HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 30- 588, Changes Name of Portion of Peach Street West of Seventh Avenue to City Limits to Durston Road 180 Prclof =:. tl.nd OhM" _.....~.~,W.m.._ 4- '1..-~ ~MoMI...!alI'.6'ii'..~Ii'..~.,........ ORDINANOE NO. 5S8 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR CHANGING THE NAME OF THAT PORTION OF PEACH STREET WEST OF SEVENTH AVENOETO THE CITY LIMITS TO "DURSTON ROAD" WHEREAS: II8peaIad by Ordinance No. s-96 ) I ('li) Heretofore on the 7th day of Marth, 1930, the Oommission of the City of Bozeman passed and adopted Oommission Resolution No. 171, enti tl.ed: 11 tt A RESOLUTION OF filE.. COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZ>>JlAN, MONTANA, DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF SAID COMMISSION TO CHANGE THE NAME OF THAT PORTION OF PEACH STREET WEST OF SEVENTH AVENUE TO THE CITY LIMITS TO "DURSTON ROAD"; and (2) The hea~lng on said Resolution so passed and adopted was fixed for Friday, the 21st day of March, 1930, at 4:00 o'olock P. M. of , . s.aid day, at the Commission Room in the O:t,ty Hall, Bozeman, Montana; and (3) Pursuant to Section 5494, Politioal Code, R.O.M. 1921, Notice of the passage and adoption of said Resolution No. 171, wa~ published in the Bozeman Daily Chroniole and Service thereof had and . made upon the persons interested, as provided by said Seotion 5494, Political Code, R.O.M. 1921; and (4 ) Said matter coming on regularly to be heard this 21st day I . of March, 1930, at four o'clock P. M., and due proof having been made of the publication and servioe of said Notice, and no objeotions or exceptions in writing or otherwise having been made or filed with the Commission to the change of the name of Peaoh Street as provided in said "- Resolution No. 171; - - --- NOW, THEREFORE, M. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Section 1. That that portion of West Peaoh street which is west of Seventh Avenue be, and the same is, hereby ohanged to and shall hereafter be designated and known as, "Durston Road"; . . Seetion 2. That Section 1. paragraph 9, of Ordinance No. 128, . entitled "NAMES OF STREETS" be, and the satn.e is, hereby amended to read as follows: "Seotion 1. *** 9. Peach Street'East of Traoy Avenue to Plum Avenue shall be known and designated as East I Peaoh Street. PeElch Street west of Tracy Avenue to Seventh Avenue sh~ be known and designated as West Peach Street. "." . - '., Peacli' 'Street west ot Seventh Avenue shall be known and des- igna ted as.!'I>urston Road". \ .- Th~t the initialnumter on "Durs~on Road" shall be - .Se~~~ ~. "700", and the numbers thereon shall be asJ defined by Ordinance No. 50l, ent i tIed: I / I i ! i / 181 . "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A UNIFORM SYSTllU OF NUMBERING ALL HOUSFS, PRIVATE, PUBLIC AlID BUSINESS, IN THE CITY OF BO~l!MAN. AND REPEALING 0 BDINANCE NO. 209, ENTITLED,".5N ' ORDINAN~E TO ESTABLISH A UNIFORM SYSTEM. OF HOUSE NUMBER- ING WITHIN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN" I Section ~:. That all ordinanoes or parts of Or4inances in oonflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed; . Section ~. That this Ordinance shall be in f~l force and effect from and aft~r thirty days after its passage. PASSED by the Commission of the City of Boze~n at a, regular session thereof held on the 28th qay of March, 1930. ~~/ ~ ~ ATTEST : . . ., ","~ ~~o~ ,~ - - ../ ~ --- . - - - .- ,I ',~ Introduced and read at a. reeular se..ion of the Commission at the , , . City of Bozeman held on 'ha 21st day of March, 1930, and final passage l .. . , . thereof fixed for th~ reg~ar .s.~sion of the Oommission of the City of I Bozema!). to be held on t~e 281111--:4ay ()f lle.x:eh, 1930. . t PUBLISHED pursuant to the provisions of Seotion 545&, Political Code, R.O.M. 1921, on the 29th day otJadarolt, 1930. . : . ( I, Elizabeth Johnson, Clerk 0,1' the Commission of ~the CitY,of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify ~hat the foregoing Ordinance No. 58? of the City of Bozeman, Montana, was' .publishec1 by title in the Bozeman . t. ... '. ~ Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general oiroulation, printed and . .. . published in the City at Bozeman, in the issue o~ ~.h a~,1930, and that . . . due p~oof of said publication was made and filed in my offioe. . · t .' IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and the corporate seal of the oity this 29th day of March,~930. Yo ~' ~. ~ ~-_. - . e . of the. iss10a _'..,., - . _. I , .> \ \