HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 29- 582, Establishment and Maintenance of Isolation Hospital for Contagious Diseases 160 l'I'OO( Read B1ll1 Cheekod _-jk-LQn----~ , ORDINANCE NO. 582 I 7.. - I ~ - ~.o --- ....----.......-.................. "AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF AN ISOLATION HOSPITAL FOR CONTAGIOUS DISEASES', AND', PROVIDING FOR THE , !t PAYMENT BY THEOITY OF BOZEMAN . ,OF A PROPORTION OF THE COST AND EXPENSE . OF MAINTAINING A DETENTION mN~ FOR CONTAGIOUS DISEASES, ESTABLISHED AND MAINTAINED AS A PART OF THE BOZEMAN DEACONESS HOSPITAL, UNDER AND I ~VIRTUE OF THE PROVISIONS OF SECTIONS 2469 and 2470 AND SECTION 5039, PARAGRAPH 45, PQJJ:TICAL CODE, - R.C.M. 1921, AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 20, LAWS OF MONTANA, TWENTIETH SESSION, 1927." WHEREAS . 1. Neither the County of Gallatin, nor the City. of Bozeman has a,n Isolation Hospital where persons suffering from contagious or in- fectious diseases may be cared for.:; and the Board of County Commissioners of the.County of Gallatin and the Commission of the City of Bozeman have been negotiating with the Bozeman Deaconess Hospital of the City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, State of Montana, for the purpose and to the end that a DETENTION UNIT FOR CONTAGIOUS DISEASES " sha~l be established and maintained as a part of the Hospital where patients Buffering from ~ontagious and infectious diseases may be properly quarantined and cared for, and, in the beginning, it was contemplated that the City of Bozeman would be a party to the agreement' therefor, and would contribute not only toward the establishment, but, likewise, to the main- tenance of the Detention Unit, and as a result of these negotiations, an I understanding has been had by and between the Board .of County Commissioners of the County of Gallatin and the Bozeman Deaconess Hospital, whereby the ei~ of Bozeman has been eliminated from that part of the agreement which compr~hended the establishment of the Detention Unit, and it is to be a party, only, to the maintenance thereof, II. The Board of County Commissioners has entered into an agreement with the Bozeman Deaconess Hospital for the establishment and maintenance of a Detention Unit, which agreement is dated October 3lst, 1929, . And this agreement provides, among other things: (a) The Bozeman Deaconess Hospital sets apart for the Detention Unit, the first floor of the east side of the Deaconess Nurses Home. (b) The Board of County Commissioners is to defray the expense of making the necessary changes and repairs for the install- ation of the unit. (0) The Board of County Commissioners is to pay $50.00 per month for four years from the date of the acceptance of the building as renovated, and thereafter $100.00 per month during the life of the contract. I ( d) The said agreement to continue in force for the term of fifteen yea~s after the acceptance of the unit'by the Board of County Commissioners, and shall be subject to renewal, at the option of the Board of County Commissioners, for ten years. (e) That a copy of the said agreement, made and entered into as aforesaid, has been filed with the Commission of the City of Bozeman, and is hereby referred to forfullpartioulars with reference to the terms and conditions thereof. III. Under the terms and conditions of the agreement hereinbefore referred to, the City of Bozeman is eliminated from any expense in the .'~' ,:':,,,;~f:' ' :"'\~' ",:' .., 161 '. . '. ~ , matter of the installation of the De,tention Unit and renovation of building therefor; that it is to contribute only towards its mafntenanoe, and this contribution is to be at tLe rate of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per month from I the date of the acceptance of the building as renovated, and is to continue thereafter during the life of the oontraot, or any extenaion thereof. IV. ' lJhe monthly paymt.nt by .the County and City are in the mature of a 'ready to serve' charge, and are independent of the regular oharses for room and attention; that upon the payment by the City of Bozeman of said monthly 'ready to serve' charge, the City is to be relieved from any and all further expense in oonneotion with the establishment and maintenanoe of said Detention Unit. v. Under and by virtue of the provisions of Sections 2469 and 2470 and'Seotion 5039, Paragraph 45, Politioal Code, R.C.M. 1921, as amended by Chapter 20, ~ws of Montana, Twenti.~h Session, 1927, the City of Bozeman is ..-- authorized and empowerBd to establish and maintain an Isolation Hespital where patients suffertng from contagious or infectious diseases may be properly quarantined and eared for. VI. The Commission of the City of Bozeman deems and considers that the arrangement and agreement made and entered into by and between the Board I of County Commissioners of the County of Gallatin and the Bozeman Deaconess Hospital, for the establishment and maintenance of a Detention Unit for the quarantine and care of patients suffering from contagious and infectious ~~ diseases, is necessary and proper, and is sufficient, and meets the demands , and requirements for the establishment and maintenance of an Isolation Hospital where patients suffering from contagious and infectious diseases may be quarantined and oared for, VII. The City of Bozeman is relieved from any expense incurred by reason of suoh establishment, it 1s proper that it should contribute toward the maintenance thereof in the nature of a 'ready to serve' charge therefor, and that the payment of the gum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per month during the life of said contract or any extension thereof, is reasonable, NOW, THEREFOR$, BE IT ORDAINBD BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: ISOLATION HOSPITAL ESTABLISHID Section I. That the ~~~~de and "entered into by and between the Boa'rdof County Commissioners of the County of Gallatin, state of Montana, I and the Bozeman Deaconess Hospital of the City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, - _. State of Montana, under date of Ootober 31, 1929, herein referred to, for the purpose and to th.e end that a Detention Unit for oontag ious dis~e.es shall be established and maintained as a part of the Bozeman Deaconess Hospital where #" J..o..A\\C\:P:.11".u..l,..;) 4 ~. \ ~"f,~ Cv,.." ". ~ . pati*nts Buftering from smallpox or o.ther very contagious diseases may be properly quarantined and eared for, .bef and the same is hereby approved, ratified and confirmed. .W' ,.. " ,""' :,~,,:~ ';;~:~"'" '-,'. , 162 PAYMENT 'READY TO SERVE' CHARGE, MAINTENANCE Section II. That the City of Bozeman, from and after the date of the aoceptanoe of the Detention Unit by the Board of county CO,mmissioners, pay to the Bozeman Deaooness Hospital, the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) . per month during the life of. said agreement, or any renewal thereof; 1- that the payment by the City of Boze~an of said monthly sum shall be and is in the nature of a 'ready to serve' oharge and is independent of the regular charges tor room and. attention; that the charges for room and attention are to be paid by the patients themselves or by the Boa~d of County Commissioners, as the circumstances may warrant and demand; that upon the payment of the said sum of FittyDollars ($50.00) monthly as hereinbefore provided, the City of Bozeman is relieved from any other , oharge or expense in the nature of maintenance of said Detention Unit or the oost and expense of caring for spy patients therein. BUDGET AND APPROPRIATION Section III. That in the Annual Budget of the City of Bozeman, provision shall be made for the payment to the Bozeman Deaooness Hospital . of the. sum of Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) per annum in monthly install- ments of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) each, and an appropriation therefor shall' be made eaoh year in the Annual Ap:propriation Ordinance; that on the I first day of each and every month, the Bozeman Deaooness Hospital shall file a claim with the City of Bozeman for the sum of $50.00; that as of the first day of each and every month, the Director of Finance be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to draw a warrant payable to the Bozeman Deaooness Hospital in the saId sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00); ; that these monthly payments shall oontinue during the life and term of said agreement, or any extension thereof, or unless otherwise discontinued . as in said agreement provided; that the appropriation of said sum and the payment of said warrant shall be made fro~ the General Fund. ! EFFECT Seotion IV. That this Ordinanoe shall be in full force and effect from and after thirty days after its passage. Finally passed by the Commission of the City of Bozeman this 6th day of December, 1929. ~AIU.u1 . :1 -, - Attest: ,~( ~1e~~ 0 .. e .omm ssion Introduced, read for the first time, and provisionally passed by the Commission ot the City of Bozeman, this 29th day of November, 1929; final passage fixed for meeting of Commission December 6th, 1929. ) 16~ Published in the Bozeman Daily Chroniole, Deoember 8th, 1929. Effeotive January 5th, 1930. I I, Walter Davis, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 582 of the City of Bozeman, Montana, was published by title in the Bozeman Paily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Bozeman, in the issue of Dec. 8, 1929, and that d~ proof of said publication was made and filed in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and the corporate . seal of said City this 8th day of December, 1929. ".~,'" '. ' - ~~~~COmmi8B10n ~ ~ ~ ~ ,I r . I ..