HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 29- 576, Regulates Traffic in City and Repeals Ordinance 540 ":"'~. :",~::--- ",."'."," ,":?-:"'~' '-..':~'""'""~ .~I'IIft;':\',-.., .._;"'~" 105 ..., ;. "~~~=- II'-'~ Proof ReM and Checked ._ i:t:~~ ~J Vi. I. --~ ~.... ~o ORDINANCE NO. 576 _~-;:IO- .- AN ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC UPON THE PUBLIC STREETS, AVENUES AND HIGHWAYS OF TH'G CITY OF BOZEW..AN, MONTANA. AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 540 AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES AND SECTIONS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. I BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA: ARTICLE I Definitions SECTION I. Wherever in this Ordinanoe the following terms are used, they shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section: ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS. Those streets and avenues set out and designated by the Commission as Arterial Highways wherein any person when driving or operating a vehicle upon any crossover or interseoting street must first bring his vehicle which he is driving to a complete stop immediately before entering or upon crossing such street or avenue. (See Seo.56) AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE. Vehicles of the Fire Department, Police vehicles and such ambulances and emergency vehicles of municipal departments or public servioe corporations as are designated or authorized by the City :Manager. CROSSWALK. That portion of a roadway ordinarily included within the pro- longation of curb and property lines at intersections, or any other portion of 'a ,I roadway clearly indioated for pedestrian crossing by lines or other markings on the surface. DISTRICTS. .' Business Distriot. All that part or parts of Bozeman on Main Street trom Buttonwood to Eighth Avenue; on Babcock from Rouse Avenue to Third.; on Mendenhall from Rouse to Grand Avenue; and all inter:V'ening avenues and alleys. Residenoe'District. All that part or parts of the .City of Bozeman not included in Business District. INTERSECTION. The area embraced" wi thin the prmlongation of the' lateral curb lines, or, if none, then, the la~eral boundary lines of two or more streets or ., highways which join one another at an. angle, whether or not one such street or highway crosses the other. MOTOR VEHICLE. Every vehicle ,as herein defined, which is self-pr9pelled. OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGNS. All signs, markings and devices, other than signals, " not inconsistent with this Ordinanoe, plaoed or ereo~ed. by authority of a I public body or offioial having jurisdiotion, for the purpose of guiding, directing, . warning or regulating- traffic. T/"-,. OPERATOR. Any person who is in actual physical control of a vehicle. ~ ,PARKING. The standing of a v.hiel. ,whether_,occupied or not, upon a roadway, . otherwise than temporarily, for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading, or in obedience to traffic regulat"ions or traffic signs or signals. PEDESTRIAN. Any person afoot.. POLICE OFFICER. Every o~ficer of the Municipal Police Depa~tment or any officer . 'f ',~ .i, '-"1:/' .-........--~., .-'--- . ~ - .','~ .. "....~ . ,., 10e ,:""j~;.' --. RIGHT OF WAY. The privilege o~ the immediate use of street or highway. authorized to direot or regulate traffic or to make arrests for violat.ions of traffic regulations. PRIV:&TE ROAD OR DRIVEWAY. Every road or driveway not open to the use of the public for purposes of vehioular travel. I ROADWAY, The portion of a street or highway between the regularly est- ablished curblines or that part devoted to vehicular traffic. SAFETY ZONE. The area or space officially set apart within a roadway for the exclusive use of pedestrians and whic~ is protected or is so marked or indi~ated by adequate signs aB<tobe plainly visible at all t:ffies while set apart as a safety zone. SIDEWALK, The portion of a street between the curb lines and the ad- jacent property lines. STREET OR HIGH\VAY. Every way set apart for public travel, except foot- paths. TRAFFIC. Pede~trians, ridden O,r herded animals, vehicles and other con- veyances, either singly or together, while using any. street for purposes of travel. f.2RAFB'IC CONTROL SIGNAL. Any device using oolored lights, or words, or any combination thereof, whether manually. electrically or mechanically operated, by which traffic is alternately directed to stop and to proceed. I VEHICLE. Every device ~n, 'upon or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a public highway, excepting devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks. ARTICLE II. Authority of police SECTION 2. POLICE TO DIRECT TRAFFIC. - It shall be the duty of the police Departmerit of this city to enfqrc~. the provisions of this Ordinance. Officers of the police Department are hereby authorized to direct all traffic, either in person or by means of visible or audible signal in conformance with the provisions of this ,. . . Ordinance, ~rovided that in the event of'a fire or other emergency, or to expedi te traffic or safeguard pedestrains, officers of the po'lice or F.ire Department may direct traffic, as conditions may require notwithstanding the. provisions of this Ordinance. I SECTION 3. CITY l{.AjAGER AUTHORIZED TO ADOPT EMERGENCY REGULATIONS. .. The City :Manager is hereby empowered, td make arid enforce regulations I' neoessary to make effeoti ve the provisions of this Ordinance and' to make and enforce temporary regulations to cover emergencies or special conditions. SECTION 4. OBEDIENCE TO POLICE. It shall be unlawful for any person to refuse or fail to (Jom~ly with any lawful order, signal or direction of a police officer. SECTION 5. PUBLIC El,'PLOYEES TO' OBEY THAFFIC REGULATIONS. The provisions of this Ordinance shall apply to the operator of .., ""c';' ..,':.-..',::/,;....,_. ~ :.,"~~i,.:,'~",. ~r-;: .. ~. 107 any vehicle owned by or used in the service of the United states Government, the state of Montana, the County of Gallatin, or the City of Bozeman, and it shall be unlawful for any said operator to violate any of the provisions of I this Ordinance, except as otherwise permitted in thIs Ordinance. SEVrION 6. EXmv~IONS TO AUTHORIZED ElffiRGENCY VEHICLES. . The prOVisions of this Ordinance regulating the movement, parking and standing of vehicles shall not apply to authoriaed emergency vehicles as defined in this Ordinance while the driver of such vehiole is operating t4e same in an emergency in ,the necessary performance of " public duties. This exemption shall not, however, prot.ect the driver of any such vehiole from the consequence of a reckless disregard of the safety of' others. SECTION 7. PERSONS PROPELLING PUSH CARTS OR RIDING BICYCLES OR ANIl~LS TO OBEY TRAFFIC REGU~\TIONS. Every person propelling any pushoart or riding a bicycle or an animal upon a roadway, and every person driving any an~mal, shall be subject to the 'provisions of. this Ordinance applicable to the operator of any vehicle t except those provisions of this Ordinance with the reference to the equip- ment of vehicles and except those provisions which by their very nature can have no application. I ARTICLE III Traffio Signs and Signals SECTION 8. TRAF,IC SIGNS AND SIGNALS. ( a) The Commission shall, .by resolution, determine and designate the oharacter or type of .all.offioial traffic signs and signals. Subject to this selection, the Cit~ Manager is hereby authorized, and as to those signs and , signals required hereunder, it shall be his ~ty.to place and maintain or cause to be placed and main~ainedt all offioial t~affic signs and signals. . All signs and. signals required. hereunder for a particular purpose shall, so far ~s practio~lle, be uniform as to type and location throughout the city~ . . (b) No provision of this Ordinanoe for which siens are required shall , be enforceable ~gainst an alleged violator, if, at the time and place of the alleged violation, the sign herein required is not in proper position and sufficiently legible to be 'seen by an ordinarily observant person. Whenever ~ a particular seotion does not state that signs are required, such section shall I be effective without signs being erected to give notice thereof. SEC~ION 9. OBEDIENCE TO TRAFFIC SIGNS AND SIGNALS. "",.. It shall be unlawful for any operator to disobey the instructions of any official traffic sign or .signal plaoed in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, unless otherwisedireoted by a police officer. SECTION IO~ TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL LEGEND. Whenever traffic at an intersection is alternately directed to proceed and to stop by the use of signflls exhibiting oolored lights or the words "Go," "- '.'i"i'',i(~~ 108 ., "Caution", and "Stop"J said lights and terms shall indicate as followsJ . except as provided in Section 16: ( a) Green or "Go" -- Traffic facing the signal may proceeiJ except that vehicular traffic shall yle.ld the right-of-way to pedestrians I and vehicles lawfully within a crosswalk or the intersection at the time such signal was exhibited. (b) Yellow or "Caution" -- when shown following the Green or "Go" -- Traffic facing the signal shall stop before entering the inter- section unless so close to the intersection that a stop can not be made in safety. (c) Red or "stop" -- Traffic facing the signal sh~ll stop before , entering the intersection and remain standing until Green or nmo" is shown alone. SECTION 11. DISPLAY OF UNAUTHORIZED SIGNS AND SIGNALS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for any person to plaoe or maintain or to display upon or in view of any street any unoffioial signJ signal or device which purports to be or is an imitation of or resembles an official traffic sign or signal, or which attempts to direot the movement of traffic or which hides from view any offioial traffic sign or signal. Every such prohibited signJ signal or device is hereby declared to be a I. public nuisance, and the City Manager is hereby empowered to remove the s~me, or cause it to be removed, without notice. SECTION 12. INTEHFERENCE WITH SIGNS AND SIGNALS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for any person to wilfully deface, injure, moV'e, obstruct or interfere with any official traffic sign or signal or barricade. SECTION 13. CITY MANAGER AUTHORIZED TO DESIGNATE CROSSWALKS. The City Manager is hereby authorized to establish and to des- ignate and shall thereafter maintain, or cause to be maintained, by I appropriate devises, marks or lines upon the surface of the roadway, crosswalks at intersections where, in his opinion, there is particular danger to pedestrians ~rOssing the roadway, and at such other places as he' may deem neoessary. SECTION l4. CITY MANAGER AUTHORIZED TO DESIGNATE SAFETY ZONES AND LANES FOR TRAFFIC. (a) The City Manager is hereby empowered to establish safety I zones of such kind. and character and at such places as ,he may deem nec- essary for the ,protection of'pedestrians. ~)' ., (b) .~he tity Manager is also authbrized'to mark lanes for traffic on s.'treat pavemepts at suoh :plaoes as he may deem advisable, consistent .~ " "' ,,~~ ,,~. i'. :wi thO the provieionsof this Qrdinance. .'.... " ~. ARTICLE IV ~" . .. Pedestrians' Rights and Duties .~" ....'."..0.-- ,...,.,\, -",. ..~ . _ .,."'- . .,_..~.".-..,....:-_..,...~... . ... . -....-..-,...-- 109. SECTI.QN 15. PEDESTRIANS' RIGHT OF WAY. ( u) The operator of a~y vehicle shall yield the right-of-way , to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within any marked crosswalk or within I an unmarked crosswalk a.t the end of ~ bioCk, except at intersections where' the movement of traffic is being regulated by police officers or traffic control signals. (b) Whe~ever any vehicle has stopped at a marked crosswalk or at any intersection to permit a pedestrian to cross the roadway, it shall be unlawful for the operator of any other vehicle approaohing from the rear to overtake and pass such stopped vehicle. (c) Pedestrians shall cross all arterial highways at a street inter- . "".\\'!l.lio..'~ section or connection by passing over such portion of the street. being crossed as. is inc~uded within the lines of the sidewalk projeoted and not diagonally, i. e,., what is commonly termed "Jay walking" on arterial highways is prohibited. (d) Every pedestrian crossing a roadway at any point other than within a marked or unmarked crosswalk shall yield the right-of-way to vehicles upon the roadway., provided that this provision shall 'not relieve the dri verof a vehicle from the duty to ex~rcise due care for the safety of pedestrians. SECTION 16. PEDESTRIANS' RIGHTS AND DUTIES'AT CONTROLLED INTERSECTIONS. / On streets where traffic {'lot intersections is controlled by traffic :J control signs or police officers, pedestrians shall not cross a roadway against .. a red or "stop!! signal and shall not cross at any plaoe except in a marked or unmarked crosswalk. A pedestrian crossing or starting across in any such cross- walk on a IfgO" signal shall have the right-of-way C,)ver all vehicles, including those making turns, until such pedestrian has reached the opposite curb or a safety zone, and it shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to fail to )ield the right-or-way to any such pedestrian. SECTION 1'7. PEDESTRIANS TO USE RIGHT' HALF OF CROSSWALKS. Pedestrians shall move, whenever practicable, upon the,right half of crosswalks. SECTION 18. PEDESTRIA!:S SOLICITING RIDES. It shall be unlaWful for any person to stand in a roadway for the purpose of soliciting a ride from the operator of any veh~cle. ARTICLE V . I Unlawful Driving, Riding and Operating SECTION 19. DRIVING THROUGH SAFETY ZONES PROHIBITED. It shall he unlawful for the operator of a vehicle at any time to drive the sam~ over or through a safety zone as defined in this Ordinance. SECTION 20. BOARDING OR ALIGHTING FROM VEHICLES. It shall be unlawful for any person to board or alight from any vehicle while such vehicle is in motion. SECTION 21. UNLAWFUL RIDING. . It shall be unlawful for any person to ride on any vehicle or upon any , ":";'" 110 ~ortion thereof not designed or intended for the use of passengers when the vehicle is in motion. This provision shall not apply to an employee engaged in the necessary discharge of a duty or within truck bodies in space intended for merchandise. SECTION 22. RAILWAY TRAINS NOT TO BLOCK STREET. I It shall be unlawful for the directing officer or the operator of any steam or eleotric railway train or car to direot the operation of or to operate the same in such a manner as to prevent the use of any street for purposes of travel for a period of time longer than ten (10) minutes, except that this provision shall not apply to trains or Bars in motion other than those engaged in switching. It shall be unlawful for any vehicle to stop within an intersection or on a crosswalk for the purpose of receiving or discharging passengers. ARTICLE VI. stopping, Standing and Parking SECTION 23. STOPPING PROHIBITED IN SPECIFIED PLACES. It shall be unlawful for the operator of a vehicle to stop, stand or park such vehicle in any of the following place, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in complianoe with the direotion of I - a polioe officer or traffic control sign or signal: 1. Within an intersection. 2. On a crosswalk. 3. Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within twenty (20) feet of points on the ourb immediately opposite the ends of a safety zone, unless the City Manager shall indicate a different length by signs. 4. Within twenty-five (25) feet from the interseotion of curb lines, or, if none, then within fifteen (15) feet of the inter- seotion, of property lines at an intersection, except at alleys. 5. Within thirty (30) feet upon the approach to any flashing beacon, stop sign or traffio control signal located at the side of the roadway. 6. Within fifteen (l5) feet of the driveway entranoe to any fire station. 7. Within fifteen (15) feet of a fire hydrant~ Ii 8. In front of a private driveway. 9. On a sidewalk. 10. Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction when such stopping, standing, or parking would obstruct traffic. SECTION 24. STANDING FOR LOADING OR UNLOADING ON~ IN CERTAIN PLACES. (a) The City Manager shall have'authori ty to determine the location of passenger zones and loading zones and shall erect and maintain, or cause to be maintained, appropriate signs indicating the same. j>~',I.;' , ._...~-.......,.~~~-'_..... 111 (b) It shall be unlawful for the operator of a vehicle to stop, stand, or park said vehicle for a period of time longer than is necessar1 for the expeditious loading or unloading of passengers in any place marked as a I passenger zone. (c) It shall be unlawful for the operator of a vehicle to stop, stand or park said vehicle for a period of time longer than is necessary for the expeditious loading and unloading of passengers, or for the unloading and delivery or pickup, and loading of materials, in any place marked as a loading zo ne . In no case shall the stop for loading and for unloading of materials exceed (30) thirty minutes. . SECTION 25. CITY MANAGER AUTHORIZED TO DESIGNATE BUS STOPS, TAXICAB STANDS AND EXPRESS VEHICLE STANDS. The City Manager is hereby authorized and required to establish bus stops, taxicab stands and express vehicle stands on such publio streets, in such places and in such number as he shall determine to be of the greatest benefit and convenienoe to the public, and every bus stop, taxicab stand or express vehicle stand shall be designated by appropriate signs. SECTION 26. OTHER VEHICLES PROHIBITED FROM PARKING IN BUS STOPS, TAXICAB OR EXPRESS VEHICLE STANDS. I It shall UB unlawful for the operator of any vehicle other than a bus to stand or park in an officially designated bus stop or for any vehicle other than a taxicab to stand or park in an officfally designated taxicab stand, or for any vehiole other than an .express truck or wagon to stand 'or park in an officially designated express vehicle stand, except that the operator of any passenger vehiole may temporarily stop in 'any such stop or stand for the purpose of and while actually engaged in the loading or unloading of passengers. SECTION 27. BUSSES TAXICABS AND EXPRESS VEHICLES PROHIBITED FROM PARKING EXCEPT IN, DESIGNATED STANDS. It shall be unlawful for the operator of any bus, taxicab or express vehicle to stand or park upon any street in any business district at any place other than at a bus stop, taxicab stand or express vehicle stand, respectively, except that this provision shall not prevent/the operator of any such vehicle from temporarily stopping in accordanoe with other parking regulations at any place for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading I passengers. SECTION 28. PARKING PROHIBITED IN CERTAIN PLACES. (a) It shall be unlawful for any operator to stop, stand or park any vehicle upon a street, in such manner or under II118h conditions as to leave available less than ten (IO) feet of the width of the roadway for the free movement of vehicular traffic. (b) It shall be unlawful for any operator to park a vehicle with a width greater than 84 inches, or a total length exceeding 18 teet, upon any street in any business distriot of the City of Bozeman, unless such driver shall hold a ~:."". . .,' ; ""',:c':'" .. 112 special permit from the City Manager authorizing such parking, in accordanoe with Seotion 31 (c) of this Ordinance. SECTION 29. PARKING TIME LIMITED IN DESIGNATED PLACES. The operator of a vehicle shall not park suoh vehicle between I the hours of 9 A. M. and 6 P. M. on any day for l~nger than FIFTEEN MINUTES On the east side of Tracy Avenue oetween the first alley South of Main Street and Babcook Street ( Post Office Building) NINETY MINUTES On Main street between Rouse Avenue and Grand Avenue. On Bozeman Avenue between the first alley north of Main Street and Babcock Street, On Black Avenue between the first alley north of Main street and Babcock Street, On Tracy Avenue between Mendenhall street and Babcock Street, (except as above limited in front of Post Office Building), , On Willson Avenue between Mendenhall Street and Babcock street. SECTION 30. ALL-NIGHT PARKING PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for the oper~tor of any vehicle to park said vehicle on any street, avenue or alley during the time of any day Detween I, one hour after sundown and .one hour before sunrise, except when lights are displayed both front and rear. SECTION 31. STANDING OR PAHKIIJG CLOSE TO CUHB. . ( a) Except when necessary in obedience to traffic regulations or traffic signs or signals, the operator of a vehicle shall not stop, stand or park such vehicle in a roadwu~l other than parallel with the edge. of the roadway headed in the direction of traffic, and with the curbside wheels of the vehicle within 12 IncLes of the edGe of the roadway, except as provided in the following three paragraphs: ;. ( 1) ~,- Upon those streets which have been marked or signed for angle parking, vehicles shall be parked at.an angle to the curb indicated by such marks or signs. (2 ) In place S 'Nhe:ce and at hours when stopping for the loading or unloading of merchandise or materials is permitted vehicles used for the transportation of merchandise or materials, may back int'o the curb to ta.k.e on or di scharge loads, when the I owner of suoh vehicle holds a permit granting him such speoial privilege, and provided further that such permit shall be either in the possession of the operator or on the vehicle at the time such vehicle is backed against the curb to take on or discharge a load, and it shall be unlawful for any owner or operator to violate " any of the special terms or conditions. of any such special permi t. (b) The City ~anager shall determine upon what streets angle parking shall be permitted and shall mark or sign such streets o~ cause .,~ ;',,(,.,;,:1:;,< T"~"-'._.'_. ....,'-"." "-' 113 the same to be marked or signed. (c) The City Manager is hereby authorized to issue to any owner of a vehicle used to transport merchandise or materials, a special permit, renewable -I annually, and to state therein the terms and conditions thereof, allowing the operator of such vehicle the privilege of loading and unloading, while the .. vehicle is backed against the curb, or, of standing such vehicle in specified ....-.. places and for specified purposes otherwise prohibited in this Ordinance, if in the opinion of the City Manager such privilege is reasonably necessary in the conduct of the owner's business and will not seriously interfere with traffio. SECTION 32. PARKING VEHICLE FOR SALE PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for any person to park upon a street, a.y vehicle I displayed for sale. SECTION 33. USING VEHICLE FOR PRI~~RY PURPOSE OF DISPLAYING ADVERTISING PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for any person to park on any stree~ any vehicle for the primary purpose of displaying advertising. ARTICLE VII. Operation of Vehicles .1 SECTION 34. PERSONS ImDER THE INFLUENCE OF INTOXICATING LIQUOR OR NARCOTIC DRUGS. It shall be unlawful for any person who is an habitual user of narcotic drugs, or any person who is under the influence of intoxicating liquor or narcotic drugs to drive any vehicle upon any street or other public way. Any person convicted of a violation of this section shall be punished by imprisonment in the oity jail for not less than ten (10) days nor more than ninety (90) days, or by fine of not less than Fifty ($50) Doll~rs, nQr more than Three Hundred ($300) Dollars, or by both such fine and imprisohment. On a second or subsequent conviction, any person so convicted shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than thirty (30) days and not more than ninety (90) days, and by a fine of not more than Three" Hundred ($300) Dollars. SECTION 35. RECKLESS DRIVING. Any person who drive~ any vehicle upon a highway carelessly and heedlessly in wilful or wanton disregard of the rights or safety of others, or without due caution and circumspeotion and at a 9~,.d or in a manner so as to en~anger any I person or property, shall be guiltY~9freokless'driving. Every person who is convioted of reckless/driving shall be punished by imprisonment in the oity jail for a period of not less than five ( 5) . days nor more than ninety (90) days, or by fine of not less than Twenty-five ($25) Dollars nor more than Three Hundred ($300) Dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment, and on a second or subsequent conviction shall be punished by imprisonment tor not less than ten (10) days nor more tha.n,.ninety (90) days, or by a fine of not tIes than Fifty ($50) Dollars nor more than Three Hundred ($300) Dollars, or, by both such fine and iIn~.onment, togeth~.,.,1th revoo&'tilon of drivingpermi t. ,......,I,}~~;.;;,<.L." '"'f 114 SECTION 36. RESTRICTIONS AS TO SPEED. (a) Any person driving a vehicle on a highway shall drive the same at a careful and prudent speed, not greater than is reasonable and proper, having due regard to the traffic, surfa~e and width of the highway and of I any other conditions then existing, and no person shall drive any vehicle upon a highway at such a speed as to endanger the life, limb or property of '>II.~' w,,,.......,. ... - any person. . (b) Subject to the Provisions of Subdivision (a) of this section and except in those instances where a lower speed is specified in this Ordinance it shall be prima facie lawful for the driver of a vehicle to drive the same at a speed not exoeeding the following, but1n any case when such speed would be unsafe it shall not be lawful: , {I} Twelve (12) miles an hour when approaching within fifty (50) feet of a grade crossing of an~t steam railway when the driver f s view is obstructed. A driver's view shall be deemed to be obstructed when at any time during the last two humdred (200) feet of his approach to such crossing he does not have a clear and uninterrupted view of such railway crossing and of any traffic on such railway for a distance of four hundred (400) feet in each direction from such crossing. SCHOOL SPEED ZONES 1- (2 ) a. There are hereby created in the said City of Bozeman, School Speed Zones, the limits of which are herein defined, wherein it shall be unlawful for any operator of any vehicle to drive at a speed greater than fifteen (15) miles per hOU1", between the hours of 8 A. M. and 6 P. M., to-wit: HIGH SCHOOL SPEED ZONE. All that part of Main street between the east line of Fifth Avenue and a line 150 feet east of the east line of Third Avenue; all that part of Third Avenue between the south line of Main street and the north line of BabCOCk Street; all that part of Baboock street between the east line of Fitth Avenue and a line 150 feet east of the east line of Grand Avenue; all that part of Grand Avenue between the south line of Babcock .' Stre.t and a line 150 feet south of the south line of Olive Street; all that part of Olive Street between a line 150 feet east of the east line of Grand Avenue and to a line l50 feet west of the west line of Fourth Avenue; all that part of Third AVenue between the south line of Olive street and a line 150 feet south of the south l,ine of OliveStre(;t and all that part of I, Fourth Avenue between the south line of Babcook Street and a line 150 feet south of the south line of Olive Street. ;'~Z' '\' ~ '>t:~; . HAWTHORNE SCHOOL SPEED ZONE. All that part of Church AvenQe between a line 150 feet south of the south line of Mendenhall Street and a line 150 feet north of the. north line of Lamme Street; a.ll that part of LammeStreet between the west line of Church Avenue and the east line of Rouse Avenue, and all that ~art of Mendenhall Street between the west line of'Church Avenue and the east line of Rouse Avenue. r,: 115 LONGFELLOW SCHOOL SPEED ZONE. All that part of Tracy Avenue South between the south line of West Story Street at the west corner of Block 6 of Fairvlew Addition and a line 150 feet south of the south line of West Alderson street; -I all that part of West Dickerson street between the west line of Tracy Avenue and the east line of Willson Avenue; all that part of West Alderson Street between the east line of Tracy Avenue and a line 167 feet east of the east l~ne of said - Tracy Avenue, and all that part of west Story street between the east line of Tracy Avenue and a line 167 feet east of the east line of Traoy Avenue. (b) QUIET ZONES There is hereby created in the said City of Bozeman, Quiet Zones, to be known as the Deaconess Hospital Quiet Zone and the Pinewood Hospital Quiet Zone, the limits of which are defined as follows: DEACONESS HOSPITAL QUIET ZONE. All that part of Tracy Avenue between the north line of Mendenhall street aild the south line of Villard Street; all that part of Willson Avenue between the north line of Mendenhall street and the south line of Villard Street; all that part of Lamme street between the west line of Black Avenue and the east line of Grand Avenue, and'all that part of Beall Street between the west line of Black Avenue and the east line of Grand Avenue. ....1 PINEWOOD HOSPITAL QUIET ZONE. All that part of West Koch street be'tween Fourth Avenue and Fifth Avenue. It shall be utllawful in the said Quiet Zones .. to drive or operate any veh~cle in a noisy or offensive manner so as to cause any discomfiture whatever to the patients in said hospitals, and any person driving or operating a motor vehicle within said quiet zones contrary to the provisions herein shall be deemed guilty of "reckless driving", and shall be punished as herein provided; every'person in oharge of a vahicle shall exercise speoial oare to approach and proceed through such zones as noiselessly as possible. (3 ) Fifteen (15) miles an hour when approaching within fifty (50) feet and in traversing an interseotion of highways when the driver's view is obstructed. . A driver's view shall be deemed to be obstructed when at any time during the last fifty (50) feet of his approaoh ~o suoh intersection, he does not have a clear and uninterrupted view Of such interseotion and of the traffic upon ~ll of the highways entering such intersection for a distance of two hundred (200) feet from such intersedtion. I (4 ) Fifteen (l5) miles an hour in traversing or going around curves or traversing a grade upon a highway'whenthe driver's view is obstructed withina distance of one hundred (100) feet along such highway in the direction in which he is proceeding. ~(,1:' , (5) Twenty (20) miles an hour of 1min street between Buttonwood Ivenue and Eighth Avenue. ., (6) Twenty-five (25) m~les an hour: On Eighth Avenue between Main Street and Cleveland Street- , ""',~ 11.~ On Seventh Avenue North between Main street and City Limits; On College street West between Eighth Avenue and City Limits. (7) Twelve (12) miles an hour in any cemetery. (8) Twenty (20) miles an hour under all other conditions. 1......- It shall be prima facie unlawful for any person to exceed any of the foregoing speed linli tations. In every- charge of violation of this section, . .... the complaint shall specify the speed at whi~h the defendant is alleged to have. driven, also the speed which this section declares shall be prima facie lawful at the time and place of such ,allegect violation. (9) No driver of a Motor Vehicle shall operate the same at a speed less than twelve (12) miles an hour on any arterial highway. (See Sec. 56) SECTION 37. RAILROAD WARNING SIGNALS TO BE OBEYED. Whenever any person driving a vehiole approaches a hlghway and rail- way orossing and a clearly vlsible and positive signal gives warning of the immediate approach of a railway train or car, it shall be unlawful for the driver 'of the vehicle to fail to bring the vehicle to a complete stop before traversing such grade crossing. SECTION 38. VEHICLES MUST srrop AT C'::RTAIN CHADE C~WSSINGS. Whenever the City Manager has designated any :particularly dangerous grade crossings of steam or interur.ban railways by streets or highways and I. has erected or caused to be erected signs thereat notifying drivers of .. .. .<:.,,'::; vehicles upon any such street or highway to come to a complete stop before . ..... crossing such railway tJ;.acks, it shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to fail to stop within fifty (50) feet, but not less than ten (10) feet from such railway tracks before traversing any such crossing. SECTION 39. CERTAIN VEHICLES rusrr STOP AT ALL RAILWAY GRADE CROSSINGS. The operator of any motor bus carrying passengers for hire, and the operator af any sohool bus carrying any school ohild, and the operator of . any motor truck carrying explosive substances or explosive liquids of any specific gravity as a carEo or part of a cargo and the operator of any vehicle of the tractor or caterpillar type, .other than a truck tractor, shall, before crossing at a grade any track or tracks of a steam or interurba.n electric railway, bring such vehiole to a stop not .less than ten (10) feet or more .. than fifty (50) feet from the nea!'es'tI:lail of ~uch tra~ and, while stopped, shall both look and listen in both..dlr.ect~ons along such .trackfor approach- I'. . , ing steam or interurban electric tr.uins or cars before traversing such ,., O~()l1sings.. ,...,' , ., The provisions of th:ts seq.~J:"On shall not be deemed. to apply at the .f orossing of a street or highway other than interu.rban e2ect:t"io railway ".,' ....' ~ traoks or at intersections (JOntrolled by traffic oontrol signals or police officers. . ;' " 117 SECTION 40. DRIVE ON RIGHT BIDE OF ROAD. , Upon all streets exoept upon one-way streets, the operator of a vehicle shall drive the same upon the right half of the street, and the operator of a I slow-moving vehicle shall drive the same as close as possible to the right-hand curb of the street unless it is impra-otioable to travel on such side of the street and except when overtaking and passing anoiher vehicle, sUJject to the limitations applicable by law in overtaking and passing. The foregoing provisions of this section shall not be deemed to prevent the marking of lanes for traffic upon any street and the- allocation of designated lanes to traffic moving in a particular dlreotiop'or at designated speeds. ,-:';',,'. ., ..~ SECTION 41. UEP TO THE RIGHT IN CROSSING INTERSECTIONS OR RAILROADS. In crossing an intersection of highways or the intersection of a highway by a railroad right-of-way, except upon a one-way street, the operator of a vehicle shall at all times cause such vehicle to trav$l on the right halt of the _ highway, unless such right half is obstructed or impassable. SECTION 42. MEETING OF VEHICLES. Operators of vehicles proceeding in opposite directions shall pass each other to the right, eaoh giving to the other at least one-half of the main traveled portion of the roadway as nearly as possible. I SECTION 43. OVERTAKING AND PASSING A VEHICLE. The operator of a vehicle overtaking another vehiole proceeding in the same direction, shall pass at ~ safe distance to the left thereof, and shall not again drive to the right side of the highway until safely clear of such overtaken vehicle. SECTION 44. LIMITATIONS ON PRIVILEGE OF OVERTAKING AND PASSING. fa} The operator of a vehicle shall not drive to the left side of the center line of a highway in overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction unless such left side is clearly visible and is free of on- coming t~affic for a sufficilnt distance ahead to permit such overtaking and . passing to be made in safety. The foregoing provision of this section shall not apply upon one-way streets or upon streets laned for traffic, in whilch latter event vehicles traveling in lanes shall move in the direction permitted in such lanes. (b) The operator ofa'vehiole shall not overtake and pass another vehicle proceeding in the sam~ direction at any steam or elecstrfc railroad grade crossing, I nor at any intersection of highways~ ,\,.. SECTION 45. OPERATOR TO GIVE WAY TO OVERTAKING VEHICLES. The operator of a vehicle upon a highway about to be overtaken and passed . by another vehiole approaching from the'.~ar shall 'gtve way to the right in favor of the over~aking vehicle on suitable."an4~judible signal being given by the . . '. .. ...""" I driver of the overtaking. 'Y~~icle, and ',a.:: not increase the speed of his vehicle "',' .,;,l . .; ~ . " until completely ';passedoy the overtaking vehicle. SECTION ~4~ FqLLOWI NO, ~DO ~~LOSELY.. .:1;: .. .".,' . . .".: . 1.18 The operator of a motor vehicle shall not follow another vehicle more closely than is reasonable and prudent, having dUB regard to the speed of such vehicles and the traffic upon and condition of the highway. SECTION 47. TURmING AT INTERSECTIONS. I (a) Right Turns. The operator of a vehicle intending to turn to the right at an intersection or into an alley or driveway shall approach the point of turning in the traffic lane nearest the right hand edge or curb of the street, and, in turning, shall keep as olose as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the street. (b) Turning left. The operator of a vehiole intending to turn to the left at an intersection or into a driveway shall approaoh the point of turning in the land for traffic to the right of and neBt to the center of the roadway, and, unless otherwise directed by "turning markers" the , operator of a vehicle, in turtling left at an intersection, shall pass to the right of the center of the inteeseotions before turning. ..~ (c) Turning markers. The City Manager is heresy authorizedto place turning markers within or at the entranoes to intersections, direoting that traffic turning l~ft shall follow a line of travel other than as directed in subdivision (b) of this section. Whenever turning markers have been placed as herein provided, traffic turning left shall follow the line I as directed by suoh markers. SECTION 48. LIMITATIONS ON TURNING AROUND. It shall be. unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to turn such vehiole at any point except at intersections so as to proceed in the opposite direction unless suCh movement can b.e made in safety and without backing or otherwise interfering with other'traffic. But such turns shall be unlawful at all times at the intersections of Bozeman Avenue, Black Avenue, Tracy Avenue, Willson Avenue and Grand Avenue, with Main street. SECTION 49. EMERGING FROM ALLEY OR PHIVATE DRIVEWAY. The operator of a vehicle emerging from an alley, driveway or build- . ing shall make a complete stop prior to driving onto a sidewalk or into the sidewalk area extending across any alleyway. SECTION 50. VEHICLES SHALL NOT BE DRIVEN ON SIDEWALK. The operator of a vehicle shall not drive within any sidewalk area ex- oept at a permanent or temporary driveway. SECTION 51. OPERATION OF VEHICLES ON 'APIJ.ROACH OF AUTHORIZED 'n:MER- I.. GENCY VEHICLES. Upon the approach of any au t,bori zed emergenoyvehicle. or vehicles, giving' audible signal by bell, siren, or exhaust whi stle " the opera tor of every other vehicle shall immediatelydriv8 the same to a position as near as possible and parallel to the right-hand edge or ourb of the street, clear of an intersection, and shall stop and remain in such position until the authorized emergency vehicle or vehicles shall have passed, unless otherwise directed by a police officer. ,'.;.., .. ,~; ~,,": ",;t! ~"':~,.".._.. 119 . SECTION 52. FOLLOWING FIRE, APPARATUR PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle, other than one on official business, to fOllOw closer than a city block, any fire apparatus' I traveling in response to a fire alarm, or to drive into or stop any vehicle within the block where fire apparatus has stopped in answer to a fire alarm. SECTION 53. SIGNALS ON STARTING, STOPPING OR TUHNING. (a) The operator of any vehicle upon a highway before starting, stopping or turning from a direct line s'hall first see that such movement can be made in safety, and if any pedestrian may be affected by such movement, shall give a clearly audible signal by sounding the horn, and, whenever the operation of any other vehicle may be affected by such movement, shall give a signal as required in this section plainly visible to the driver of such other vehicle of the intention to make such movement. (b) The signal herein req1dred shall be given ei tiler by means of the hand and arm in the manner herein specified.-, or by an alll)roved mechanical or electrical signal device, except that when a vehicle is so constructed or loaded as to prevent the hand and arm signal from being visible both to the front and rear, ;., the signal shall be given by a device 61' a type which has been approved by the . City ManaGer. I . ~ """ Whenever the signal isgive:Q by- means of the hand and. arm, the driver shall indicate hi s intention to' start "stop, OJ:! ,~turn by extending the hand. and arm horIzontally from and beyond the' left side of the vehicle. SECTION 5,:1..' RIGHT OF WAY. . (a) The..operator of 8., ~ehicle appr.Qaching an intersection shall yield the ,. . right-of-way to a vehicle which has entered the< interseotion. When two vehicles ,.' enter an intersec tion a t the same time, th,~pera to,r of the vehicle on the left shall yield the right-of-way to the veh.icle on the right. . 'c > . '. ,'1 "' 'I ':. Vehicle Bt which has not entered the intersection must yield to Vehicle A which has entered. - . 120 I -,. . Vehicle B, which has not entered the intersection, must yield to Vehicle A which has ent.ered. . I " Of the two Vehicles entering the intersection at the same time, Vehicle B (on the left) must yield to Vehicle A (on the right). \ . I Vehicles Band C on Arterial Highway must yield to A which has entered the intersection after stopping. t~ "!'Ii ',. ;;/ ,; ,,;; ." .. . " ., .', ,.,' .... . '~~/~~:=:--:~i"'~'~":'W'"7' ~, .- '~-...,...,.......r" :' .,..".... 121 (b) The operator of a vehicle within an intersection intending to turn to the left across the path of any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction may make such left turn only after giving a signal as required by law, and I after affording a reasonable opportunity'to the operator of such other vehicle to avoid a collision. SECTION 55. EXCEPTIONS TO RIGHT-OF-WAY RULE. (a) The operator of a vehicle entering a public street from a private driveway or road shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching upon such street. (b) The operator of a vehicle on a street shall yield ~he right-of-way ,~ to authorized emergency vehicles when the latter are operated upon official business and the operators thereof sound audible signal by bell, siren or exhaust whistle. This provision shall not relieve the operator of any authorized emergency vehicle ,from the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of all -'- persons using the street, nor shall it protect the operator of any such vehicle from the consequences of an arbitrary exercise of such right-of-way. SECTION 56. STOP BEFORE ENTERING .AN !nTERIAL HIGHWAY. (a) The following streets are hereby dtlclared to constitute arterial highways for the purpose of this Ordinance: I Main street, between Buttonwood and Eighth Avenue, Eighth Avenue, between Main streetandCleveland 'street, Seventp Avenue North, between Main street and City Limits, '~ College Street West, between Eighth Avenue and City Limits. (b) Ever:( operator of a vehicle or other conveyance traveling UIJon any street \, i thin the City of Bozeman intersecting the above designated Streets and Avenues sh8.1l bring suoh vehiole orconv6Y'ance to a full.and complete stop at )\ r the place where such street meets the prolongation of the .nearest property lines / of such arterial highway, subject however, to the direotion of any t raffie officer , l ., or sign or any police officfJ-r at suoh in~erseotion. \- , (c) The operator of any vehiole who has come' to a ,'.full stop as i"equired ,.. ~ "'", above, upon entering any arterl'J.hlghway, as well as operators of vehicles on \ any arterial highway, shall be Bubjeot to the usual right of way rule prescribed -. by law and applicable to ve.hicles at interseotions (See Sec. No. 54). (See Figs. I, II, III, and I~). .' .,- , I ( d) The C1 ty Manager' is hereby authorized: and required to place and main-, " . ..It._, -"'-\ tain, 8r cause to be placed and mal,l1tainea., on each and eve!'y: street intersecting ~', .," ,,', . an;" arterial highwaydesigna tad a~o.ve"::aruf at' or, near the p~operty' line of ','. every arterial highwaY'..i',appropriate, s~~.~.;,upon:- the' street j suoh signs, devises , ~ t.. . . or marks to bear the wora "stop" and" to be' located in such position and to be provided wi th lettarsof a's'ize to be', ~}iJ8.rlY read and legible from a distance of .~ ' . ,", ~ . .,;"'....~",.. "t,~", at least one huhdred(lOO)feet along~i": stre.et intersecting the arterial ~1. I",.,,;';' L ~ ..~ . highway. SECTION 57. DUTY TO STOP IN EVENT OF ACCIDENT. ''-'-, , .'~.,' ".;: ~~..' "~".'" ",J ,', "~:" ...... --. .,--.....,_.~-~-"..,....".........,.....---~.,. .--~-~,-'-- r ..- '_'", .,n,_,""_ ... _. 122 .....~:~ The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury or death to any person or damage to property shall immediately stop such vehicle at the scene of the accident, and shall give his ~ame and address and registration number of his vehicle to the person struck or to the driver I or occupants of any vehicle collided with, and shall render to any person injured in such accident, reasonable assistance, including the carrying of suoh person to a physician or surgeon for medical or surgical treatment, if it is apparent that such treatment is necessary or is requested by the injured person. Every person convicted und~r this section upon a charge of failure to stop after an accident rasul ting in in.l1.:ry or death of any person shall be punished by imprisonment in the oity jail for not less than thirty (30) days nor more than ninety (90) days, or by a fine of not less than One Hun- dred ($100) Dollars nor more than Three Hundred ($300) Dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Any person convicted under this seotion upon a . (Jp,arge .o,f'..f,~i lure to stop af~er an accident resulting' in damage to property shall be punished by imprisonment in the oi ty jail for not less than five (5 ) days and ~ot more than thirty (30) days, or by a fine of not less than Five (5) Dollars, and not more than Fifty ($50) Dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment. I SECTION 58. DUTY TO REPORT ACCIDENTS. (a) The operator of any vehicle involved in an accident resulting in in'juries or deathto any person, or property damage, shall, within twelve (12) hours make report of such acoident to the police he~dquarters in this city. (b) The police department shall tabulate and analyze such reports and publish annually or at more frequent intervals statistical information ~ based thereon as to the number, cause and location of street traffic acc1h.dents. SECTION 59. GARAGE KEEPER TO REPORT DAMAGED"VEHICLES. .. The person in charge of any garage or repair shop to which is brought any motor vehicle which Shows evidence of having been involved ina serious accident or struck by any bullet shall report to police headquarters of thi s ci ty, wi thin one (1) hour after such motor vehicle has been received, giving the motor number, manufacturer's n1lIDber, name and model, license plate number, and, the name and. address of the owner or operator of such I vehicle. SECT ION 60. FLAG OR aED LIGHT A..' END OF LOAD. Whenever the load on any vehicle s.hall extend more than four, (4) feet beyond the rear of the bed or body thereof, there shall be displayed at the end of such load in such a position as to be clearly visible at all times from the rear of such vehicle, a red flag not less than twelve (12) . inches, both in length and width, except that between one hour after sunset .,~~.~ ~" "~:',~ '.. .. ..-...........~.-..__., - .... -'-_."_.__._~-----_.. ""~'.~; '. 12~ . and one hour before sunrise, there shall be displayed at the end of such load, a red liglJt, visible under normal atmospheric aonditions at least two hundred (200) feet from the' rear of such vehicle. I SECTION 61. HORNS AND WARNING DEVICES. (a) Every motor vehicle, when operated upon a highway, shall be equiped with a horn in good working order, capable of emitting sound audible under normal conditions from a distance of two hundred (ZOO) feet or more, and it shall be unlawful, except as otherwise provided in this section, for any vehicle to be e'lu;ipped with, or for any person to use upon a vehicle, any siren, bell, or an;'.' compression or spark-plug whistle which does not produce a harmonious sound, or for any person at any time to use a horn otherwise than as a reasonable warning, or to make any :nnc e s sary or unreasonably loud or harsh sound by 'means of a horn or other warning device. " - (b) Every authorized emergency vehic'ieshall be equipped with a bell, . siren, or exhaust whistle ofa type approved by the City Manaeer. " . SECTION 62. PREVENTION OF NOISE, SMOKE,. ETC.; 1,:UFFLER CUT-OUTS REGULA'rED. (a) No person shall drive a motor vehicle on a highway unless such motor vehicle is equipped with a muffler in good working order and in constarll operation to prevent excessive or unusual noise and annoying smoke. I , (b) It shall be unlawful to use a "muffler cut-out" on any motor vehicle on a highway. (c) No vehicle shall be driven or moved on any highway unless such vehicle is so construotedor loaded as to prevent its contents from droppirig, sifting, leaking or otherwise escapei therefrom. "- SECTION 63. RED OR GREEN LIGHTS IN FRONT OF VEHICLE PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or more any vehicle upon a highway with any red or green light thereon visible from directly in front thereof. This section shall not apply to police or fire department, or fire pat~ol vehicle~, nor to any vehicles required or permitted by 'lI~ate law or regulation to display small red or green clearance lampp On the front. , ,". ARTICLE VIII . j Misceflaneous Provisions. SECTION 64. MOTOR V:SHICLES~LEFT UNATTENDED, BRAKES TO BE SET, AND ENGINE STOPPED. .. I ~, No ~erson having control or oharge of a motor vehicle shall allow such " vehicle to stand on any street unattended witbout first setting the brakes thereon and stopping the motor of.said vehicle, and, when standing upon a perceptible grade, wi thout turni,ng the wheels of such vehicle to the curb or the side of the street or highway. " SECTION 65. US~ OF COASTERS, ROLLER SKATES AND SIMILAR DEVICES RESTRICTED. , . It shall' be unlawful for any person upon roller skates, or riding'In or by means of any coaster, toy vehicle, or similar device to go upon any roadway exoept . 1?4 ,. while orossing a street on a crosswalk. .'< SECTION 66. CLINGING TO MOVING VEHICLES. It shall be unlawful for any person traveling upon any bicyole, motorcycle, coa ster, sled, roller skates, or any toy vehicle to <}ling I to or attach himself or his vehicle to any other moving vehicle upon any roadway. SECTION 67. UNLAWFUL TO DRIVE THROUGH PHOCESSIOll!S UNLESS DIRECTED BY TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNALS OR BY A POLICE OFFICER. It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to drive between the vehicles comprising a funeral or other authorized procession while they are in motion, provided that said vehicles are conspicuously so designated. This provision shall not apply at intersections where traffic is controlled by traffic oontrol signals or police officers. SECTION 68. LUTITAT IONS ON BACKING. The operator of a vehicle shall not back the same unless such move- ment can be made in safety, and then for not more than thirty (30) feet, after he has given the proper signal by horn. The operator of any vehicle backing the same against the current of traffic shall be responsible for any accident in which he may be involved. SECT ION 69. OBSTRUCTION TO OPERATCr~' S VIEV{ Ol~ D HlING MECHANISM. I (a) It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to drive the same when such vehicle is so loaded, or vJhe;'; there are in the front seat of such vehicle such number of persons as to obstruct the view of the operator to the front or sides or to interfere with the operator's control over the . driving mechanism of the vehicle. (b) It shall be unlawf111 for any passenger in a vehicle to ride in such a position as to interfere with the operator's view ahead, or to the sides, or to interfere with the operator's contnol over the driving mechanism of the vehicle. SECTION 70. CROSSING FIRE HOSE. No vehicle shall be driven over any unprotected hose of the Fire Department when laid down on any street, or private driveway to be used at , any fire or alarm of fire, without the consent of the Fire Department official in command. SECTION 71. RIDING ON HANDLE BARS ~ROHIBI1'ED. It shall be unlawful for the operator of anJT bicycle or r.wtorcycle, I when upon the street, to carry any other llerson upon the handle bar, frame or tank of any such vehicle, or for any person to so ride upon any such vehicle. SECTION 72. BRAKES. Every motor vehicle, when operated upon a street in the City of Bozeman shall be equipped with"brakes ade{luate to control the movement of and. to stop and to hold such vehicle, inoluding two sepaaate means of applying the b.akea, each of which means shall be effective to apply the . n,,_,~_..._,. 125 brakes to at least two wheels and 80 oonstructed that no part which is liable to failure shall be common to the two, except that a motorcycle need be equipped with only one brake. All such brakes shall be maintained in good working order I and shall conform to ret,'11lations not inconsistent wi th this section to be pro- mulgated by theCity Manager. The City Manager shall Q:,ause to be insp$6'.ed at least once every thirty (30) days, the brakes on all vehicles used for the transportatiqn of passengers upon the streets of the City of Bozeman, to ascertain whether they are adequate. He shall order such repairs to brakes as he shall consider necessary to insure the safety of such passengers. SECTION 73. REQ.UIREDLIGHTING.EQ.UIPMENT OF VEHICLES. (a) When vehicles must be ~qu~pped. Every vehicle upon a street in this city during the period from one hour after sunset to' one hour before sunrise and at any other time when there is not sufficient light to render clearly disceraable any person on the street at a distance of two hundred (200) feet ahead shall be equipped with lighted front and rear lamps, as in this se~tion respectively re- quired for different classes of vehicles. ( b) Head lamps on motor vehicles.. Every :Motor vepicle, other than a motorcycle, road roller, road machinery or farm tractor, shall be equipped with I two head lamps, no more or no less, at the front of and on opposite sides of the ..~'i motor vehicle, which head lamps shall comply with the requirements and limitations set forth in section 75 of this Ordinance. 'i (c) Head lamps on motorcycles. Every motorcycle shall be equipped with at least one and L,ot more than two head lamps, which shall comply wi th the requirements and limitations set forth in Section 75 of this Ordinance. (d) Rear lamps. Every motor vehiole and every trailer or semi-trailer which is being drawn at the end of a train of ve,icles shall carry at the rear, a lamp of a type which has been approved by the City Manager, and whioh exhibits a red light plainly visible under normal atmospheric conditions from a distance Of five hundred (500) feet to the rear of such vehicle and 80 constructed and placed - that the number plate carried on the rear of such vehicle shall under like oondition be so illuminated by a white light as to be read from a distance of fifty (50) . feet to the rear of such vehicles. (e) Clearance lamps..Every motor vehicle, other than any road roller, I road machinery.or farm tractor"', having a width at any part in excess of eighty (80) inches shall carr,y two clearanoe lamps on the left side of such vehicle, one located at the front and: displaying a white light, visible under normal atmospheric conditions from a distanoe of five hundred (500) feet to the front .of the vehicle, and the other located at the rear of the vehicle and displaying a yellow light, visible under like conditions from a distanoe of five hundred (500) feet to the rear of the vehiole. (f) Lamps of bicycles. Every bioycle shall be equipped with a lighted ! '" 1:\, _.~. "' 126 lamp on the front thereof, visible under normal atmospheric conditions from a distance of at least three hundred (300) feet in f-ront of such bicycleJ and shall also be equipped with a reflex mirror or lamp in the rear, exhibiting a red light, visible under like conditions from a distanoe of at least two hundred (200) feet to the rear of such bicycle. I (g) Lights on other vehicles. All vehioles not heretofore in this section required to be" equlp])ed with spec'ified lighted lamps shall oarry one or more lighted lamps or lanterns displaying a white light, visible under normal conditi0ns of atmosphere from a distance of not less than five hundred (500) feet'to the front of such vehicle, and displaying a red light, visible un4er like conditions from a distance of not less -than five hundred (500) f~et to the rear of such vehicle. SECTION 74. ADDITIONAL PERMISSIBLE LIGHTS ON VEHICLE. ta) Spot lamps. Any motor- vehicle may be equipped with not to exceed two spot lamps except that a motorcycle shall not be equipped with more than one spotlamp~ and every lighted spot lamp shall be so aimed and used upon approaching another vehicle that no part of the beam will be directed to the left of the center 'of the street nor more than one hundred (100) feet ahead of the vehiole. (b) Auxiliary driving lamps. Any motor vehiole may be 'equipped with I not to exceed two auxiliary lamps, m~unted on the front at a height of not less than twenty-four (24) inohes abov-edthe level surfaoe on which the vehiole stands, and every such amtiliarydriving lamp or lamps shall meet the requirements and limitations set 'forth in Section 75 of this Ordinance. (c) Signal lamp s. Whenever a motor vehicle is equipped with a signal lamp to comply with. the provisions of this Ordinance, the signal lamp shall be so constructed and so located on the vehicle as to give a signal which shall be plainly visible in normal sunlight from a distanoe of one hundred (100) feet to the rear of the vehicleJ but shall not projeot a glarintS or dazzling light and shall be "01: the t~;,pe approved by the City Manager. (d) Restrictions on lamps. Any device, other than head lampsJ spot lamps or auxiliary driving lamps, which projects a beam of light of an intensity greater than twenty-five (25) candle-power, shall be so directed that no part of the beam will strike the level surface on which the vehicle stands at a distanoe of more than fifty (50) feet from the vehicle. I .' SECTION 75. REQUIREMENTS AS TO HEADLIGHTS JUTD AUXILIARY DRIVING L.AMJ?S . (a) The head lamps of motor vehicles shall be so constructed, arranged and adjusted thatJ except as provided in sub-section c of. this section, they will at all times mentioned in section 13 of this Ordinance, and under normalfil.trnospherio conditinhBJ and on a level roadJ produoe a driving light sUfficient to render clearly dlscernable a person two hundred '!,'.''':'': '" .,',':",.,', ';; ..:.:;,.,..;. _.: "':"~'::""-~"'l..~_;j:,:~,~';''::''~,'':;::;:;';;.";''''':d-. ..... ...' ,.C<. . _ . , .. , , .,., ""-'" " ",",-~,:-".-. -, ,-.: :--:~:~:: '~.:::?~0:'~~<' :,~ii;~~f~~F~~,:~,;.}= :";~>~~~:".., 127 (200) feet ahead, but shall not ~roJeot a glaring or dazzling light to persons in front of such head lamps. (b) Head lamps shall be deemed to comply with the foregoing provisions prohibiting glaring and dazzling lights if none of the main bright portion of the I headlights' bean, rise above a horizontal plane passing through the lamp centers parallel to the level road upon which the loaded vehicle stands and in no case higher than forty (40) inche s , seventy-five (75) feet ahead of the vehicle. ( c ) Whenever a motor vehicle is being operated upon a street or a portion thereof which is sufficiently lighted to reveal a person upon- the street a distance of two hundred (200) feet ahead of the vehicle, it shall be permissible to dim the head lamps or to tilt the beam downward, or, to substitute therefor the light from the auxiliary driving lamp, or, pair of such lamps, subject to the restrictions as to tilted beams and auxiliary driving lamps set forth in this sub-section~ Whenever a motor vehicle meets another vehicle on any street it shall be permissible to tilt the beams of the head lamps, downward, or to substitute therefor the light from an auxiliary drivipg lamp or pair of such lamp s , sub ;jeot to the' reCJ..uirements that the til tedhead lamps or auxiliary lamp or lamps shal+ give sufficient illumination und.er normal atr:lospheric conditions and on a level road to render clearly discernable a person seventy- I five (75) feet head, but shall Lot project a glal"ing or dazzlinG light to persons in front of the vehicl~, provided at all times required in Section 73 at least two lights shall be displa,yed on the front of and on opposite sides . . of every motor vehicle other than a motorcycle, Doad roller, road machinery or farm tractor. SECTION 76. STAT~~ LICENSE l?LATES. The owner of a motor ~ehiCleshall register such vehicle with the Motor .~ , Vehicle Department of the Stat~ of Montana, and shall further comply with all ~rovisions of the Motor V8hiele Registration Act. The owner shall display in a conspicuous place on such registered v.ehiole, the proper license plates, which LJUSt be legible, at all times t.'or~a._distance of one 'hundred (100) feet. . SECTION 77. DRIVING BY CERTAIN PERSONS UNLAWFUL. It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of sixteen (16) years to operate any motor vehicle on the streets of the City of Bozeman. I t ~3hall be the duty of officers of the police depar~ment to arrest_ any person violating this provision and to take possession of the vehicle so driven and hold the I same until the satisfaction of any penalty imposed for such violation. The ~ owner of a vehicle shall be held responsible for the operation of such vehicle by. any person under the age of sixteen (16) years. It shall be unlawful for any person learning to drive a motor vehicle to pperate the same on any arterial highway of the City of Bozeman. SECTION 78.' DRIVERS MUST BE LICENSED. Any person desiring to drive a vehicle for hire in the City of Bozeman , shall make application to the Director of Finance for a license, stating his ,. - '~' ti-'''', .';' . ',t , .-:-'_,.....~_'"'"__"'_.,....,..__'_,..._ _,om. ....__. '--:~..... 128 qualifications, age, experience, and the ciroumstances of any arrests for violation of the law. No lioense shall be issued to any driver who is under twenty-one (21) years of age, or who is not of good moral charaoter, and who does not have the approval of the Chief of Police endorsed upon his application. Upon acceptance and approval of an application by the Director I of Finance and upon the payment of ,,;2.50 fee, he shalllssue a badge which ~hall license the applicant to drive a vehicle for hire, in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, and any supplementary regulations and motor vehicle laws of the state of Montana, for a period of one year~ from the date of issuance. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive any taxicab, bux, or other vehicle for hire in the City of Bozeman without such license. It shall also be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, to employ any person who is not licensed in accordance with the provisions of this seotion, to drive a vehicle fo,!' hire in the City of Bozeman. That the Commission shall reserve the right tocanoel or revoke any driver's license ~. upon conviction of violation or violations of the' prov:isions of this Ordinance. . . SECTION 79. LICENSING AND BONDING OF TAXICAB AND BUS OWNERS. It shall be unlawful for any .:pe~son,fir.m. 01\ co"rporation to operate I any taxicab, bus or other vehicle for hire' for'the purpoee' of carrying passengers wi thin the Ci ty of Bozeman without flfti'st, OQtaining a license for I Ii' such operation issued by the Director of F1nanc~;,L'.in accordance with the ",.';.'. provisions of this seotion. Any person,.firm,'or corporation desiring to ..; obtain such license shall file'a written applicationtherefo~ with the Director of Finance, setting forth the name of the person, firm or corporation to whom the license is to be issued, the name of the manufacturer of the vehicle to be operated thereunder, the motor, serial and model numbers of , the vehicle, and state motor license number. ,'.' Such applicant shall file with the Director of Finanoe of Bozeman an indemnity bond by an indemnity insurance comp<,my authorized to do business under the laws of 'the State of Montana, for a period of time for which the license is requesled, providing for the payment of indemnity to passengers 'p to t10,000 in the wvent of the death or injury of one pass- enger, and up to ~20,000 in the vvent of the death or injury to more than one passenger, while riding in, boarding or alighting from the vehicle for whioh the license is requested. When such applications have the approval of the City Manager certified I thereon, the Director of'Finance, shall, upon receipt of the fee herein - provided, issue a license to such applicant, covering the operation of the -~ vehicle for which the license issued. ~ A separate license shall be issued for each vehicle operated under the provisions of this Ordinance, and the charge for each such license shall . be $15.00 per year. All lioenses hereunder shall expire on December 31st from the year of iSB,uance. In case licenses are issued for a period of ,,'~, _.~----"-'~'-''''''''''''''''''-''-''''''"""~''',,~=""''""':''''''ft~.:-:~~'rr;,'~~~~:'[':~'~~:".'C,. 129 Ie 88 than one year. the oharge theref'~r ahall be that portion of :~15. 00 which the period for which the license is lssued bears to one year, provided that no license shall be issued for less than three (3) months, and the minimum fee in no case shall be less than $5.00. .1. The Commission may cancel any license issued for the operation of any ... . vehicle for hire uPQn second conviction of' the holder of such license for violations of the provisions of this Ordinance or of the state Motor Vehicle Law. No provisions of this section shall apply to trains. SECTION 80. SIZE OF VEHICLES AND LOADS. (a) It shall be unlawful to drive upon the st'reets of the City of Bozeman, any vehicle that exceeds a total outside width, including any load thereon, of eight (8) feet, except that the limitations as to size of vehicles stated in this section shall not apply to implements of husbandry temporarily propelled or moved upon the public streets. (b) No vehicle unladen or with load shall exceed a height of fourteen . (l4) feet and six (6) inches. . (c) No vehicle shall exceed a length Of thir,ty- three (33) feet and no oombination of vehicles coupled together shall exoeeda total of eighty-five (80) feet. I (d) No train of vehicles or vehicle operated alone shall carry any load . extending more than three (3) feet beyond the front thereof. . (c) No passenger vehicle shall carry any load extending beyond the line of the fenders on the left side of such vehicle or extending more than six (6) inches beyond the line of the fenders on the right side thereof. SECTION 81. TRAILEHS AND TOWED VEHICLES. , (a) No motor vehicle shall be.,'"driven upon any street .in Bozeman drawing of having attached thereto more than one vehicle, eJlcept that a motor vehicle " . with semi-trailer may draw in addition thereto, one other vehicle. , (b) Thelinaw bar or the other cOlUleetion between any two vehclile 5 I .one of -- which is towing'crf. drawing the other on a street, shall not exeeed fifteen (15) ~ feet in length from one vehicle to the other. Whenever such connection consists of a chain, rope or cable there shall be displayed upon such connections, a red flaB, or other signal, or cloth, not less than twelve (,12) inches both in length and width. SECTION 82. HEAVY DUTY TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. I (a) It shall be unlawful to operate upon any of the paved streets in the City of Bozeman, any vehicle with metal or solid rubber tires with a gross weight inclucting load, of more than ten thousand (lO,OOO) pounds, or more than six ~.... hundred twenty-five (625) pou,nds per, inch of width of tire. It shall be unlawful ,,/ .. to olierate any caterpillar; truo~, or tractor",with a weight of more than two -)1:.. . .. hundred (200) pounds persqua;e incltof tread, upon any paved street. (b) It shall be unlawful" to operate any vehicle with lugs upon the wheels, (other than regular tire c.hains, tJ.p.oll:,any paved street in Bozeman; pro- ,-~ ~ :; :,;;l/"~:': "'lf~ ':'~" ","' ,: , '"~",~,~~~---"~.._..........~_.~"..._-- 130 , < ~. vided that under the supervision of the City Engineer acrossing over or along paved streets may be made by such vehicles upon planks of approved strength. SECTION 83. WEIGHT OF VEHICLES AIm LOADS. . It shall be unlawful to operate, or, cause to be operated, upon any - I of the streets,' avenues or alleys in the Ci tyof Bozeman, any truck or trailer havine a greater load per inch of width of tire than that shown.in ~he following schedule, except that pneumatic tires shall be allowed a maximum load correspondin[ to a tire width one inch greater than the diameter of the tire. Loads per inch width of solid rubber tires, measured between the flange s: . 3 inches or less 400 pounds 4 inches or less 500 pounds 5 inches or less 600 pounds 6 inches or Ie ss 700 pounds 7 inches or less 750 pounds 8 inches or over 800 pounds SECTION 84. WASHING OF CARS. It shall be unlawful for any person toW-ash any car upon any of the streets of Bozeman. ATRICLE IX. ~" Penalties and Procedure on arrest .1. SECTION 85. PENJ.LT I ES .,. - Any person .vio1ating any of the provisions of this Ordinance, or ahy rule or regulation made by the City Manager pursuant thereto, shall, unless otherwise specifically designated in this Ordinance, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not exceeding One Hundred ($100) DOllars, or by imprisonment in the citY':3a.tl not exceeding thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.. SECTIGN 86. FINE OR l1WRISON111iNT. A judgment that the defendant pay a fine may also direct that he be imprisoned until the fin'ebesatisfied in the p-roportion of one days , imprisonment for each Two ($2) ~ollars of the fine. SECTION 87. PROCEDURE UPON ARREST. Any person arrested for violation of this Ordinance shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance of the City of . Bozeman concerning and relating to process and execution of sentence. SECTION 88. DISPOSITION OF FINES AND FORFEITURES. I All fines or forfeitures collected upon conviction o'r upon for- feiture of bail of any person charged with a violation of any of the pro- . ; visions of this Ordinance, shall be paid to the Director of Finance and shall be credited to the several funds as by Ordinanoes provided. ARTIOLE x. ponstitutionality ~,'.''''',:'~', ,,,,,." ',":" ':.'~"~,,~: ' ~.,.~~~'""'"'',"\'"",,,,..,:,J'''-''~c'''''''~~T''''''''''~'''':"''' ,.. ,'~-~ "-"". , 131 :.~ SECTION 89. EFFECT OF ORDINANCE. If any seotion, sub-seotion, sentenoe, olause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be unoonstitutional, such decision shall . not effeot the validity of the remaining portion~ of this Ordinance. The I Commission hereby deolares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and eaoh . seotion, sub-section, srtnence, olause and phrase thereof, irrespective of the ..- fact that anyone or more sections, sub-sections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional. . ARTICLE XI. SECTION 90. REPEAL. Ordinance No. b40 of the City of Bozeman is hereby repealed, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with or inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed,. except that this repeal shall not affect or prevent proseoution of 'any person for any act done or committed in violation of any ordinance hereby repealed prior to the taking effect of this Ordinance. ARTICLE XII. Ordinance to Take Effeot I SECTION 91. EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDINANCE. : ". This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon the expira tion . of 30 days from its passage. Introduct~d, read and passed for the first time by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a regular session of the Commission, held On the 2nd day of August, 1929. Rea d for final passage and passed by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a regular session of the Commission held August 9th, 1929. !'~.tI ayor Attest: ~( IJ. . Clerk of e omm'sslon I hereby certi~y that the above and foregoing Ordinance was regularly . introduced, read and passed for, the first time by the Commissi6'n of the Ci ty of .1. Bozeman at a regU.lar session of the Commission held on the 2nd day of August, 1929. That it was read. and passed J)Y the Commission of the City of Bozeman and was . signed by the Mayor at a regular session of the Commission held August 9th, 1929. That the foregoing is a true and complete copy of this Ordinance No. 576 as passed by the Commission of the City of Bozeman and that the effective date of said Ordinance is September 8th, 1929 at6P. M. In wi tness whereof I have hereuntb' set m.y hand and affixed the corporate Beal of the City of Bozeman this 23rd da.y of ,August, 1929. , Clerk off,.~-;;'n ..' .: '.; ,i ,,' . . ,~. , ,- ,"'. .' " ;; ~ ';:" ~ ~ ': :' ." ..____...,......-._u~_~__. ,_._.." _._. ~,__ __ :-1".'"':'" " , ro, liji~:r. " . 132 f I f COpy OF PUBLICATION NOTICE \ Ordinance No. 576. \ \ \ AN ORDINANCE REGULATI~m TRAFFIC UPON THE PUBLIC STREETS, AVENUES AND HIGH- t WAYS OF THE CITY OF BOZEM.AN. MONTANA, AND HEPEALING ORDINANC$ NO. 540 and WLL OTHER OHDINANCES MiD SECTIONS OF ORDlNANCES IN GONFLICT ~REWITH. ~\, STATE OF MONTANA ) 53 '\ \ COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) .... I, Walter Davis, Clerk'of the Commission of the City of Bozeman , , . hereby certify that the foregoing is the true ant correct number and ~itle - of an.'Ordinance passed by the Commission of the City 'of BO,zeman, . on the 9th day of August, 1929. Walter Davis Clerk of the Commission. '\ Augus t 10 th and 11 th~: , ! '. \ , '~ .- f '. . I ~ - I ..""\;',,..,"~-1'"~' .... .---..-r.--~-~_.~.'~--:---"""""""---:-.""7'-,""::~~':"--~'~~' ,"_.,'"-~--'---,..--~'-""""""",-""""-"""""",,,----~-"-'-:'---~---_..'. , 13:3 INDEX ----- A Section Page I Accidents -- Duty to Report 58 35-36 Duty to stop. in event of 57 34..35 Garage Keeper to Report Damaged Vehicles 59 36 Penalty for Failure to StOp in Event of 57 35 Reports to be Analyzed 58 35-36 Alighting From Vehicles 20 12 Alley -- Emerging From 49 29 All Night Parking 30 16 Animals -- Persons Driving or Riding to Obey Regulations 7 7 Arterial Highway -- Defined 1 :3 Designated 56 33..34 Authorized Emergency Vehicles -- Exceptions to Right of Way Rule 55 33 Exemptions to 6 7 ., . On Approach of 51 29 ,I , Auxiliary Lamps 74 42-43 B Backing -- Limitations On 68 39 Bicycles -- Persons Riding to Obey Regulations 7 7 Riding on Handle Bars Prohibited 7l 40 Boarding or Alighting from Vehioles 20 l2 . Bonding Taxicab and Bus Owners 79 46-47-48 \ Bus stops -- (See Taxicab,Stands, Passenger Zones, Loading ) BUlIlles Prohibited from Parking Else- where 27 15 Other Vehicles Peohibited from Parking 26 14-15 In City Manager Must Designate 25 14 . Busses -- Must Stop at Railway Grade Crossings 39 25 Not to Park in Business Distriot 27 15 C I City Manager -- Bus stops 25 14 Crows Walks 13 9-10 25 Express Vehicle Stands 14 Lanes for Traffic 14 10 Loading Zones 25 14 .. Passenger Zones 25 14 ~ Regulations' to :Make Ordinance Effeotive 3 6 Safety Zones 14 10 I;.:: -,'''' ---,-.--..,.. '134 Seotion Page Taxioab stands 25 14 Temporary Regulations 3 6 C1i~ing to Motor Vehicles 66 38 Coasters -- Use Restricted 65 38 Commission -- To Determine and Desisnate !~e I of Signs and Signals 8 7-8 Crosswalks -- City Manager Authorized to Designate 13 9-l0 . Crowding in Front Seat of Vehiole Prohibited 69 39 1> Definitions 1 3-4-5 Drivers to be Licensed 78 46 Driveway .(see Private Driveway) 49 29 . Driving by Cer~ain Persons Unlawful 77 45 Driving Praotices -- Backing, Limitations on 68 39 Crossing Fire Rose 70 39-40 Drive on Right Side of . street 40 25 Driving on Sidewalk Prohibited 50 29 Following Fire Apparatus Prohibited 52 29 Following toO Closely 46 27 I Keep to Right at Crossings41 26 Meeting of Vehicles 42 26 Motor Vehioles Left Ii> Unattended 64 38 Obstructions to Operator's View 69. 39 On Approach of Authorized Emergency Vehicle 51 29 Overtaking andfassing 43-44-45 26-27 Reckless Driving 35 19 Respective Rights and Duties of Pedestrian and Vehicle 15-16 10-11 stop Before Entering Arterial Highway 56 33-34 stop Before Emerging from Alley or Driveway 49 29 Stppplng on CraBS Walk or Other Specified Places Prohibited 23 13 I Turning Around, Limitations .. On 48 28 Turning at Interseotions 47 27-28 Driving While Intoxicated .- 34 18-19 Driving Through Funeral Processions and Other Processions prohibited 67 38-39 E Effect of Ordinance 89 5l Enforcement 2 6 _.....,.M._" .. .~,..,. ._.,.__._._~,..- ._~._,. -,,,,.,- ."~.-.....----..---.-...............~'~_.~., -,---.-:-..,._......,...~--_... '.' ........,........- ,-- . ". '" . 135 Section Page Emergency Vehicles Defines 1 3 Exceptions to Right of Way Rule 55 33 I Exemptions to Authorized Emergency Vehicles 6 7 F Failure to stop after Accident 57 34-35 Fines (See penalties) Disposition of 88 51 Fire Hose -- Crossing 70 39-40 Fire H;!dran t -- Stopping Near Prohibited 23 l3 Fire Station Entrance -- Stopping Near Prohibited 23 13 Firemen May Direct Traf~ic 2 6 Flag at End of Load 60 36 Following Fire Apparatur Prohibited 52 29 Following too Closely Prohibited 46 27 Forfeitures (see penalties ) Dispo~ition of 88 5l Funeral Processions -- Unlawful to Drive Through 67 38-39 . G Gara~e Keeper to Hep~lrt Damaged Vehicles 59 36 H I Hand Signals 53 30 Head Lamp s -- Required 73 40-4l Requirements 75 43-44 Horns -- 61 36-37 ., Sounding Ret;).uired 53 30 Sound Before Backing 68 39 Hospitak Quiet Zones 36 22-23 Hydrant -- Stopping Near Prohibited 23 13 I Intersections (see turning, left turns, right turns) traffic control signals, right of way Keep to Right of 4l 26 Overtaking and Passing at 44 26-27 Right of Way at 54 30 to 33 Stopping Vehicles Prohibited in 23 l3 J I Jaywalking -- 15 10-11 L ......... Lamps (see lights) -- Bicycle Lamps Required 73 42 Clearanoe Lamps, Head Lamps, Rear Lamps Re*luired 73 41-42 Lanes for Traffic -- City Manager Authorized to Designate 14 10 Left Turns -- Methods of Making 53-54 30-32 Signal Indica~~n for Making 53-54 30-32 \. '''. .' . :.,." ~:'.'" ~'_.._--'_._..- .- ---~--:--"I""""'"""----'-'...,...--".". - .."..,-- - ',-" .. 136 Section Page Lighting -- Equipraent Required 73 40 to 42 Lights (see lamps )-- Equipment Permitted in Addition 74 42-43 , At End of Load Required 60 36 On Parked Vehicles 30 16 Red or Green ~n Front of Vehicle I Prohibited 63 37-38 ReqUirements as to Head Lamps and Auxiliary Driving Lamps 75 43-44 Loading (see sto:pping, standing, parking, loading zones, passenger zones, bus stops, taxicab stands) Standing for Loading On+y in Certain Places 24 l3-14 Time iestricted 24 13-14 Loading Zones (See passeneer zones, bus stops, taxicab stands, loading) City Manager Authorized to De~ignate 25 14 . Occupancy Limited j 24 13-14 M Markings (see official tra'ffic sig:nfi/ 14 10 Meeting of Vehicles 42 26 Minimum Speed 36 24 Motor Busses -- Must stop at Railway Crossings 39 21 Motor Veh~cles -- Left Unattended 64 38 I .Muffler Cutouts Regulated 62 37 N Noise (see muffler cutouts regulated) 62 37 Horns -- Not to be Unharmonious 61 36-37 Hospita~ Quiet Zones 36 2.2-23 0 Obstructions to Driv~rrs View o~ Driving Mechanism 69 39 Offenses (see penalties) Official Traffic Signals (see traffic control signals, official signs) 8 7-8. City Manager to Place and Maintain 56 33-34 Commission to Determine Design and Type of 8 7-8 Legend 10 8-9 Display Of Unauthorized Signals prohibited II 9 Obedience to 9 8 Railroad Warning Sienals Must be Obeyed 37 24 To be Uniform as to TYIle and Location 8 7-8 1- Official Traffic Signs 8 7-8 City Manager to Place and Maintain 56 34 Commission to Determine and Designate Type 8 7-8 D1:splayof Unauthorized Signs Prohibited 11 9 Interferenoe With Signs Prohibited 12 9 Obedience to 9 8 Required at Arterial Highways 56 34 . '.,:::.';'- ':;" .' ",,',~ .. 137 Section Page Required to Indicate Parking Restrictions 25 14 To be in Proper Position and ~eglble 56 34 To be Uniform as to Type and Location 8 7-8 Ordinance -- Effect of 89 51 I Repeal 90 51-52 Overtaking and Passing-- Limitations on Privilege 44 26-27 Operator to Give Way to Overtaking Vehicle 45 27 Vehicles 43 26 P Parades -- Unlawful to Drive Thro~h 67 38-39 Parking (see stopping, loading) 'All night Parking 30 16 . Distance from Curb 31 17 Distanoe from Curb Intersection, Eto.. 23 13 General 23 13 General 32 18 Lights on Vehicles 30 16 Limited During Certain Hours 29 16 Prohibited in Certain places 28 15-16 ,.. ,I Prohibited in Designated Zones, stops and stands26 14-15 .. . >,: Signs Required 24 13-l4 Signs Required 31 17 Time Limited in Designated Places 29 16 Vehicle for Display Advertising 33 18 Vehicle for Sale 32 18 Passenger Zones (seeloading zone, bus stops, taxicab stands, loading) City Manager to Designate 24 13-14 Occupancy Limited 24 13-14 Pedestrains -- Crosswalks, to Use Right Half of l7 11 Crosswalks, Use of 13 lO-ll Righ t of Way 15 10-ll Rights and Duties 16 11 Soliciting Rides 18 II .' Penalties -- Driving While Intoxicated 34 18-19 '.1 Failure to stop After Accident 57 35 Gene ral 85 50 Reckless Driving 35 19 Police (see traffic and traffio control) Authori ty of . 2 6 Functions of 2 6 Obedience to 4 6 To Direct Traffic 2 6 , ,",,' .:..., .".':0. 138 Section Page Private Driveway -- Emerging From 49 29 Exeptions to Right of Way Rule 55 33 Procedure Upon Arrest 97 51 Processions -- Unlawful to Drive Through 67 38-39 I Public Employees to Obey Traffic Regulations 5 6-7 Push Carts -- Persons Propelling to Obey Traffio Regulations 7 7 R Rail~oad Grade Crossings -- Certain Vehicles to Stop at All 39 25 Keep to Right at 4l 26 Overtaking and ?assing Prohibited 44 27 Vehicles Must stop at Certain 38 24 Warning Signals Must be Obeyed 37 24 Railroad Trains Not to Block streets 22 12 Railroad Warning Signals Must be Obeyed 37 24 Reckless Driving 35 19 Regulations (see City Manager) Animals, Persons Riding and Driving Must Obey 7 7 Bicycles, Persons Riding Must Obey 7 7 I Public Employees Must Obey 5 6-7 Push Carts, Persons Propelling :Must Obey 7 7 Temporary, for Emergenoies or Special Conditions 3 6 To Make Pr.ovisions of Ord insnce Effective 3 6 . When Effective Without Si~ns 8 7-8 Repeal -- 90 51-52 Right of Way -- Arterial Highways 56 33-34 At Intersections 54 30 to 33 EXceptions to Rule 55 33 Pedestrians 15 10-11 Pedestrians 55 33 Right Turns -- Method of Making 47 27-28 Signal Indications for Making ~3 30 Roller Saktes -- Use of Restricted 65 38 I . S Safety Zones -- City Manager Authorized to Designate l4 lO Driving Through Prohibited 19 12 Passing Through 19 12 Stoppi~g Alongside Prohibited 23 13 Sidewalks (see crosswalks) Driving on Prohibited 50 29 Pedestrians, Use of 17 11 : ',.,,:... :< 139 Section Page Signals (see official traffic SiralS, traffic control signals, official traffic signs . On starting, Stopping or Turning 53 30 \,,; Signs (see official traffic signs, official traffic signals) I Skates. -- ijse of Restricted 65 38 Smoke -- Prevention of 62 37 Solicit~ng Rides -- IS 11 Speed Restrictions -- At Intersections 36 23 At Grade Crossings 30 20 General 36 23 ..... In any Cemetery 36 23 In School Zones 36 20 to 22 - In ~uiet Zones 36 22-23 Minimum 36 24 On Arterial Highways 36 24 On College street 36 23 On Eightn Avenue 36 23 On Main street 36 23 On Seventh Avenue 36 23 'I Spot Lamps 74 42-43 Standing -- Prohibited in certain Places 23 11 state License Tags 76 45 ; . Stopping (see parking, loading) Prohibited in Specified Places 23 13 - Required Before Entering Arterial Highways 56 33-34 Signals On 53 3Q T Taxicab Stands (see bus stop~, passenger zones, loading zones,loading) City Manager to Designate 25 14 Other Vehicles Prohibited from Parking in 26 14-15 Taxicabs Prohibited from Parking Elsewhere 27 15 Towed Vehicles 81 49 Toy Vehicles- Use of Restricted 65 38 Traffic (see police, official traffic signs, official traffic sif,nals, traffic control signals) Definition 1 5 I Firemen May Direct . 2 6 Police to Direct 2 6 Traffic Control Signals (see offioal traffic signa1e, official traffic signs) Legend 10 8-8 Meaning of colors 10 E',-9 Trailers -- 81 49 , Trucks -- Gross Weight 82 49 :' -,' ': ..." ;''':;'.' ~-:'i ''''~' ,~: ,_..,.' "". . 140. Section Page Load 83 49-50 Turning (see left turns, right turns) At Intersections 47 27-28 Elimination of 48 28 I Markers 47 28 Signals on 53 30 Turning l~ound--Limitations on 48 28 U Unlawful Riding -- 21 12 Unloading (see loading, loading zone, passene:ter zone, bus stop, . taxicab stand) 24 l3-lt4 V Vehicle (see driving practices, regulations, lights, horns ,\l>edestrians.) . Authorized Emergency Vehicles, Definition 1 5 W Warning Devices -- 61 36-37 On Authorized Emergency Vehicles 61 37 Washing of Cars Prohibited -- 84 50 I I j ',",