HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 30- 587, Regulates Operation and Conduct of Pool Halls, Soft Drink Places, Etc., and Repealing Ordinances 548 and 570 177 A~t "~lt g" m""". \'.."nr.. .~ ~ *,.. ......,. . Repeals Cr~tnance5 NO..2Ig ~ '7310 ~ - J'J..... 'Po ORDINANCE NO. 587 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE OPERATION AND CONDUCT OF POOL HALLS, BILLIARD HALLS, CARD ROoMS AND SOFT DRINK ESTABLISHMENTS AND OTHER PLACES OF BUSINESS WHERE POOL, BILLIARDS AND CARDS ARE PLAYED: PRESCRIBING THE HOURS WITHIN I WHICH THE SAME MAY BE OPEN FOR THE TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS: PROHIBITING MINORS UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN YEARS FROM VISITING OR FREQ,UENTING THE SAME; AND PROHIBITING THE PLAYING OF CERTAIN KINDS OF POOL; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE AND REPEALING ORDINANCES NO. 548 AND NO. 570 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COw~ISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: HOURS OPEN FOR BUSINESS. Section 1. That all pool halls, billiard halls, card rooms, or soft drink establishments and otherplaoes of business where pool, billiards or cards are played, shall close eaoh night in the year at twelve o'olock, , midnight, and shall be kept, and remain closed until seven o'clock the following morning, except as hereinafter provided; That all pool halls, billiard ha.lla, oard rooms or soft drink establishments and other places of business where pool, billiards, or oards are played, shall olose on Sunday at ten o'clook ~.M., that no pool, billiards or cards shall be played in any suoh pool, billiard hall, card room, or other place ot business where pool, billiards or cards are ..played, Lbetween the hours of seven o'olock A. M. and one o'olook P. M. on Sundays. I PERSONS ALLOWED IN HALLS WHEN CLOSED. { .. Sect ion 2. That no person, exoept the owner ore employees of any pool hall, billiard hall, oard room or soft drink establishment, or other \ place of business, where pool, billiards or oards are played, shall be, \ or \ remain, in such place of business between the hourso! 12 o'clock, midnight, -, . and 7 o'clock, A. M., of the following morning on week days, or on Sundays, exoept between the hours of 7 o'clock A. M., and 10 o'clook P. M. \\ UNLAWFUL TO BE PRESENT IN HALLS WHEN CLOSED. Beet ion 3. That any person, or persons, exoept the owners, agents, or employees of such owners, of any suoh pool hall, billiard hall, card room, Boft dri~ establishment, or other place of business where pool, billiards, or cards are played, who are found within such pool hall, billiard hall, card room, soft drink establishment, or other place of business where pool, billiards or cards are played, between the hours of 12 o'clock, midnight, and 7 o'olook, A. M., of the following morning, and on Sundays, . except between the hours of 7 o'clook, A. M., and 10 o'clock, P. M., shall . .1 be deemed guilty of a violation of this ordinanoe and shall be punished as herein provided; VIEW OF INTERIOR TO BE UNOBSTRUCTED. ~'.'- Sect ion 4. That there shall be no window shades, blinds, or screens or partitions in any pool hallib1111ard. hall, card room, soft drink establishment, or other plaoe of business where pool, billiards, or cards are played, at any time; that at all times the interior of suoh pool hall, billiard hall, oard room, or soft drink estabD..ishment, or any . ..-.-,-.."... 178 .. other plaoe of business where pool, billiards, or oards are played, shall be so oonstructed and maintained that an unobs1tructed view of such interior may be had from the street and the exterior of suoh plaoe; GAMES OF CHANCE, SCIENCE OR SKILL FORBIDDEN. Section 5. That any owner, proprietor, manager or employee I who permits, or any person who oarries on or conducts, or ~auses to be conducted or :fun as prinoipal, agent or employee,any game of Pea Pool, Pay Pool, Kelly Pool, or any game of chance, science or skill, played upon any pool table or upon any billiard table for money, shecks, credits . . or any representative of value, shall be deemed to be guilty of a violation of this Ordinance and shall be punished as ~erein provided; PUNISHMENT FOR VIOLATION OF SECTION 5. Section 6. That any person who shall partioipate as a player in the games prohibited by Section 5 of 1b1s Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this Ordinance and shall be punished as herein provided; . MANAGEMENT SHALL NOT AILOW CERI'AIN IUNORS TO REMAIN. Section '1. That every-owner, pro}?rietor, lII!!lntlger or employee of a pool :A.all,.billiard hal.L, oard room or ~0f1i drink establishment, or other place of business, where pool, billiards or cards are played, who permits a minor under the age of 18 years to play, r~sort or stop therein I shall be deemed gUilty of a violation of this Ordinanoe and shall be punished as.herein provided; . " 'l UNLAWFUL FOR CERTAIN MINORS TO LOITER IN OR f' FBEQUENI' HALLS. Section 8. That any person under the age of 18 years who , - . shall frequent or loiter in any pool hall, billiard hall, card room, soft drink establishment or other place of business, where pool or billiards or oards are played, or who shall play or part1cip8:tle in any game of pool, billiards o~ oards in any suoh pool hall, billiard hall, card room or soft drink establishment, or other' plaoe of business where pool, billiards, or cards are played shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this Ordinanoe and upon conviction shall be punished as .', herein provided; . REVOCATION OF LICENSES. , . Seotion 9. That the license, of any owner or proprietor, of any pool hall, billiard hall, card room or soft drink establishment or I any place of bus~ess where pool, billiards or cards ar~ played, who shall violate the provisions of this Ordinance, shall, upon conviotion , for the seoond offense, in addition to the punishment herein proVided, be revoked and no license shall be issued to the same owner or prop- rietor for the same place of business for a period of six months there- atter; PENALTIES. -----.. 179 Seotion 10. ~at anl owner, or proprietor, or the servant, agent or representative of any owner or proprietor of any pool hall, billiard ha1l, oard room or soft drink establishment, or any other place of business where I pool, billiards or oards are played, or any minor under the age of 18 years, or any other person, who shall violate the provisions of thi&~tordinance Shall v~,. be punish~d by a fine of not less than $5. 00 and not more than $300.00, or by imprisonment in the City Jailor County Jail for not less than 5 days and not more than 90 days, or by both fine and imprisonment, provided that in case the fine of such person is not paid," such person shall be imprisoned in the County o~ City Jail until such fine is sat-1~~DiUtion to one day'S imprisonment for every $2.00 of s~oh fine; BBPEAL . . Beotion 11. That . Ordinances.. No. 548 and 670, and all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with"-the provisions of this Ordinance be, and the same are hereby repealed.; . EFFECT. Section 12. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after thirty days from and after its final passage. Finally passed by the Commission.of the City of Bozeman this I 4th day of April, 1930. . 7k?~ ATTEST: .-/ ~~B;tON . Int.roduced, read for the first time, and provisionally passed by the Commission of the City of Bozeman, this 28th day of March, 1930; final passage fiXed for a meeting of the Commission, April 4th, 1930. Published in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, April 6th, J.9304 Effective May 4, 1930~ . I, Elizabeth Johnson, Clerk of the Oommission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 587 of the City of Bozeman, Montana, was published.by titl~ in the Bozeman Daisy Chroniole, a I daily newspaper of general oiroulation, printed and pUblished in the City of Bozeman, in the issue of April 6, 193Q, and that d~e proof of said publication was made and filed in my offioe. .-- ~.... .c. .'.'. IN WITNESS WHEREOF lheV. he:reunto set my hand_,and-t.h& corporate seal of said oity this Ith day of April, 1?30. "'- . d~;~~