;n of the Tirovisions of this Ordinance. The
oymer of such milh: or milk pJiPducts shall be [~t once notified of such
seiz1..1.1'o, and if he sh~ll fail within tVlent~/-four (24) llOurs to direct the
movemc.nt of such nill: or r:lilk products from the City of Bo~e~':~8n, the
Health Officer may destroy or otherwise dispose of such milk or milk
product s ;
Section 17. :Milk wagons VTi thin the City of Bozer.1an shall have
the name of the owner and the number of the perr.lit paircted thereon plainly
and legibly;
Section 18. The Health Officer sLail have authority to prohibit
the sale of milk and milk products for human consumpt ion Yf]~ich have not
been produced or delivered in accordance wit}l the provisions of this
Ordinanccr, or the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Health, or the I
Rules and ReglJ.lations and Orders of the Montana Livestock Sanitary Board, ....
and/or Division of DairyinG, .-
the State Board of Health, Department of
Section 19. Milk and milk products found in the possession of
any IJerson having a permit to sell milk or milk IH'Oducts in tile City of
Bozeman shall be construed as intended for sale in said City;
Section 20. No l~erson shall sell, exchance., deliver or have in
his J'ossession, with intent to sell, exchm1ce or deliver .any "skirnmed
milk" or "recorstructed milk" or tlreconstructed cream", unless the can,
vessel, package or container is plainly labelled, c onvey:i.ng to the
purchaser the exact nature of its contents;
"Reconstructed milk or c1'eamtt means milk br creccm which has been
concentrated or dried in any manner and subsequently restored to 2 I
liqUid state;
Section 21. Milk and crear:l sold, delivered or distributed, or
held or offered for sale, delivery or distribution, for consumption in the
Ci ty of Bozern.o,n, shall be of the following classes;
(a) Raw Ivlilk
(b) Pasteurized Milk
(c) Raw Cream
(d) Pasteurized cream
. (a) RAW I,IILK:
Raw milk shall be milk which conforms to the requirements
for Inspected Dairy A1ilk as defined by the regulations of the Montana
Livestock Sanitary Board;
-I Dairies from which raw milk is produced must score not
less than ?O points on the official score card 5.ssued by the 1iontana
Livestock Sanitary Board;
Raw milk shall contain not less than 8.5% of solids not
fat and not less than 3.25% 'butter fat;
Raw milk shall contain not more tban 100,000 baoteria per
c.c., official plate count, when delivered to the consumer, and sha 11
contain no pathogenic bacteria, and shall be freefroI:l all visible
Raw Iililk shall be delivered to the consumer i'rithin thirty-
s i:.t "t3 6 ) hours after it is produced;
Raw milk shall be delivered to the consumer in bottles,
except in the case of a consumer receiving one callan or more at
one deli'lery;
When delivered in bottles, the bottles TI1USt be properly
ca}iped, which caps shall conta in the name and address of the da iry,
-I milk plant, or producer, and the classification of the milk therein
contained, and no other vlri t ing;
I-ast.eurized mille shall conform with all the requirements
which caverns raV1 ::ailk, and shall have been properly pasteurized
wi thin twenty-four (24) hours after its product ion;
Pasteurized milk shall not contain more than 30,000
bacteria per c.c., official plate count, when delivered to the con-
(c )RAVl CRE.AM: .,
Raw cream i.:ha1l be produced under the same requirements as
those which govern raw milk. It shall not contain more than 300,000
bacteria per c.c., when delivered "to the consumer, and shall be free
from })athocenic bacteria and visible 'dirt,;;
Pasteurized cream shall conform with all the requirements
. .. which govern raw cream, and shall have been properly pasteurized
within twenty-four (24) hours after its production. It shall not
contain nore than 150,000 bacteria per c.c., when delivered to the
Sect ion 22. Samples of milk and cream shall be tested by the
Health Officer, and ~.' often as the Health Officer may recl"c,ire. Such tests
t. ".;,':.",",
,;', n,,"'"'
shall include the determination of bacterial count made in conformity with
the provisions of this Ordinance, and may include such other chemical and
physical detenrrinations as the Health Officer may deem necessary for the
detection of adulteration. The testing of milk shall be for b~tter fat,
and lactometer readings shall be made, and likewise tests for visible dirt ..~ ..
and sediment. Notice of bacterial count and/or test shall be given to the I"......
producer or distributor ooncerned as often as practicable, or to any
interested person on request. Bacterial counts and the tests herein pro- ,
vided for shall be made by the Bacteriological and':), Chemistry Departments
of the Montana State College, Bozeman, Montana, .and shall be accepted, and
shall be adIaissible in evidence in any prosecution for the violation of
this Ordinance or for the v iolat ion of any' rule or regulat ion of the
Departments herein referred to as prima facie evidence of the facts dis-
closed thereby; ";'
Section 23. Dairy barns shall be located, construc'l;ed and
maintained under the following conditions:
(a) LOCATION: Dairy barns sl1all be located so as to
afford natural drainage, or adequate sewerage must be installed
to 1cecl-lthe barn and lot free froyr: cont61ninating .surroundincs and
influences; I
(b) CO:;STRUCTIC~T: The barn shall be constructed so as','
to facilitate the prompt and easy removal of waste J)roducts. . ~.
The floors and platfoI'f!1..s should be made of cement or other nOI1- ~
absorbent material and the (~utters of CelTJ,nt only. The floors
shall be }Jroperly graded onel elrc;.ined Qnd the mal1UI'C gutters shouJ.d
be from six to eight inches deep and so l)laced in relation to tll8
plat fOrli'l that all manure 'will drop i~ltO them. The inside 21)rface
of the walls and all interior construction shall be s;,~ooth 1:.'ith
tight joint s and :painted or 1yhi teWo.slled D. t le.ast onc e a year.
The ceiling shall be of smooth material and dust-tiCht. All
horizontal and slant ing surfaces yrhich rilight harbor dust shall .
be avoided;
(a) FEED ROOLlS-STORJ~GE: Feed rooms and storage for feed
must be separated fron the rr:ilkinc; barn by dust-)roof ceiling and
po.rt it ion;
(d) LImITING: Dairy barns shall be provided with ample . .1.....
room and suri'icient light; four s'lucre feet of windo" ,srece, and .,. ;'
not less tJ-lG-n J'i ve J!lr;"cVred cubic feet of D ir space per cmv; and ..
. ~ .
"peasonable pro"~ection for cattle duri~lC cold neatllcI' r:LUst be
'. .
provided. Animals other than cattle may be kelJt in the barn or
.....' ",;
under the sane roof vrhen se:parated from the cow-barn by a dust-
proof partition and YThen :croper provisions for sanitary conditi~'lls
are rnade;
(e) COW- YA..::mS - MANURE: Hog pens, hog v;allows, cess
1)ools, r.mdholes, surface closets, or other sources of contamination
will not be permitted within 100 feet of the barn. The droppings
Ll the barn must be collected each day and rern.oved. ;To :1u,:mre
I shall be stored less than 100 feet frOlTi the l)arn;
'.'.; (f) WATER SUPPLY: The water sUl,ply s11ull be free from
w. . contarllination and sufficient for all dairy llur-poses. It shall
be rrotected egainst flood or slJ.rface drainace e.nd s Huated at
such a level as will prevent drainage from any I)ri vy, piC; pen,
l:-lanUre pile or other pass ible source of infect ion;
(r:) FLIES, ETC: All ne cessary measures 1Iha1l be tal:en
to prevent the entrance of flies and other insects and rats and
ver:clin int 0 all buildings;
(11) BEDDING: No dusty or mouldy hay or straw bedd.ine
from horse stalL:> shall be used for bedding the cows;
Sect ion 24. The equipment for the production of milk and rnilk
products shall comply with the following conditions;
(a) MILKJ:IOUSE: Every dairy sUp"l'lyinc; milk. or cream. for
COl1s1.L.r:J.ption as such shall be equipped VIi th a lwoperl:l constructed
milk house. The ra11k house shall be located with due reGard to
llroper sani tar:; surro1.llldings and drainage. The storing or
handling of 'milk or cream for consum.ption as such in any room
used for preparing meals, or lOdging, or sleepinc, or in a cellar
or rot J10use, is strictly forbidden;
(b) .DONSTHUCTION: The floor of a milk house shall be
of concrete or other non-absorbing DGteri&l; the walls und ceil-
ings of matched lumber, cement or plaster, free from cracks or
crevices, and shall be painted white. The building shall have
adequate window openings for li~1t and ventilation. All openings
must be screened with wire screening not 'ess than fourteen
mesLes to the square inch;
(c) WATER SUPPLY: The milk house must be equilJ:ped 'with
an abundant supply of hot and cold 'water, free from contamination,
for cleaning utem: 1ls and equipment incident to the handling of'
milk or cream;
(d) HANDLING: The milk house shall not be used for
any Durpose except the handling and storing 'Jf milk or cream
or milk yroducts, and for ,the ~ of utensils and equipment used
in handling milk or cream or nilk products. No animals shall
be allowed in the milk house;
(e) CLEANLINESS: The milk house and all utensils and
equipment used in ha?dling milk or crean must be kept scrupulously
clean at all t lines. Milking ut en3118 must be kept free from rust;
(f) STERILIZATION: Milk cans, parts of separators coming
in contact with milk, milk buokets or other receptacles used in
the handling of' mill: must be thoroughly washed immediately after
being used and must be sterilized with steam under pressure, and
l:ept sterilized (b,. invertinr, or other means) previous to their I
being used;
. (c)
UTENSILS - CONSTRUCTIOlJ: Milk cans, separators,
buckets or other reoeptacles used in the handling of milk must
be of material and m~~ufacture so as to render them efficient and
easily cleansed and shall be used for no other purposes;
(11 ) COOLING: 1!'acilities must be provided for proraptly
cooling and holding milk or cream at a temperature not in excess
of 50 degrees F2hrerilleit;
( i) VEHICLES - TRAlTSPORTNrIO:J: Vehicles used for the
transportation or delivery of milk or cream must not be used for
any insanitary service or purpose;
( j) RECEPTACLES: No person or pEn'sons shall, without
the consent of the owner or mvners, use, sell, dispose of, or
traffic in any milk cans, jar s , bottles, milk or cream receptacles
belonginc to any dealer or shipper of mill: or orea:;" havinc the
name or ini t i6ls of the owner on suoh oan::, jars, bottles or I
other receptacles. No person wh8.'ll wilfully marl;:, ohange or
.; ,
erase the names or initials stan~ed or fastened upon milk or
oream receptacles and shall not place any other subntances but . ,
milk or cream, IDr their products, in them;
(k) CONTAINEHS: It is prohibited for any dealer to
whom any milk or cream is delivered or shipped in containers to
ret~rn such oontainers to the shipper or to any person urrtil suoh
containers are thorouGhly cleaned, washed and sterilized. Con-
tainers used for holding or shipping milk or cream shall not be
used for any purpose other than the holding or shipping of m.ilk
or cream, or their products;
, (I) MIIJC PAILS: Dairies selling milk or cream for con-
s1.L.'1lptiol1 as such must use the covered or small topped milk pail i
(m) IvlIll'~ EOTTLE C11.1'S: 1Iilk bottle Cups shall be 1mr-
chased and stored only in sanitary tubes, and shall be kert
therein until used; I
( n) BOILER: The boiler in the milk house shall be,
kel)t in a separate roora from the Toom in which milk is handled;
. Ti-::E COW
Sect ion 25. The cows for the production of milk shall be
cared for as follows:
.~ ,.
\vhich milk is obtained and used or sold for human consumption shall
be free from disease. T~ey shall be excluded from the herd for a
:eriod of fifteen days before, and five days ufter, parturition.
.. ~I
Cattle suffering from any infe~t ious-co;;:'i'acd.;61.lS or dan,-:;eI'ous
I disease shall b.e iIllnediately rer~1oved from t:J.e dairy herd 8.Ld seg-
rega t ed and the milk fro:11 such animal or animals 8.,8.11 not be
l.wed for htTIl1;:.m consum:gt ion;
(b) WATER - FEED: Da iry COylS s."c.ll at allt imes have
sufficient Quantities of pure, 1fholesome and un con tam i ne, t cd wa tel"
and feed;
~ ,!~"
( C ) CLEAN UDDERS Aim FLANKS: Dairy cows must be keJ.)t
clean. The udder and flanks must be l~eI)t free from long hair
by clipping. and grooming. The udder and teats must be washed
and TIiped dry with a clean cloth before milking;
( d) TUBERCULIN TEST; Dairy cattle are subject to a
:-',"', ,..
tuberculin test or other test and physical inspection at any time.
All official tests for tuberculosis shall be nwde by a veter-
ine: rian approved and Iluthorized by the Livestock Sanitary Board
to nake such tests. The tuberculin test of' aEY cow in the State
of l.lontana must be imrnediat ely reported to the Li vestocL Sanitary
I Board at Helena;
( e) TUBERCULIN TEST - TII/iE: Cattle in dairies supplying
milk and cream for consumption as such shall be tuberculin tested
and given physical inspeotion at least once a year. No cow shall
l)e added to such dairy herd unless it is in good l)hysical conditio~.
and has passed ar.. official tuberC1..:lin test not more than tw'elve
months previous to its addition to the herd. The provisions
Governing inspection and test of cows shall apply to bulls and
calves in all dairies;
(f) TUBERCtJLIlJ TEST - REhl0VAL: All cattle reacting to
the tuberculin test or gi vine; a suspic ious reaction shall be
immediately removed from the herd. SuspiCious reactors shall be
quarantined subject to a retest. The milk from such anir:1als shall
llOt be used for human consumption;
I frora reacting cattle and cattle which have given a suspicious
reaction may be used for animal conslirlption when a special permit
for the use of such mille is Granted in vlr'it ing by the Livestock
Sanitary Board, and only when proper assurance is given thc:.t such
tlilk shall be boiled for at least five minutes previous to its
being used for animal consumption;
Section 26. The milker, shall comply with the following provisions
in the satter of milking~ ..
(a) CI..EAN CLOTHES: The milker must wear clean clothes
and be clean about his person;
(b) HAlIDS: The hands of milkers must be free from
sores and thoroughly washed with soap in warr::l water and dried
immediately before milking; I
No person affected with any infectious-contagious or cm"J1unicable
disease, or vlho res ides, boards or lodges in 8. househola where
he comes in contact with any person affected with any such disease,
or 'who is a carrier of the disease germs of tYIJhoid fever, sce..rlet
fever, d ir:htherit}, tuberculosis, septic sore throat, pol iomycl it is,
or dysentery, shall handle OI' be penni tted to handle the milk,
skirmed milk or cream, or the r:1ilk, skimmed milk or cream utensils
in any manner wb.atsoever;
(d) COlv'IMmrrCABLE DISEASE - NOTIFY: The operator of any
dairy or milk plant must iIomediately notify the health officer of
the presence of any cormnunicable disease among his emplo:,rees or
in his home;
( e ) WET lVIIlKING: The process of wet milking or
moistening the hands of the mill\:er with mill,;: from the cow is
forbidden; I
Section 2'7. In the matter of handling and delivery of nilk and
Llilk prod uc t s--, the following provision~ covern:
(a) UN}TATURAL COLOR - DIHT: lvlilk or cream haYinG any
unnatural color, odor or taste, or milk from any cow that is
bloody or -stringy, or of' unnatural appearance, shall not be used
or sold for htunan consumption, and the co'w or cows from which
such. milk is obtained shall be isolated from the herd until the
cause of such abnonaal milk i8 determined and ren~ved. If dirt
gets into the pail the milk or cream shall be discarded and the
puil washed and ster-ilized before it is again used;
(b) FIHST STREAMS O:b' MILK: : The first streams of f.lilk
from such teat shall be rejected, as this fore-mill,;: contains large
numbers of bacteria. Such milk shall be collected into a special
vessel and not milked onto the floor or into the gutters. The
milking sha.ll be done rapidly and quietly and the cows shall be I
treated kindly;
( c) RNJOVAL: Promptly after the milk is drawn it shall
be removed frora the stable to a :clean room and then emptied fror:l
the milk pail to the can, being strained through str2liners made
fr01;l a double layer of finely meshed cheese- cloth or absorbent
cotton, thoroughly sterilized. Several strainers ahall be pro-
vided for each m:Llking, in order that they may be frequently
\ 20.7
(d) STRAINETG: Milk and cream for consumpt ion as such
l;1Ust be strained in a room separated from tIle barn where the coyrs
are housed, kept, or milked, to remove all visible dirt,. . The
I straining cloth lnust not be used the second t ims unless it has
been boiled or otherwise thoroughly sterilized;
(e) COOLING: Milk and cream for'consuBption as such must
be cooled Drrmediately to a temperature of 50 degrees FahrcWleit
or lower, a nd kept at sucn t emperat ure unt iI' deli very is made;
(f) TRANSFERRING OR DIPPING MILK: No mille producer or
distri bu:uor shall transfer r!1ilk or milk products from one container
- to anothe!' upon the street or in any vehicle or store, or in any
place except a bottling or milk room especially used for that
:purpose, except as may be specially permitted by the Livestock
Sanitary Board in case of milk being delivered in bulk. Tl18 sale
of dip milk is hereby expressly prohibited;
(g) ORIGINAL CONTAINER: Hotels, soda fountains, rest-
aurants and similar establisLmcnts shall not sell or serve any
whole ~ilk or adjusted milk except in the oririrul1 cont4iner in
Ylhich it VIas received from the producer or distributor;
I (h) MIlK TICKErS: Milk tic}cets shall be used but once;
Sect ion 28. The consumer shall comply with the followinG pro-
visions: (a) BOTTLE , CmITADJER: No milk or cream bottle or c02.;-
tainer used for the delivery of milk or cream shall be l..~.sed for
any other purpose by anyone at any tliae;
(b) C01ITAINERS, RETURN: It she,ll be the dv.ty of con-
SlJrhers to return milk or cream bottles or conta:Lncrs to dairy-
men or dealers thoro~~hly washed and cleaned;
(oJ DISEASES: Persons or families having smallrlox,
c1i:c'htJeeria, septic sore throat:; scarlet fever, epidemic cerebro-
S})inal meninci tis, acute epidemic poliomyelitis, tYrlioid fever,
or paratyphoid fever, shall not Teturr:: to c1airYlnen or to any
l'ierSon any recelPtacle or bottle during the period such disease
exists in such a premise, unless such bottles and contsiners are
first prorerly sterilized. During the Derj.od of illness, such
rersons or fanilies shall furnish his or their own contail'!erS; "
I:l delt'raring milk to families in which there exists any of the
. .
diseases named in ~araGraph (c), the dairyman s1:..8.l1 not ent er
the house, nor shall ,he IJermit any of ,his ;',ilk bottles or vessels
to be t a}:en into or from such house, but shall pour such 1:"il1: as.
each f8.l'1ily wiehe s into reo€1:ptaclcs furnished by the custoIl1er and
left at a convenient rlace out side the house;
Section 29. The followinc: provisions shall gO'llern the OpoI'c\tion
and naintenance of milk plant s:
(a) LOCATIOI': , CONSTRUC'l'IOl; , SEWARE: ~ilk plants Dust I
i,' be located so as to be free from all contaminating influences or
surroundinc;s. Froper drainage or sewerage system must be pro-
vided to 1'2 c ili tate L1a intain in@; sanitary conditions in the estf.b-
lishments. The building shall have adequc.te 'window openings for
, .
li&ht and ventilation. All openings must be screened with wire
screening not less than fourteen (14), meshes to the square inch.
The floor 811all be of concrete or other non-absorbing material.
The walls and ceiling shall be free from cracl;:s and crevices and
shall be nainted white not less than once a ye~r;
(b) STERILIMTION: All milk plants :n.ust be prOVided
with a sterilize~ and all containers used in the handling or
bottlinG of the milk or orea"l must be thoroughly sterilized after
their being returned to the milk plant and before again being
used for the holding of mill: or creamj
( c ) CLEil..NLINESS: The equipnent and attendants must be
scrurl1.11ously clec.n at all times; all means necessary for the I
elimination of flies shall be used. These requirements shall be
interpreted to. include separate rooms for .
The pasteurizing, cooling and bottling operations;
The container, washing and sterilizing operations;
Cans of raw lllilk shall not be unloaded directly into the past-
eurizing or bottl.ing room;
(d) PAS'I1EURIZATIO:~: Ivlilk plants which purchase milk
or crean from dairies that do not score seventy ('70), and which
are not entitled to sell inspected dairy milk must pasteurize
all such milk before offerinG; it to the consumer, and no su.ch
milk shall be mixed or added to milk sold under the classification
of' inspected dairy milk;
(e) FURlJISE LIST OF ALL DAIRIES: Milk plants will
furnish the Livestock Sanitary Bocrd each month with a list of
all dairies from which they obtain milk or cream and distribute
for conSUTI1ption as such. Jilly new dairy added to the list wi 11 I
be reported immediately to the Livestock Sanitary Board at
(f ) TOILET FACILI'l'IEiJ: EverJ EliDe plant shall be pro-
vided with toilet. facili t i88. Tl1.ere shall be at least one room
or vestibule not used for milk purposes between the toilet room
and any room in which milk or milk products are handled or
stored. The doors of all toilet rooms shall be self- closing.
~ ." "." ~ ...-- "--~'-""""'-"""""'"'7"'",,-...,.,., ". ~,' ,.~ ". -~"""""""~,~,,,,"".........-~..........,~---.,._"-,~~-~ ".~' ""-~'-"",,~:!"!,,:,,>~:~,-..~.''''~:-' ..
Toilet rooms shall be kept in a cleool condition, in good repair,
and well ventilated. In case privies or earth closets are per-
mi tted and used, they shall be located at least 100 feet from
the building and shall be of a sanitary type;
I (g) WATER SUPPLY: The water supply shall be easily
accessible, adeQuate, and of a safe, sanitary Quality;
(11 ) WASHING FACILITIES: Washing facilities shall be
provided, including hot running water, SOal) and sanitary towels
~ ,
of a type apIH'oved by the heal th officer~ The use of a COEi-lon
tOYlel is prohibited by the stat e Board of Health;
( i) MILK PIPING: Only "sa~"..itary piping" Of a tJ.'Pe
whi.ch can be easily cleaned with a brush shall be used;
( j ) CONSTRUCTION OF EQUIPMENT: All equipment with whi ch
::nillc cmaes in contact shall be constructed in such manner as to be
easily cleaned;
( k) DISPOSAL OF WASTES: AI::.. wastes 8:lall be disposed 01'
"' ,
. ~ . :'. in confonlity with the requirements of the State Board of Health;
(1) MEriIODS: All milk containers and milk uJ::jparatus
shall be thoroughly cleaned after each uscage and sterilized in a
marmer approved by the Livestock Sanitary Board i:mmediately before
I oach useage;
(m) STORAGE OF CONI'AnmRS: After sterilizat ion all
.,'r~;;~ ~.:.' __ '~
bottles, cans, and other containers shall be stored in such manner
as to be protected from contaminat ion;
sterilization and usage all containers and apparatus shall be
hundledin such manner as to prevent any paTt of the person or
clothing from coming into contact with an~," surface with which
milk or milk products come in contact;
. (o) STORAGE OF CAPS 1 Milk-bottle caps shall be pur-
chased and stored only in sanitary tubes and shall be kept therein
unt 11 used;
(p) PASTEURIZATION..: Pasteurizat ion shall be perform.ed as
described in the definition section of tLis Ordinance. The time
and ter:lperature record Charts shall be dated and preserved for a
period of three months for . the inforrna tion of the Livestock
I Sanitary Board;
( q) COOLING: -All milk not pasteurized within two hours
after it is received at tl-,e plant shall then be innl1ediately cooled
to a temperature of 50 degrees Fahrenheit or less and maintained
thereat until, pasteurized; andal-l pasteurized milk shall be
immediately cooled toa temperature of 50 degrees Fahrenheit or
" .
less and maintained thereat until delivery; -i':,
./ '~','
(r) BOTTLING: Bottling shall be done in &utonmtic
--'~---"'. _._-""---"_.","-~~,-_.,,------"-,,,_..,,,. -.. r'."
machinery approved by the Livestock Sanitcry Board in such manner
as to prevent any part of the D erson or clothing from coming in
contact with any surface with which rcilk or :ailk products come
in contact;
( s) OVTIRFLOW l.iILK: Overflow milk which has become I.
m(~.chine contaminated shall not be sold for human consumpt ion;
(t) 'C.A.PI'ING: Capping shall be done by lnachinery
approved by the 1:iontana Livestocl: Sanitary Board. Hand cap})ing
is T,rohibited;
Sect ion 30. Vlhen samples 0 l' I:lill:, cream, or any dairy food pro-
duct, are obtained in accordance TIith the provisions of this Ordinance,
the Health Officer or }:lis agent obtaining such samples must offer to IJay
for th0111 at full market value. If payment be accepted, the Health Officer
or his agent will obtain a receipt from the person or persons from whom
the samples are obtained;
Section 31. iTa person shall r,.!.anufacture, sell,or offer for sale,
\ or have in his possess ion for the rurIlose of sale any ice cream, iced
mill:: or other drin]: dispensed at a fountain, or otherwise, where milk or
crea:m forms a conponent part tl1e,t is adulterated, inpure or UIl'wholesor.le, I
or contains any preservative or deleterious substance whatsoever;
Seotion 32. The location of creameries and ice cream factories
shall be subject to the foJ.lowinf regulations:
(a) They must be located at least 50 feet from
any building, or establishment v;hich would oon-
stitute an outside, contaminatins influenoe;
>. (b) They shall not be located with in 200 feet of any
hog pen or corral;
( c ) They shall be equip:[)ed VIi th a steam boiler larGe
enouc;h to furnish suffic ient steam and hot water to thoroughly
wash and sterilize all equipment and utensils. The boiler must
be kept in a room ~eparate from the rest of the plant, :p rovided,
however, that this clause does not apIJly to ice cream factories
procudine; 1,000 gallons or less per annum; I
(d) The floors of the part of the establishment vlllere
butter or ice cr~am are manuf~otured or stored must be of concrete,
and so constructed that 'they can be thorouGhly washed and drained;
(e) The plant must be connectedi..Y'lith a sewer or with a
pipe ""hich shall convey the waste water underground to a point
not le~s than fifty (50) feet from the bUildinG;
( f) The plant must be well ventilated and must be pro-
vided with windows, containing at least ten sQuare feet of glass
for each 100 square feet of floor space. Between May 1st and
lToven,ber 1st of each ~i'ear, screen doors shall be prov'ided and used
on all outside doorways. DurinG said time screens shall be IJro-
I vided and used on all open windol'Ts;
(C) The buildin(3s and eCFipnent !'Just be of such a
, '
character that the (lairy products manufactured or kart therein
shall be preserved in first class, sanitary condition;
(h) Lj.eat or other products l,lUSt not be stored irl the ,
sane .l'oO:':J. with dairy products, if it can be s],'wn insanitary;
Section 33. Countr'y butter, or butter IJrodl:.ced by farmers for
sale in the C1 t~.' of Bozeman, shall be produced frol'Yl CO','7S free fro'", tuber-
culosis, and s::a11 be k':l)t and handled .in a sanitary ::-,:(UL,Cr L--..t all tines,
and ]"1JJ.St Elect the requirement s for butter as outl ined and defined in this
Ol~dinance ;
Section 31. The plant, utensils and ElJv'arat'lJ.s used in creaITleries
and ice cream :factories shall at all t Dnes be l:8:gt an.d J1Ui.ntctinec' in il
srmitf',:!~7 condition, and shall conform with the re cluirement s und Rules and
I Reculutions and Orders of the 'Division of Dairyinc, Department of Lcriculture
of tho State of Montana; that the Board of Health shall have Goncurrent
jIJ.risdictj.on '.7ith the Division of D.,airyiw', De:part~nent of ,Agriculture, in
t}18 r~c~tter of the sani tar:? condit Lln and inspection thereof; .. that said
Dulce, JOGulations a~d Orders ?f the Division of Dairying, DelJCtrt:rnent of
,'<~rJ('.11J:t;ll.re , of the State of Llontl:'1.na, are hereby referred to, 0.11(1 l~~ade a
:'::'.rt of this Ordil1G-,1Ce, the smile as if said Ru,l es, .')nc'1. Hoc; ul crt ion and
Orders had been fully set forth and mc.de ~, pnrt. hereof; that the sr,ce ific
provis ions c f thi s Ordt lFnc e wi ti,- reference to Sill': itL~r:. condit i0::-13 and
inspection s}1:1l1 tCi.l;I,ly to the sanitar~l condition and inS1)Octiol1 of all
c='oD.}~oI'iei:' C)In. ico crOWl factories in the City of :Cozeman i1'1 [:0 faI~ [JS
tJ..L8 SuJ.1C 1'~!,~~~~", be cUlil are Qi~',::licable; that the IIe8.lth Officer lie, and he is
hereby, cllurced with the duty of the sanitary inspection thercp:f, und tllat
any vic::h,t ions of the Rules and Regulat ions and CI'cler, of the Division of
J)~L :L:17~TiIl(~, Delmrtmont of l\c;riculture, or tIle provision? of this Orc1in:JTlCO
I applicable thereto, shall be punished as herein proyided;
Cect Ion 35. The Board .of Ilealth of th;3 City of Bozeme.n is
authorized to make such rules and reCl1.lations'dfrom tine to tine as it
T:\a~,' a OWl necessary for tIlo effic ient ex 89ut ion 0 f the_ IJI'ovi:J i011S of this
Ordinance; I'RO'.TIDED, however, that such rules and reculations shall be
!,ublh::hec1 ut least ol1ceitl a daily paper published in the City of Bozenan,
, .~.,.
and such rules and ref~ult~tions shall not be inconsistent 1.'lith, but s~:1aJ_J~
confo::'::, to, the 3.ules and Regulations cmd Ordc):"s of the State BOC~I'C)_ of
Health, the l\:ontana 1i vestock Sanitary Board, 8ud the Division of Dairy-
ill": Departuent 0 f Agriculture, and no penal t:l sholl be exactecl for
',-' ,
vi?lation thereof until at least thi~ty (30) days have eXJ.)ired ufter the I
date of the l)ublication of such rules and regulatio';s; and l)ROVIDl:.D,
fl:.I't:' (;1', tlw.t lathing hereiE contained shall be co 21St fued as to prevent
the J30ard of Health or the :-:-ealt11 Officer ir:I:l.ediately enforcinG rules,
re~ulations and orders in the case of emergency;
Sect iOll 3 G. The l)rOv is ions of t his Ordinance and/or any Hules
ancl Regulat iOYlS and Orde:c's 0 l' the Stat e Board of Ileal t:~, and/or any Bule:::;
and :::~ccula:-,i::)llS and Orders of the Llontana Livestock Sanitary Board, 1:111(1/ or
any :Hules and Hegult'_tions and Orders 0_;. t~',e Division of Dairying, Department
of Agric ul t ure, herein referred to o.ndmade a l)art hereof, and any rules and
reculcctions promuleated by the Board of Heclth sllall be enforced by the
Heal th Officer;
p EJ\Jj~Llry~ "
Soct 1.on 37. Any gerson violating any of the provisions of this
Ordina:1ce, or I::.'-.n;,' of t he Rules Regulations and Orders here in refer:~'ed tc,
or any rules and regulations prmnulc;ated under the G.1J_thor:i.ty of tllis I
I' Ordinance, upon convict ion shall b 0 punished for the first offenc c by u
fine of not less than five dollars (~5.00) and not more thEl.l1 one hundred
dollars {lOO.OO}, 01" by imprisonment in the City Jail not exceeding thirty
c1a:s, or by both such fine and imprison.:."'1ent, and for the second or sub-
secLl'_ent offence by a fine of no t r::ore than three hundred dollars ($300.00) ,
or by im:grisonment in the City Jail not exceeding ninety days, or by both
such fine and ir'prisonment. In addition, any' per::li t issued under the
aut"ority of this Ordinance, a nd any license iS~'.'lE d by the Oi ty of Dozeman
under end by virtue of its License Ordinance, B.1o.:'T be revoked. A j ude;ri1ent
that the violator pay a fine ma:'/ also direct that ho be imprisoned unt il
the fine be satisfied in proportion of .ono dn;.' 's iL11)risonrwnt for each two
dollars (02.00) of the fine;
Sect ion 38. Any person arrested for violation of the provisions
of th:i.s Ordinance shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of I
the Ordinances of the Ci,ty of Bozeman concerning and rolatinG to process
and execution of sentence; .
Sect ion 39. All fines collected upon convictihn of any person
charged ;::,ith the violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall
be paid to the Director of Finance, 8....11d shall be credited by him to the
proper fund;
.. ". :::>~"'.
Section 40. If any sedtion, sub-section, sentence, clause or
I)hrase in this Ordinance is.for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such
decision shall not affect, impair or invalidL.te the remaininc portions of
I this Ordinance. The Commission.herebY declares that it would have passed
. this Ordinance, and each section, sub-section, sentence, clause or phrase
. , thereof, irres:;!ective of the fact that anyone or more sections, sub-
sections, sentences, clauses or phrases may be declared Fl1constitutionalt
Section 41. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict
with this Ordinance are hereby repealed;
Section 42. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect
from. and after thirty days after its final passage;
FINALLY PASSED by the Com;ti.ission of the City of Bozernan, at a
rec;ular session thereof, held on the 13th day of June, 1930.
I ~.#.A~. 1W->4.
... _. ~ 1e . of tl. ommission
Introduced, read for the first time, and provisionally passed,
by the Commission of the City of Bozeman, at a reg1.11ar session of the
Commission held on the 2nd day of May, 1930.
Final ~assa~e fixed for the 6th day of June, 1930.
Published in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on June 15, 1930.
Effective July 14th, 1930.
I, Elizo.beth!ohnson, Clerk of the Commission of the City of
Bozeman, Montano., do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 595
of the City of Bozerrsn, Montana, was published by title in the Bozeman
Daily Cl1ronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulat ion, printed and
publislJ.ed in the City of Bozeman, in the issue of J1.llle 15, 1930, and
that due J1roof of said publication was made and filed in ny office.
I IN VrrTNESS WHEREOF I ha'Ve hereunto set my hand and the
'", COrl)Orate seal of' said City this 15th day of .June, 1930. ". ,..J"~~"'.'"
1; # a+. ,:> ...
. ' -
rL....- J .#. '~" '_
Cler. l' the mmiss10n _
~: ~'~,.